
07 阿联酋启动面向全国成年人的疫苗接种


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全文共 713 个词,by Simeon Kerr in Dubai

The United Arab Emirates is offering free Covid-19 vaccinations to all citizens and residents as it pushes ahead in the global race to achieve nationwide immunity against the coronavirus.

阿联酋正在免费提供新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,即 2019 冠状病毒病)疫苗接种。眼下全球各国都在加紧实现对新冠病毒的全国性免疫,阿联酋此举令其在这场竞赛中领先。

A vaccine developed by China’s Sinopharm and registered for use by Emirati authorities this month is available at public and private clinics, and field hospitals across the Gulf federation’s seven emirates.


While other countries are vaccinating according to age and vulnerability, the UAE, which in September approved emergency use of the jab for frontline medical staff, has expanded access to all adults across the population of 1m nationals and more than 8m foreign residents.

其他国家正根据年龄和易感程度分批次为不同人群接种,而今年 9 月已批准一线医务人员紧急接种该疫苗的阿联酋,已将提供疫苗接种的对象扩大至该国所有成年人,包括 100 万阿联酋公民和逾 800 万在该国居留的外国人中的所有成年人。

Dubai, the country’s tourism and commercial hub, has only one public location for vaccinations so far, a temporary field hospital in a theme park complex. Security guards said they admitted more than 1,200 cars a day last week, some of which queued for hours to access the facility.

在阿联酋的旅游和商业中心——迪拜,目前仅有一个公共场所可接种新冠疫苗,那就是一个主题公园里的临时野战医院。安保人员表示,上周他们每天接纳逾 1200 辆车,其中一些汽车排了数小时队才进来。

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Inside, government medics were administering more than a thousand doses a day on a first-come, first served basis, with priority given to those at higher risk of severe symptoms.

在接种机构内,政府医务人员每天要接种逾 1000 剂疫苗,本着先到先得的原则,并优先为重症风险较高者接种。

“The field hospital is incredible, nicer than most hospitals back in the UK,” said British expatriate Trina Mole,who runs Hanz & Oley, a Dubai-based pet supplies business. “The atmosphere was great, really friendly — I had expected a stressed environment, but maybe everyone had found some relief that we finally got a way forward out of this pandemic.”

“这个野战医院棒极了,比英国大多数医院都好。”在迪拜经营宠物用品公司Hanz & Oley的英国侨民特里纳·莫尔(Trina Mole)说,“气氛很好,非常友善——我本以为气氛会很紧张,但也许是因为我们终于找到了走出这场疫情的一条路,每个人都感到有些宽慰。”

In Abu Dhabi and other emirates, multiple state-run health centres and private-sector hospitals and clinics are offering the jab.


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The UAE — a small, wealthy country — has limited the spread and impact of the virus thanks in part to its large, relatively young expatriate population and broad compliance with restrictions among the population. The country has one of the highest per-capita testing rates.


Dubai imposed one of the world’s strictest lockdowns in April but gradually opened its outward-facing economy from May. Abu Dhabi maintained tougher restrictions than other emirates, erecting a border through which no one could pass without a negative test. The capital earlier this month said it would also resume normal activities ahead of the new year.

迪拜在 4 月份实施了全世界最严格的封锁之一,但从 5 月份开始逐渐开放了其对外交往频繁的经济。阿布扎比保持着比其他酋长国更严格的限制,竖起了一道边界,任何人如无阴性证明都无法通过。这座阿联酋的首都本月早些时候表示将在新年前恢复正常活动。

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While the vaccination programme is voluntary, the government is encouraging the population to take the jab. Some residents are reluctant to get vaccinated and some western officials reported anxiety among their nationals about potential long-term side effects of the shot.


The Sinopharm vaccine was tested on 31,000 volunteers in the UAE and found to be 86 per cent effective, according the UAE government. But no further data or analysis has been released about the vaccine or the trial process. Information released on the vaccines developed by Moderna, Pfzier/BioNTech and AstraZeneca, all under review or approved in the UK, the US or EU, has been far more detailed.

阿联酋政府表示,国药集团的疫苗在阿联酋 3.1 万名志愿者身上进行了试验,有效率为 86%。但该疫苗或相关试验的进一步数据或分析都没被公布。莫德纳(Moderna)、辉瑞(Pfizer)/BioNTech和阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)开发的疫苗发布的信息要详细得多,英国、美国和欧盟已批准或正在审核这些疫苗。

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Efforts are under way to encourage take-up of the vaccine. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, Dubai’s ruler, tweeted a picture of himself being inoculated in November to his 10m followers.

阿联酋在进行各种努力以鼓励人们接种疫苗。迪拜统治者谢赫·穆罕默德·本·拉希德·阿勒马克图姆(Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum) 11 月份在Twitter上发布了一张自己接种疫苗的照片,他在Twitter上有 1000 万粉丝。

UAE Team Emirates, a professional cycling team, has said it plans to vaccinate its staff and riders, who include this year’s Tour de France champion Tadej Pogacar, at a January training camp.

职业自行车队“阿联酋航空车队”(UAE Team Emirates)表示,计划在明年 1 月的训练营上为员工和车手接种疫苗,其车手包括今年环法自行车赛(Tour de France)冠军塔代伊·波加查尔(Tadej Pogacar)。

And in one government office, staff have been told to wear a pin showing their vaccination status after the jab is administered in their workplace from this week. Employees yet to be vaccinated will wear a yellow pin; those have received one dose will wear a red pin; and those who completed the two-dose course will wear a green pin.

一个政府办公室本周开始为员工接种疫苗,这些员工被要求佩戴徽章以显示他们的疫苗接种状况。尚未接种疫苗的员工将佩戴黄色徽章,打了一针的员工将佩戴红色徽章,两针都打完了的员工将佩戴绿色徽章。 nFYVmzmRM/FtpJ7kAcRhHiagMquk+XA56DapOD42A7CN44uT6+WXukGCv3CXve+i
