
1.6 Structure of the Thesis

Chapter 1 introduces the study background and points out some key issues and constraints that impede the healthy development of the logistics industry. It then introduces logistics horizontal collaboration (LHC) as the key focus of this study, and as a means of providing innovative thinking and measures to cope with the challenges of managing contemporary logistics and improving operations performance. Driven by the current gaps in knowledge, the objectives for this study are set out and the significance of the study is highlighted. This is then followed by an estimation of contributions and an outline of the thesis structure.

In Chapter 2 , the study focuses on examining the existing literature in respect to LHC with the objective of developing knowledge on the state-of-art development in LHC, thereby laying a research basis for this study. Based on these gaps in the literature, research questions are developed to shape this study towards a particular area of interests and to situate this study among others. From the methodological point of departure, the use of agent-based modelling in the supply chain context is also reviewed.

Chapter 3 clarifies the methodologies applied during the present study. It first justifies the case study design, and explains the different data collection methods employed and the means used to analyse the data and synthesize findings. Second,it introduces the agent-based simulation to be applied after the case study, and demonstrates the purpose and value of applying it for the study of some particular issues that cannot be effectively addressed by other means. The links between the case study and the simulation are clarified and the step-by-step process of building the simulation model is described.

Chapter 4 studies LHC from a qualitative perspective. In this Chapter, the key objective is to examine the main elements that support the development of an LHC project, and to make a classification of models for collaboration based on the dynamic characteristics described by the key elements. An empirical case research is carried out following the data collection and the research process described in the research design in Chapter 3.

Chapter 5 studies LHC from the modelling perspective. It aims to quantify the benefits and effects of participating in LHC. It begins with an illustration of the development of a simulation model, which permits the findings drawn from the case studies and the literature review to be taken into account. It then presents the simulation results for the different experimental settings. The results are first analysed within each model setting to find out the key insights. Then the results of all settings are cross-compared to identify any further insights.

Chapter 6 discusses the main findings from the various parts of studies. The research questions are revisited and answered. The implications of the research, its contributions and limitations are discussed for practical and academic evaluation. The directions of potential future studies are also discussed.

Chapter 7 provides the concluding remarks to close the thesis. WroNwnytcwv2Bs51NvKJOxGwJk7bCYzT4mPDXM8DF0Q7//tqLOQA9Xmf/6atEVem
