






(1)切制工艺: 樟帮的中药炮制,提倡制虽繁、不惜工,一丝不苟,其精湛工艺切制的中药饮片以薄如纸、吹得起、断面齐、造型美而久负盛名。饮片工艺独具风格,如可将1寸长的白芍切成360片等,有“白芍飞上天,木通不见边,陈皮一条线,半夏鱼鳞片,肉桂薄肚片,黄柏骨牌片,甘草柳叶片,桂枝瓜子片,枳壳凤眼片,川芎蝴蝶双飞片,一粒马钱子切206片(腰子片),槟榔切108片”的切制方法和工艺,被誉为“鬼斧神工,不类凡品”。

Chapter Two Processing Characteristics of Different Schools of PCHM

Section One Processing Technology Characteristics of Zhang Society

The processing technology in Zhang Society,whether frying,stir-frying with liquid,dipping,soaking or baking,sun-drying or storing,are all very sophisticated and unique,with distinct local characteristics in processing tools,processing assistants,and procedure.

1.Processing tools

In the progress of continuous improvement and perfection of TCM processing technology in Zhang Society,a unique set of traditional processing tools were created.It mainly includes:sickle,slicing knife,scraper,iron anchor,grinding trough,punching,crab claws,antler processing pot,pressure plate,and sulfur medicine cabinet.In particular,the slicing knife and sickle are unnormal.The surfaces of the slicing knife and sickle are small and thin,light and sharp,being called “Zhang knives”.It has a famous reputation,and there’s a poem to prove it:“the pure fire in the Laojun’s furnace refines the light of the blade of the Zhang knife,the sharpness of the knife is better than that of the sword,and the flying of the knife is like the flying decoction piece”.

2.Processing technology of decoction pieces

(1)Cutting process: In Zhang Society processing,it is advocates that although the processing is complicated,the labor should strive for perfection with scrupulous care.The traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces cut with their exquisite craftsmanship have long been famous for being as thin as paper,able to be blown,with a clean section and beautiful shape.The cutting technology is unique,for example,the one-inch-long Paeoniae Radix Alba(Baishao)could be cut into 360 pieces,etc.There are sayings of “Paeoniae Radix Alba(Baishao)pieces could fly into the sky for the light and thin; Akebiae Caulis(Mutong)pieces should be very thin without obvious rim,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium(Chenpi)pieces show as a line,Corydalis Rhizoma(Banxia)is cut into pieces like fish scales,Cinnamon Cortex(Rougui)are cut into pieces like thin tripe,Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex(Huangbai)are cut into pieces like dominoes,Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma(Gancao)pieces show as willow leaves,Cinnamomi Ramulus(Guizhi)pieces show as melon seeds,Aurantii Fructus(Zhike)pieces like double phoenix eyes,Chuanxiong Rhizoma(chuanxiong)pieces like butterfly flying,one Strychni Semen(Maqianzi)could be cut into 206 pieces(reniform like pieces)and Arecae Semen(Binglang)could be cut into 108 pieces “.These pieces are known as “The skillful workmanship that it’s unusual”.


(2)炒制法: 樟帮的炒制法包括了微炒、小火炒、炒黄和炒爆四大类。

①微炒: 不直接在锅内炒,以防止药物焦化或灰化而降低药效。如炒葶苈子,取净原药置垫纸的锅内炒(在纸上炒),炒至纸焦黄为度,樟帮又称之为“纸上炒”。其炒制目的是炒后性缓,适宜患病夹虚者。

②小火炒: 用较小的火,将药物炒热、炒香,其颜色性味不变,樟帮称“去味去臭,色性不变”。其目的是矫味、矫臭,清除药物表面的霉菌等。如炒五谷虫,即用小火炒至五谷虫外表约焦黄色、发香为度,略透明,质松脆易碎,断面多空泡,至无臭味。其炒制目的是炒后焦香入脾,增强健脾、消疳积的作用。

③炒黄: 炒至表面微黄色鼓起,以能嗅到药物散发固有的气味为度。樟帮称“黄而不焦,香气四溢”。如炒牵牛子,即用小火炒至鼓起、发响、表面淡黄色(白牵牛子)、有香气为度。

④炒爆: 多用于种子类药物,加热炒使种子爆裂、香气透出,除去闷人气味,使体积膨胀,易于成分煎出。樟帮称“逢子必炒,药香溢街”。

In addition,the Zhongzhou Aurantii Fructus(Zhike),which is recorded in Li Shizhen’s Compendium of Materia Medica and The Dictionary of Medicinal Plant ,has to undergo a special fermentation process before being cut.After fermentation,the pieces have green skin,with thick pericarp,white color,strong fragrance,and small fruit sac,showing phoenix-eyes shape,being called “Fructus Aurantii Pieces as phoenix eye”,which is the top quality products in Aurantii Fructus(Zhike)pieces.

(2)Stir-frying method: The stir-frying methods of Zhang Society include stir-frying on paper,stir-frying with little heat,stir-frying with low heat,and crack-frying:

① Stir-frying on paper: Don’t stir-fry directly in the pot to prevent coking or ashing of drugs to avoid the reduce the efficacy.For example,stir-frying Descurainiae Semen Lepidii Semen(Tinglizi),place the original drug in a paper-padded pot(stir-fry on paper),stir-fry until the paper becomes brown,also called “Stir-frying on paper”.The purpose of this method is to moderate the medicinal properties and make it suit for weak patients.

②Stir-frying with little heat: To stir-fry drugs with little heat,the color and taste of drugs remain unchanged,called “Deodorizing and deodorizing,and the color is unchanged” in Zhang Society.The purpose is to correct taste and odor and remove the mold on the surface of the drug.For example,stir-frying grain worms,using little heat to fry until the appearance of the worms shows burnt yellow slightly transparent and smells burnt,the texture becomes crisp and brittle,the cross-section shows more vacuoles and with no odor.The purpose of this frying is to make drugs burnt and easy to affect the spleen channel,enhance the effect of invigorating the spleen,and eliminating malnutrition.

③stir-frying with low heat: Stir-fry drugs with low heat until the appearance shows yellowish,expansion,as well as smell the inherent odor of the drugs.Also called “yellow without burning,fragrance overflowing” in Zhang Society.For example,stir-frying Pharbitidis Semen(Qianniuzi)with low heat until it is expansion,the poping sound could be heard and the appearance of the drug shows yellow with aroma smell.

④Crack-frying: This method is mostly suited for seed drugs.Crack-frying would make seeds burst and the fragrance permeate,the stuffy odor removed and show expansion,the effective components in the drug would be easy to decoct out.There’s a saying about this,“Stir-fry every seed to make drug fragrance overflowing the street” in Zhang Society.

(3)辅料制法: 樟帮对辅料非常讲究,既有“樟树中药炮制,辅料讲究地道,归经如择,用量适度,疗效增强”的说法,又有“术遵岐伯,法效雷公”之训。例如,酒用糯米酒、醋用新年米醋、蜜用橙花蜜、米用糙米、土用灶心土或陈壁土,并且要求炮制须考虑辅料归经和用量。辅料包括固体辅料和液体辅料,其中固体辅料有油砂、蛤粉、滑石粉、糙米、灶心土、麦麸、白矾等;液体辅料有酒、醋、盐水、姜水、蜜汁、甘草汁、皂角汁、乳汁、米泔水、山羊血、猪心血、鳖血、胆汁、羊脂油、童便等。


①猪心血炒酸枣仁: 取新鲜猪心,剖开挤出血,用清水适量稀释,再与酸枣仁拌润,待吸尽,置铜锅内,用小火炒至干为度。猪心血有宁心、敛汗、生津的功效,猪心血炒酸枣仁可增强宁心安神的作用,对虚烦不眠、惊悸多梦有奇特的疗效。

②甘草汁、皂角汁制草乌: 以甘草汁、皂角汁炮制草乌,降低其毒性。

③童便制马钱子: 樟树用童便制马钱子已有一千多年的历史。经实验研究,童便制马钱子含士的宁0.389%,而生马钱子含士的宁1.905%,可有效降低马钱子毒性成分含量。

④鳖血炒柴胡: 取柴胡片,用鳖血加温水稀释拌匀,稍闷润至吸干水分为度,置铜锅内,用小火炒至药物表面呈黄褐色。其目的是抑制升浮之性,增强清肝退热之功。对因疟疾类引起的肝脾肿大,效果奇佳,截疟功效显著。

(3)Processing with assistant materials: Assistant materials in processing in Zhang Society are very important.It has said that “Assistant materials in processing in Zhang Society are very authentic,the channel tropism should be chosen,dosage should be moderate and curative effect should be enhanced”,there is also a saying that “following the medical skills of Qi Bo(famous ancient Chinese physician)and processing methods of Lei Xiao(famous ancient Chinese pharmacist)”.For example,the assistant material of wine should be glutinous rice wine,the assistant material of vinegar should be rice vinegar,the assistant material of honey should be orange nectar honey,the assistant material of rice should be brown rice,the assistant material of soil should be stove subsoil or soil on an ancient wall.Except that,the channels affected by processing assistant materials and the dosages should be carefully considered before the assistant materials used in processing.The assistant materials include solid and liquid styles.For the solid assistant materials,oil sands,clam meal,talcum powder,brown rice,stove subsoil,wheat bran,alum,and so on are included.For the liquid assistant materials,liquor,vinegar,saltwater,ginger juice,honey juice,Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma juice,Gleditsia Sinensis Fructus juice,milk,rice bran water,goat blood,pig heart blood,soft-shelled turtle blood,bile,mutton fat oil,urine of boys and so on are included.The unique processing methods and varieties of assistant materials in Zhang Society include:

①Stir frying Ziziphi Spinosae Semen(Suanzaoren)with pig’s heart’s blood: Take fresh pig heart,slitting and squeeze bleeding,dilute it with clear water,and then mix it with Ziziphi Spinosae Semen(Suanzaoren).After the blood is absorbed by the drug,put them together in a copper pot,stir-fry it with low heat until it is dry.The pig’s heart’s blood has the effect of calming the mind and arresting sweating and generating body fluids.Stir-frying Ziziphi Spinosae Semen(Suanzaoren)with pig’s heart’s blood can enhance the function of relieving mental stress and calm the mind.It has peculiar curative effects on insomnia,palpitation,and dreaminess.

②Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma juice preparation and saponin juice preparation: Aconiti Kusnezoffii Radix(Caowu)could be processed with Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma juice and saponin horn juice to reduce its toxicity.

③Boy’s urine processed Strychni Semen(Maqianzi): This method of processing Strychni Semen(Maqianzi)with boy’s urine in Zhangshu has been used for more than a thousand years.The experimental results showed that the contents of strychnine were 0.389%,and 1.905% in Strychni Semen(Maqianzi)processed with boy’s urine strychnine and in raw Strychni Semen separately,which means the method could effectively reduce the toxic components of Strychni Semen(Maqianzi).

④Stir-frying Bupleuri Radix(Chaihu)with soft-shelled turtle blood: mix Bupleuri Radix(Chaihu)slices with soft-shelled turtle blood diluted by warm water,moisten in a short time until the blood is absorbed.Place them together in a copper pot and stir-fry them with low heat until the surface of the drug shows brown.The purpose is to inhibit the drug’s rise and fall properties,enhance the function of clearing the liver,and reducing fever.For the disease of liver and spleen enlargement caused by malaria,the effect is excellent and the effect of malaria control is remarkable.






(1)刀具: 与樟帮的樟刀相比,建昌帮的切药刀“建刀”刀把长、面大、线直、刃深,并且吃硬和省力,还可一刀多用,由建刀切制的特色饮片,往往斜、薄、大、光,外形精美而实用,如有延胡索鱼鳞片、赤芍竹叶片、防风飞上天等。


In addition,there are other methods processed by different assistant materials,such as stir-frying with oil sand(Trionycis Carapax-Biejia),stir-frying with clam meal(Asini Corii Colla-Ejiao),stir-frying with talcum powder(Dog penis-Huanggoushen),stir-frying with brown rice(Mylabris-Banmao),stir-frying with stove subsoil or soil on ancient wall(Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma-Baizhu),stir-frying with wheat bran(Aurantii Fructus-Zhike),stir-frying with wine(Angelicae Sinensis Radix-Danggui),stir-frying with vinegar(Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Viride-Qinpi),stir-frying with salted water(Eucommiae Cortex-Duzhong),stir-frying with ginger juice(Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex-Houpu),stir-frying with goat blood(Gamboge-Tenghuang),stir-frying with mutton fat oil(Epimedii Folium-Yinyanghuo),processing with tofu(Gamboge-Tenghuang),processing with alum(Typhonii Rhizoma-Baifuzi),processing with water from washing rice(Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma-Baizhu),stir-frying with honey(Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma-Gancao),etc.The unique processing methods and varieties of assistant materials have become one of the main characteristics of the processing technology of Zhang Society.

Section Two Processing Technology Characteristics of Jianchang Society

The processing method of traditional Chinese medicine in Jianchang is accumulated and developed by the people who engaged in the medical industry in past dynasties.Jianchang Society is famous for its two characteristics:PCHM and the distribution and sales of drugs.For PCHM in Jiangchang Society,the best aspects are unique processing tools,assistant materials,and technologies,the medical slices or pieces are all with the best shape,color,smell,and taste,with low toxicity and high efficacy.

1.Processing Tools

Jianchang Society processing tools,including unique cutters,planers,screening tools,and auxiliary tools.These tools have a complete range of kinds with special styles.

(1)Cutter: Compared with the cutting knife in Zhang Society,the Cutters in Jianchang Society has a longer handle,a larger surface with a straight line and deep blade,it’s hard and labor-saving.It can also be used as a multi-purpose knife.The shape of the special pieces cut by the tools in Jianchang Society is often oblique,thin,large,and bright,with exquisite and practical appearance,such as the fish-scale like shape slices of Corydalis Rhizoma(Yanhusuo),bamboo leaves like shape slices of Paeoniae Radix Rubra(Chi Shao),and the thin slices of Saposhnikoviae Radix(Fangfeng)which could fly into the sky for the thin and light,etc.

Dolphin-like knife(Jian Dao)is the most distinctive processing tool in Jianchang Society.It is one of the three famous Chinese medicine processing knives throughout the country(the other two are large round Yu knives in Yuzhou and small knives “Mian Han knife” in Zhang Society).There is a saying in the pharmaceutical industry that “seeing the knife and you can recognize which Society it belongs to ”,“Cutting method is different,but with Jianchang Society’s knife is better”.

(2)雷公刨: 是由建昌帮创制的独特刨具,相传发明已久并沿用至今,以操作时声大如雷而得名。以雷公刨加工饮片,不仅可使饮片薄而效力高,并且刨出药片以纵片为多,均匀美观。

(3)筛具: 如泽门笼、附子筛等针对专门药物设计的筛药工具,体现了建昌帮饮片精加工的特点。

(4)其他辅助工具: 多以铜、铁、木、陶等各种材质制作而成,如木制枳壳榨,用于枳壳的成型制作;铁制槟榔榉,用于槟榔的拿取切制;还有用于捣碎香附的香附铲、切制茯苓的茯苓刀、贮藏用的药坛、蒸制饮片用的圆木甑、用于磨刀的猪肝色刀石,还有麦芽篓等,都各具特色。




(2)Leigong planer: It is a unique planer that originated from Jianchang Society.It has been invented for a long time and until now it is still be used.The name of “Leigong” came from its loud sound during operation(like thundering).To get slices or pieces of Chinese Materia Medica with Leigong planer can not only make slices thin and effective but also make slices more lengthwise,uniform,and beautiful.

(3)Screening tools: This kind of tool is special for screen drugs with different sizes,such as Zemen cage and Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata screen,the tools reflect the characteristics of delicate processing in Jianchang Society.

(4)Other auxiliary tools: The other auxiliary tools of processing in Jianchang Society are mostly made of various materials,such as copper,iron,or wood,for example,the wooden pottery special for processing Aurantii Fructus(Zhike),which is used for the molding of Aurantii Fructus(Zhike)to make phoenix eyes-like slices.Betel beech made of iron is used for the catch and cut of betel nut.The Cyperi Rhizoma(Xiangfu)shovel just for mashing the Cyperi Rhizoma(Xiangfu),the Poria(Fuling)knife for the preparation of Poria(Fuling),the medicine jar for storage drugs,the round wooden steamer for steaming decoction pieces,the auburn color knife stone for sharpening knives,the malt basket for processing malt,and so on.All the tools have their characteristics.

2.Processing assistant material

The characteristics of the processing assistant materials in Jianchang Society include that the selection of assistant materials,the processing methods with assistant materials are unique,authentic,and exquisite,sometimes,the assistant materials are not only used as assistants but can be used in other ways.Among these assistant materials,the rice bran is the most special assistant,which is not only used for simmering,calcining,and stir-frying drugs,but also can be used for cleaning,lubrication,moisture absorption,sealing,and maintenance.Wheat bran is an important medium for stir-frying in the current mainstream of processing assistant materials,but in the processing technology of Jianchang Society,wheat bran is rarely used and replaced by rice bran,which makes “south rice bran north wheat bran” a significant difference in the processing schools of north and south PCHM gang.

In addition,in the process of cleaning,moistening,hygroscopicity,sealing,and maintenance,the full application of rice bran also embodies the characteristics of multipurpose rice bran.In addition,alum,sodium sulfate,boy’s urine,water in which rice has been washed,sulfur,sand,etc.are also used in all kinds of Jianchang Society processing,reflecting its unique selection of materials.






3.Processing technology

Due to the principle of homologous medicine and food,since ancient times,the processing technology of Jianchang Society has been mostly based on cooking technology.Processing with water,fire,and water-fire co-production are important means to ensure the quality of Chinese herbal slices processed with Jianchang Society processing technologies,and processing with fire and water-fire co-production are closely related to cooking techniques,to form the characteristics of the processing technique based on the characteristics of cooking.The principle of Jianchang Society PCHM follows that processing is complex,must not save time; accessories,although expensive,must not give short weight.It reflects the request that processing with fire and water should keep suitable operation,and delicate processing is necessary for the best curative effect of Chinese herbal slices.

In terms of processing with water,The difference in water quality in four seasons is emphasized in Jianchang Society PCHM technology.There is a saying that water is good in winter and bad in summer,if you don’t know about water,you don’t know how to process drugs with water.Moistening medicinal materials should depend on water,that is,to be good at judging the extent of softening medicinal materials,Traditional experiences of processing with water were summed up as,long-time washing makes no medicinal taste,long-time foaming makes no medical effect,less foaming and more moistening keep drugs from lost of the medical effect,the drugs without medical effects equal to invalid dregs.

In the aspect of processing with fire,there are many experiences in Jianchang Society PCHM.The pharmacists fully absorbed the characteristics of rapid and quick fry with high heat in cooking technology and put forward similar requests in Jianchang Society PCHM.Through the processing of this method,the decoction pieces can be colorful and fragrant.And when simmering drugs with low heat,the slices or pieces show the characteristics with pure effect,at the same time the toxicity could be reduced,such as simmering Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata(Fuzi).

In the aspect of processing with water-fire co-production,processed Pinelliae Rhizoma(Banxia)with ginger,prepared rhizome of rehmannia(Shudihuang)processed by braising,Angelicae Sinensis Radix(Danggui)washed by liquor are all special pieces in Jianchang Society.





Among the thirteen methods in Jianchang Society PCHM(stir-frying,roasting,simmering,calcining,steaming,boiling,braising,stewing,quenching,frosting,ferment,sprouting,complex process,and other methods),the processing methods of stir-frying,roasting,simmering,braising and steaming are with more characteristic,especially the method of braising which is the unique processing technology in Jianchang Society.“braising” originally refers to light fire without flame.In dialect,it refers to stewing food or boiling vegetables with light fire.The braising processing technology in Jianchang Society is as follows:take the pure medicinal materials,soak them with water,put them into the pot,add water,cover the pot,move them to the kitchen range,pile up the dry rice bran around the pot,ignite and heat for 2-3 days,mix some assistant materials during processing,keep heating until the rice bran becomes ashy and cold,the juice in the pot is absorbed by drugs completely,take out the drugs and make them dry.There are four products processed by braising technology record in Jiangxi Provincial rules for PCHM (edition in 2008),including braised Rehmanniae Radix(Dihuang),braised Polygonum Multiflorum Radix(Heshouwu),braised Polygonati Rhizoma(Huangjing),braised Polygalae Radix root(Yuanzhi).

Jianchang Society Traditional Chinese Herbal Processing Methods (Compiled by Mei Kaifeng et al.)described in detail the characteristics of processing technologies and more than 100 kinds of PCHM methods in Jianchang Society.

Section Three Processing Technology Characteristics of Chuan Society

The Chuan Society PCHM has a long history,originating in Sichuan Province,represented by Gengding Pharmacy and Jingyi Hall,is famous for its special processed products such as“Nine-processed Rhei Radix Et Rhizoma(Daihuang)”,“Nine-processed Nanxing” and “Prepared Pinelliae Rhizoma(Banxia)”,etc.Among which,the more famous product is Linjiang slices(or ripe slices of Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata).The processing method of Linjiang slices is as,wash and clean the drug,mix bile water with clear water,put the monkshood in water,soak for some time,put in a pot,and boil until it is over-heated,after a soak in a moment,take it out and peel,then soak in clean water,then take it out again and cut it into thick slices,then soak again until the color of the surface changed and then steam it in the steaming cage.The firepower needs to be even with no midway turn-off fire.The quality of the slices processed in this way is very good with an oily surface and lustrous.After steaming,the slices should be baked on the roasting mat with medium fire.The products will be ready after drying.







Section Four Processing Technology Characteristics of Jing Society

The methods of processing with ginger in Jing Society are unique,which include not only boiling with ginger,stir-frying with ginger,but also pickling with ginger.The present products processed with ginger pickling are Pinelliae Rhizoma(Banxia),Arisaematis Rhizoma(Tiannanxing),and Typhonii Rhizoma(Baifuzi).Through pickling with ginger,the toxicity of drugs could be reduced better.

Processing drugs with salt is another characteristic method in Jing Society,except stir-frying drugs with saltwater,stir-frying drugs with salt also applied,and the salt is Daqing salt granules,which is suitable for Chinese herbal medicine with solid texture and having the effects on kidney meridian,such as Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix(Huainiuxi).

In addition,in Jing Society,technologies of processing drugs with medicine herbal juice were summarized,that is to use medicine herbal juice to prepare drugs.The commonly used medicine herbal juice includes Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma decoction,Alumen solution,and Coptis decoction,etc.The components in medicine herbal juice could combine with the toxic components in drugs to reduce or eliminate the toxic side effects of drugs.

Copper stewing pot is usually used for steaming drugs in processing in Jing Society.It is believed that this heating tool has fast heat transfer and good stability.According to the different natures of drugs,it can be divided into steaming a single drug or several drugs in a pot.The traditional products steamed in copper pots with wine in Tongrentang of Beijing(the representativeness company in Jing Society )include Quanlu pill,Shenrong Weisheng pill,Wuji Baifeng pill,Jiuku Jindan,and Ankun Zanyu pill,etc.Some of these proprietary medicines are emphasized that they must be steamed by wine before they can be used as medicines.

The most distinctive products in Jing Society PCHM include jiuzhuan bile Arisaematis Rhizoma(Tiannanxing)and steamed Rhei Radix Et Rhizoma(Daihuang)with wine.Among them,it takes 8 years to complete the production of jiuzhuan bile Arisaematis Rhizoma(Tiannanxing); the procedure of steaming Rhei Radix Et Rhizoma(Daihuang)with wine is to put Rhei Radix Et Rhizoma into the copper pot,pour quantitative Shaoxing wine and steaming,which is the method of stewing with wine.Comparing to the method of steaming in a cage drawer,steaming in a copper pot can make the drug absorb all the assistant(wine)and avoid the loss of effective components.









Section Five Comparison of Processing Characteristics of Different Schools

1.Comparison of processing tools

The unique traditional processing tools in Zhang Society are as follows:hand hay cutter,blade knife,scraper,iron anchor,mill groove,flushing bowl,crab forceps,deer antler processing pot,pressing board,and sulfur medicine cabinet,etc.Especially the blade knife and hand hay cutter with a small blade,light and sharp,called “zhangdao”.

The cutting knife in Jianchang Society is commonly known as “Jiandao”,the feature is with a long handle,large,deep,and straight line-like blade,hard and labor-saving.It can also be used as a multi-purpose knife.The characteristic pieces cut by Jiandao are often oblique,thin,large with smooth sections,exquisite and practical appearance.Because of the difference of cutting tools between Zhang Society and Jian Society,there’s a saying that “See the knife and you’ll know which Society it belongs to”.

Leigong planer originated from Jianchang Society is not only effective,and the slices get from Leigong planer are always with lengthwise shape,uniform and beautiful,until now the tool is still used in Jiangchang Society.Other special tools,such as wooden pottery for Aurantii Fructus(Zhike),Iron Betel(Binglang)beech,the Cyperi Rhizoma(Xiangfu)shovel,the Poria(Fuling)knife,screening for Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata(Fuzi),the Hordei Fructus Germinatus(Maiya)basket,the medicine jar for storage,the round wooden steamer for steaming,the auburn color knife stone for sharpening knives,etc.,all the tools have their application.

Copper stewing pot is the normally used tool in Jing Society.The tool is considered to have fast heat transfer and good stability.The methods of steaming drugs in copper stewing pot can be divided into steaming a single drug in a pot and steaming several drugs in a pot.

2.Comparisons between processing methods and assistant materials

Zhang Society is famous for its unique processing technology,such as the special fermentation processed Aurantii Fructus(Zhike),which has cyan and thick pericarp,white color,strong fragrance,small fruit sac,and phoenix-eye like shape,with good quality and high curative effect.In the aspect of reducing the side effects of Chinese herbal medicine,there also has unique processing techniques in Zhang Society,such as Strychni Semen(Maqianzi)processed with boy’s urine,Linjiang slices(Zhangshu was called Linjiang in ancient times,the method is to use ginger as assistant material,put ginger and Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata-Fuzi together to steam to get prepare aconite),etc.After processing,the toxicity of drugs would be reduced and the curative effect is improved,to ensure the application of high efficiency and low toxicity decoction pieces in the clinic.





Zhang Society is very particular about its assistant materials.The solid assistant materials include brown rice,honey wheat bran,alum,tofu,humus flava usta,talcum powder,oil sand,and brown sugar.Liquid assistant materials include wine,vinegar,saltwater,ginger juice,honey juice,Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma juice,Gleditsia sinensis juice,water in which rice has been washed,water in which rice has been cooked,goat blood,pig heart blood,turtle blood,bile,mutton oil and so on.

In terms of assistant materials.The characteristics of the processing assistant materials in Jianchang Society include that the selection of assistant materials,the processing methods with assistant materials are unique,authentic,and exquisite,sometimes,the assistant materials are not only used as assistants but can be used in other ways.Among these assistant materials the rice bran is the most special assistant,which is not only used to simmering,calcining and stir-frying drugs,but also can be used for cleaning,lubrication,moisture absorption,sealing and maintenance.“south rice bran north wheat bran” is a significant difference in the processing schools of north and south PCHM gang.Other assistant materials,such as alum,sodium sulfate,boy’s urine,water in which rice has been washed,sulfur,sand,etc.also have their characteristics.The study on Zhang Society PCHM is relatively more mature and many research books about Zhang Society PCHM have been published,Compared with Zhang Society PCHM,most of the processing techniques in Jianchang Society are orally transferred or compiled into recipes and passed down from generation to generation.This also has played a certain role in the dissemination and promotion of Jianchang Society PCHM.

The development of Chuan Society PCHM has a long tradition.Chuan Society originated in Sichuan Province,represented by Gengding Pharmacy and Jingyi Hall,is famous for its special processed products such as “Nine-processed Rhei Radix Et Rhizoma(Daihuang)”,“Nine-processed Nanxing” and “Prepared Pinelliae Rhizoma Rhizome(Banxia)”.The processing technology of traditional Chinese medicine in Chuan Society has a good tradition and foundation.However,due to the inherent law of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance,a batch of traditional PCHM in Chuan Society is also in danger of extinction or variation,which urgently needs further inheritance and development.

The characteristics of processing in Jing Society are mainly in the processing methods and assistant materials,such as pickling with ginger,stir-frying with saltwater,as well as stir-frying with special Daqing salt granules,and so on.Jing Society makes good use of tofu,which is an assistant material in processing.It emphasizes that tofu should come from black beans,which can reduce the toxicity of drugs better,such as processing Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata(Fuzi)with tofu.Water in which rice has been cooked is another special assistant material in Jing Society,which can be used to simmer Pueraria lobate(Gegen)to reduce the dryness of the drug better.In Jing Society,technologies of processing drugs with medicine herbal juice were summed up.The most commonly used medicine herbal juice includes Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma decoction,alum solution,and Coptis decoction,etc.The components in medicine herbal juice could combine with the toxic components in drugs to reduce or eliminate the toxic side effects of drugs.



In addition to the above four mainstream processing schools in China,there are also other records about the PCHM schools,such as Shandong Society and other Societies,known as Thirteen Societies.PCHM is the fundamental guarantee to ensure the quality of traditional Chinese medicine.Effective inheritance and development of mainstream PCHM techniques will have a positive impact on the development of Chinese medicine.

At the same time,the inheritance of the characteristics and advantages of traditional technology of different processing schools will provide beneficial enlightenment for the research of standardization and industrialization of PCHM,and for the establishment of stable and controllable technological procedure and quality standards of Chinese medicine pieces,the innovation of technological concepts of PCHM,and the creation of new prospects of Chinese medicine pieces industry,which will further to promote the inheritance innovation and development of traditional PCHM.





















[20]洪巧瑜,卜训生,李飞,等.以京帮流派中药炮制方法为指导的中药炮制继承教学体系探讨[J].中国医药导报,2019,16(13):120-123+131. Q+2sAVETtYv33Q6ZnAyc/EqzbFXiWm5OG0UMbZ41GM12aa/6K3gmYVqingk3ea2W
