
Narrative Passages













Passage 1

Now answer the following questions:

⊙ Who is the narrator? Who are the other major characters?

⊙ When and where does the narrative take place?

⊙ What is the passage primarily about?

⊙ What difficulties does the main character face?

1. The author’s attitude toward his experience with writing poetry may best be described as

(A) sentimental (B) grateful

(C) regretful (D) passionate

(E) indifferent

2. As he is described in the passage, James appears to be

(A) cruel (B) exploitive

(C) opportunistic (D) a studious person

(E) a man of numerous trades

3. The author’s main purpose in writing this passage is most likely to

(A) introduce his family members (B) persuade the audience to read more books

(C) criticize his father’s career guidance (D) compare reading to learning a trade

(E) relate major influences in his life

Passage 2

Now answer the following questions:

⊙ Who is the narrator? Who are the other major characters?

⊙ When and where does the narrative take place?

⊙ What is the passage primarily about?

⊙ What difficulties does the main character face?

1. The narrator of the passage is most likely

(A) in a betting house placing wagers (B) riding The Rascal during a race

(C) training The Rascal to clear obstacles (D) watching a horserace from the sidelines

(E) feeding Anstey lumps of sugar

2. Throughout the passage, the mood of the narrator is

(A) somber (B) jubilant

(C) grateful (D) sanguine

(E) critical

3. The passage focuses on the

(A) unrealistic expectations of a lover (B) haughty attitude of a competitor

(C) determination and skill of a rider (D) anxiety and ignorance of a spectator

(E) disloyalty and temperament of a horse

4. The passage is written from the viewpoint of which of the following?

(A) the owner of Anstey (B) a newspaper reporter

(C) an acquaintance of Picton (D) a losing horse

(E) a secret admirer of Rita


Passage 1

1. The speaker would most likely agree with which of the following statements?

(A) Initial frustrations are secondary to the final product.

(B) Novices are often deceived by simple requirements.

(C) When it comes to constructing a stable machine, how inadequately we are able to assemble one.

(D) Nothing has such a decisive influence upon a person’s progress as his preexisting impressions of the subject.

(E) We are always appreciative when a task challenges us by forcing us to conduct research.

2. The speaker was frustrated when building computers for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that

(A) the computer parts were expensive

(B) he lacked know ledge of computer parts

(C) there were numerous brands of computer parts

(D) the computer parts were developed by American technology

(E) there were many essential computer parts

3. When the speaker says, “This entire endeavor is senseless; it’s all very well for the savvy people of the millennial generation, but not for older folks,” (lines 10-11) it can be inferred that he believes

(A) Building a computer is a considered distasteful to older people.

(B) Older people are more concerned with buying first-rate brands.

(C) Older people have a weaker impact on technology than do millennials.

(D) Older people know less about technology than do millennials.

(E) Older people deal with expenses more often than do millennials.

4. The speaker’s main point is that

(A) building a computer is a satisfying experience

(B) building a computer requires mastery of technology

(C) building a computer is not a worthwhile undertaking

(D) it is somewhat easy for millennials to construct machines

(E) a computer’s parts detracts from its ease of

Passage 2

5. The author’s primary purpose in the passage is to

(A) resolve a plot (B) build sympathy

(C) describe city life (D) describe a scene

(E) describe a character

6. Why did Mrs. Lee prefer other cities to Singapore?

(A) Singapore was farther from Europe.

(B) Other cities were more tailored to the wealthy.

(C) She had few relatives in Singapore.

(D) Other cities offered more entertainment.

(E) Singapore was overpopulated and polluted.

7. M rs. Lee’s chief diversion in Singapore apparently was

(A) work (B) literature

(C) travel (D) the theater

(E) good company

8. As she is described in the passage, Mrs. Lee appears to be

(A) aim less (B) flighty

(C) a creature of habit (D) an outgoing person

(E) a woman of many daily interests

Passage 3

9. The sentence in lines 5 to 7 is an example of

(A) exclamation (B) analogy

(C) antithesis (D) amplification

(E) simile

10. In referring to “those lucky enough to be born into the correct sex” (lines 11), the author’s tone is

(A) sarcastic (B) envious

(C) selfish (D) contented

(E) vengeful

11. In line 14, “ire” most likely means

(A) hatred (B) disapproval

(C) apathy (D) skepticism

(E) support

12. The passage implies that the author considers learning to be the equivalent of

(A) vision (B) opportunity

(C) ignorance (D) toil

(E) exchange

13. Which of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage?

(A) It was rare for students of the opposite sex to interact.

(B) The author organized a solution to disparity in the teaching she receives.

(C) The author was able to deceive her schoolmates, demonstrating her desire to lead.

(D) The author encountered academically challenged students; this was typical of the time.

(E) The strong reliance on luck in American society provided a positive solution to the difficulties faced by the author.

Passage 4

14. Which of the following is probably true of the child?

(A) He would have cried if his mother had shown a lot of sympathy.

(B) He would have remained lying on the ground if his mother had giggled at him.

(C) He was a character in a play the writer was watching.

(D) He was a child of the writer’s neighbor.

(E) He had fallen to the ground several times before the writer had noticed him.

15. The writer’s reaction to watching the motherchild interaction is one of

(A) love (B) concern

(C) amusement (D) reverence

(E) irritation

16. What does the author mean when he says, “it featured an expert puppet master pulling at the strings” (line 5-6)?

(A) The boy’s movements matched those of a puppet master.

(B) The child was taught how to act before he went to the park.

(C) Even though the boy’s father was not present, he was still controlling the boy.

(D) The boy was behaving more out of respect than a desire to play.

(E) The boy was guided by social cues given by his mother.

Passage 5 parting gift.

17. In lines 1-2 the phrase “a skinny tree that danced in the wind” is an example of

(A) foreshadowing (B) personification

(C) allusion (D) hyperbole

(E) metaphor

18. In line 5, “ardently” most likely means

(A) carelessly (B) enthusiastically

(C) calmly (D) indignantly

(E) perplexingly

19. In referring to “the unknown” (line 19), Amina’s tone is

(A) hopeful (B) uncertain

(C) hostile (D) ironic

(E) self-satisfied

20. The passage implies that the author considers teaching craftsmanship to be exchangeable with

(A) companionship (B) freedom

(C) encouragement (D) indoctrination

(E) secrecy

21. In line 20, “design” most likely means

(A) drawing (B) goal

(C) plan (D) invention

(E) craftwork

22. Which of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage?

(A) The author was forced to train a child, demonstrating a lack of fortitude.

(B) The author, though old, took on an apprentice; this was not the norm.

(C) It was common for women to leave their place of birth.

(D) The author developed a relationship with an aspiring weaver.

(E) The uplifting tales from a girl eased the loneliness the author felt from being socially


Passage 6

The following speech was delivered by George Bernard Shaw at the Society of British Artists in 1885.

23. In line 8, Shaw’s use of “accidentally” ironically underlines his belief that

(A) private land ownership is a form of theft

(B) land surveys in England are poorly conducted

(C) capitalists are not careful with their wealth

(D) the English commons should be sold off to fund the state

(E) the commons are the most barren and hence least productive lands

24. What does Shaw mean by “access to the earth and the fullness thereof ” (lines 1)?

(A) the ability to grow food and exploit natural resources

(B) a system by which all land is held in common

(C) the opportunity to enjoy beautiful scenery

(D) employment working the land for the benefit of landowners

(E) the right to travel freely across national borders

25. How does Shaw’s speech reflect the socialist idea that workers are disadvantaged by employers?

(A) It suggests that the solution to social inequality is to raise the living standards of shepherds.

(B) It asserts that the majority of the population is in slavery due to its powerlessness.

(C) It reveals that landlords, laborers, and princes are all fellow humans.

(D) It defends the institution of slavery as more humane than a wage system leaving most in poverty.

(E) It points out that capitalists who sublet from landlords have more in common with their workers than with their landlords.

26. Why does Shaw say that the proprietor treats the shepherd like a shepherd?

(A) To give the shepherd more than is necessary for his livelihood would reduce prof its.

(B) Shepherds deserve to be treated poorly because they are not of noble blood.

(C) Princes rule over proprietors rather than the other way around.

(D) It is the duty of the proprietor to provide for the shepherd’s children but not the shepherd’s wife.

(E) The coarse garments given to the shepherd are made of wool from the shepherd’s sheep.

27. The purpose of Shaw’s speech was to

(A) appeal to a sense of injustice among shepherds

(B) show that a revolution could only come about with the cooperation of the monarchy

(C) convince landlords to take up additional jobs to increase national production

(D) establish that private land ownership is the source of disparity between classes

(E) demonstrate that land is only one among several instruments of capitalist production

Passage 7

28. This passage is primarily about

(A) the life of a Dutch factory manager in Japan

(B) the relationship between a trading post and its host country

(C) the greed of a Shogun for expensive gifts

(D) the isolationist policies of Japan during the Edo Period

(E) the difficulty of traveling between Nagasaki and Edo

29. According to the passage, all of the following are expected of the tribute missions EXCEPT

(A) folk performances (B) the exclusion of unnecessary members

(C) religious activities (D) navigational instruments

(E) the capacity to please the Shogun

30. According to the passage, the Dutch traders are usually

(A) deeply homesick (B) confined to a small island

(C) excited to meet the Shogun (D) unsure what tribute to offer

(E) dependent on Japanese doctors

31. The Dutch carry out their tribute missions for which of the following reasons?

I. to spread Christianity

II. to plot against the Shogun

III. to continue a profitable arrangement

IV. to gather information

(A) I only (B) II only

(C) IV only (D) III and IV only

(E) I, II, and IV only

32. The attitude of the Dutch traders concerning the tribute missions was most likely one of

(A) exuberance (B) awe

(C) spite (D) disinterest

(E) uneasiness XBG1pEusPEe+CX+HCIct+P030oFmPF6xrUJUOvu2hStEOP+/YcLuRuYiCipSpZmN
