
Informative Passages













Passage 1

Now answer the following questions…

⊙ What is the author’s topic?

⊙ What is the author saying about these topics, or what is the main idea of the passage?

⊙ What is the author’s purpose in this passage?

1. Which statement best expresses the main idea of the passage?

(A) Traditional ways of celebrating the Day of the Dead are becoming less popular.

(B) Social gatherings might be the best way to celebrate the Day of the Dead.

(C) Guatemalans have developed unusual ways to make kites.

(D) Kites are uniquely used to celebrate the Day of the Dead in Guatemala.

(E) The Day of the Dead originates from various Latin American beliefs.

2. This passage would most likely appear in a

(A) personal letter (B) newspaper

(C) textbook (D) research journal

(E) instruction manual

Passage 2

Now answer the following questions…

⊙ What is the author’s topic?

⊙ What is the author saying about these topics, or what is the main idea of this passage?

⊙ What is the author’s purpose in this passage?

1. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

(A) Anglophones in Montreal often feel uneasy with the dominance of French.

(B) Street signs in Montreal are in French only.

(C) The wealthy social elite in Montreal are composed of native French speakers.

(D) The Quebec government is trying to force Anglophones to leave the province.

(E) Montreal has many native speakers of English, Italian, Greek, and Chinese in addition to French.

2. If an Anglophone family from Montreal wished to raise children in their hometown, which of the following would they likely prefer?

(A) Their children are sent to a Frenchspeaking school where they struggle with communicationand possibly discrimination.

(B) They travel to an English-speaking province of Canada.

(C) They go through the application process to secure an English-language education for their children.

(D) They petition the Canadian federal government to change language policies in Quebec.

(E) They move south across the border to the United States.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that many Anglophone Montrealers believe some in the Francophone community

(A) wish to learn English themselves

(B) look down on immigrants from outside Canada

(C) dislike the presence of English speakers in the city

(D) are envious of the prestige of McGill University

(E) identify strongly with the Democratic Republic of the Congo

4. According to the passage, Anglophones who graduate from McGill University often

(A) learn French at language schools

(B) earn less over their lifetimes than Francophones

(C) come from non-white ethnic backgrounds

(D) find employment outside Quebec

(E) switch from technology fields to finance or law

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the Quebec government

(A) maintains close ties with the French government

(B) is largely influenced by Francophone interests

(C) is working to develop Anglophone centers outside Montreal

(D) lacks crucial funding for education

(E) determines the hours of operation for shops and restaurants

6. The tone of the passage is primarily

(A) personal and nostalgic

(B) alarmed and polemical

(C) light and teasing

(D) objective yet cautionary

(E) didactic yet callous


Passage 1

1. The author’s use of which of the following words is an example of a word play?

(A) tough (line 1) (B) numerous (line 5)

(C) club (line 13) (D) weather (line 22)

(E) endured (line 24)

2. In which of the following does the author speak of the giant armadillo as if it were human?

(A) “It’s still widely considered to be endangered.”

(B) “Does the giant armadillo wish it were even bigger, more able to defend itself, even from humans?”

(C) “That makes this supersized armadillo around 20 times heavier than its so-called ‘giant’relative.”

(D) “Its gargantuan proportions may actually have hurt its chances.”

(E) “Giant armadillos endured this tumultuous time, but are still struggling today.”

3. “Trawled through” (line 9) could be replaced by which of the following without changing the author’s meaning?

(A) Struggled near (B) Stormed about

(C) Shuffled over (D) Slipped onto

(E) Searched across

4. In line 18, “it” refers to

(A) a small car (B) proportions

(C) the glyptodont (D) natural foes

(E) protection

5. The passage contains information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) How long is the giant armadillo?

(B) How did the glyptodont protect itself?

(C) What did the glyptodont use its club for?

(D) Why is the giant armadillo valuable on the black market?

(E) What is main reason for the giant armadillo’s endangerment?

Passage 2

6. This passage is mainly about the

(A) snow falls necessary for skiing

(B) discovery of lead in the Silver Valley

(C) disruption dams can cause to communities

(D) economy of the Silver Valley region

(E) spirit of competition between north and south Idaho

7. It can be inferred from the passage that one of the reasons behind the decline of the Silver Valley’s mining communities was

(A) the realization that gold deposits were not as large as previously thought

(B) the breakout of violence between workers and strike breakers

(C) the lack of economic viability of many mining ventures

(D) the building of the Milner Dam

(E) environmental concerns about the Bunker Hill complex

8. The style of the passage is most like that found in a

(A) historical journal (B) worker’s memoir

(C) short story (D) company mission statement

(E) newspaper editorial

9. The author’s attitude toward the Coeur d’Alene region of the late 1900s may best be described as one of

(A) genuine horror (B) tense concern

(C) delighted fascination (D) subdued admiration

(E) satirical dismissal

10. It can be inferred from the passage that mine owners in the Silver Valley before 1892

(A) were concerned about the possibility of a new gold rush

(B) had made fortunes investing in agriculture

(C) found machines more cost-effective than human labor for certain tasks

(D) moved to the region for its natural beauty and recreational opportunities

(E) acquiesced readily to workers’ wage demands

Passage 3

11. The author’s main purpose for writing the passage is most likely to

(A) criticize an outdated theory

(B) explain the proper use of a new technology

(C) report a discovery that undermines a theory

(D) identify contradictions in a new theory

(E) describe an innovative type of research

12. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) The moon was formed after several large collisions.

(B) The moon’s water likely originated from Earth.

(C) Until the 1970s scientists thought the moon contained no water.

(D) The moon was formed less than 5 billion years ago.

(E) Earth’s water originated from extraterrestrial sources.

13. In line 9 the word “fingerprint” is an example of

(A) personification (B) exaggeration

(C) irony (D) humor

(E) metaphor XMmCKTVv01uoOJhy0ooNLC9nM0N9ar3mlPFj1IExMK3ENCOw2120a871++CjUPYD
