
Annotating Passages








4.标注过渡词:过渡词可以表因果、转折、对比、举例等,类似however、but、although、for example、unfortunately等过渡词会提示重要信息。我们需要圈出这些单词以便更好地理解段落结构。









Passage 1:

What is the topic of this passage?

This passage is primarily about_________________________.

What is the passage trying to tell me?

The purpose of this passage is_________________________.

1. Which of the following is the best title for the selection?

(A) The Many Means of Spreading Jokes

(B) Obsolete Technology

(C) The Invisible Victims of Urban Legends

(D) The Lost Art of Faxlore

(E) Folklore in the USA

2. Which of the following best describes the author’s opinion of faxlore?

(A) An enjoyable diversion (B) A preposterous myth

(C) A growing threat (D) A waste of time

(E) An untested solution

3. The author suggests that the diminished popularity of faxlore is due in part to

(A) poor graphic quality (B) competition from television cartoons

(C) strict managerial policies (D) changing geek humor

(E) the rising use of email

4. The author suggests which of the following as an explanation for much of the content of faxlore?

(A) The difficulty of writing serious poetry

(B) The place of the fax machine in an off ice environment

(C) The limitations of social networking

(D) The large amount of free time people had at work

(E) The inability of companies to trace a fax back to its source

5. When the author says, “Really, faxlore was a sort of American folklore” (lines 27—28), she means

(A) faxlore had a long history in the United States.

(B) the urban legends spread by fax have been proven to be untrue.

(C) employers treasured faxlore as a crucial element of American culture.

(D) the poetry and art comprising faxlore were seen as lowbrow.

(E) faxlore performed a function similar to that of traditional stories and songs.

Passage 2:

What is the topic of this passage?

This passage is primarily about_________________________.

What is the passage trying to tell me?

The purpose of this passage is_________________________.

1. The main purpose of this passage is to

(A) praise the environmental policies of Palau

(B) examine the factors behind the rising shark trade

(C) discuss the introduction of shark sanctuaries

(D) compare the ecological roles of sharks to those of other fish

(E) highlight the commercial importance of sharks

2. Palau’s shark sanctuary protects sharks primarily by

(A) outlawing the hunting of sharks for commercial purposes

(B) expanding the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone

(C) declaring 135 species to be endangered or vulnerable

(D) banning the trade in shark fins

(E) experimenting with measures to reduce sharks caught as bycatch

3. The author cites the number of endangered and vulnerable shark and ray species in Palau as an illustration of the

(A) potential impact of Palau’s conservation measures

(B) dangers facing swimmers at Palau’s beaches

(C) robustness of the fishing industry in Palau

(D) pressure exerted on small nations by Western conservationists

(E) inferiority of Palau’s marine resources

4. The tone of the passage indicates that the author considers the establishment of shark sanctuaries to be

(A) suspicious (B) inevitable

(C) encouraging (D) futile

(E) widespread

5. Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next?

(A) The dietary practices of various shark species

(B) International resistance to outright bans on shark fishing

(C) Differing attitudes toward shark sanctuaries in the countries that have them

(D) Alternatives to the medicinal use of shark cartilage

(E) The fishing methods most likely to collect sharks as bycatch

6. The passage names all of the following places as having established shark sanctuaries EXCEPT

(A) France (B) the Bahamas

(C) the Maldives (D) Palau

(E) Honduras


Passage 1

1. The author uses all the following words in a literal sense EXCEPT

(A) centuries (line 3) (B) footprints (line 4)

(C) fossil (line 12) (D) expedition (line 16)

(E) cousins (line 23)

2. In which of the following does the author seem to give his own opinion?

(A) “In more recent decades, much of the focus has predictably shifted to finding possible explanations.”

(B) “They point to stories of similar apemen such as the North American ‘bigfoot’ and Chinese ‘yeren.’ ”

(C) “Descriptions of the yeti almost always note that it is bipedal.”

(D) “Far more convincing is the idea that the yeti is actually a bear.”

(E) “They also demonstrated that the ‘yeti prints’ could have been made by such bears.”

3. “loomed large” (line 2) could be replaced by which of the following without changing the author’s meaning?

(A) spread disease (B) grown to great sizes

(C) hunted humans (D) featured prominently

(E) stood upright

4. In line 23, “their” refers to

(A) giant apes (B) juvenile bears

(C) ground bears (D) researchers

(E) trees

5. The passage contains information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) How many supposed yeti footprints have been found by Western explorers?

(B) When did the Barun Valley expedition take place?

(C) What do believers think the yeti eats?

(D) How many types of bears currently live in the Himalayas?

(E) How do gorillas move from place to place?

6. According to the passage, which of the following is true of Asian black bears?

(A) They sometimes attack young bears after reaching adulthood.

(B) They spend almost their entire lives in trees.

(C) They are assumed to be extinct.

(D) They are bipedal.

(E) They form the basis for the bigfoot myths of North America.

Passage 2

7. When he engaged in activism before contracting Parkinson’s disease, Ali sometimes surprised audiences with his

(A) sturdy appearance (B) provocativeness

(C) eloquence (D) cordiality

(E) vulnerability

8. In line 11, the phrase “all over” most likely refers to

(A) the decline of Ali’s charisma

(B) Ali’s retirement from public life

(C) Ali’s personality change caused by his illness

(D) the end of Ali’s sports career

(E) Ali’s death in 1996

9. The passage deals primarily with Ali’s

(A) boxing performance (B) activist persona

(C) incapacitating illness (D) combative personality

(E) bare emotions

10. When discussing Ali, the author’s tone in the passage could best be described as

(A) respectful (B) sardonic

(C) terse (D) cautious

(E) solemn

Passage 3

11. In what way does the sea anemone accommodate the clownfish?

(A) It protects the clownfish from human capture.

(B) It provides camouflage for the clownfish.

(C) It utilizes the clownfish as bait.

(D) It hosts fresh food sources for the clownfish.

(E) It acts as a shelter for the clownfish.

12. Which of the following is a requirement of the clownfish?

(A) special foods (B) separation from other species

(C) another clownfish (D) a sea anemone

(E) warm and clean water

13. According to the author, which of the follow most accounts for the “clownfish” nickname?

(A) a common saying (B) its stripes

(C) its popularity (D) aquarium owners

(E) its spots

14. The author’s main purpose for writing the passage is most likely to

(A) provide an overview of the clownfish

(B) make clear the origin of the nickname “clownfish”

(C) provide facts about the ornamental marine trade

(D) compare the sea anemone and the clownfish

(E) explain why the clownfish is such a popular choice for aquariums

15. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) The clownfish is a small fish.

(B) The sea anemone is a host.

(C) The clownfish’s stripes look like make-up.

(D) The clownfish is up to ten times larger than the sea anemone.

(E) The clownfish is a defender of the sea anemone.

Passage 4

16. The author’s description of Danny suggests that Danny

(A) is quite ugly (B) is pleased with how he looks

(C) is in his late teens (D) eats too much candy

(E) doesn’t care much for public hygiene

17. Danny’s attitude towards cooking may best be described as

(A) hateful (B) eager

(C) bold (D) unsympathetic

(E) naive

18. The author suggests that Danny’s chief motive in attending the Catering class is which of the following?

(A) his need to improve his grades

(B) his desire to avoid his mother’s nagging

(C) his interest in developing his basic cooking ability

(D) his respect for the wishes of his mother

(E) his plan to avoid doing anything constructive on a Monday morning

Passage 5

19. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) defining business

(B) highlighting ethical practices

(C) motivating shareholders

(D) outlining the future of business strategies

(E) suggesting charitable causes to business leaders

20. The author has a positive view of companies that

(A) resist using popular issues purely for financial gain

(B) have effective marketing strategies

(C) ignore international concerns

(D) provide excellent returns to shareholders

(E) announce support for already established viewpoints

21. In line 7, the phrase “shining lights in the tunnel of corporate greed” is an example of

(A) understatement (B) metaphor

(C) anecdote (D) sarcasm

(E) personification

22. The author’s tone towards businesses that prioritize profit may be described as

(A) understanding (B) unconcerned

(C) admiring (D) shocked

(E) scathing

23. Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next?

(A) how to embrace charity into one’s everyday life

(B) the benefits of a strong marketing campaign

(C) what factors allow for the highest profitability

(D) how certain businesses are welcomed by their communities

(E) a ranking of the most popular brands

Passage 6

24. According to the passage, dikes are

(A) monasterial constructions (B) vulnerable low lands

(C) preventative measures (D) densely populated areas

(E) hydrophobic fences

25. Concern about the dikes has recently increased because they are

(A) destroyed by storm surges (B) eroded by natural disasters

(C) threatened by rising sea levels (D) overwhelmed by high population levels

(E) too close to those living nearby

26. From the passage, it can be concluded that life in the northern Netherlands would be most threatened if

(A) farmers stopped planning dikes

(B) new studies identified more weak spots

(C) the government enacted restrictive legislation

(D) intervention was not sufficient

(E) the dikes network was expanded significantly

27. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

(A) The Advantages of Specialized Committees

(B) The Dangers of Flooding

(C) Identifying Structural Weaknesses

(D) The History of Flood Defenses

(E) An Introduction to the Dike System

Passage 7

28. You can infer that dystonia is a type of

(A) business practice (B) common social practice

(C) relationship between young people (D) atmospheric effect

(E) debilitating condition

29. The author can best be described as

(A) disadvantageous (B) powerless

(C) praised (D) resilient

(E) egotistical

30. The purpose of the passage is to

(A) encourage ethnic inclusivity

(B) bring attention to an invaluable institution

(C) outline traditional approaches to education

(D) compare the benefits of various programs

(E) demand an increase in funding for young sports programs

31. Visits from inf luential people aid by

(A) eradicating dystonia

(B) establishing wider public awareness of dystonia

(C) encouraging young people in difficult situations

(D) saving young people from poor education practices

(E) providing financial aid to educational institutions

32. Those experiencing dystonia can find it hard to integrate because

(A) access to certain aspects of daily life is limited

(B) few materials are published on dystonia

(C) public institutions do not account for the effects of dystonia

(D) dystonia’s effects are not known

(E) parents are not willing to help 54dHpZ8Wb8QCnJNyscUVxMOs9hnkU/FXj60Jrr1rHBksg7rDuUCg9/W5pVRFOy/4
