

1 Define the following terms:

【考点提示】 本题考查音位变体的概念。

The variants of the same phoneme are called allophone.For example, the sound /p/is pronounced differently in the two words “peak” and “speak”.


Phonology is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages.It aims to discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur.


IPA: the abbreviation of International Phonetic Alphabet, which is devised by the International Phonetic Association in 1888 then it has undergone a number of revisions.IPA is a comprised system employing symbols of all sources, such as Roman small letters, italics uprighted, obsolete letters, Greek letters, diacritics, etc.

4)phonemic contrast

【考点提示】 本题考查的是音位对立。在最小对立对中,出现在同一位置的两个音语音相似却又有区别意义,那么这两个有区别意义的音就形成了音位对立。

If two phonemes in a minimal pair occur in the same place and can distinguish meaning, that is, the phonetically similar sounds are two distinctive phonemes, they are said to form a phonemic contrast.

For example, /p/ and /b/ in “pit” and “bit” form a phonemic contrast.


【考点提示】 本题考查超音段的概念。

Suprasegmental is concerned with those aspects of sound features that involve more than single sound segments.The principal suprasegmentals are syllable, stress, tone, and intonation.

6)rime (rhyme)

【考点提示】 本题考查韵律的概念。

Typically, it is a syllable which consists of onset (consonant preceding the rhyme)and rhyme which consists of nucleus or peak (vowel or syllabic consonant)and coda (consonant following peak).

7)distinctive feature

【考点提示】 本题考查的是音的区别特征。这是一种通过找出一套音系的对照或对比特征来概括语音的某些方面的方法。

The idea of distinctive features which was first developed by Roman Jakobson in the 1940s is a means of working out a set of phonological contrast or oppositions to capture particular aspects of language sounds.Some of the major distinctions include [consonantal], [sonorant], [nasal] and [voiced].For example, [p] can be shown as [-cont, – voiced, +labial]


【考点提示】 本题考查学生对语音学术语“同化”的理解。

Assimilation is a phonological process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.It is often used synonymously with co-articulation.For example, in “map”, [æ] is influenced by the preceding nasal [m] and demonstrates some nasal quality.When such simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved, we call the process nasalization.

9)Received Pronunciation and General American

【考点提示】 本题考查标准发音和通用美音的区别。

The Received Pronunciation is the subject of many academic studies, and is frequently used as a model for teaching English to foreign learners, only about two percent of Britons speak RP, because there are many other dialects spoken in Britain.General American is the widely accepted accent used by most educated speakers in the USA.The differences between RP and GA in consonants are much less noticeable than those of vowels.


【考点提示】 本题考查的是咽音。

Pharyngeal refers to a speech sound produced by the root of the tongue using the pharynx.Arabic is a language which contains pharyngeal fricatives.


It is a consonant which is produced with both lips.

2 Multiple Choice:

1) A

2) C

3) A 本题考查的是超音段特征。它是指涉及多于一个单音音段的音。它包括音节、重音、声调和语调。

4) B A项中,The laryngeal prominence is referred as “Adam's apple”而非larynx; C项中,英语中有三个鼻辅音[m, n, ŋ]; D 项中,声音和意义之间的关系是任意的。

5) B 本题考查的是听觉语言学。它研究声音的接收。

6) C 本题考查的是基本元音。基本元音是一套人为确定的、固定不变的元音音质,为实际音标中的元音描写提供一个参考的框架。故答案为C。

7) A 本题考查的是辅音。辅音的产生是由于声道变紧,或声道变窄程度达到气流无法排出,一旦排出就会产生可闻的擦音。故答案为A。

8) D 本题考查的是音的描述。/z/是带声齿龈摩擦音。

9) A 本题考查的是音的描述。/iː/是高前展唇紧元音。

10) B 本题考查的是音位。因为是明显的语音对立单位。

11) D 本题考查的是语音特征。

12) B 本题考查音的描述。[b]是带声双唇爆破音。

13) B 本题考查清齿龈擦音。

14) A 本题考查英语发音的清化和浊化。清化和浊化是英语塞音的区分特征。

3 Word Completion:

【考点提示】 本题考查摩擦音的相关知识。


【考点提示】 本题考查齿龈音的概念。


【考点提示】 本题考查的是音的描述。/d/是带声齿龈爆破音。


【考点提示】 本题考查逆同化和顺同化的概念。如果后面的音影响前面的音,称为逆同化,相反的过程则称为顺同化。


【考点提示】 本题考查词干的概念。


【考点提示】 本题考查音系学里的语音换位概念。语音换位指发音顺序发生交错变化的现象。


【考点提示】 本题考查的是辅音。辅音的产生是由于声道紧闭,或声道变窄程度达到气流无法排出,一旦排出就会产生可闻的擦音。

4 True or False Questions:

1) F 本题考查国际音标系统。该系统是由英国语言学家丹尼尔·琼斯和他在伦敦大学的同事们共同创造,而不是题中所提到的丹麦语言学家叶斯伯森。

2) F 本题考查[z]和[j]的发音。

3) T 本题考查最小对立体。通过“最小对立体”测试法可以判断哪些语音能够导致意义变化,哪些不能改变意义,但这种方法并不适用于所有语言。

4) T 本题考查音节的结构。所有音节必须有一个核心,但并不是所有音节都有节首和韵尾。

5) F

6) T

5 Short Essay Questions:

1) 【考点提示】 本题考查对英语元音的描述。

【解题思路】 描述英语元音的四个基本要素:①舌头抬起的高度(高、中、低);②舌头最高部分的位置(前、央、后);③嘴唇的圆展度(圆唇、展唇);④元音的长度或紧度(长、短/紧、松)。


The four basic requirements for the description of vowels are the height of the tongue raising (high/mid/low); the position of the highest part of the tongue (front/central/back); lip-rounding (rounded/unrounded); the length or tenseness of the vowels (long/short; tense/lax).

2) 【考点提示】 本题考查如何判断不同音是否属于同一音位。

【解题思路】 首先解释音位和音位变体的定义,再说明不同音属于同一音位(音位变体)的标准。


(1)Phoneme is a phonological unit of distinctive value.As an abstract unit, it is not any particular sound but rather represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context.(2)Allophones are the different members of a phoneme, sounds which are phonetically different but do not make one word different from another in meaning.For example, in English, the phoneme /p/is pronounced differently in “peak” and “speak”.The /p/in “peak” is aspirated, phonetically transcribed as [p], while the /p/in “speak” is unaspirated, phonetically [p].The [p] and the [p] are two different phones, but they belong to one phoneme /p/.(3)There are restrictions for phones to fall into the same phoneme: first, they must be in complementary distribution, that is, they never occur in the same context; second, they must have phonetic similarity, in other words, the allophones of a phoneme must bear some phonetic resemblance; third, sometimes a phoneme may have free variants.

3) 【考点提示】 本题考查音系学中的同化现象。

【解题思路】 首先解释同化的概念,然后再分类说明。


Assimilation refers to a linguistic process by which a sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.It is divided into two types: regressive assimilation and progressive assimilation.When a sound is influenced by the following sound, it is called regressive assimilation, for example, “lamb”.When a sound is influenced by the preceding sound, it is called progressive assimilation.For example, “map”.(5 points)

4) 【考点提示】 本题考查的是音位。

【解题思路】 首先解释音位的概念,再说明通过最小对立对来发现音位并加以举例说明。


A phoneme is the smallest linguistic unit of sound that can signal a difference in meaning.Phonological analysis relies on the principle that certain sounds cause changes in the meaning of a word, whereas other sounds do not.A simple methodology to demonstrate this is to take a word, replace one sound by another, and see whether a different meaning results.For instance, the word “tin” in English consists of three separate sounds, each of which can be given a symbol in a phonetic transcription, [tin].If we replace [t] by [d], a different word results: “din”.[t] and [d] are thus important sounds in English, because they enable us to distinguish “tin” from “din”, “tie” from “die”, and many more word pairs.Similarly, [i] can be shown to be important units, too.

This technique, called the minimal pairs test, can be used to find out which sound substitutions cause differences of meaning.For English, it leads to the identification of over 40 important units, called phonemes.

5) 【考点提示】 本题考查音位学的基本概念——区别性特征,或称音位对立,首先由雅各布逊发现。这是音位的主要本质。

【解题思路】 首先指出音位特征这个概念诞生的历史背景,这是布拉格学派的主要贡献之一;然后给出定义,并举例说明。


Distinctive features is a means of working out a set of phonological contrasts or oppositions to capture particular aspects of language sounds.This term was first put forward by Roman Jacobson in the 1940s, and then developed by numerous other linguists.(3 points)

The features that a phoneme possesses, making it different from other phonemes, are its distinctive features.Some of the major distinctive features are [consonantal], [sonorant], [nasal] and [voiced].The feature [consonantal] can distinguish between consonants and vowels, so all consonants are [+consonantal] and all vowels are [–consonantal].These are known as binary features because we can group them into two categories: one with this feature and the other without.(5 points)

A word needs to be said about the feature for places of articulation [PLACE].The place features are divided up into four values: [PLACE: Labial], [PLACE: Coronal], [PLACE: Dorsal], and [PLACE: Guttural], which are often in shorthand forms as [Labial] p, [Coronal] p, [Dorsal] p, and [Guttural] p.(4 points)

In contemporary phonology, some twenty such features are used to group speech sounds from different perspectives, including consonantal, approximant, sonorant, continuant, strident, nasal, lateral, voiced and etc.(3 points)

6) 【参考答案】

Tone is the use of pitch in language to distinguish lexical or grammatical meaning—that is, to distinguish or to inflect words.All verbal languages use pitch to express emotional and other paralinguistic information and to convey emphasis, contrast, and other such features in what is called intonation, but not all languages use tones to distinguish words or their inflections, analogously to consonants and vowels.Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken tonal language, tones are distinguished by their distinctive shape, known as contour, with each tone having a different internal pattern of rising and falling pitch.Many words, especially monosyllabic ones, are differentiated solely by tone.In a multisyllabic word, each syllable often carries its own tone.Unlike in Bantu systems, tone plays little role in modern Chinese grammar though the tones descend from features in Old Chinese that had morphological significance.

7) 【参考答案】

(1)The (a)words and (b)words are animate.

The (a)words are human, while the (b)words are non-human.

(2)(a)words and (b)words are inanimate.

The (a)words are instrumental, while the (b)words are edible.

(3)The (a)words and (b)words are worldly or conceptual.

The (a)words are material, while the (b)words are spiritual. 8pgp1AaBgxIYK49AKh9tsxxYl3S9a99MZgLmlXSG9fgUl6fA5IB1Orpp7nAYpfrJ
