

1 Define the following terms:

1)allophone (中山大学2017年、首都师范大学2011年考研试题)

2)phonology (温州大学2017年考研试题)

3)IPA (北京外国语大学2015年考研试题)

4)phonemic contrast (首都师范大学2013年考研试题)

5)suprasegmental (南开大学2012年考研试题)

6)rime (rhyme) (南开大学2012年考研试题)

7)distinctive feature (天津外国语大学2013年考研试题)

8)assimilation (武汉大学2011年、2013年考研试题)

9)Received Pronunciation and General American (中山大学2012年考研试题)

10)pharyngeal (中山大学2013年考研试题)

11)bilabial (南京师范大学 2017 年考研试题)

2 Multiple Choice:

Directions: In each question there are four choices.Decide which one would be the best answer to the question or to complete the sentence best.

1)_____________ refers to the degree of force used in producing a syllable. (北京第二外国语学院2016年考研试题)





2)_____________is the smallest meaningful unit of language. (北京第二外国语学院2016年考研试题)





3)Suprasegmental features are those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments.The principal suprasegmentals are _____________. (北京第二外国语学院2013年考研试题)

A.syllable, stress, tone and intonation

B.monosyllabic and polysyllabic

C.stressed and unstressed

D.rhyme, onset, outset and coda

4)Which of the following statements is true? (天津外国语大学2011年、2012年考研试题)

A.Larynx is what we sometimes call “Adam's apple”.

B.The International Phonetic Alphabet uses narrow transcription.

C.There are two nasal consonants in English.

D.It is sounds by which we make communicative meaning.

5)The study of sounds is divided into three main areas, each dealing with one part of the process._____________ is concerned with the perception of speech sounds. (天津外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

A.Articulatory phonetics

B.Auditory phonetics

C.Phonological process

D.Acoustic phonetics

6)_____________ are a set of vowel qualities arbitrarily defined, fixed and unchanging, intended to provide a frame of reference for the description of the actual vowels of existing languages. (天津外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)


B.Pure Vowels

C.Cardinal Vowels

D.Vowel Glides

7)The sounds, which are produced by a closure in the vocal tract or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction, are known as _____________. (天津外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)


B.places of articulation


D.manners of articulation

8)Which of the following is the correct description of the English consonant [z]? (天津外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

A.Voiceless alveolar affricate.

B.Voiceless bilabial nasal.

C.Voiced alveolar stop.

D.Voiced alveolar fricative.

9)Which is the correct description of the English vowel [iː]? (天津外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

A.High front tense unrounded vowel.

B.High back lax rounded vowel.

C.Mid central lax unrounded vowel.

D.Low back lax rounded vowel.

10)The word _____________ simply refers to a “unit of explicit sound contrast”: the existence of a minimal pair automatically grants phonemic status to the sounds responsible for the contrasts. (天津外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)





11)Which segment in the following does not share one or more phonetic features with the other segments? (天津外国语大学 2013 年考研试题)





12)Which is the description of the consonant [b]? (天津外国语大学 2013 年考研试题)

A.Voiceless bilabial stop.

B.Voiced bilabial stop.

C.Voiceless alveolar fricative.

D.Voiced alveolar fricative.

13)Which of the following can be best described as “voiceless alveolar fricative”? (大连外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)





14)The property of voicing plays an important part in distinguishing obstruents in English.It is, therefore, a _____________ feature for English obstruents. (大连外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)





3 Word Completion:

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.

1)The correct description of the English consonant /v/is _____________. (天津外国语大学2016年考研试题)

2)_____________ refers to a sound made with the obstruction of the air stream caused by the tongue tip or blade and the alveolar ridge, such as in the production of [t]. (北京第二外国语学院 2012 年考研试题)

3)The sound [d] can be described with “_____________, alveolar stop/plosive.” (北京第二外国语学院 2013 年考研试题)

4)In R_____ Assimilation, a following sound is influencing a preceding sound. (大连外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

5)A s_____________ is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added. (大连外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

6)M_____________ is a process involving an alternation in the sequence of sounds, as in bird and brid . (大连外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

7)_____________ are produced by a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction. (中山大学 2013 年考研试题)

4 True or False Questions:

Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T for true and F for false .

1)Otto Jesperson, Daniel Jones and their colleagues made great contributions to language teaching by developing and perfecting IPA which is extensively used in dictionaries and textbooks. (大连外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

2)[z] is a voiceless, alveolar fricative consonant while [j] is a palatal approximant. (大连外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

3)The “Minimal Pairs” test that can be used to find out which sound substitutions cause differences in meaning do not work well for all languages. (大连外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

4)All syllables must have a nucleus but not all syllables contain an onset and a coda. (大连外国语大学 2012 年考研试题)

5)Phonology studies speech sounds, including the production of speech, that is, how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received. (北京第二外国语学院 2015 年考研试题)

6)Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a community. (北京第二外国语学院 2015 年考研试题)

5 Short Essay Questions:

1)What are the four basic requirements for the description of vowels? (北京第二外国语学院 2011 年考研试题)

2)What are the three criteria linguists use to group allophones into phonemes? (北京第二外国语学院 2011 年考研试题)

3)What is assimilation in phonology? How is assimilation classified? Please use examples to illustrate it. (北京第二外国语学院 2012 年考研试题)

4)What is a phoneme? How to discover phonemes? (北京航空航天大学 2013 年考研试题)

5)What does the concept of “distinctive features” mean? (中山大学 2012 年考研试题)

6)In what way do we say Chinese is a tone language? (温州大学2017年考研试题)

7)For each group of words given below, state what semantic property or properties are shared by the (a)words and the (b)words, and what semantic property or properties distinguish between the classes of (a)words and (b)words.

(1)a.bachelor, man, son, paperboy, pope, chief

b.bull, rooster, drake, ram

(2)a.table, stone, pencil, cup, house, ship, car

b.milk, alcohol, rice, soup

(3)a.book, temple, mountain, road, tractor

b.idea, love, charity, sincerity, bravery, fear (北京第二外国语学院2015年考研试 题) jJmUt4V3HNhQgewrDBDoEhwA/3PwGfzkWTykobfjJtLfSN+CPiqFO7C6E9zT+Sot
