
Chapter 4



1 Students now all have laptops, so the school is planning to close the computer lab. Do you think it's a good idea?




Good idea

(1) It will help the school save a lot of money.

It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to run a computer lab every year. If they close the lab, they can use the money to build a new library or open a coffeehouse on campus.

(2) It will help the school save some space.

A computer lab takes up a lot of space. The school can use this space to add a lounge for students to take a break or hang out with their friends.

(3) Students may be encouraged to play games together if there is a computer lab.

They might actually turn the computer lab into an internet café and play online games all the time.

(4) The computer lab is not an ideal studying place.

It is not a great place for classes to meet anyway. With the keyboards and the mice, students don't have a lot of space to get work done. This means they will often not have a good experience when they are taking a class in the computer lab.

Bad idea

(1) Not every student can afford a laptop.

Some students come from families that are not so well-off and it would not be fair to ask them to come to school with a personal computer.

(2) Sometimes there might be an emergency.

Laptops depend on Wi-Fi to gain access to the internet and sometimes the Wi-Fi in dorms may break down. If they close the computer lab, students would not have access to the internet.

(3) Schools can install some expensive niche software for students to use.

Some professional software can be quite expensive for students to purchase. With the computer lab, all students can have access to that software.

(4) It promotes collaboration.

Students can go to the computer lab to do group projects. It would be really easy for them to communicate and get work done since they are all together in the computer lab.


Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea to close the computer lab. This is because not every student can afford a laptop due to being from families that are not so well-off. If they close the computer lab, it'd be really inconvenient for them to use the internet. These people shouldn't be penalized because of their family background. In addition, sometimes there's an emergency. Like, if the internet in the dorms breaks down, students can still use the computers in the lab to do research and write papers. But if they close the computer lab, students won't be able to do those things. Another point is that schools can install expensive, niche software in computer labs which again helps students who cannot afford to buy it for themselves.


well-off 富裕的

have the luxury of 拥有…的奢侈

break down 发生故障

do research 做研究

write papers 写论文

be able to 能够

2 Suppose you have been admitted by two universities. One is a very good university but they don't offer you any scholarship and it's very expensive. The other one is less well-known but they do offer scholarships to you. Which university would you choose to go to?




A very good university

(1) I can become a better scholar.

Good universities have top-notch facilities, famous professors and a lot of academic resources. I will be able to learn and accomplish a lot in such universities.

(2) I will be able to get a good job after graduation.

Employers tend to hire people who graduated from universities with more reputable academic programs. This gives me a greater chance of working in big companies like Google or Amazon.

(3) I will get to know some famous alumni.

For example, if I can get into Harvard, I will have the chance to meet Bill Gates or Natalie Portman.

(4) I will be more motivated.

By going to a good university, I will be working with some really talented students. Therefore, I need to work hard and try to keep up with them.

The one which offers scholarships

(1) It can ease my parents’ financial burden.

Tuition is really expensive, especially in America. Therefore, I can use the scholarship to cover part of the tuition, so my parents can be a little bit relieved, financially.

(2) I can save a lot of time.

I do not have to get a part-time job to cover my living expenses, so I will have more time to spend on my coursework.

(3) It will look good on my résumé.

If you get a scholarship in college, it is more likely that you will stand out from all the applicants. Employers tend to hire people who have gotten scholarships in college.

(4) It can encourage philanthropy.

Students who have received scholarships may become more philanthropic themselves. Perhaps they will go on to find a scholarship to support future college applicants.


Personally speaking, I would prefer the university with a high-quality academic program. This is because I will be able to learn a lot there. You know, this kind of school usually has top-notch facilities, famous professors and a lot of academic resources. So, if I go to this kind of school, I will be more likely to become a better scholar. Also, I can get a good job after graduation. Well, it is pretty obvious that prospective employers tend to hire people who graduated from universities with great academic programs, right? So, doing this can give me a competitive advantage. I just have a bigger chance to work in big companies like Google or Amazon.


academic program 学术课程

top-notch 顶尖的

academic resources 学术资源

get a good job 找份好工作

competitive advantage 竞争优势

have a bigger chance to do 更可能做…

3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Freshmen and sophomores should live in dormitories on campus?





(1) Everything is within walking distance.

Students can easily walk to classes, the library and the cafeteria.

(2) It can help them meet people and make friends.

Students will have more opportunities to join all kinds of activities.

(3) It is safer this way.

There are a lot of security guards on campus and they walk around to make sure everyone is safe.

(4) It can help students save money.

It is definitely cheaper to live on campus than renting an apartment in the city.


(1) They will have more chance to explore the city.

For example, when you live in New York and have some time to yourself, you can go to MOMA or visit the Empire State Building.

(2) There is more freedom.

When you live off campus, you do not have to obey the rules set by the university. For example, you will not have a curfew, so you can stay out as late as you want and there will not be any problem.

(3) You can choose your own roommates.

You will not be stuck with the roommates that the university gives to you. Living with people you do not like can turn your life into a living hell.

(4) You will have a lot of fun.

You can throw parties at your place and invite your friends over to play card games or board games. This is something you cannot do in dorms.


Personally speaking, I believe freshmen and sophomores should live off campus. This is because you can choose your own roommates. I mean, when you live in dormitories on campus, you cannot choose your roommates because they are assigned by the university. However, if you rent an apartment, you can choose your own roommates, so you will not get stuck with the people you don't like. Plus, you will have a lot of fun. You know, when you live off campus, you can throw parties at your place and invite your friends over to play video games or board games. You just cannot do that in dormitories on campus.


live off campus 住在校外

get stuck with 陷入困境

assign 分配

have fun 玩得开心

throw parties 开派对

invite sb. over 邀请某人来做客

board game 桌游

4 Some people believe that students should choose which course to study, while some others believe that professors should choose courses for students. Which one do you agree with and why?




Students should choose courses for themselves.

(1) They will be more motivated.

They will have higher attendances, participate more in class and get more work done after class. As a result, they will often get better grades.

(2) They will be better prepared for the real world.

They will start taking responsibilities for their own choices. If they misjudge the situation and make a bad decision, they will have to live with it like other adults do every day.

(3) Students can be more focused on a course of study.

They will have the freedom to only take the courses that they need for the career that they want to pursue. They do not have to take classes that are seemingly irrelevant.

(4) If professors choose courses for students, students might be bored and unmotivated.

For example, students who are interested in biochemistry would likely not want to take English literature.

Professors should choose courses for students.

(1) Students might not know what they need to study for their future careers.

They might miss certain important courses that they need to graduate—their graduation might be delayed.

(2) It avoids the situation where students dumb down their coursework.

If students are allowed to choose their courses, they might deliberately choose easier courses so they can get credits easily.

(3) Professors can better help the students who are struggling with certain subjects.

They will be able to give those students suggestions on how to make improvements, so students will be better able to fulfill the requirements.


Personally speaking, I think students should be allowed to choose their own courses. This is because they will be really motivated. I mean, if students are allowed to choose their own courses, they will have higher attendances, participate more in class and get more work done after class. As a result, they will get better grades. Also, they will be better prepared for the real world. You know, when students have to make important decisions like this, they will also have to take responsibilities for their decisions. If they misjudge the situation and make a bad decision, they will have to live with it like other adults do every day.


high attendance 高出勤率

participate more in class 更多参与课堂

get work done 完成工作

be prepared for the real world 为现实世界做好准备

take responsibilities 承担责任

misjudge 错误判断

make a bad decision 做出错误的决定

live with 接受并忍受

5 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should learn skills that can help them live independently, like cooking?





(1) It can help them make friends.

They can bake cookies and make food together. This will help them become friends.

(2) It can help them save money.

They do not have to go to restaurants or order expensive take-outs. As a result, they will be able to spend the extra money on getting a new phone or hanging out with friends.

(3) They will become more independent.

They will be able to take care of themselves if they know how to cook. When they feel hungry, they can just cook for themselves.

(4) They will develop a healthy diet.

They will know what ingredients are good for them and the healthy ways to cook them. This will help them eat better and live better lives.


(1) It can be dangerous.

They might burn themselves or cut themselves. Schools should not offer cooking classes for the students’ sake.

(2) It is a waste of time.

Cooking classes can take hours every time and they need a lot of practice to be actually good at cooking. As students, I think they should spend more time on fulfilling academic requirements.

(3) Not every student is interested in cooking.

Some students just do not like being in a kitchen, cooking is just not their thing. They may prefer doing sports or painting.


Personally speaking, I think children should learn skills like cooking. This is because it can help them make friends. I mean, if they take the cooking classes, they will be working with other students and it is going to be a lot of fun. You know, they can bake cookies and make all sorts of food together. So, they can easily become friends. Also, it will help them save money in the long run. Let's say in the future, these children go overseas to study in college. When living in a foreign country, they can cook by themselves. They don't have to go to restaurants or order the expensive take-outs. As a result, they will be able to spend the extra money on getting a new phone or hanging out with friends.


bake cookies 烤饼干

make soup 做汤

go overseas 去海外

live in a foreign country 住在外国

cook by themselves 自己做饭

expensive take-outs 昂贵的外卖

extra money 额外的钱

get a new phone 换一部新手机

hang out with friends 和朋友一起玩

6 When kids need to do experiments at school, should they do the experiments themselves or should they watch videos of other people doing experiments?




Do the experiments themselves

(1) Develop their interests

Some kids may find these science subjects boring if they only listen to the teachers giving lectures, but doing the experiments is a much more fun and engaging way to learn, so it helps to spark the kids’ interests in these subjects and makes them grow fond of these subjects.

(2) Put theories into practice

The kids learn a lot of theories in the class, but they have no chance to apply them. Doing the experiments themselves is a great way to get some hands-on experience and helps them to explore the fun of science.

(3) Get a better understanding of the knowledge

By doing the experiments themselves, they get to deepen their understanding of the theories they learned in the classroom, which will in turn lead to a better performance in the exams.

Watch videos

(1) Safer

Some experiments may be dangerous, like in chemistry, for example, some experiments might involve the use of alcohol burners. If the kids do not treat them seriously, or if there is some misconduct, it may lead to some serious consequences.

(2) Kids can learn how to do the experiments correctly.

Science experiments require rigorous operations and procedures, from how much milliliters you are putting into the measuring cup, to the specific order of the steps. All of them need to be done precisely and properly. If the kids go ahead and do it themselves without knowing the correct procedures, they are likely to mess it up.

(3) It is more flexible.

When it comes to experiments, some steps may be tricky. Watching videos of other people doing the experiments gives the kids the freedom to pause and take notes, or go back to rewatch the previous step, which helps them to better understand the experiment.


Well, in my opinion, kids should do the experiments themselves. Because to start with, it helps the kids to develop their interests in the subject. Some kids may find these science subjects boring if they only listen to the teachers giving lectures, but doing the experiments is a much more fun and engaging way to learn, so it helps to spark the kids’ interests in these subjects and make them grow fond of these subjects. Another benefit is that the kids get a chance to put the theories into practice. I mean, they learn a lot of theories in the class, but they have no chance to apply them. Doing the experiments themselves is a great way to get some hands-on experience and helps them to explore the fun of science.


spark one's interest 激发兴趣

grow fond of 变得喜爱

get a chance to 有机会…

put theories into practice 把理论付诸实践

hands-on experience 实际动手经验

7 Which of the following do you prefer: 1) decide your major before you enter college; 2) decide your major after you take some classes?





(1) Devote entire four years to a specific field

It is better for the students to devote all of their time in the university to their chosen field, because in this way, they can get the most out of their time, and take as many courses as possible to help polish up their resume. This also helps to leave a good impression on the interviewer when they go job hunting in the future.

(2) After middle school and high school, I have already discovered my passion.

I know what I want to do in the future, so there is really no point in spending a year or two studying other things.

(3) It is attractive to the school.

Declaring my major on my application will definitely help me to stand out from the crowd, since the admission offices are always looking for applicants who are determined and dedicated. For this reason, it can boost my chance of being accepted.


(1) More time to explore where my passion truly lies.

Entering the school undecided offers me the freedom to take courses in different departments and find out which courses intrigue me and spark my interest in furthering my education in that subject. This helps me to decide on the most suitable major for myself.

(2) My declared major may be difficult to change.

If I declare a major upon arriving at my university and realize that it is not my thing, and want to switch to another major, it can be quite difficult. Since certain colleges only have a specific number of spots for particular majors and they may be full by the time I go to switch.

(3) I can take classes that I will not be able to take otherwise.

Say I am majoring in business and want to study a second language, Spanish for example. It is just not possible, since I can only choose some business-related subjects in my department. But deciding on my major later gives me the chance to learn whatever I am interested in.


I believe that it is better to decide on a major before going to college. The first reason is that I can devote my entire four years into a specific field in this way. It is better to devote all of my time in the university to my chosen field, because it means I can get the most out of my time and take as many courses as possible to help polish up my resume, which helps me to leave a good impression on the interviewer when I go job hunting in the future. Moreover, it is attractive to the school. If I can declare my major on my application, it will definitely help me to stand out from the crowd, since the admission offices are always looking for applicants who are determined and dedicated. Therefore, it can boost my chance of being accepted.


get the most out of 充分利用

polish up the resume 润色简历

leave a good impression on sb. 给某人留下好印象

go job hunting 求职,找工作

declare a major 选专业

stand out from the crowd 脱颖而出

admission office 招生办

8 The university plans to build a study hall where students can relax and study. Do you think this is a good idea? Why?





(1) Promote mutual learning

The study hall is usually equipped with discussion rooms where students can do their group project or study in a group. This offers them a place to share their thoughts and opinions, and help each other out when they have problems in their studies. As a result, they can learn from each other.

(2) Provide students with some extra seats to study besides the library

The library is usually packed with students studying there, especially during the midterms and finals, and it can be quite difficult to find a seat. But the study hall can offer extra seats for students to review for exams or do some reading assignments.

(3) The study hall can help students’ studies in a variety of ways.

They can look up information using the computers there, rehearse for presentations, and print out their papers after finishing writing it. What's more, they get to have study breaks and chat with each other, which is something they cannot do in the library.


(1) There are a variety of ways students can relax on campus.

Students can participate in campus clubs, do sports, work out their body in the gym, or spend time with their friends in the lounge, and so on. There is really no point in building a place for students to relax.

(2) A study hall might not be the ideal place to study.

Usually, the atmosphere in the study hall is quite relaxed, and students are allowed to talk there. This makes students distracted while studying, so it is better to study in the library, where it is usually quiet and helps with students’ concentration.

(3) It is a waste of money.

Instead of using the money to build a study hall, which is completely useless, the school should probably use the funds to do something meaningful, such as improving campus facilities, offering more entertainment options and stuff.


I think a study hall sounds like a great idea. Because firstly, it provides students with some extra seats to study besides the library. The library is usually packed with students studying there, especially during the midterms and finals, and it can be quite difficult to find a seat. But the study hall can offer extra seats for students to review for exams or do some reading assignments. What's more, the study hall can help students’ studies in a variety of ways. They can look up information using the computers there, rehearse for presentations, and print out their papers after finishing writing it. What's more, they get to have study breaks and chat with each other, which is something they cannot do in the library.


be packed with 挤满,塞满

a variety of 各种各样的

look up information 查阅资料

rehearse 排练

print out 打印

9 Which teacher's class would you like to take: 1) a humorous teacher; 2) a serious teacher?




Humorous teacher

(1) They are more accessible to the students.

Imagine there are two history teachers, one pulls a long face all day and the other is always smiling. Which do you prefer to go to ask questions? I mean, students are more likely to discuss academic issues with an amiable teacher. So, an easygoing teacher can improve students’ understanding of their courses indirectly.

(2) Their class is more fun and engaging for the students to learn.

If a teacher is being serious all the time and just reads from the textbook, I am sure the students will get distracted pretty soon. However, if a teacher can use humor in the class to always keep the students focused and concentrated during the class, they can definitely help students establish a better understanding of the course content.

(3) They can help the students to develop their interest in that class.

Humorous teachers impart their knowledge to their students in a funny and more accessible way so as to promote the interests of the students. So, even some students who hate the subject will become enthusiastic for that class.

Serious teacher

(1) They can better discipline the students in class.

There is no denying the fact that a serious and strict teacher can discipline students to concentrate on their classes and assignments, especially for those students who are naughty, or get distracted easily. This ensures that they are always paying attention to the class, which in turn guarantees their learning outcome.

(2) Humorous teacher's class may not be very efficient.

I have experienced this myself. When I was in high school, my English teacher always liked to tell jokes in the class. At first, we all thought he was funny and were always looking forward to his class. However, over time, we found out that his jokes were usually irrelevant to the class, and did not help with his teaching. We always felt we had not learned anything by the end of the class.

(3) The two things are not mutually exclusive; a teacher can be serious and funny at the same time.

I mean, teachers can certainly be both. A good teacher should be serious and strict most of the time, so that the students know where the line is and not to cross it. But that does not mean they cannot tell jokes and be funny occasionally.


Well, I would definitely prefer to take classes from a humorous teacher. This is simply because, first, they are more accessible to the students. Imagine there are two history teachers, one pulls a long face all day and the other is always smiling. Then which do you prefer to go to ask questions? I mean, students are more likely to discuss academic issues with an amiable teacher. So, an easygoing teacher can improve students’ understanding of their courses indirectly. Additionally, their class is more fun and engaging for the students to learn. If a teacher is being serious all the time and just reads from the textbook, I'm sure the students will get distracted pretty soon. However, if a teacher can use humor in the class to always keep the students focused and concentrated during the class, they can definitely help students establish a better understanding of the course content.


accessible 易接近的

pull a long face 板着脸

amiable 亲切友好的

engaging 吸引人的

get distracted 分心,被干扰

establish a better understanding of 建立更好的理解

10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Kids can't learn things from playing video games.





(1) It is a complete waste of time.

I mean, Mario Brothers and Street Fighter obviously did not help me learn algebra, practice vocabulary, or memorize details of Ancient Roman history. When playing video games, I am just drawn to the graphics, and figuring out ways to defeat the boss, and I do not think I have learned anything.

(2) Distribute inappropriate information

There is actually quite a lot of inappropriate information in games. Things like violence and sexual imagery are actually bad for the kids’ development, since little kids often like to imitate whatever they see.

(3) Addictive

Most video games are very addictive, kids are easily drawn to these games and spend hours and hours playing them every day, not even finishing their homework. Also, they can get distracted during the class thinking about the games, which negatively affects their concentration.


(1) They can become more social-oriented.

In many games, players work together in teams to achieve goals, compete against other players, or both. Their teamwork abilities are put to the test, and they must hone their communication and interpersonal skills in order to progress. These pro-social behaviors are critical for healthy social development.

(2) There are games which are based off real historical events where kids can learn about history.

For instance, the popular game Assassin's Creed, which I personally love, is based on the founding of the U.S..Whilst playing the game, I definitely learned a lot about American history, things like the Boston Massacre and the Declaration of Independence, and so on.

(3) Creativity

Many games offer an extended level of freedom, where kids get to be creative. Take the popular game Minecraft as an example, it allows players to explore unique worlds and create anything they can imagine. This helps the kids to explore ideas or use different ways to solve issues.


Well, I definitely agree with the statement. Video games are a complete waste of time. I mean, Mario Brothers and Street Fighter obviously didn't help me learn algebra, practice vocabulary, or memorize details of Ancient Roman history. When playing video games, I'm just drawn to the graphics, and figuring out ways to defeat the boss, and I don't think I have learned anything. What's more, there can be some disturbing information in the games. There is actually quite a lot of inappropriate information in games. Things like violence and sexual imagery are actually bad for the kids’ development, since little kids often like to imitate whatever they see.


Mario Brothers 马里奥兄弟

Street Fighter 街头霸王

algebra 代数

be drawn to被…吸引

figure out 想出

disturbing 令人不安的

sexual imagery 色情画面

imitate 模仿

11 Female and male university students should have separate residence halls. Do you agree or disagree?





(1) Single-sex dorms offer advantages to some students.

It is easier to limit overnight visits from the opposite sex, which is important for some students who have moral convictions.

(2) It is easier to make friends.

Some students also find it easier to form bonds and friendships with other students once the pressure to compete for the attention of the opposite sex is removed.

(3) Much safer

Living next to men can be a safety issue. It is not common, but some female students may feel sexually harassed or endangered by living next to the wrong guy.


(1) Provide a good platform to meet lots of different people

This can be a good life experience because it is more like the real world. Plus, some people just get along better with members of the opposite sex.

(2) It can be a lot of fun.

Obviously, you will meet many members of the opposite sex. In fact, it is so easy to meet people, many students can find serious boyfriends or girlfriends pretty quickly, if that is what you are looking for.

(3) It can be safer.

Some female students feel safer when they have male friends on campus. On some campuses, you might need a friend to walk with you at night, for example.


I prefer to have separate residence halls. To begin with, single-sex dorms offer advantages to some students. For example, it's easier to limit overnight visits from the opposite sex, which is important for some students who have moral convictions. Some students also find it easier to form bonds and friendships with other students once the pressure to compete for the attention of the opposite sex is removed. In addition, it may be easier for some students to concentrate on their studies and to feel more relaxed without the presence of the opposite sex. The reason is that the pressure to look good and act appropriately is on at all times rather than just when they are out among the opposite sex in public.


moral conviction 道德信念,道德想法

harassed 厌烦的;疲倦的

get along with 与…和睦相处

compete for 为…竞争

endangered 濒临灭绝的

residence hall 学生宿舍

12 Suppose your university has a tight financial budget. Which one of the following areas would you suggest the school cut budget in, hiking club or debating club?


本题如果选择保留hiking club,可以列举其优点:如结交志同道合的朋友、缓解压力、有利于身心健康等。相反,如果选择保留debating club,可以思考辩论社团的好处:比如培养批判性思维,锻炼面对公众发言不怯场的能力,参加辩论比赛也是拓展社交圈的方式等。


Hiking clubs (retain debating clubs)

(1) Debating can help develop excellent oral and written communication skills.

It can help students discover the confidence and desire to participate in all academic classes. They can learn and practice oral and written skills and strategies for lively yet respectful discussions and disagreements.

(2) Debating can develop excellent critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking is very important for college students because they will use this skill in different areas of their studies. Plus, it is very useful for students to explore the world through the lens of an inquisitive mind.

(3) Debating can develop effective tools for research, organization and presentation.

It can promote curiosity and the passion of discovery through effective tools for research, organization and presentation.

(4) Debating can develop strategies to overcome fears of public speaking.

It can increase belief in your abilities and the desire to participate in all classes.

Debating clubs (retain hiking clubs)

(1) Meet like-minded outdoor people

You will probably find that no matter how different you may appear from your fellow hikers, you all have at least one thing in common: a shared love for the great outdoors. With that kind of common ground, you know you will always find something to talk about with your new friends.

(2) Learn from others

Whether you are new to an area and hoping to learn about all the recreational opportunities around, or you have lived in the same place forever and think you know the trails like the back of your hand, there is always an opportunity to learn from those around you.

(3) Maintain your motivation

When you have committed to hiking with your hiking club, you will be more inclined to put your boots on and meet your new friends for a few hours outdoors—even if you are not feeling particularly motivated at first.


From my perspective, the school should retain the debating club. First, debating can help develop excellent oral and written communication skills. To be specific, it can help students discover the confidence and desire to participate in all academic classes. Also, oral and written skills and strategies can be used in lively yet respectful discussions and disagreements. Second, debating can develop excellent critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is very important for college students because they will use this skill in different areas in their study. Plus, it is very useful for students to explore the world through the lens of an inquisitive mind.


participate in 参加,参与

academic classes 学术课程

critical thinking 批判思维

inquisitive 好奇的;好询问的

curiosity 好奇心

like-minded 有同样想法的

outdoor people 户外爱好者

hikers 背包客;徒步旅行者

have...in common 有共同之处

be committed to 致力于

13 Do you think it is reasonable to give a lower grade to the assignment that hand in after deadline?





(1) You should feel grateful.

If your teacher merely lowers your grade for turning in homework late, you should be grateful. Many will just give you zero.

(2) It is fair.

School teachers are hired to teach a subject, and if assigning homework as a learning activity helps accomplish that purpose, and assuming that there is a schedule for the class to learn those topics (and thus deadlines), it is right and fair for them to expect everyone to honor them and penalize those who don't.

(3) It is essential for students to follow rules.

As many people already know, grades are usually based on how well students followed the assignment instructions (including whether students turn it in on time) as well as on the quality of work in the assignment.

Not reasonable

(1) Some special extension requests should be granted.

Most extension requests ask students to explain why they were unable to complete the assignment on time. For some emergencies, teachers should consider the possibility of not deducting students’ points.

(2) Teachers can set some floating deadlines.

Rather than choosing a single deadline for an assignment, some teachers assign a range of dates for students to submit work. This flexibility allows students to plan their work, life activities and responsibilities reasonably.


Well, I think it is reasonable to penalize late assignments. First of all, it is fair for all students. It is widely accepted that students should hand in their assignments before the deadline. It is right and fair for teachers to expect everyone to honor such rules and penalize those who don't. What is more, students should respect and follow the rules of handing in assignments on time. Grades are usually based on how well students followed the assignment instructions (including whether students turn it in on time) as well as on the quality of work in the assignment.


turn in 上交(作业等)

penalize 处罚

extension 宽限(期)

grant 同意

deduct 减少

rather than 而不是

a range of 一系列;一些

14 Some people think competition will motivate students. Some people think competition has negative influences. Which do you agree with? Explain why.




Competition will motivate students.

(1) Improve teamwork and collaboration

Most team-based educational competitions require students to take on challenging tasks that require good communication, collaboration, and teamwork.

(2) Enhance social and emotional learning

Through competitions students can gain a better understanding of how to deal with conflicting opinions and ideas. They can learn how to collaborate with widely differing personalities. They can learn to manage subjectivity in their lives.

(3) Beneficial peer comparisons

Comparison is built into human nature. It is a natural way of evaluating how we are doing on the things that matter to us. It does not mean that students should value themselves based on their performance in academic competitions, but just that they should be able to place a certain level of respect and appreciation on the academic prowess of students with certain skills.

Competition has negative influences.

(1) Competition harbors hostility and aggression.

A winning attitude can easily manifest into aggressive behavior, a loss of sportsmanship, and ultimately, cheating.

(2) Competition can lead to dropout.

When a child perceives a lack of competence, or is no longer able to satisfactory demonstrate achievements, they lose the motivation to continue and look for other activities to draw pleasure from.

(3) Competition can trigger injury.

Intensity peaks during competition. When a child is underprepared physically or mentally, or is competing too much for their growing body to handle, their likelihood of injury goes up dramatically.


From my perspective, competition will motivate students. To begin with, it can help improve teamwork and collaboration. For example, most team-based educational competitions require students to take on challenging tasks that require good communication, collaboration, and teamwork. It is an effective way to build teamwork and collaboration. Moreover, it enhances social and emotional learning. Through competitions students can gain better understanding of how to deal with conflicting opinions and ideas. They can learn how to collaborate with widely differing personalities. They can learn to manage subjectivity in their lives.


take on 承担,接受;开始

subjectivity 主观性

peer 同龄人

hostility 敌意

manifest 显示;证实

sportsmanship 运动员精神

dropout 退出者

15 Your university is planning to allow people in the community to take courses with students. This course will be free for them and they will not receive feedbacks or grades about their papers. Do you think this is a good program and why?




A good program

(1) Gain some experience from outside of the classroom

Students normally gain knowledge in the classroom, sometimes they need to learn something different, like some other perspectives from outside the classroom. This could even inspire them to follow other directions.

(2) People from the community often have more practical ideas.

People in the community may have already worked for some period in their lives, giving them a practical perspective on life. How to put theory into practice is a good question worth discussing.

Not a good program

(1) Students may get much distraction.

Students in the class may get surrounded by a lot of strangers who do not seem to like students at all. Therefore, students may not feel comfortable and, consequently, the effectiveness of their studies may suffer.

(2) Professors have extra difficulties or obligations.

Although professors do not need to give feedback or grade their papers, they still have to prepare extra handouts, learn their names and even stay after class answering questions.

(3) People from the community may slow down the class.

Normally, people from the community may not be fully prepared, which means they will ask basic questions which were covered in the previous assignments. Therefore, they will slow down the class by asking those questions.


Well, for me, I think this is not a good program. Firstly, people from the community will slow down the class. For instance, people from the community may not be fully prepared, which means they will ask basic questions which were covered in the previous assignments. Therefore, they will slow down the class by asking those questions. Secondly, professors have extra difficulties or obligations. Although professors do not need to give feedback or grade their papers, they still have to prepare extra handouts, learn their names and even stay after class answering questions.


clue 提示;暗示

distraction 分心

obligations 义务;责任

handouts 讲义

slow down 拖慢(节奏);减速 Ii3Aq55l+m6qxnhk1p+RAUJPe503MyRHGumVms3gm0tjhxev2TBlUabFN/Q8NXDk
