
Chapter 3





1 答题结构


以TPO 48 Task 2为例: Some people like to shop in large grocery stores and department stores. Other people prefer to shop in small specialty stores or shops. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

答案范例1 >>

For me, I normally shop in large grocery stores. 【陈述观点】 This is because, firstly, it is much more convenient. 【第一个理由】In the supermarket, there is a variety of products to choose from. So I can get everything I need all in one place, you know, from vegetables, fruits, snacks to even electronics and clothes and stuff. 【细节】 Plus, it is more economical to shop in supermarkets. 【第二个理由】For example, I usually go to a supermarket in my neighborhood, and I signed up for a membership card and collect points every time I shop there, and I can use those points as money the next time I go shopping there. 【细节】


答案范例2 >>

Well... I normally shop in large grocery stores. 【陈述观点】 This is because it is much more convenient. 【陈述理由】I mean, in the supermarket, there is a variety of products to choose from, so I can get everything I need all in one place. For example, I held a barbecue party at my house last week with some of my friends, and I had a very long shopping list. So I just went to the supermarket in my neighborhood and did my shopping there, and I got everything I need, from vegetables, fruits, meat, drinks and snacks and even some coals for the barbecue. It really helped save a lot time compared with running from different stores. 【细节】


以上两种答题结构都是考生们可以采纳的。首先需要注意的是,独立题目非常看重考生展开细节的能力,所以在答题时应当避免观点的罗列,如I prefer to shop in big supermarkets because it is much more convenient and also you can save a lot of money,而是应当详细地展开并解释理由。


最后,回答时持中立态度,如I think large grocery stores and small specialty stores are equally good或Sometimes I like to shop in large grocery stores while other times I prefer to shop in small specialty stores or shops是被允许的。但是45秒的答题时间可能无法详细探讨两个选项的优缺点,从而导致细节不够充分,所以一般情况下不建议考生采取这种答题结构。

2 衔接


以TPO 48 Task 2的答案范例1为例:

For me , I normally shop in large grocery stores.

答题的第一句话一般需要给出表达自己观点的信号词。除了For me,还可以使用In my opinion... I think/ believe...等。

This is because , firstly, it is much more convenient.

This is because, firstly表明接下来要说的是第一个理由。

In the supermarket, there is a variety of products to choose from. So I can get everything I need all in one place.


you know, from vegetables, fruits, snacks to even electronics and clothes and stuff.

you know 作为口语当中常用的表达,经常用来填补对话或讨论中的空白。“You know”的间隙可以让发言者有时间思考下一步该说些什么。常用的替换表达还有I mean... Like...。

Plus , it is more economical to shop in supermarkets.

Plus表并列,明确提示考官接下来要开始说第二个理由了。常用的并列连词还包括:Second(ly),What's more,Additionally等。

For example , I usually go to a supermarket in my neighborhood, and I signed up for a membership card and collect points every time I shop there, and I can use those points as money the next time I go shopping there.

for example为举例子的信号词,常用的还有For instance, such as等。


3 展开方法



因果论证,即围绕给出的理由陈述前因后果。如在前面的答案范例1中,为了论证在大超市购物更加方便,可以先陈述前因:In the supermarket, there is a variety of products to choose from. 之后得出后果:So I can get everything I need all in one place.


可以尝试针对大的、较为宽泛的概念进行列举。如在“In the supermarket, there is a variety of products to choose from. So I can get everything I need all in one place.”这个细节论述中,everything是一个较为宽泛的概念,可以尝试列举在超市可以买到的东西:you know, from vegetables, fruits, snacks to even electronics and clothes and stuff来细化everything这个概念。

当然,也可以用个人经历进行举例论证。如在答案范例2中使用的烧烤派对的例子:For example, I held a barbecue party at my house last week with some of my friends, and I had a very long shopping list. So, I just went to the supermarket in my neighborhood and did my shopping there, and I got everything I need, from vegetables, fruits, meat, drinks and snacks and even some coals for the barbecue. It really helped save a lot time compared with running from different stores.

但是在举例时,一定要有足够的细节。可以在平时练习举例时尝试使用5W1H的方法,即:What, Where, When, Who, Why以及How来丰富细节。

What was the occasion? —A barbecue party.

Where was it ?—At my house.

When was it? —Last Week.

Who was there? —Some of my friends.

Why did you go shopping in a big supermarket? —Because I had a very long shopping list.

How was it convenient? —I got everything I need, from vegetables, fruits, meat, drinks and snacks and even some coals for the barbecue. It really helped save a lot time compared with running from different stores.


使用对比论证时,考生可以尝试针对理由先说自己选择的一方的好处,再反之陈述另外一方的缺点,这样也可以让我们的论证更加具体。如在支持shopping in a big supermarket is more convenient这个理由时,也可以采取对比论证,先说在大超市购物如何方便:When you go to a big supermarket, you can get all the things you need in one trip as you can find literally everything in there,再解释在小型专门店购物如何不方便:Whereas if you shop in small specialty stores, you need to make multiple trips. Maybe to the butcher's for some meat, and the coffeeshop for some coffee, then to the baker's to get some bread, which can be quite troublesome, especially if these places are far away from each other.




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