corrupt [kə'rʌpt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to change from good to bad in morals, manners, or actions 使腐败
adj. morally degenerate and perverted; depraved 堕落的;腐败的
根 cor-:加强 rupt:破→坏。“坏”→“腐坏”[唯物] →“腐败”[唯心] →“堕落”。 interrupt:打断 [根]
类 腐败
cosmic ['kɑːzmɪk] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. of the whole universe or cosmos 宇宙的
根 cosm:世界,宇宙 -ic:形容词后缀。“宇宙的”。cosmos:宇宙 [根]
类 宇宙的
costly ['kɔːstlɪ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. costing much; expensive 昂贵的
根 cost:花费 -ly:形容词后缀。“花费高的”→“昂贵的”。cost:花费 [根]
类 比较值钱的
council ['kaʊnsl] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a group of people elected to manage affairs in a city, county, etc. 委员会
根 counc:呼喊 -il(e):名词后缀。“呼喊者”→“理事会”“委员会”
类 会议、商议类概念
counteract [ˌkaʊntər'ækt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to act against and reduce the force or effect of (sth.) 消除;抵消
根 counter-:相反 act=ag:做。“做相反的事”→“抵消”→“消除”。agent:代理 [根]
类 做相反的事
counterpart ['kaʊntərpɑːrt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. one having the same function or characteristics as another 具有相同功能的人或物
根 counter-:相反→相对 part:人或物的复制。“相对的人或物的复制”→“具有相同功能的人或物”
类 对等的人或者物
counterproductive [ˌkaʊntərprə'dʌktɪv] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. tending to hinder the attainment of a desired goal 达不到预期目标的
根 conter-:相反 pro-:向前 duc(t):引导 -ive:形容词后缀。“向相反方向引导的”→“达不到预期目标的”。productive:有成效的 [根]
类 达不到预期目标的,反向运作的
coupon ['kuːpɑːn] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a small, usually detachable, piece of paper that gives the holder the right to do or receive sth. 优惠劵
根 coup:切 -on:名词后缀。“切成两份的”→“票据”→“优惠券”
类 联票、优惠券类概念
crack [kræk] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a line along which sth. has broken, but not into separate parts 裂缝
n. a sudden sharp noise 爆炸声
v. to make a sharp sound(使)发出爆炸声
根 crack:尖锐的声音。“尖锐的声音”→“裂缝”“爆炸声”
类 破裂,裂缝
craft [kræft] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. an occupation, esp. one that needs skill in the use of the hands; such a skill or technique 手艺;工艺
根 craft:手工制品。“手工制品”→“工艺”
类 手艺、技术类概念
crass [kræs] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. gross 粗糙的,粗俗的
adj. having or indicating such grossness of mind as precludes delicacy and discrimination 愚钝的
根 来源于中古法语crasse,意思为“粗糙、密集”“粗糙的”“密集的”
类 愚钝的
credence ['kriːdns] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. mental acceptance as true or real 坚信,相信,信任
根 cred:相信 -ence:名词后缀。“相信”“信任”
类 坚信
credit ['kredɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. reliance on the truth or reality of something 信赖
根 cred:相信 -it:名词后缀。“相信”→“信赖”→“表示信赖”→“表扬”
类 可相信的
creep [kriːp] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to move slowly, quietly or stealthily, esp. crouching low 慢慢地移动
v. to move with your body close to the ground; to move slowly on your hands and knees 爬行
根 creep:爬行。“爬行”→“匍匐”“慢慢地移动”
类 爬行类概念
cripple ['krɪpl] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a person who is unable to walk or move properly because of disease or injury to the spine or legs 瘸子
v. to make (sb.) a cripple 使残废
v. to damage or weaken (sth.) seriously 严重损坏
根 crippl:弯曲→残废。“使残废”“严重损坏”→“瘸子”
类 使损坏类概念
crisis ['kraɪsɪs] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a time of great difficulty or danger; a decisive moment in illness, life, history, etc. 危机
根 cris=crit:判断→决断 -is:名词后缀。“决断”→“紧要关头”“危机”。criterion:标准 [根]
类 关键时刻,转折时刻
critic ['krɪtɪk] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. one given to harsh or captious judgment 批评者
根 crit:分辨→判断 -ic:名词后缀,表示人。“判断别人对错的人”→“评论者”→“批评者”
类 评论的
crucial ['kruːʃl] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. important or essential as resolving a crisis; decisive 关键的,决定性的
adj. important, significant 非常重要的
根 cruc:十字,交叉 -ial:形容词后缀。“在十字路口需要做出决定的”→“关键的”“非常重要的”。crucify:钉死在十字架上 [根]
类 关键、重要的
crude [kruːd] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. in the natural state; unrefined 天然的
adj. not well finished; not completely worked out; rough 粗鲁的
根 crud:生的,原始的。“原始的”→“天然的”“粗旷的”→“粗鲁的”
类 天然的,粗糙的
crust [krʌst] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. hard outer surface of a loaf of bread; pastry covering of a pie, tart, etc. 面包皮
n. hard surface 外壳
根 crust:壳。“壳”→“外壳”“面包外层的皮”
类 外壳类概念
cryptic ['krɪptɪk] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. secret, occult 秘密的,神秘的
adj. having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning; mysterious 含义模糊的
根 crypt:隐蔽 -ic:形容词后缀。“隐蔽的”→“神秘的”;“隐蔽的”→“含义模糊的”
类 隐秘的
cube [kjuːb] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a solid body with six equal square sides 立方体
n. the result of multiplying a number by itself twice 立方
根 cub:六个面的,立方。“立方”“立方体”
类 立方类概念
culmination [ˌkʌlmɪ'neɪʃn] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. culminating position; climax 顶点,高潮
根 culmin:顶 -ation:名词后缀。“顶点”→“高潮”
类 顶点
cultivate ['kʌltɪveɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to loosen or break up the soil about (growing plants) 耕作,促进成长,培养
根 cult:耕种→培养 -(i)ve:形容词后缀 -ate:动词后缀。“培养”→“提升”“促进”。culture:文明 [根]
类 培养,养成
cumbersome ['kʌmbərsəm] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk 笨重的,难处理的
根 cumber:躺 -some:形容词后缀,“具有……倾向的”。“总想躺下来的”→“笨重的”→“难处理的”
类 笨重的
cumulative ['kjuːmjəleɪtɪv] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. gradually increasing in amount, force, etc. by one addition after another 累积的
根 cumul:堆积 -at(e):动词后缀 -ive:形容词后缀。“堆积的”“积累的”
类 增加类概念
curb [kɜːrb] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. check, restraint限制,控制
v. to check or control sth. 限制,控制
根 原指用缰绳拴住马,限制其行动。“限制”→“控制”
类 抑制物,限制物
curriculum [kə'rɪkjələm] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. the courses offered by an educational institution 课程
根 cur:跑→进行 -ic:形容词后缀 -ul(e):形容词后缀 -um:名词后缀。“进行”→“课程”;“进行”→“经历”→“履历”。current:现在的 [根]
类 跑的过程
curtail [kɜːr'teɪl] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part 缩减,减少
根 curt:短 tail:切。“切短”→“缩短”“减少”。tailor:裁缝 [根]
类 缩短
curve [kɜːrv] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a line of which no part is straight and which changes direction without angles 曲线
v. to (cause sth. to) form a curve 使弯曲
根 curv:弯曲。“弯曲”→“曲线”“使成曲线”
类 弯曲类概念
customary ['kʌstəmerɪ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. according to custom; usual 惯例的
根 cu-:表示加强 st(om):站立→存在 -ary:形容词后缀。“存在的”→“惯例的”
类 习俗、惯例的
cyclically ['saɪklɪklɪ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adv. in a way that is repeated many times, always in the same order 周期性的,循环的
根 cycl:圆,环→圈 -ic:形容词后缀 -al:形容词后缀 -ly:副词后缀。“在圈子里移动的”→“周期性的”“循环的”。cycle:循环 [根]
类 周期性的
cylinder ['sɪlɪndər] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a solid or hollow curved body with circular ends and straight sides 圆筒
n. a cylinder-shaped hollow part inside which the piston moves in an engine 汽缸
根 cyl(ind):圆圈 -er:名词后缀,表示物。“圆圈”→“圆柱”“汽缸”
类 圆柱类概念
cynicism ['sɪnɪsɪzəm] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. the doctrine of the Cynics 犬儒主义教条
n. cynical attitude or quality 愤世嫉俗
根 来源于希腊语κυνισμός(kynikos, “犬儒主义”),犬儒主义学派是古希腊四大学派之一,常常带着厌倦情绪的负面态度,“犬儒”的意思是“像狗一样的人”,常用来描述“愤世嫉俗”的态度
类 愤世嫉俗的
debase [dɪ'beɪs] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to lower in status, esteem, quality, or character 贬低,贬损
根 de-:向下 bas:基础,低下。“向下破坏基础”[唯物] →“贬低”[唯心],“贬损”[唯心]。basis:基础 [根]
类 往底部走
debate [dɪ'beɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a contention by words or arguments 辩论
v. to discuss a question by considering opposed arguments 辩论
根 de-:加强 bat:打。“打斗”→“争论”→“辩论”。combat:打斗 [根]
类 打斗
debris [də'briː] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. the remains of something broken down or destroyed 废墟,残骸
根 de-:离开 bris:破坏。“破坏后剩下的”→“残骸”“废墟”
类 破坏后剩下的无价值的东西(来自榨取葡萄汁后剩下的葡萄皮等残渣)
debunk [ˌdiː'bʌŋk] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to expose the sham or falseness of 揭露
根 de-:离开 bunk:荒谬。“去掉荒谬”→“揭露”
类 去掉荒谬
decade ['dekeɪd] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a period of ten years 十年
根 dec:十 -ade:名词后缀。“十年”
类 十年
decay [dɪ'keɪ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to fall into decay or ruin 衰败
n. the natural chemical change that causes the slow destruction of something 腐烂
根 de-:向下 cay=cad:落。“落下”→“衰落”“衰败”“腐烂”。accident:事故 [根]
类 衰败、腐烂类概念
decimate ['desɪmeɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to select by lot and kill every tenth man of 抽十杀一
v. to cause great destruction or harm to 造成很大伤害
根 deci(m):十分之一 -ate:动词后缀。“取十分之一”→“抽十杀一”→“造成很大的伤害”
类 百分之十的伤害或死亡率
decipher [dɪ'saɪfər] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to decode 破译
v. to make out the meaning of despite indistinctness or obscurity 解开疑团
v. to interpret the meaning of 理解
根 de-:去掉 cipher:密码。“去掉密码”→“破译”→“解开谜团”“理解”。cipher:密码 [根]
类 解码,解谜
decisive [dɪ'saɪsɪv] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. having a particular, important or conclusive effect 决定性的
根 de-:离开 cis=cid:切→裁决 -ive:形容词后缀。“裁决”→“决定性的”。decision:决定 [根]
类 决定性的,明确的
declaration [ˌdeklə'reɪʃn] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. declaring; formally announcing 宣言
根 de-:表示加强 clar:清楚 -at(e):动词后缀 -ion:名词后缀。“使别人清楚”→“宣言”。 declare:声明 [根]
类 宣布,陈述,申报
decorate ['dekəreɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to make sth. (more) beautiful by adding ornaments to it 装饰
根 de-:表示加强 cor:装饰 -ate:名词后缀。“装饰”。decoration:装饰 [根]
类 装饰、装修类概念
decry [dɪ'kraɪ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to depreciate (as a coin) officially or publicly 贬低
v. to express strong disapproval of 谴责
根 de-:向下 cry:喊。“向下喊”→“谴责”“贬低”。cry:哭喊 [根]
类 向下喊
dedicate ['dedɪkeɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to give or devote (oneself, time, effort, etc.) to (a noble cause or purpose) 奉献
根 de-:表示加强 dic:说 -ate:动词后缀。“说服”→“致力于”→“奉献”。dictionary:字典 [根]
类 奉献、题献类概念
deduce [dɪ'duːs] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to arrive at (facts, a theory, etc.) by reasoning; infer sth. 推断
根 de-:向下 duc=duct:带领→引导。“向下引导”→“推断”。conduct:带领 [根]
类 推论、演绎类概念
deem [diːm] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to consider; regard 认为
根 deem:计算,思考。“思考”→“认为”
类 想法,看法,主张
defect ['dɪfekt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. an imperfection that impairs worth or utility; shortcoming 缺点,瑕疵
根 de-:否定 fect=fac(t)=fic:做。“没有做好”→“缺点”“瑕疵”。perfect:完美 [根]
类 做得不好
defer [dɪ'fɜːr] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to put off, delay 延期
v. to submit to another’s wishes, opinion, or governance usually through deference or respect 服从
根 de-离开 fer:拿→运。“运走”→“延期”;“运走”→“转移”→“被授予权利”→“服从”。transfer:转移 [根]
类 运走类概念
defiance [dɪ'faɪəns] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. the act or an instance of defying; challenge 挑战
n. disposition to resist; willingness to contend or fight 违抗
根 de-:离开 fi=faith:信任 -ance:名词后缀。“失去信心”→“违抗”→“挑战”。defy:公然反抗 [根]
类 蔑视,违抗
definition [ˌdefɪ'nɪʃn] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. stating the exact meaning (of words, etc.) 定义
根 de-:表示加强 fin:边界 -it(e):动词后缀 -ion:名词后缀。“划清边界的”→“定义”“解释”。 define:定义 [根]
类 清晰的定义、解释、说明
definitive [dɪ'fɪnətɪv] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. serving to provide a final solution or to end a situation 最终的
adj. authoritative and apparently exhaustive 权威的,详尽的
根 de-:加强 fin:边界→末尾 -itive:形容词后缀。“末尾的”→“最终的”“有界限的”→“清楚详尽的”→“有权威的”。finish:完成 [根]
类 给出边界界限的
deflect [dɪ'flekt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to turn aside especially from a straight course or fixed direction 使偏斜,使转向
根 de-:离开 flex=flect:弯曲。“弯曲使偏离”→“使转向”。reflect:反映 [根]
类 使弯曲
deform [dɪ'fɔːrm] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to spoil the looks of; disfigure 破坏
v. to become misshapen or changed in shape 使畸形
根 de-:偏离 form:形状→形成。“形状发生改变”→“使畸形”;“形状发生改变”→“破坏”。 uniform:一致的 [根]
类 破坏其形状
degrade [dɪ'ɡreɪd] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to cause (sb.) to be less moral and less deserving of respect 贬低
v. to (cause sth. to) become less complex in structure 降解,退化
根 de-:向下 grad:步。“向下进行”→“分解”;“向下看”→“贬低”。grade:年级 [根]
类 往下走
dehydrate [diː'haɪdreɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to remove water from (as foods) 去除水分,(使)干燥,使脱水
v. to deprive of vitality or savor 使失去活力或者味道
根 de-:离开 hydr:水 -ate:动词后缀。“失去水分”→“使干燥”。hydrogen:氢气 [根]
类 使脱水
delegate ['delɪɡeɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a person chosen or elected by others to express their views 代表
v. to choose or send sb. as a representative 委派,授权
根 de-:表示方向 leg:法律 -ate:名词、动词后缀。illegal:不合法的 [根]
类 被选出来的
delete [dɪ'liːt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to cross out or deliberately omit 删除
根 de-:表示方向 let:涂。“涂上覆盖掉”→“删除”
类 拿走类概念