
The Golden Solution to Weight Loss

I will start this book off with a very bold statement: The Baby Food Diet is a perfect diet. I say that because it will change your life in such a positive, exciting way that you will soon be telling everyone about this permanent solution to weight management and a happy life. This easy-to-follow diet will improve both your physical and mental balance and transform you into a superstar in your own eyes and the eyes of others. This is a fact, not an exaggeration. The Baby Food Diet will help you lose weight, reach your desired proportion, and maintain that size forever.

Let me provide a brief summation of how my weightloss journey lead to The Baby Food Diet. It is important to understand that many, many factors contribute to gaining or losing body fat. You must assess every aspect of your past and present life, then decide who and where you want to be in the future. The Baby Food Diet is more than a guide to healthy consumption. It is also a practical lifestyle philosophy that will benefit everyone.

When I was growing up, I watched my mother struggle with her weight. She was an attractive woman and by no means obese. The small amount of extra weight she carried was always on her mind. She tried numerous ways to shed these few extra pounds, but none offered a long-term solution. I wish she could have had The Baby Food Diet, a permanent solution to getting the weight off and keeping it off. By the way, her overweight issue was the only trait of my wonderful mother that I didn't want to inherit.

With her in mind, my goal is to help others with the knowledge I have discovered through years of failures and successes. It is now clear to me that being thin and staying thin does not need to be a lifelong battle. I want everyone to know that The Baby Food Diet can help them realize their new normal, a thin and healthy body.

Before trying The Baby Food Diet, I, like my mother, tried a plethora of diets. With each one, I would lose weight and feel happy about myself. Then after a while, I would always regain the original weight, plus more! Those other diets offered no long-term solutions. With The Baby Food Diet, I have always stayed thin.

Now let me explain exactly how The Baby Food Diet came into being.

Many years ago, while awaiting the departure of my aircraft from Los Angeles to Zurich, Switzerland, I sat patiently in my assigned seat. Soon, a very attractive and shapely flight attendant asked what I would like to drink. She also inquired if I would like to read a newspaper and if so which one. When I told her my preference, she informed me the airline did not carry that brand. Just as we were about to depart, she returned with my requested newspaper. Overjoyed, I questioned where she had gotten it. She had run off the plane and bought it in the airport lobby. Remember, this was years ago. With today's strict rules, it is doubtful she would even be allowed to exit the plane to buy a newspaper. Fact is, in this digital world, very few airlines provide newspapers anymore. Needless to say, I was very appreciative. Since the plane was almost empty, we spent much of the flight talking and became good friends.

When it came time for dinner, she invited me to join her in the back. Due to the light passenger load, she and other flight attendants had little to do. The meal was rather magnificent which makes this story even more unbelievable, as most airlines serve less than delicious food. As I started to eat, she sat down beside me and pulled out two jars of baby food. That's right, two jars of pureed baby food! I curiously inquired about her meal choice, and she merely asked if I liked her figure. I told her without question that she was absolutely beautiful, especially when it came to her perfect physique. She went on to divulge her secret, which was to substitute two meals each day with baby food. She enthusiastically quantified that baby food takes weight off and keeps it off. We remained friends for several years and often joked about The Baby Food Diet that contributed to her lasting beauty.

In the ensuing years, I was on a weight“roller-coaster”, gaining and losing pounds by trying various dieting methods. While I was successful enough each time, the problem was that the weight always came back. Each time, I would end up heavier and unhealthier than before. Then one day, I was walking along the street and for some reason thoughts of this pretty flight attendant came to mind. I remembered her baby food diet and decided it was time to try her approach to not only losing weight but keeping it off.

That night, I bought a big supply of baby food and substituted two jars per two meals each day. For the third meal, I decided to eat something high in protein. Somehow, I just knew it was integral to stay away from too many carbohydrates beyond what the baby food provided. This is not a Keto diet as baby food itself is rich in natural carbohydrates. However, these are natural carbohydrates, not processed carbohydrates from foods such as desserts, bread and noodles.

I expected the baby food to taste awful. In fact, it took me one week after buying all the baby food to drum up the courage to start the diet. When at last I got the nerve to take the first bite, I was happily surprised; the baby food tasted excellent! It was rich in nutrients and very healthy. Baby food is pureed, so it is easy to eat and digest. After about eight weeks on the diet, the weight was gone. I was a new man. Even better, this time the weight stayed off! Thankfully, The Baby Food Diet was born.

Like all diets, the first two weeks were trying. However, the results were evident, and it soon became natural and easy. All my friends laughed at me for eating baby food, but I was not embarrassed to bring out the jars in their company. After all, if a beautiful girl like the flight attendant was not uncomfortable eating baby food in public, why should I care? Anyone making fun of me for doing something that is good for my health is amusing to me anyway. Frankly, I usually make the first joke about eating baby food because it is always fun to laugh about yourself. I never make fun of other people because I believe that is disrespectful and just plain wrong to humiliate anyone else. If you cannot laugh at yourself, you can never truly laugh.

As a side note, if you search the internet for baby food diets, you will find many short-term fad diets that purport to be quick-fix solutions because losing weight is not fun. In reality, those instant-result claims don't last. The long-term answer to being thin for the rest of your life is portion control. And that's what The Baby Food Diet is all about. SlY1Ad8Gdfq5ouMnTL9WPRTyWx36l8DhLQ1ZtxaUTyichFNt3oCtVaLMLBA6WsA6
