
Exercise and Health

I believe exercise is important, but is not required as a part of The Baby Food Diet. Obviously, working out improves everyone's overall health. But getting fit does not require tedious hours in the gym every day. Sure, if you have time and enjoy it, exercising regularly is key to maintaining good health.

Breaking a sweat helps you experience positive physical and mental health changes in your lifestyle and can be done outside the gym. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator. When watching television, ride a stationary bike. Do sit-ups in your bed before falling asleep. Go for a walk every day. Join social activities like dancing or yoga. Every extra little thing you do can make a difference in the speed you lose weight. Regardless, you will reach your target weight by following The Baby Food Diet whether you exercise or not. I love to work out and stay active, but I realize that many people do not enjoy exercise. There are people who live to be over 100 years old and have never engaged in regular physical activity.

We all love to be complimented. It feels good to be noticed in a positive way, and that is exactly what will happen with The Baby Food Diet. Your friends and family will see a new you. In little to no time, you will take on a more positive approach to everything you do and exude strength and confidence that affect every aspect of your life. The way you look at things will be different, more optimistic. Of course, your health will improve greatly. In most cases blood pressure will drop, and the fat in your liver will be reduced as a direct result of The Baby Food Diet. The benefits are so far-reaching and life-changing that it's influence on your life can never be fully measured.

Another advantage of The Baby Food Diet, at least for me, is that it has cured the annoying acid reflux problem I used to have. Before partaking in The Baby Food Diet, I was constantly taking medication to control my sour stomach. Now, I am free from popping Rolaids, Tums, Prilosec, etc. My stomach is always balanced, and I never think about heart burn anymore.

Here is a typical day on the road to weight loss with The Baby Food Diet. When I was losing the weight, I would wake up and have a protein shake. At lunch, I would have my first baby food. In the afternoon, but not every day, I would have a second baby food snack if I felt hungry. Dinner is where I would change it up. I am a businessman, so I must often dine out to discuss transactions. This means going to a variety of restaurants. In this situation, I have the second baby food of the day. In addition, I might order a small salad with vinegar dressing and some form of lean protein. Normally, I choose a small portion of chicken or fish. The diet is that easy and that simple. Controlled portions with some flexibility built in. If I was not having a business dinner, then I would stay home and have a baby food and possibly a salad or fish.

Not to fear, there will be some delicious meals which complement the baby food and protein supplements. Except during the Baby Food Fast, you will also be consuming various normal foods. The rule of thumb is to count calories and implement portion control for these richer meals. Following this advice is imperative to success on the diet.

However, our goal is to maximize weight management success, not to merely help you become skinny. We also want you to be healthy and enjoy a balanced and flavorful diet. To achieve this goal, we have recruited highly trained nutritionists who have been certified as“Baby Food Diet”experts. These professionals have designed numerous recipes that taste sumptuous while helping maintain a healthy, slender body. (They can be accessed on our app and website by chat, tele/video conference, or in-person that will assist you with the diet and offer recommendations. You can ask basic questions regarding meals, ingredients, nutritional pros and cons, anything of importance to you. Of course, no medical advice will be given, for that you must ask your personal physician.)

Our nutritionists are independent, third party professionals not paid or employed by us. In fact, if you are a nutritionist who wishes to be included on this list, please forward us your relevant information. After we review your credentials and provide our guidelines, you may qualify to be included in this prestigious group.

You should realize that protein powder is normally flavored with artificial sweeteners, so your desire for confectioneries will most likely be satisfied. However, if you have an occasional sweet tooth, then put two Hershey Kisses in your bag and enjoy them when needed. They are very low in calories, but most importantly, this is an example of portion control at its finest. There are other small snacks like this, but the point is to plan ahead when considering serving sizes. We all know reaching into a big bag of potato chips is entering the danger zone. One potato chip company used to have an advertisement saying:“I dare you to eat just one.”The ad is accurate as it is hard to eat just one of anything that is so tasty.

The solution to potentially overeating high calorie foods is simple. For example, I take five potato chips and put them in a separate bag. That separation prevents me from gorging. It retrains my brain to enjoy small portions. With the big bags, even the most disciplined person will overindulge. You've got to set up consumption parameters for success.

This strategy of separating food into small portions allows you to still enjoy a few guilty pleasures. As far as I'm concerned, it is okay to cheat on a diet. In fact, small slip-ups can be fun. Sometimes even a huge slip-up is totally acceptable. The secret is to get back on track with the diet to ensure that occasional eating blunders have minimal impact on your goal of being lean and fit.

Another good stimulus to stay on track is to hire an artist to draw a picture of how you would look at your new, thinner target weight. Look at the rendition every day. Copy the image and put it in your bathroom, your kitchen, your car, your office and everywhere you go. Your subconscious mind will make the picture a reality. Remember, what you put in your mind, what you think, becomes reality.

One of the reasons a diet is hard to begin is fear. The fear of failure and embarrassment are enemies to progress. Fear is a funny thing. If not confronted, it will fester and destroy you. Besides, why should you ever be embarrassed for trying to improve yourself? Even if you fall off the diet, why is that embarrassing? Really, isn't the only real embarrassment not trying something? People focus too much on failing, not on success. It should be the opposite. If you at least try, you have already succeeded just by making the attempt. To me, if I try something, there is no such thing as failure.

People often use the reason of becoming healthier to start a diet. Sure, as a result of dieting you will most certainly be healthier. However, it is unlikely that this motive alone will be enough unless you had a health scare. You need real motivation that clicks within you, not whimsical, fleeting inspiration.

So how do you find an incentive to lose weight that will become your passion and obsession? For many people, it is the desire to look their very best to enhance opportunities to find the love of their life. For others, it is an upcoming event where they want to impress attendees with their stunning appearance. For yet others, it is a health scare.

It is never easy finding a strong motivation to coerce you into seriously losing weight, but it is important. I recommend sitting down and writing all the ways your life will be improved once you are thin. Maybe one of them will click. If this does not work, then make it a game and play to win by keeping score. Dieting with another person to make it competitive is something I have seen work. Maybe rewarding yourself with a gift will work as an incentive, like a new wardrobe or possibly that piece of jewelry you always wanted but could never justify purchasing. Whatever it takes to stay on a diet, it will get easier, but that initial motivation is vital.

Willpower is one of the keys to a successful diet. Being able to say no to temptation is a must on your road to success. Developing and maintaining routines and rituals are powerful tools for strengthening your willpower. It seems that following a routine, such as doing the same activities, at the same time each day increases your odds of success. Developing positive habits is a common trait found in successful people. Maintaining a steady set of habits is very helpful for maintaining willpower. Once you have a routine of strong habits built into your daily activities, there won't be as many decisions that can derail your willpower. For example, going to the gym at the same time each day is a good habit to follow. This routine and habit will increase the odds that you go on a regular basis. Below are more thoughts on willpower.

Being on a diet is like running a marathon, as both require stamina. In a long race, taking one step at a time will bring success. It is a must to keep going and not stop. Marathon runners have a fear of hitting the wall and not finishing. This fear drives the runner to keep going. We call this a healthy fear. Training for a marathon will build willpower as a result of the daily training. Then completing the race, despite your mind telling you to stop, empowers the runner and spills this success over to other areas of the runner's life. Sticking with the baby food diet will produce a similar experience.

A fantastic way to build will-power is to take cold showers. A short cold shower will strengthen your willpower. Small amounts of suffering on your journey to becoming thin will increase your willpower. Going to the gym has taught me, no pain and no gain. After a cold shower you will feel empowered, refreshed and confident.

When exhaustion has brought you to the breaking point, stop everything. Take a break and relax your mind. Go for a walk in the park, climb to the top of a mountain and scream at the top of your lungs. Undertake activities that activate your brain. Maybe go to a movie, meditate, talk to a stranger, the list is endless. The point being, taking time away from responsibility can indeed be a magic elixir that will allow you to push forward. When your computer or phone freezes, what is the solution? The answer is to reboot, this also works in real life.

Building willpower and productivity requires taking control of your actions and thoughts. It is a must to remain committed to your short and long-term goals. Never taken action without first slowing down and thinking. When you become frustrated, keep calm and get a clear picture of what needs to be resolved. With this approach you will avoid making emotional decisions. Also, why not identify and remove distractions, so you can stay committed to your plan. For example, do not keep unhealthy foods in your home.

You can train your mind to use willpower as a catalyst to achieve the bigger goals that you want to achieve. Start by taking one step past your limits, then two and then three. This will allow your brain to reprogram itself. Before long you will experience huge leaps beyond what you thought was possible.

A trick I use when reaching a point of weakness is to just say“no”out loud. Whether you scream it or whisper it does not matter. For some reason, the act of voicing the“no”is a powerful tool in maintaining your willpower. For some strange reason this works. Anything you can do to get past the point of weakness will get you closer to your goal of being thin and healthier. bfC8Y3GHlwjDB7wA9zem4Ozq7ID2SDoEVfC2hiFkO0trGOms66tzKLhQDNCdxv8P
