
Knowing Your Weight

We all know that being thin is healthier than being fat. The Baby Food Diet will not only keep you lean and your energy will explode making you more productive throughout the day. We have all heard how drinking a lot of alcohol and smoking cigarettes will shorten your life. I am not a doctor, but being overweight seems as obvious and detrimental to your health.

As mentioned, The Baby Food Diet is a forever regimen. Once you reach your target weight, you must keep on eating baby food, but only one meal per day. The odd thing is that I never get tired of ingesting baby food. Think about that statement. When I started the diet the first time, I cringed at the thought of swallowing such food. Now, I enjoy it daily. Another benefit of the diet reflects on your savings account. Even high-quality baby food is cheaper than most other food choices, so you will also save money!

Even if you develop an insatiable appetite for baby food, you cannot consume as much as you desire. It must be limited to two or three portions each day if you wish to lose weight and keep it off. With that in mind, there might be a day where you have baby food for breakfast, a protein-shake for lunch, fish and another baby food for dinner. If you want faster weight loss, then you can enjoy baby food for breakfast, a protein-shake for lunch, and another baby food for dinner.

For days when you are extra hungry, a third baby food is acceptable for an afternoon or evening snack. It is said that never to eat after 7 pm if you want to lose weight. The truth is if you are hungry late at night, baby food is your answer due to its pureed form and easy digestion.

As is true on all diets, drinking water is super important. Your body is mostly made up of H 2 O. When you are on The Baby Food Diet, you should drink at least eight glasses of water per day as recommended by health experts. As a matter of fact, on The Baby Food Diet I never seem to get the urge to gorge. However, if you also drink lots of zero calorie fluids in addition to baby food, you will never be hungry. That's right, I said you will never be hungry on The Baby Food Diet. Some suitable beverages include any kind of black coffee or tea without adding milk or sugar. Plain soda water, like Perrier, is also excellent at making you feel full when dieting. I often drink an Americano.

When beginning The Baby Food Diet, I suggest weighing yourself first. Tracking your weight is important, so I recommend calculating your body mass only once per month because weight does not come off in a linear fashion. There will be times when you are doing everything right and still gain a pound or two. This type of unexpected weight increase is just part of the process of shedding excess, nonetheless, it can be depressing. We all know that salt causes water retention which can add significant weight. Many other factors, especially stress, can increase heft fluctuations. With the above variables, weighing only once per month is suggested. Rest assured on this diet at the end of every month, you will have lost some weight. How much fun is it stepping on the scale and seeing that you have lost some weight? It makes me feel like I accomplished something when the scale shows positive results.

Every diet book agrees that individuals should not be in a hurry to become thin because each person has a different metabolism. I will echo the same caution with The Baby Food Diet, although you will drop weight faster than you can imagine, it still takes time. You won't even need a scale to see your weight loss because your clothes will be falling off!

I have a proven antidote for maintaining your ideal poundage after successfully losing weight. Once your target weight is achieved, you must continue weigh yourself, but only once every thirty days. At the end of each month, if you have gained 5 pounds or more, it is time to go back to the Baby Food Reduction Diet. On the other hand, if your weight is up 4 pounds after a month, don't worry about it. In such a case, wait another month and if you have gained 5 or more pounds over your goal weight, then more heavy-handed changes are in order.

When this happens, simply restart the Baby Food Fast. At the end of the next month, weigh yourself again. At that point, if you have returned to the goal weight, you can go back to the Baby Food Maintenance Diet. If you are still above your target weight, return to another month on the Baby Food Reduction Diet. If you keep having to go back and forth between the Baby Food Fast or Baby Food Reduction Diet, then you need to take a close look at your maintenance diet and portion intake.

This brings us to the age-old practice of keeping a food journal. When you are on the initial Baby Food Reduction Diet, there is no need for such a record. You are doing the same basic thing every day with some slight modifications. However, on the Baby Food Maintenance Diet, when you are eating two normal meals and substituting the third meal with baby food, keeping a journal is a good idea. If you continually experience weight gain beyond 5 pounds in a month while on the Baby Food Maintenance Diet, the journal is definitely a must. The journal enables you to clearly see when and where you are going wrong on your maintenance food.

Is a journal 100% necessary? The answer is no. You can control your weight by simply planning a Baby Food Fast or Baby Food Reduction Diet every now and fluctuation problem, I believe committing to a journal can be a beneficial solution for monitoring your maintenance problems. When consulting the journal, you may find it necessary to only change one or two small eating habits to bring your weight under control. No matter how you choose to maintain your desired physique, The Baby Food Diet keeps you thin and looking fabulous.

You may be asking,“What expectations should I have with The Baby Food Diet regarding how much weight I can lose, and how quickly I can lose it?”The answer is this diet is so easy to stay on that you will crave for nothing. Weight loss is not the same for every person as there are multiple factors that enter the equation. How fast is your metabolism? How much exercise do you get? How much stress do you encounter in your daily life? How much sleep do you get? I lost about 10 pounds in two weeks when I first went on the Baby Food Fast. Some people lose more, and some lose as little as 5 pounds during the same period. Think about it, even if a person only loses 5 pounds each month, it still adds up to 60 pounds each year. If you add exercise to the equation, you will typically lose a minimum of 10 pounds in a month. That is 120 pounds a year.

Another factor is how overweight are you currently? The heavier you are, the quicker weight will fall off. As you get closer to your target weight, the pounds come off more slowly. Does it matter? I say it does not matter at all. The Baby Food Diet is a continual lifestyle strategy, so you will never feel like you're missing out on anything. Whether fast or slow, you will lose the desired weight and eventually reach your target size. This is the only diet that can boast such a truth. /OVKaQBVPl7OUOjwZMfjQxoECDWBe5mpwJP+u3jyZFc1/29a6LIeO9JwXkqyDjGR
