


(1)由 can、could 构成的被动结构:

Can this be done by machine?

Satellites can be launched by such rockets.

They could not have been overheard .

(2)由 may、might构成的被动结构:

Someday, life on earth may be destroyed .

New species might (may) be discovered .

The picture may have been painted by a student.

(3)由 must、mustn't 构成的被动结构:

These must be handled with care.

My passport must be renewed .

This question must have been raised by Julia.

(4)由 should 构成的被动结构:

More money should be spent on space research.

A stadium should be built in this area.

They should have been given more books to read.

(5)need (n't) 也可用于被动结构中:

Need they be notified of her expulsion?

This needn't be mentioned in the letter.


(1)be going to 的被动结构:

A press conference is going to be held tonight.

A supermarket is going to be built here next year.

(2)ought to 的被动结构:

They ought to be encouraged to voice their views.

Such patients ought to be isolated .

(3)has to、have to、had to 的被动结构:

Economy has (had) to be practiced .


Not a cloud (soul) was to be seen.

Not a sound was to be heard .

(5)“be bound (sure) to”的被动结构:

They are bound to be defeated.

These traitors are sure to be punished.

(6)“be about (due) to”的被动结构:

The work is about to be finished .

Crops are due to be reaped in late autumn.



The Second World War was brought about by Hitler's invasion of Poland.

When was the theory first put forward ?


The constitution was never put in force.

The murderer was put to death in the electric chair.

(3)“动词+副词(名词)+ 介词”的复合结构:

These things are not easily put up with .

He was looked up to by his followers.


(1) 双宾动词的被动结构:


① 把间接宾语变为被动结构中的主语,而把直接宾语保留下来(称为保留宾语):

He was awarded the Rumford Medal of the Royal Society.

They were granted many privileges.

② 把直接宾语变作主语,而把间接宾语改为to引起的状语:

The prize has been awarded to Dr.Davidson.

No refreshments were offered (to them).


They are required to show their tickets. (带不定式)

He was appointed minister to a foreign country. (带名词)

Details of the proposal have not yet been made public . (带形容词)


He is said to pay less income tax than he should.

These remedies are believed to be very effective.


It is alleged that the hostage is dead.

It is feared that many lives have been lost in the plane crash.


There is said to be plenty of oil off our coast.

There are known to be thousands of different species of beetles. AYv1pmMKgu2Ipsj0B0NVE6hwrpVtvHvvbZsSza/bLmLnupgkywvZr1i5+5o6We6x
