


(1)一般过去时(simple past tense)表示过去发生的事,都由动词的过去式表示:

I saw your sister a few days ago.

We went to the cinema last night.


Just now he told me his mother was ill.

I saw her a minute ago.


We often played together when we were children.

Mrs.Peter always carried an umbrella.


How did you like their performance?

I didn't know you were so busy.


Luxun was a great writer.

My grandmother was kind to us. (若奶奶尚在世,则需要用现在时)



2.was、were 的用法

(1)在一般过去时中,was 用于第一、三人称单数:

The girl was an orphan.

It was then a small fishing village.


We were hungry after the long journey.

You were all educated in the same school.

(3) was 和 were 的否定形式分别为wasn't和weren't:

I wasn't interested in going.

We weren't in town that day.


Were you an English major then?

Was she the only speaker?


Where were you at that time?

How many people were present?


(1)一般过去时常和一个表示过去时间的状语一起用,如last night (week, summer, etc.),a year (two minutes, a while, etc.) ago, in 1993 (that year, the 1980's, etc.), at that time (moment), during the time (those years, etc.), yesterday, when 等:

I saw Jane yesterday ( last summer) .

This happened last Friday (many years ago) .

I played football every day when I was a boy .


We often talked together.

We met almost every day.


He played many sports in high school .

She soon became fluent in English.



(1)过去进行时(past progressive tense)表示过去某个时间某事正在进行,过去时间可由一时间状语表示,相当于现在进行时的过去形式:

During the summer of 1999 she was travelling in Europe.

I was reading the newspaper when the door bell rang.


1 waved to her but she wasn't looking .

Someone was following her.She was frightened.


Jim burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner.

While I was waiting for the bus I dropped my purse.


It was a dreadful morning.The snow was still falling , the wind was blowing , and the cars w ere skidding on the icy roads.


It was just before the Second World War.Bill was 18 at the time and was living with his mother.He was working in the post office and travelling all the time in the country delivering mail.One day, he received a mysterious letter.



I was reading a book last night.我昨晚在看书。 (不一定看完)

I read a book last night.我昨晚看了一本书。 (已经看完)

They built a bridge there.他们在那儿修了一座桥。 (已建成)


It rained all day yesterday.

It was raining all day yesterday.

She didn't feel well that day.

She wasn't feeling well that day.

(3)可用过去进行时表示过去的经常动作,可配合 always、forever、frequently 等副词,以强调该动作之经常重复性,略带感情色彩。

She was always thinking of others. (赞扬)

She was forever complaining . (厌烦)


I was wondering if you could give me a lift.

I was hoping you would give me some advice.



(1)过去进行时(仅限于 come、go 这类表示动作的动词):

Four of them were coming for Sunday lunch.

Her daughter was going to a summer camp the following day.

(2)be going to 表示“准备做某事”或“将要发生某事”:

He was going to buy her some shoes.

There was going to be a thunderstorm.

(3)be about to 表示“正要……”:

He waited until she was about to leave.

He was about to be transferred to another city.

(4)be due to 表示“定于(某时)……”:

She was due to graduate in the coming summer.

His book was due to be published in October.

(5)be on the point of 表示“正要……时(发生某事)”:

He was on the point of winning when he stumbled and fell.

I was just on the point of telephoning you.

7.used to 的用法

(1)“used to...”表示过去习惯性动作:

I used to write poetry when I was young.

We used to play chess together.


It used to be a prosperous town.

I used to share a room with my sister.

(3)这种结构的疑问句都借助 did 构成:

Did you use to play football?

You used to smoke a pipe, didn't you?

(4)否定结构也可借助 did 构成:

We didn't use to go to the beach during the summer.

You didn't use to smoke. e5boIutOAml5lJaLKqlx1z4qWbmqa7V07S+C3GZ5MNiU0FL+AUefWKkF2QPtofdI
