


(1)一般将来时(simple future tense)表示将要发生的事,在各种人称后都由will加动词原形构成,常缩略为“'ll”:

The strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.

The concert will start in a minute.


① 用于I think (don't think)...will这类句型中:

I feel a bit hungry.I think I' ll have something to eat.

I don't think it will rain this afternoon.

② 提出请求:

Will you shut the door?

Will you lend me the car next week?

③ 做出允诺(即答应做某事):

I' ll let you have it back tomorrow.

Wait a minute, I' ll open the door for you.

④ 表示同意:

Come and see me tomorrow.— Yes, I will.

Don't be late.— No, I won't .

⑤ 表示“不肯”“不能”等:

I've tried to advise her but she won't listen.

The food supply won't increase nearly enough to match the population growth.

2.shall (shan't)的用法


Shall I turn on the light?

I'll be there at 3 o'clock, shall I?


I don't know if I shall see you next week.

We shall have to hurry.


(1) be going to 结构:

be going to 结构主要用于两种情况:

① 准备,打算做某事:

I' m going to clean the kitchen this afternoon.

He says he' s going to stop smoking.

② 看来就要发生的事(预计要发生或不可避免要发生的事):

I feel terrible.I think I' m going to be sick.

I'm afraid they' re going to lose the game.

③ 一般将来时在不少情况下可以和 be going to 结构换用:

I think the weather will be nice tomorrow.

I think the weather is going to be nice tomorrow.

It will be a busy day for us.

It' s going to be a busy day for us.

④ 但有时有细微的差别,表示“准备”或“打算”做某事时多用be going to,表示想到要做的事,则用一般将来时较好:

I am going to watch the movie on Friday; would you like to come?

Yes, I' ll come.I'll go if you go; Peter will come too if you ask him.

此外,在下面这类句子中也不宜把be going to换作will:

Look at those black clouds.It' s going to rain. (不能说 will rain)

I feel terrible.I think I' m going to be sick. (不能说 will be)


① 用一般现在时表示将来情况主要是表示与安排、计划或与时刻表有关的动作:

The UN General Assembly opens in New York next month.

The summer term begins on the 15th of February.

② 在时间及条件从句中代替一般将来时:

Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room.

I'll take care of the child while you are away.

③ 在hope后的宾语从句中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时:

I hope you enjoy your holiday.

She hopes she passes her exam all right.


① 在表示未来的安排和计划时,常可用现在进行时:

The orchestra is playing a Mozart Symphony after this.

I' m taking the children to the zoo on Sunday.

② 这个时态有时表示即将发生的动作:

I' m leaving .

③ 这个时态有时可换作其他时态:


① 将要发生的事或必然要做的事情有时用“be+不定式”这种结构表示:

The OPEC representatives are to meet in Geneva next Tuesday.

You' re to deliver these flowers before 10.

② 这种结构在表示将来情况的同时,有时还有一些别的含义,如表示“是否应该”“能不能”“想要……”等:

You are not to smoke in this room.

How are we to convince him?


① be about to 即将、打算:

She is about to be transferred to another department.

Another 300 people are about to lose their jobs.

② be due to(按时间表)将…… :

The talk is due to last for three days.

She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering.


(1)将来进行时(future continuous tense)表示未来某个时间某个动作将正在进行:

This time next week I' ll be lying on the beach.

Don't phone me between 7 and 8 p.m.We' ll be having dinner then.


I' ll be seeing her this evening.

What time will your cousin be arriving tomorrow?

We' ll be spending the winter in Australia.


We' ll be spending the summer in Dalian.

We' re spending the summer in Dalian.

She' ll be giving us a lecture this evening.

She' s giving us a lecture this evening.


They will call on us on Monday.

They will be calling on us on Monday. (比较口语化)

They will want us to clean our rooms.

They will be wanting us to clean our own rooms. (更口语化)

(5)由于 will 有表示“愿意”的意思,用进行时可避免给人这种感觉而单纯谈未来情况:

Mary won't pay this bill.玛丽不肯付这笔钱。 (表示意愿)

Mary won't be paying this bill.不会由玛丽来付钱。 (单纯谈未来情况)

Will you join us for dinner? 你可否和我们一道去吃晚饭? (邀请)

Will you be joining us for dinner? 你会来和我们一道吃晚饭吗? (单纯谈未来情况)


将来完成时(future perfect tense)表示到将来某时某事已发生:

The film will have started by the time we get to the cinema.

By the end of the trip, she' ll have travelled more than 3,000 miles. NPLp4/6zdje+p1Lhywy7gwoZZBXxOnuh842T+J3B7e4LpIKLAKV7mXUy4WXeXigm
