


(1)现在进行时(present continuous tense,也称progressive tense)主要表示现在正在进行的动作:

We' re having a meeting.

She is travelling around the country (now).


How are you getting on with the work?

Someone is asking to see you.


We' re seeing the sights of the city.

She' s spending the summer at the seaside.



The idea sounds great.这主意听起来不错。

Why is the driver sounding his horn? 那个开车的人为什么按喇叭?

I see what you mean.我懂你的意思。

He' s seeing the doctor now.他现在在看医生。

The wine tastes good.这酒味道很好。

I' m tasting the wine.我在品酒。


What are you thinking about? 你在想什么? (表示“思维”这个动作)

What do you think of the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样? (表示看法)

What are you looking for? 你在找什么? (表示动作)

You look quite well.你气色很好。 (表示状态)

We are having a discussion.我们在讨论问题。 (动作)

Do you have any questions? 你们有什么问题吗? (存在)


People are lying on the beach.人们躺在海滩上。 (动作)

The city lies on the coast.这座城市位于海岸边。 (状态)

He is standing on a rock.他站在一块岩石上。 (动作)

His statue stands in the city square.他的雕像耸立在城市广场上。 (状态)

Owen is fitting the parts together.欧文在把零件装配在一起。 (动作)

The dress fits her perfectly.这件衣裳很合她的身。 (状态)

(4)另外有些动词表示极短暂的动作,也不宜用于进行时态,如declare、recognize 等。但有少数这类动词,可用于进行时态,表示反复做某个动作或“即将……”:

John is nodding his head.

The old man is dying.


I know I'm being selfish.

He is being terribly friendly to us.



Mike is coming home on Thursday .

My sister is getting married next December.



The concert starts at 7:30.

The programme begins at 4.


I' m not going out this evening. (不宜说“I don't …”)

Is she coming to join us? (不宜说“Does she…”)


① 表示准备干什么:

They' re going to sell their house.

My hair is dirty.I' m going to wash it.

② 表示即将发生的情况:

Look at the sky! It' s going to rain.

I hear they' re going to be married soon.



My father is always losing his car keys. (不满)

She' s always helping people. (赞扬)


New varieties appear all the time. (说明事实)

New varieties are appearing all the time. (欣喜)

It rains a lot here. (说明事实)

It's always raining here. (抱怨)


I am hoping you will come.

I'm forgetting that I promised to visit him tonight.


I wonder (am wondering) how I should answer him.

I write (am writing) to inform you...




I' m driving along a country road and I'm completely lost.Then I see this old fellow.He' s leaning against a gate.I stop the car and ask him the way… 我正开车顺着一条乡下公路前进。我完全迷了路。这时我看到了这位老人,他靠在一座栅栏门上,我停下车向他问路……


MacFee passes to Franklyn.Franklyn makes a quick pass to Booth.Booth is a way with his ball, but he' s losing the advantage.麦克菲传球给富兰克林,富兰克林给布什一个快传,布什带球前进,但他正在失去有利地位。


James is living in Copenhagen. (暂时情况)

The professor is typing his own letters while his secretary is ill. (暂时情况)


Cabinet Minister (is) Resigning soon.

(The) College Team (is) Training for (the) Next Game. evtGLY//MluLbLgJGCqJJBz/TLrFzSbJ618Tsv8sfQcNSLf+Jatt/w1yN85yb34G
