
List 5


operate on

【释】 对……有作用;对……动手术

【例】 The doctors shall operate on his central nervous system. 医生们将要对他的中枢神经系统动手术。

cut out

【释】 去掉,省略;停止使用;停止消耗;停止运转,失灵;开辟出;裁剪(衣服);切去,剪下;砍掉

【例】 You must cut out sweets if you want to lose weight. 如果你想减肥,就必须少吃甜食。


注意,be cut out for sth. 或be cut out to be sth.表示“有(做)某事所需要的素质和才能;(指两人)相当,相配”的含义。

draw in

【释】 使参与;(指白天的时间)渐短

【例】 It is a good idea to draw him in , but it won't be easy. 把他拉进来是个好主意,但要做到这一点并不容易。

fit in

【释】 安排时间处理;与……相适应;与……相处融洽;发挥作用

【例】 “People are starting to realize that sleep should not be something that you fit in between everything else,” says Taylor. 泰勒说:“人们开始意识到,睡眠不应该是见缝插针的事情。” (2020-09)

turn back

【释】 (使)循原路折返;往回走;转身

【例】 She had wandered about long enough to feel too tired to wander any farther, and she turned back . 她徘徊了很长时间,累得再也走不动了,然后她转身往回走。

be harmful to

【释】 对……有害,不利于……

【例】 Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are harmful to ocean animals.科学家们不知道多少噪音以及何种噪音对海洋动物有害。

【同】 do harm to

be advised to do sth.

【释】 被建议做某事;(有人)建议做某事

【例】 People are advised to drink more liquid when they take in more protein. 建议人们在摄入更多蛋白质的同时要补充更多的液体。 (2019-12)

relate to

【释】 与……相联系;与……有关;涉及

【例】 As more data are collected and methods for analysis improve, researchers will be in a better position to identify how different experiences, behaviors and environments relate to each other and evolve over time, with the potential to improve people's productivity and wellbeing in a variety of domains. 随着收集的数据增多以及分析方法的改进,研究人员将能够更好地鉴别不同的经历、行为和环境如何相互关联并随着时间推移而演变,从而有可能在各个领域中提高人们的生产力和幸福感。 (2018-12)

【同】 relate with; associate with

contribute to

【释】 促成,导致;捐赠……给……;增加,添加到……中;投稿给……

【例】 However, social media should feel like a fun experience, not one that contributes to negative thoughts and feelings. 然而,社交媒体应该带给人一种有趣的体验,而不是让人产生消极的想法和感受。 (2020-12)

【同】 add to; bring about; lead to; result in

beyond belief

【释】 难以置信

【例】 His success was beyond belief since his competitor was so experienced. 他的成功令人难以置信,因为他的对手非常有经验。

adjust to

【释】 (使)调整以适应……

【例】 But behaviorism fails to explain why different people adjust themselves to the same conditions in different ways. 但是行为主义者没能解释为什么不同的人会以不同的方式来适应相同的条件。

【同】 become suited to

a matter of

【释】 ……的问题;大约

【例】 Its occurrence is just a matter of time. 它(“大地震”)的发生只是时间问题。 (2019-12)

come into being

【释】 产生;形成

【例】 Although origin in ritual has long been the most popular, it is by no means the only theory about how the theater came into being . 尽管(戏剧)起源于宗教仪式的说法一直最被大众认可,但这并非戏剧起源的唯一定论。

【同】 come into existence

at intervals

【释】 每隔……时间;间或;不时;时而

【例】 A book lay spread before her, and the scarcely perceptible wind fluttered its leaves at intervals . 她面前摊着一本书,几乎觉察不到的风不时地吹动着书页。

【同】 from time to time; now and then

accuse of

【释】 指控;控告;谴责

【例】 A steady stream of similar headlines accuse the Internet and its offspring apps, social media sites and online games of distracting us. 持续不断地有类似的头条新闻指责互联网及其衍生的应用程序、社交媒体网站和网络游戏让我们分心。

【同】 bring a charge (of sth.) against sb.

be subject to

【释】 受……的支配;常有,常患,常遭受……;倾向;须服从;取决于,以……为条件

【例】 In the grass-fed system, farmers are also not subject to the wildly fluctuating milk prices of the international commodity market. 在草饲系统中,农民也不受国际商品市场牛奶价格剧烈波动的影响。 (2019-12)

【同】 suffer from; under the authority of; be liable to

show off

【释】 炫耀;卖弄;吸引大家注意……

【例】 So Brookdale, the country's largest owner of retirement communities, has been inviting a few select entrepreneurs just to move in for a few days, show off their products and hear what the residents have to say. 因此,布鲁克代尔,美国最大的退休社区的所有者,已经邀请了一些精英企业家只搬过来住几天,展示他们的产品并听取居民的意见。 (2019-06)

refrain from

【释】 克制;抑制;忍住

【例】 One mother refrained from posting her son's photos online when she considered the matter from her son's perspective. 当一位母亲从儿子的角度考虑这件事时,她克制自己,不再把儿子的照片发到网上。 (2018-12)

【同】 keep oneself from doing sth.

catch a glimpse of

【释】 匆匆看一下,瞥见

【例】 However, when I first started my job, occasionally I'd catch a glimpse of myself in the lifts, and find myself thinking that I looked a total mess. 然而,在我刚刚开始工作时,偶尔在电梯里瞥见自己,我会认为自己看起来简直是一团糟。 (2020-12)

【同】 catch sight of

come about

【释】 发生;产生

【例】 Wale had wondered for a long time how the Industrial Revolution came about . 威尔早就想知道工业革命是如何发生的。

【同】 take place

all the way

【释】 一路上;自始至终;完全地;无保留地

【例】 That's what brought Dayle Rodriguez, 28, all the way from England to the dining room of Brookdale South Bay in Torrance, California. 这就是促使28岁的戴勒·罗德里格斯大老远一路从英国来到加利福尼亚州托伦斯市的布鲁克代尔南湾餐厅的原因。 (2019-06)

【同】 during the whole period of time

do justice to

【释】 使……的价值充分发挥;公平对待;尽心处理或对待

【例】 I don't think this figure does justice to the market's current dynamism. 我认为这一数据不能真正反映出市场当前的活跃程度。

at length

【释】 详尽地;充分地;长时间地;经过很长一段时间之后;终于;最后

【例】 I could speak of any of these topics at length but today our question is about digital divide. 我可以详细谈论这些话题,但今天我们所讨论的重点是数字鸿沟问题。

【同】 in great detail

across the board

【释】 全面地;包括(某公司、行业、社团等的)所有成员、组织或阶层

【例】 As the databases grew, machine accuracy dipped across the board . 随着数据库的扩大,机器的识别精确度也在全面下降。 (2018-06)

by no means

【释】 绝不;一点都不

【例】 The problem is by no means as simple as we first thought. 这个问题绝不像我们当初想象的那么简单。

【同】 in no case; not by any means

have concern for

【释】 关心,担心

【例】 For example, children might look longer at an event that they did not expect to happen, or they might show facial expressions indicating that they have empathetic concern for others. 例如,孩子们可能会在一件他们不希望发生的事情上关注更长的时间,或者他们的面部表情表明他们对他人感同身受。 (2020-07)

call up

【释】 回忆起;给……打电话;使想起;召集;选派

【例】 The photo called up memories of his childhood. 这张照片使他回忆起了自己的童年。

【同】 bring sth. back to one's mind

in the/one's way

【释】 造成不便;阻碍;挡道

【例】 He wouldn't allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job. 他不会让情绪妨碍自己的工作。

【同】 interfere with

at the thought of

【释】 一想到,想起

【例】 I was full of joy at the thought of seeing my best friend again. 一想到要再次与我最好的朋友见面,我就满心欢喜。

broaden one's horizon

【释】 开阔某人的眼界,拓宽某人的视野

【例】 The best seek to alleviate the external pressures on their pupils while equipping them better to understand and handle the world outside—at once sheltering them and broadening their horizons . 最好的学校寻求减轻学生的外部压力,同时让他们更好地了解和应对外部世界——同时保护他们,并拓宽他们的视野。 (2019-12)

fill with

【释】 将……填满、装满、充满

【例】 The myth also reminds us that these advances have come at a price: as a punishment for Prometheus’ crime, the gods created Pandora, and they gave her a box filled with evils and curses. 这则神话故事还提醒我们,这些进步是有代价的:为了惩罚普罗米修斯的罪行,众神创造了潘多拉,他们给了她一个装满邪恶和诅咒的盒子。 (2020-12)

【同】 make sth. full of sth.

convert into

【释】 将……改变成……;可改为

【例】 They have trouble converting face datasets into the right format. 他们很难将人脸数据集转换成正确的格式。 (2018-06)

【同】 change...to...

move on

【释】 继续向前走;走开;别停留,不要逗留

【例】 Recent visitors to the Louvre report that tourists can now spend only a minute in front of the Mona Lisa before being asked to move on . 最近参观卢浮宫的游客反馈,参观者现在只能在《蒙娜丽莎》画像前停留一分钟,然后就被要求继续往前走。 (2020-12)

in contact with

【释】 接触;与……有联系

【例】 Relatedness is inevitably cultivated via human interaction engaging with clients, getting written testimony and recommendations, staying in contact with clients afterwards. 通过与客户的人际交往,获得书面证明和推荐,以及之后与客户保持联系,这种关系必然会得到维系。 (2020-12)

convert from...to...

【释】 从……转变成……

【例】 In addition to supplying milk from their own 85-head herd, they began to help other farmers in the area convert from conventional to certified organic and grass-fed in order to enter the Maple Hill supply chain. 除了用他们的85头奶牛提供牛奶,他们还开始帮助该地区的其他农民将传统的牛奶转变为认证的有机草饲牛奶,以进入枫树山公司的供应链。 (2019-12)

【同】 change from...to...

come apart

【释】 破裂;摔碎

【例】 Christine was sad that her favorite teapot just came apart in her hands. 克里斯汀最喜欢的茶壶在她手里裂开了,她很伤心。

【同】 break/fall into pieces

burn up

【释】 使大动肝火;(指火)燃烧得更旺;着火燃烧;将……烧掉,焚化

【例】 It continues to burn up calories to help us stay in shape. 它能持续燃烧卡路里,帮助我们保持身材。 (2020-12)

run off

【释】 (液体)溢出,流出;举行,进行(赛跑等);复印

【例】 Melted snow is typically thought to run off into the ocean and contribute to sea level rise, but the scientist thinks the porous sphagnum moss that makes up most peat may be drinking in the excess moisture. 人们通常认为冰雪融化后会流入海洋,导致海平面上升,但那位科学家认为,构成大部分泥炭的多孔泥炭藓可能会吸收多余的水分。

【同】 flow out of

be tied to

【释】 与……有关;被束缚于

【例】 Beyond gender, young adults’ living arrangements differ considerably by education which is tied to financial means. 除了性别以外,年轻人的生活安排也因受教育程度的不同而有很大的区别,而教育程度又与经济状况有关。

【同】 relate to; in relation to; in connection with

speed up

【释】 (使)加快速度

【例】 The invention of roll film greatly speeded up the process of recording multiple images. 胶卷的发明极大地推动了记录多重画面技术的进程。

【同】 at a faster rate

try one's best

【释】 竭尽全力,尽力

【例】 While taking part in sports game, people will arouse the competitive spirit in them and try their best to win the game. 当参加体育比赛时,人们会激发出自己内心的竞争精神,并尽最大努力赢得比赛。

【同】 try one's utmost; spare no effort

carry through

【释】 帮助(某人)渡过难关;成功完成(某事)

【例】 At last, it was his determination carried him through . 最终,是他的决心帮助他渡过了难关。

mix with

【释】 (使)与……混合;与……相处,交往

【例】 Most forms of steel abruptly become brittle at temperatures below about -25℃ unless they are mixed with other metals. 大部分形式的钢在低于零下25度左右的温度下会骤然变脆,除非它们与其他金属熔合在一起。 (2019-06)

send out

【释】 发出;射出;生长出;派出

【例】 He says that whether standing or sitting, we should not cross our arms, which sends out a negative message. 他说,无论是站着还是坐着,我们都不应该交叉双臂,因为这样会发出消极的信息。

【同】 give out

result in

【释】 产生某种作用或结果;导致

【例】 Even with constraints, it is possible for some creative developers to take the CubeSat technology in directions that result in harmful outcomes. 尽管有种种限制,一些有创造力的开发人员还是有可能将立方体卫星技术用于能够产生有害结果的方向。 (2019-06)

【同】 lead to

from/at the outset

【释】 开始,从一开始

【例】 If designed into systems from the outset , these techniques can ensure that private data does not become public. 如果从一开始这项技术便被设计到系统中,那么就可以确保私人数据不会被公开。

【同】 at/from the beginning

above/over one's head

【释】 难以理解

【例】 The lecture given by Mr. Smith was way above my head . 史密斯先生的讲座我没听懂。

【同】 beyond one's understanding

keep away (from)

【释】 (使)远离,不靠近

【例】 To be clear, people can't keep away from all the risks in this way, but it's a good choice. 需要说明的是,人们不能以这种方式远离所有的风险,但这是一种很好的选择。

【同】 be away from


【释】 为……提供某事物

【例】 Some “expert amateurs” in the satellite game could provide some inspiration for how to proceed responsibly. 卫星游戏中的一些“业余专家”可以为如何负责任地推进提供一些启发。 (2019-06)

【同】 provide sb. with sth.

in accord (with)

【释】 与……相符;与……一致;与……融洽

【例】 In their company, salary will be in accord with qualifications, beginning at a minimum of $5,000 per month. 在他们公司,薪金依资历定,起薪最低为每月五千美元。

【同】 be consistent with; conform to; in accordance with

bring on

【释】 导致,造成,引起;促使……迅速生长;带来(通常为不愉快的事物);帮助(学习者等)提高或进步

【例】 Darcy was suffering from stress brought on by overwork. 达西正在经受超负荷工作所带来的压力。

【同】 bring about

be devoted to

【释】 为……付出(时间、精力等);献身于

【例】 Marconi's career was devoted to making wireless communication happen cheaply, efficiently, smoothly, and with an elegance that would appear to be intuitive and uncomplicated to the user—user-friendly, if you will. 马可尼的职业生涯致力于使无线通信变得廉价、高效、顺畅,并以一种对用户来说似乎直观、简单的优雅方式进行——对用户很友好,如果你愿意的话。 (2021-06)

take to

【释】 逐渐习惯于;对……产生好感;离开而去(某处);逃入

【例】 The couple had taken to wandering through the streets arm-in-arm. 这对夫妇已经养成了臂挽着臂漫步街头的习惯。

【同】 develop a liking for; become accustomed to

come along

【释】 到达;出现;不期而至;在进展;取得进步;改善;一起来

【例】 Would you like to come along with us to the film tonight? 今晚你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗?

bring in

【释】 引进;带来;推行;获得(收入);请来;逮捕;提出;宣布(裁决)

【例】 For them, the biggest problem is that readers online bring in nowhere near the revenues that print readers do. 对他们来说,最大的问题是网上读者所带来的收益远不及纸质图书的读者带来的收益多。

【同】 put forward

break up

【释】 分开;解散;散会;期末放假;变得衰弱;瓦解;(使)结束;击碎,打碎,撞毁;强行驱散;绝交

【例】 They were on the verge of breaking up . 他们处于分手的边缘。 (2018-12)

think back (to sth.)

【释】 想起并重新考虑(过去的某事);反思

【例】 If you think back to your fondest memories, what are they? 回想一下,你最美好的回忆是什么?

【同】 reflect on

be prone to

【释】 易于做某事;很可能做某事;有做某事的倾向

【例】 People living in the most deprived areas are four times more prone to die from avoidable causes than counterparts in more affluent places. 生活在最贫困地区的人死于可避免原因的可能性是富裕地区的人的四倍。 (2020-09)

【同】 be likely to; be liable to; tend to

be predicted by

【释】 由……进行预测

【例】 So far, machines have a pretty hard time emulating creativity, arbitrary enough not to be predicted by a computer, and yet more than simple randomness. 到目前为止,机器很难模仿创造力,因为它的任意性足以让计算机无法预测,但它(拥有的)又不仅仅是简单的随机性。 (2019-06)

trade in

【释】 用(旧物)折价贴换新物

【例】 He thought of that he could trade in his cellphone for a new model. 他想到可以把旧手机折价换一部新型号的手机。

beyond compare

【释】 无与伦比,非常好

【例】 The scenery, as always, was beyond compare and there was a watery chill in the air. 风景一如既往地无与伦比,空气里还有潮湿的寒意。

【同】 without compare


I Choose a phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Body language, such as, standing with your arms folded can ____ a signal that you gets defensive.

A. send in

B. send out

C. send off

D. send away

2. BBC ____ twisting the facts.

A. was accused of

B. was born of

C. was charged of

D. was condemned of

3. The young man sat safe within the boat, till ____ it ran ashore upon an unknown land.

A. in detail

B. at least

C. at length

D. in end

4. Three years ago, his family ____ a horrible attack by some strangers.

A. were rejected to

B. were suffered to

C. were experienced to

D. were subjected to

5. That accident ____ when we went to Los Angeles last year.

A. came in

B. came on

C. came down

D. came about

6. He told his son to ____ talking about something he really don't have a solid understanding of.

A. restrain from

B. avoid from

C. prevent from

D. refrain from

7. She woke him for his medicines ____ throughout the night.

A. at intervals

B. between intervals

C. in intervals

D. on intervals

8. It's ____ accident that women are in the majority in the nursing and teaching professions.

A. by no means

B. at no time

C. by no way

D. to no extent

9. His French has ____ a lot since he decided to study hard.

A. go along

B. come along

C. progress along

D. proceed along

10. Having completed the first stage, you can ____ to step two.

A. move in

B. move upon

C. move on

D. move off

II Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases according to the list you have just learned.

1. While this makes a lot of sense, it ____ (导致) many lion deaths that otherwise would have been unnecessary. (2018-12)

2. We were filled with excitement ____ (一想到) visiting Disneyland.

3. Before this data mining software ____ (产生) , different businesses used to collect information from recorded data sources.

4. His last years ____ (致力于) preserving the natural environment.

5. He ____ (竭尽全力) to move it, but the box would not move at all.

6. For all her experience as a television reporter, she ____ (倾向于) camera nerves.

7. They plan to ____ (拆散) the group into several smaller independent companies.

8. The problem is that this project ____ (带来) less revenues than that does.

9. Criticizing your team members too often may make them ____ (远离) you.

10. The school should take steps to ____ (加快) solving the problem.



1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C


1. results in

2. at the thought of

3. came into being

4. was devoted to

5. tried his best

6. was prone to

7. break up

8. bring in

9. keep away from

10. speed up jreNxAQQaqbR+9vcrFu6y1zzPfT0tc2dHAKEXu1WoIoS76/LbNcPnKmT4OzYfR7d
