
List 4


take… out of

【释】 从……中拿出;提(款),取(钱);(从总额中)减去;使消失,消除

【例】 Jenkins hasn't let the pressure take the fun out of the sport. 詹金斯没有让压力夺走这项运动的乐趣。

【同】 withdraw (money) from; remove sth. from

in the manner of

【释】 以……的方式或风格

【例】 But obviously it didn't hijack the news agenda in the manner of a major terrorist attack or declaration of war. 但显然,它(联合国上周发布的一份报告)并没有以重大恐怖袭击事件或宣战那样的方式占领新闻议程。 (2020-07)

make allowances for


【例】 Everyone makes mistakes, so we should make allowances for others. 每个人都会犯错误,所以我们应该体谅他人。


注意,make (an) allowance for和make allowances for的含义和用法不同:make (an) allowance for后面接sth.,表示“(在做决定等时)考虑到某事物”,而make allowances for后面接sb.,表示“(因某原因需区别对待而)体谅、照顾某人”。

call it a day

【释】 收工;暂时停工

【例】 Faced with the debts, the decision to call it a day is inevitable. 面对债务,停工的决定是不可避免的。

come across

【释】 偶然遇见,偶然发现;留下印象

【例】 While thinking about the question, we came across a recently published article by Charles Jones and Peter Klenow, which proposes an interesting new measure of economic welfare. 思考这一问题时,我们偶然看到查尔斯·琼斯和彼得·克莱诺最近发表的一篇文章,该文章提出了一个有趣的经济福利衡量新标准。 (2018-06)

【同】 meet...by chance

hand sth. down (to sb.)

【释】 传递某事物(给某人);把某物往下传(给某人);正式宣布或颁布某事物

【例】 These customs have been handed down through the ages. 这些风俗是世世代代传下来的。

【同】 pass sth. on

in part

【释】 在某种程度上;部分地

【例】 Research shows that when we absorb information in order to teach it to someone else, we learn it more accurately and deeply, perhaps in part because we are engaging our social cognition. 研究表明,当我们为了将知识传授给他人而吸收它时,我们会更准确、更深入地学习,也许部分原因在于我们在让我们的社会认知发挥作用。 (2018-06)

【同】 to a certain extent

lay A on/over B

【释】 (在某物上)摊开某物;用某物覆盖或附加一层某物

【例】 She said she wanted to lay carpeting on the floor. 她说她想在地上铺地毯。

【同】 lay B with A

throw away

【释】 扔掉;丢弃(因不用或不需要);未能利用;浪费;(指演员等)有意淡淡地说出(台词)

【例】 The developed countries are responsible for 44% of waste, and in the U.S. alone, the average person throws away their body weight in rubbish every month. 这其中有44%的垃圾是由发达国家制造的,仅在美国,一个普通人每个月就会扔掉约等于其体重的垃圾。 (2019-06)

【同】 fail to make use of sth.

translate into

【释】 (以某种方式)理解;给予(某种含义);(使)转变,变为;翻译

【例】 “I always tell people to make sure they're drinking enough fluids,” which for the average person is 60 to 70 ounces a day, which translates into eight 8-ounce glasses of water or liquid per day. “我总是告诉人们要确保喝足够的液体,”对普通人来说,每天需要喝60到70盎司,可以理解为每天喝8杯8盎司的水或其他液体。 (2019-12)

assign… to…

【释】 分配(某物);指定某人做一工作或任一职务;委派,选派某人

【例】 Steinberg and Gardner randomly assigned some participants to play alone or with two same-age peers looking on. 斯坦伯格和加德纳随机指定了一些参与者单独玩游戏,或者是玩游戏的时候有两个同龄人旁观。 (2018-06)

【同】 name sb. for sth.

be diagnosed with

【释】 被诊断患有……,被诊断存在……

【例】 The children we identified as having attention difficulties were not diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), although some may have had the disorder. 那些我们确认过有注意力问题的儿童,经诊断没有注意力缺乏多动症(ADHD),尽管个别儿童可能有这种失调(症状)。 (2018-12)

clear up

【释】 收拾,使整洁;清理;清除疑虑;澄清;解决;治愈;痊愈;转晴

【例】 If that doesn't clear up enough space, it's time to start removing unused applications. 如果这还不能清理出足够的空间,你就得卸载一些没用的应用程序。

【同】 clean up

fall in with

【释】 同意或支持;偶遇;与某人在一起;与……牵涉在一起

【例】 To my surprise, she fell in with my idea at once. 让我惊讶的是,她立马就同意了我的想法。

【同】 show support for

all over

【释】 到处,遍及;全部结束

【例】 Ultimately, social media has increased our ability to connect with various types of people all over the globe. 最终,社交媒体增强了我们与世界各地形形色色的人交流的能力。 (2020-12)

pin down

【释】 明确说明或确定(某事物);使(某人)具体或确切说明意图;使(某人)同意;用别针等将……固定在某处;使不能动

【例】 Future psychological studies will benefit individuals by helping them pin down their unusual behaviors. 未来的心理学研究将通过帮助人们确定他们不寻常的行为来造福个人。

count down

【释】 倒读数;倒计时

【例】 The commander just counted down from 10 to 1, and then the rocket just got blasted off. 指挥员从10倒数到1,然后火箭就点火起飞了。

launch into

【释】 发射至……;(热情或勇敢地)开始做

【例】 Officials at the White House announced a new space policy focused on managing the increasing number of satellites that companies and governments are launching into space. 白宫官员宣布了一项新的太空政策,重点是对越来越多的公司和政府发射到太空的人造卫星进行管理。 (2019.6)

in turn

【释】 反过来;依次,轮流

【例】 The pressure for quick results leads to product failure, which, in turn , arouses doubts about the applicability of AI technology to agriculture. 快速见效的压力导致产品失败,这反过来又引起了人们对人工智能技术在农业中的适用性的质疑。 (2020-12)

【同】 one after another; in succession

bring...into play

【释】 使……发挥作用或产生影响

【例】 The financial crisis has brought new factors into play. 财政危机已引发了新的变数。

【同】 cause sth. to have an influence

win over

【释】 获得某人的支持或好感(尤指通过劝说)

【例】 She showed real character in her attempts to win over the crowd. 她在争取民众支持的努力中显示出了真正的人格力量。

【同】 gain one's support or favor

keep off

【释】 挡住;(指雨﹑雪等)未下;(使)不接近,不接触;不提(某话题);避免

【例】 Look at the slope of the roof, the steep angle helps keep off the rain and snow. 看那屋顶的斜坡,陡峭的角度有助于挡雨和雪。

stick with

【释】 坚持;继续支持;保持与……的联系;紧跟

【例】 It's a hobby that I've stuck with , and it continues to help me cope with stress at work, provide a sense of order in hectic days, and allow my brain time to solve problems. 这是我坚持已久的爱好,它一直帮助我应对工作压力,在忙乱的日子里给我秩序感,让我的大脑获得解决问题的时间。

【同】 stay close to

and so forth

【释】 等等;诸如此类

【例】 A few factors that could impact on variation would typically include the measurement of rain per unit of a crop planted, soil type, patterns of soil degradation, daylight hours, temperature and so forth . 影响差异的几个因素通常包括测量单位种植作物的降雨量、土壤类型、土壤退化模式、日照时间、温度等。 (2020-12)

【同】 and so on

look over

【释】 检阅;(逐一)检查

【例】 If you aren't sure that an email is clearly worded, you can step away from your computer for five minutes, and then look it over with a fresh perspective. 如果你并不确定一封邮件是否表达明确,你可以离开电脑五分钟后再用一个全新的视角来对其进行检查。

pick out

【释】 挑选出;分辨出

【例】 They picked out a 10-pound turkey and two frozen, buy-one-get-one-free pies at the supermarket. 他们在超市挑选了一个10磅重的火鸡和2个买一送一的冷冻馅饼。

【同】 choose...from...

lie in

【释】 在于;睡懒觉;卧床待产

【例】 Of course, some worry lies in replacing agricultural workers. 当然,(有些人)担心(机器人)会取代农业劳动者。 (2018-12)

【同】 rest with; consist in

be scolded for

【释】 因……而被责骂、训斥

【例】 She was scolded for having talked to her father in a rude way. 她因对她父亲说话粗鲁而受到了训斥。

【同】 be criticized for

talk into

【释】 说服(某人做某事)

【例】 He talked his father into lending him the car. 他说服父亲把汽车借给他了。

【同】 persuade sb. to do sth.

hold with

【释】 同意,赞成

【例】 They don't hold with letting children watch as much TV as they want. 他们不赞成让孩子们想看多少电视就看多少。

【同】 agree with; approve of



keep at

【释】 (使)继续做某事

【例】 The teacher kept us at our work all morning. 老师让我们做了一上午的功课。

【同】 continue to

account for

【释】 作某事物的解释,解释某事物的原因;对……负责任;(比例)占

【例】 While there's an undoubted genetic basis to individual difference, it is wrong to think that socially defined groups can be genetically accounted for . 虽然个体差异有遗传原因这一点毋庸置疑,但认为可以从基因角度来解释社会定义的群体是错误的。 (2021-06)

react to

【释】 对……做出反应;回应;对……起不良反应

【例】 We use our attitudes to filter, interpret and react to the world around us. 我们用态度来过滤、解释和回应我们周围的世界。 (2019-12)

【同】 respond to

cut in

【释】 打断(谈话);插嘴

【例】 The little boy kept cutting in on their conversation. 那个小男孩一直在打断他们的谈话。

【同】 cut into


cut in后面带宾语时常加on。

bargain for/on

【释】 就……讨价还价,洽谈成交条件;预料到;考虑到

【例】 The workers bargained with management for a shorter working week. 工人们为缩短工作周而与资方讨价还价。

【同】 be prepared for

in harmony with

【释】 与……协调一致,与……和谐相处

【例】 Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature. 人类的生命被认为是自然的一部分,因此,我们生存的唯一途径就是与自然和谐相处。

put aside

【释】 把……暂放一边;把……留作后用;为顾客保留(物品);不顾、忽视或不再想

【例】 I put aside drawing when I grow up because of my job.由于工作原因,长大之后我就将画画暂放一旁了。

at no time

【释】 决不;从不

【例】 At no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws. 任何时候都不应危及自己或他人,不应冒任何不必要的风险,不应触犯任何法律。

【同】 by no means


当at no time位于句首时,句子的主谓结构应采用部分倒装,即将助动词提至主语之前。

look ahead

【释】 向前看;为将来打算

【例】 Have you looked ahead to what you'll be doing in three years’ time? 你是否想过三年后你要做些什么?

shut off

【释】 停止供应(煤气﹑蒸气﹑水等),切断;将……分开或隔开

【例】 The village is shut off from the world by lakes and marshes. 这个村子周围的湖泊与沼泽地隔断了村子与外界的联系。

【同】 keep...away from

boil over

【释】 非常恼火;(指锅等容器中的液体)沸腾而溢出;(指形势、争论等)达到危急关头;爆发

【例】 Anger strikes too quickly for cognitive control, boiling over before our rational brain can stop it. 愤怒来得太快,无法进行认知控制,在我们理性的大脑能够阻止它之前,愤怒就已经沸腾了。

shrug off

【释】 (因认为某事物不重要)不予理会

【例】 Some people can shrug off their failed relationships, but this doesn't mean they recover faster. 某些人能够对失败的关系一笑置之,但是这并不意味着他们恢复得更快。

【同】 sweep aside

be adapted from

【释】 根据……进行改编,改编自

【例】 The man thinks the satire Frankie is adapted from a drama. 那位男士认为讽刺剧《弗兰基》是根据一部戏剧改编的。

reckon with

【释】 考虑到;料想到;重视;小心对付;认真处理

【例】 The biggest problem facing the country as it promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with , is that it is at the end of the earth. 由于这个国家把自己宣传成一个可考虑的旅游目的地,它正面临的最大问题是它处于地球的末端。

【同】 take...into account

tie down

【释】 使……受约束

【例】 They'd like to travel more, but having children at school really ties them down . 他们想多出去玩玩,但有孩子上学确实束缚了他们。

strive for

【释】 为获得或实现某事物努力、奋斗

【例】 They inclined to strive for perfection regardless of the cost. 他们倾向于不计成本地追求完美。

【同】 try hard to

in the course of

【释】 在……过程中,在……期间

【例】 “When people experience decision fatigue—when they are tired of making choices—they have a tendency to choose to go with the status quo,” he says. “But the status quo can be problematic, since a change in the course of action can sometimes be important and lead to a positive outcome.”“当人们经历决策疲劳时——当他们疲于做决定时——他们更倾向于选择安于现状。但是现状可能是问题百出的,因为在行动中的改变有时可能很重要,会带来积极的结果。”他说道。 (2018-06)

as a rule

【释】 通常,在多数情况下

【例】 As a rule my grandfather gets up at 5 a.m. and exercises for two hours. 通常我的祖父早上五点起床,然后进行两个小时的锻炼。

【同】 in most cases; in general; under most circumstances

get by

【释】 行;过得去;勉强过活;设法维持

【例】 Life is too short to just get by . 人生短暂,怎能勉强过活。

be keen on

【释】 热衷于

【例】 The author says the problem with science journalism is that it is keen on transmitting sensational information. 作者说,科学新闻的问题在于它热衷于传播耸人听闻的信息。

【同】 be interested in

fall apart

【释】 破裂;破碎;散开;瓦解;精神崩溃

【例】 For many years it was assumed that lateralization was a uniquely human trait, but this notion rapidly fell apart as researchers started uncovering evidence of lateralization in many sorts of animals. 多年来,人们一直认为大脑偏侧性是人类独有的特征,但随着研究人员开始在多种动物身上发现偏侧性的证据,这一观点很快就站不住脚了。

fall out of favor

【释】 不受欢迎

【例】 Consequently, the old view of children's egocentric nature and intellectual weaknesses has increasingly fallen out of favor and become replaced by a more generous position that sees a budding sense not only of the physical world but also of other minds, even in the “youngest young”. 因此,以往认为幼儿具有以自我为中心的特性和智力薄弱的观点变得越来越不被认可,并被一种更加富有善意的观点所取代,这种新观点认为,幼儿不仅能感知物理世界,还能感知他人的心灵,即便是“最小的”幼儿也是如此。 (2020-07)

seize up

【释】 (人体某部位)发僵;(机器)失灵

【例】 She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up . 她用柴油代替汽油灌入油箱,造成发动机失灵。

【同】 stop working

discriminate against

【释】 歧视;偏袒

【例】 They are discriminated against in the gaming industry. 他们在游戏行业中受到歧视。 (2019-06)

in view of

【释】 鉴于,由于;考虑到

【例】 In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist, his achievements were remarkable. 考虑到霍布森并非科班出身的经济学家这一事实,他的成就是很了不起的。

【同】 take...into account

deprive of...

【释】 剥夺;使不能享有;使丧失

【例】 The function of a well-designed state intervention is not to deprive people of liberty but to build social capacity and infrastructure that helps people take responsibility for their wellbeing. 精心设计的国家干预的作用不是剥夺人们的自由,而是建设社会能力和基础设施,帮助人们为自己的幸福负责。 (2020-09)

【同】 take sth. away from;prevent sb. from having sth.

wind up

【释】 (指人)终于到达某处,安顿;结束;使高度兴奋或激动

【例】 We eventually wound up staying in a little hotel a few miles from town. 我们最后在离城几英里的一家小旅馆里落脚。

【同】 arrive in/at; end up

make way for

【释】 为……让路;为……腾出空间

【例】 Tens of millions of people have been forced to move from their homes to make way for the reservoirs behind dams. 为了给水坝后面的水库腾地方,数千万人被迫离开家园。

pull off

【释】 做成(某件难事);(将机动车辆)靠路边停下;脱下

【例】 The doctors had pulled off a seemingly impossible operation. 医生们完成了一场看似不可能完成的手术。

【同】 succeed in doing sth.

of one's own

【释】 某人自己的;属于自己的

【例】 They can become less motivated to do projects of their own . 他们会变得不那么积极地去做自己的项目。 (2019-12)


I Choose a phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. When walking down the street, I ____ David, who I hadn't seen for years.

A. met on

B. came across

C. looked in

D. come over

2. The beauty of rereading ____ the idea that our bond with the work is based on our present mental register.

A. lies about

B. lies with

C. lies over

D. lies in

3. The gene they discovered today doesn't ____ all those cases.

A. account for

B. account with

C. count in

D. count on

4. As soon as he saw me he would ____ his work and begin to talk to me.

A. get aside

B. step aside

C. put aside

D. take aside

5. Because the band made little money, the members had day jobs to ____.

A. live with

B. make through

C. get by

D. lay out

6. Their feet and bodies moved ____ the music.

A. in need of

B. in confrontation with

C. in spite of

D. in harmony with

7. In their spare time, they ____ the best products and get them ready for market.

A. pick up

B. pick out

C. pick off

D. pick on

8. When you ____ food, you are not just wasting the food itself.

A. throw away

B. put away

C. move away

D. send away

9. If Microsoft wants to ____ advertisers, it might just do more with the browser.

A. back off

B. talk in

C. win over

D. dig into

10. I'd be happy to ____ a draft version before you hand in the final copy, if you wish.

A. set down

B. work out

C. draw from

D. look over

II Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases according to the list you have just learned.

1. They were imprisoned and ____ (剥夺) their basic rights.

2. ____ (考虑到) the technological improvements in the last few years, business will require fewer workers than ever before.

3. It's a pity that few students nowadays ____ (热衷于) reading classics which I think are really worth reading.

4. After an hour of waiting outside, the house ____ (坍塌) and collapsed, looking like a dark, ashy ruin.

5. The HENRY programme was delivered ____ (部分) through children's centers. (2020-09)

6. ____ (反过来) , feeling close to objects can alleviate loneliness. (2019-12)

7. ____ (决不) should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws.

8. It's a good idea to ____ (坚持) your plan and keep track of your progress.

9. If that doesn't ____ (清理) enough space, it's time to start removing unused applications.

10. You must ____ (体谅) him because he has been ill.



1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D


1. deprived of

2. In view of

3. are keen on

4. fell apart

5. in part

6. In turn

7. At no time

8. stick with

9. clear up

10. make allowances for yugy0VlwdURsJ6GuVMiisiXaXMVXEi1O/K2gtmGQlEGyqV/fAELI/gSsag42AMeB
