
List 2


a case in point

【释】 与所谈论的事有关的事例,恰当的例证

【例】 A case in point is Ivy, 61, a pioneer in investment banking. 61岁的艾薇就是一个例证,她是投资银行业务的先驱。

have a bearing on

【释】 与……有关系

【例】 What happens here will have a bearing on the future of European rice production and the overall health of southern European wetlands. 这里发生的一切将影响欧洲水稻生产的未来和南欧湿地的整体健康水平。 (2018-12)

【同】 be relevant to; be related to

have access to

【释】 有使用或接近……的机会、权利或进入的方法等

【例】 Many people simply do not have access to foods they prefer. 许多人根本无法获得他们喜欢的食物。 (2020-12)

fall through

【释】 落空,成为泡影

【例】 There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through . 整桩买卖化为泡影的风险仍然存在。

【同】 fail to happen

exert an influence on

【释】 对……产生影响

【例】 According to a researcher, dual-language experiences exert a lifelong influence on one's brain. 据一位研究人员称,双语学习经历会对一个人的大脑产生终生的影响。 (2020-09)

【同】 have an influence on

run into

【释】 偶然遇见;遇到;遭遇;撞见;撞上;(金额)高达;跑进

【例】 Unfortunately they ran into a snowstorm along the way. 他们不幸在途中遇上了暴风雪。

【同】 run across

pay out

【释】 付出(巨款);支出

【例】 And now that you should be paying out , you are suddenly saying that you didn't receive it on time. 现在该你们赔付了,你们却突然说没有准时收到那笔钱。 (2020-12)

vary from...to...

【释】 ……和……不同

【例】 Its effect varies considerably from person to person. 它的效果因人而大有不同。 (2020-07)

take for granted

【释】 将……视为理所当然;理所当然地认为;对……无感激之心

【例】 Often the advantages of convenient, mobile technology are both obvious and taken for granted , leaving more subtle topics for concerned discussion: Are smartphones disturbing children's sleep? 便利的移动技术的优势显而易见且被视为理所当然,这使得大家关心和讨论的是更微妙的话题:智能手机会扰乱孩子的睡眠吗? (2018-12)

hold forth

【释】 夸夸其谈地、滔滔不绝地讲述

【例】 Tom loves holding forth on any subject once he has an audience. 不管是什么话题,只要有人听,汤姆就会滔滔不绝地讲个不停。

be accompanied by

【释】 伴随;与……同时发生;在……的陪同下

【例】 The sudden decline in foot traffic in recent years, even though it hasn't been accompanied by a massive decline in physical sales, is a critical warning. 近年来客流量的突然下降是一个关键警告,尽管实体店的销售没有随之大幅度地下降。 (2019-06)

clean up

【释】 打扫干净;挣得或赢得(很多钱)

【例】 Many scientists are suggesting different ways to clean up space junk. 许多科学家提出了清理太空垃圾的不同方法。

correlate with

【释】 与……相关或相互关联;与……相互影响或相互依存

【例】 First, they explain that if a given variable is playing a role in affecting wellbeing, then we should expect any change in that variable to correlate with the observed changes in wellbeing. 首先,他们解释说,如果一个给定变量在影响人们幸福感方面发挥了作用,那么我们应该预期该变量的任何变化都与观察到的幸福指数变化相关。 (2019-12)

set up

【释】 建立,开创;陷害;设立;设置;自立门户;创(体育)记录;造成;产生;开始发出(噪音等)

【例】 The scheme has been set up to help homeless people. 设定这个计划的目的是帮助无家可归的人。

lay out

【释】 陈列;展示;花(钱);有计划地安排

【例】 In Social, Lieberman lays out a number of ways to do so. 在《社交》(《社交天性:人类社交的三大驱动力》)中,利伯曼列出了许多做到这一点的方法。 (2018-06)

connect to

【释】 连接;联结;结合

【例】 The many changing factors of the relationship need to be acknowledged, rather than hoping that the mere passage of time will magically connect parents to their adult children. 我们需要承认亲子关系中存在着的许多变化因素,而不能希望仅仅随着时间的流逝就能神奇地将父母和他们的成年子女联系在一起。 (2020-09)

be mistaken for

【释】 被误认为;被误解为

【例】 The most common CubeSat is a 10cm cube, so small that a single CubeSat could easily be mistaken for a paperweight on your desk. 最常见的立方体卫星是一个10厘米的立方体,小到单个立方体卫星很容易被误认为是书桌上的压纸器。 (2019-06)

once and for all

【释】 彻底地;最后一次;一劳永逸地

【例】 They suggest that geoengineering, cold fusion or faster-than-light spaceships might transcend once and for all the terrestrial constraints of rising temperatures, lack of energy, scarcity of food, lack of space, mountains of waste, polluted water—you name it. 它们(这些描述)表明,地球工程、冷聚变或超光速宇宙飞船可能会彻底冲破地球上气温上升、能源匮乏、食物短缺、空间不足、垃圾成山、水污染等你能想到的所有问题带来的限制。 (2020-12)

evolve into

【释】 发展成;进化为

【例】 All in all, at least in this country, it's unlikely that online learning will evolve into the dominant form of education. 总而言之,至少在这个国家,在线学习不太可能发展成为教育的主导形式。

【同】 develop into

in full

【释】 全部地;全面地;无省略地;无遗漏地

【例】 For the sake of completeness, all names are given in full . 为了完整起见,所有名称均用全名。

tie up

【释】 (金钱)套牢,使难以动用;系住,拴住(船、动物等);捆绑(某人);完满解答,妥善解决

【例】 It does not tie up cash in uncompleted plants and manufacturing workers. 它不愿将资金套在未完成的厂房和生产工人身上。

decide on

【释】 考虑后做出决定;下决心;决定

【例】 We are not the ones to decide on the establishment of marine protected areas, but we hope to contribute positively with our knowledge and experience. 我们不是决定建立海洋保护区的人,但我们希望通过我们的知识和经验(为之)做出积极的贡献。 (2019-12)

【同】 make up one's mind; decide upon

come at

【释】 发现(事实、真相等);攻击

【例】 The truth is often difficult to come at . 事情的真相往往难以发现。

【同】 find out

the quest for

【释】 对……的探索、寻找、追求

【例】 No one disputes the costs in quality of life and depleted health budgets of an obese population, but the quest for solutions gets diverted by ideological arguments around responsibility and choice. 没有人质疑肥胖人群在生活品质上的花费和医疗预算的严重不足,但对解决方案的探索被围绕责任和选择的观念上的争论所干扰。 (2020-09)


该词组为名词词组,表达“探索、寻找”的动词词组有look for, go after, seek out。

wash up

【释】 饭后刷洗碗碟刀叉等餐具;洗脸洗手

【例】 Hence the most effective way to cut emissions is probably to be sparing with hot water when washing up and to use low temperature cycles for laundry. 因此,最有效的减排方式可能是洗餐具时少用热水和用低水温模式洗衣。

spread across

【释】 扩散;传遍;在……传播

【例】 They are spread randomly across the world. 它们随机分布在世界各地。 (2018-12)

dwell upon

【释】 老是想着;细看

【例】 It tends to dwell upon their joyous experiences. 它(人们的大脑)往往总是想着他们的快乐经历。 (2019-12)

【同】 dwell on; think about

come up with

【释】 找到、提出(答案、办法等)

【例】 Coming up with a good story means getting reflective about what made their career accomplishments something they're proud of, and what strengths those accomplishments highlight. 想出一个好的故事,意味着要反思是什么使他们的职业成就变成他们骄傲的事情,以及这些成就突出的优势是什么。 (2020-12)

【同】 bring up; put forward

get over

【释】 克服;战胜;掌握;恢复常态

【例】 If we can get over our present difficulties, then everything should be all right. 如果我们能克服现在的困难,那么一切应该都会好起来的。

【同】 get the better of

alert… to

【释】 提醒……注意……

【例】 Journalist Sarah Scoles reports that NASA currently tracks about 24,000 objects in space, and in 2016 the Air Force had to issue 3,995,874 warnings to satellite owners alerting them to a potential nearby threat from another satellite or bit of debris. 据记者莎拉·斯科尔斯报道,美国国家航空航天局目前跟踪着太空中大约2.4万个物体,2016年,美国空军不得不向卫星所有者们发出了3 995 874个警告,提醒他们注意附近可能有来自另一颗卫星或少量碎片的威胁。 (2019-06)

【同】 make sb. aware of sth. ; remind...of...

cheer up

【释】 (使)更高兴;(使)振作

【例】 Seeing a funny film or talking to some friends will often cheer you up when you are low. 当你情绪低落的时候,看一部有趣的电影或者和一些朋友聊聊天往往会让你振作起来。

add to

【释】 添加;增加;补充说

【例】 The unpredictability of global demand and the lag-time it takes to add more cows to a herd to meet demand can result in events like the recent cheese surplus. 全球需求的不可预测性以及为了满足需求而增加奶牛数量所多花费时间的滞后性可能会导致诸如近期出现的奶酪过剩这样的事件。 (2019-12)

come to a close

【释】 结束

【例】 America's most popular newspaper website today announced that the era of free online journalism is coming to a close . 美国最受欢迎的报纸网站今天宣布,免费在线新闻时代即将结束。

【同】 draw to a close

be accustomed to

【释】 习惯,适应

【例】 She was accustomed to tight schedules. 她习惯了紧张的日程安排。 (2020-12)

【同】 get used to

talk over

【释】 说服(某人)接受或同意;讨论,商谈

【例】 Great things happen when a group of employees go out to dinner together, talk over ideas, and then come back to their offices to implement them. 当你的员工成群结队地一起出去吃饭,讨论他们的想法,然后回到办公室来实施想法的时候,了不起的事情就发生了。

【同】 persuade sb. to accept

get back to

【释】 回到;重新开始;再联系

【例】 A spokesman for the management said they'd hope they could now get back to producing cars. 管理层的一位发言人说,他们希望现在能够重新开始生产汽车。

【同】 return to

knock out

【释】 击倒;击昏;灌醉;使经受不了;使极为震惊;使筋疲力尽

【例】 He's knocking himself out with all that work. 他的工作使他筋疲力尽。

leave behind

【释】 留下;忘记带;未能带;落后

【例】 We'd like to make a contribution, change things for the better, improve lives, leave behind something positive. 我们想做点贡献,想让事物变得更好,想改变生活,想留下一些正面的东西。

【同】 lag/fall behind

leave alone

【释】 不干涉;不打扰;不管;独自离开

【例】 I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone . 我希望所有人都不再干涉我,让我一个人待着。

【同】 not to interfere with

talk out of

【释】 说服……不做某事

【例】 I've tried to talk him out of building such an elaborate set because I thought it was too expensive. 我曾试着说服他不要建造这么精致的布景,因为我认为这太贵了。

【同】 persuade sb. not to do sth.

be limited to

【释】 局限于

【例】 The robots are not limited to herding and monitoring livestock. 机器人的功能并不局限于放牧和监管家畜。 (2018-12)

at any rate

【释】 无论如何,不管怎样

【例】 It might be three feet deep, or it might be a hundred—there was no passing it at any rate . 它可能有三英尺深,或者也可能有一百英尺——无论如何,都没办法跨过去。

settle in

【释】 迁入新居;做新工作;安顿下来;适应

【例】 My family are moving to Canada early next year, and we're hoping to rent a place in Fairfield for the first six months while we settle in . 我们家明年初就要搬到加拿大去了,我们希望在安顿下来期间在费尔菲尔德先租六个月的房子。

【同】 settle into

a majority of

【释】 大多数;大部分

【例】 It was a huge milestone in the development of smartphones, which are now owned by a majority of American adults and are increasingly common across the globe. 这是智能手机发展的一个重要里程碑。现在,大部分美国成年人都在使用智能手机,并且智能手机在全球范围内也越来越普及。 (2018-12)

turn off

【释】 关掉;关闭;截断;离开(道路);(使)对……失去兴趣

【例】 To do well in your exams this year, turn off the TV, silence your mobile, and review your work regularly. 你要想在今年的考试中取得好成绩,就关掉电视,把手机调成静音,定期复习功课。

integrate with

【释】 使融合,使结合(以构成整体)

【例】 Innovative retailers integrate Internet technologies with conventional retailing to create new retail models. 创意零售商将互联网技术与传统零售结合在一起,以打造新的零售模式。 (2019-06)

shift from...to...

【释】 从……转移至……

【例】 Their data show that only 0.8 percent of retail sales shifted from offline to online between the beginning of 2015 and 2016. 他们的数据显示,从2015年初到2016年,只有0.8%的零售额从线下转移到了线上。 (2019-06)

【同】 transfer from...to...

be affected by

【释】 受……的影响

【例】 Something as complex as intellect is likely to be affected by many factors beyond genes. 像智力这样复杂的东西很可能会受到基因以外的许多因素的影响。 (2021-06)

【同】 be influenced by

be amplified by

【释】 被……放大

【例】 We cannot predict what we might achieve when our own minds are amplified by AI. 当我们自己的思想被人工智能放大时,我们无法预测自己可能会实现怎样的成就。 (2019-06)

put in question

【释】 质疑

【例】 Because if we aren't, we won't be providing much value in future ecosystems, and that may put in question the foundation for our existence. 因为如果我们不是(最有创造力的),我们就不会在未来的生态系统中提供多少价值,而这可能会使我们生存的基础受到质疑。 (2019-06)

drop out

【释】 退出;中途退学,辍学;离经叛道

【例】 Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school. 研究显示父母离异的孩子更有可能在中学辍学。

stick by

【释】 (尤指在逆境中)继续支持并忠于(某人)

【例】 The couple stuck by each other in good times and bad. 这对夫妇同甘共苦,不离不弃。

be mad about

【释】 对……极感兴趣;迷恋

【例】 He is mad about pop music. 他对流行音乐很着迷。

【同】 be very interested in; be enthusiastic about

catch sight of

【释】 瞥见;看到

【例】 While reading a recent conversation on the Internet between two family members, I caught sight of these words: “You have time for whatever you make time for.”最近我在网上看到两个家庭成员之间的对话,我注意到这样一句话:“你有时间做任何你想腾出时间去做的事。”

be attributed to

【释】 把……归因于;认为……出自……

【例】 Merian's mistakes in her drawings may be attributed to her shortened stay in South America. 梅里安画中的错误可能是由她在南美洲停留的时间缩短所致。 (2018-12)

at liberty

【释】 自由的,获许可的;不受限制或支配的

【例】 All people are at liberty to express their opinions during the discussion. 在讨论会上,所有人都可以自由发表意见。

make efforts to

【释】 努力做

【例】 They are unwilling to make efforts to maintain workplace relationships. 他们不愿意努力维持职场关系。 (2019-06)

add up to

【释】 总计达

【例】 The Airbus orders were valued at about 3 billion dollars while the Boeing orders added up to more than 5 billion dollars. 空客公司的订单价值约30亿美元,而波音公司的订单高达50亿美元以上。

【同】 amount to

pave the way to/for

【释】 为……铺平道路;为……创造条件,做准备

【例】 They pave the way to richer and more explicit forms of understanding of the minds of others. 它们(这些行为)为更丰富、更明确地理解他人思想的方式铺平了道路。 (2020-07)

a series of

【释】 一系列;一连串

【例】 Unveiled recently by environment minister Tony Burke, the proposal would be the last in a series of proposed marine reserves around Australia's coast. 这项提议是澳大利亚环境部部长托尼·伯克于最近公布的,这将是澳大利亚沿海一系列海洋保护区计划中的最后一项。 (2020-09)


I Choose a phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. The only thing that's going to ____ her ____ is getting her job back.

A. stir; up

B. cheer; up

C. hold; up

D. send; up

2. Don't ____ the computer before closing all programs or you could have problems.

A. turn on

B. turn to

C. turn down

D. turn off

3. The women doctors and women nurses in the hospital ____ a hundred and five.

A. look up to

B. face up to

C. stand up to

D. add up to

4. Over the long term there's this point at which increased income doesn't ____ increased happiness.

A. reckon with

B. interact with

C. correlate with

D. deal with

5. Commitment is the promise or decision to ____ the other person through the ups and downs of the relationship.

A. stick by

B. stick to

C. stick in

D. stick at

6. When I started off trying to ____ being shy, I decided to do little steps at a time, including practicing smiling and saying hi to people.

A. come over

B. hold over

C. run over

D. get over

7. Guests should feel ____ to avail themselves of the facilities in the hotel.

A. with liberty

B. of liberty

C. in liberty

D. at liberty

8. The more we ____ negative emotions, the more negative we begin to feel.

A. rely on

B. dwell on

C. count on

D. build on

9. In traditional classes, students ____ taking in whatever their teachers taught them.

A. were addicted to

B. were obligated to

C. were accustomed to

D. were aware of

10. He was so desperate to find a job to support his family that he ____ of school.

A. carried out

B. dropped out

C. sought out

D. set out

II Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases according to the list you have just learned.

1. An investigation team was ____ (建立) to look into the event.

2. Parents often provide our children with many material pleasures, ____ it ____ (想当然地) that all children like these things.

3. As long as robots ____ (增加) the sum of human happiness, reduce suffering, and create time to read world-class journalism, we should be their fans. (2018-06)

4. Some technologies serve their purpose for a while, then either ____ (发展成) cheaper, faster, better forms or simply disappear.

5. Before writing Metamorphosis, Merian spent decades documenting European plants and insects that she published in ____ (一系列) books. (2018-12)

6. You must solve the problem ____ (彻底地) .

7. The driver failed to negotiate a bend and ____ (撞上) a tree.

8. Late in the 13th century, glass makers in Italy ____ (想出) a less expensive alternative.

9. She had, ____ (无论如何) , provided a peaceful and loving home for Harriet.

10. He ____ (瞥见) the two little ragged boys when he came in.



1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. B


1. set up

2. taking...for granted

3. add to

4. evolve into

5. a series of

6. once and for all

7. ran into

8. came up with

9. at any rate

10. caught sight of dlIpYvWzWw7i6s5D2b861oOz0gN/A1/BzcvA4Obyynslb+yho7uishCnFnWR+Vv8
