
List 1


think out

【释】 仔细思考;想出(主意等)

【例】 This does not mean that the package has been fully thought out . 这并不意味着这个一揽子计划已经被充分考虑好。

get off the ground

【释】 (指活动、事业等)顺利开始

【例】 He got back into it while trying to get his three companies off the ground . 在努力使他的三家公司顺利起步的时候,他又重拾了这个习惯。 (2020-07)

share with

【释】 与……分享;与……共有或合用;与……有共同之处

【例】 The books we share with young children can be a valuable opportunity to develop children's understanding of themselves and others. 我们与小孩子们分享的书籍可以是用来培养孩子们对自己和他人认知的一个宝贵机会。 (2021-06)

【同】 have sth. in common with

ring up

【释】 给……打电话

【例】 Please ring me up if you can't attend the meeting. 如果你不能参加会议,请给我打电话。

submit to

【释】 提交;屈服于;服从;顺从;遵守

【例】 The first, as you may predict, is for selfish gain, such as submitting a fraudulent claim to an insurance company, while the second involves lying to help others or not offend others, for example, telling a friend whose outfit you don't like that they look great. 第一种,正如你可能预料到的那样,是为了一己私利,例如向保险公司提交欺诈性的索赔要求,而第二种是为了帮助别人或者避免冒犯别人而说谎,例如,告诉一个朋友他或她的着装看上去很棒,即使你并不喜欢那样的着装。 (2020-12)

【同】 comply with

go around/round

【释】 (消息或笑话)传播,流传;造访;拜访;(某物的数量)足够每人一份

【例】 He went around interviewing people about local traditions. 他四处走访,采访人们有关当地的传统。

on the horizon

【释】 即将发生的;已露端倪的;临近的

【例】 With this cancer, as with many common diseases, there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon . 就这种癌来说,如同许多常见病一样,目前还没有明显的突破。

【同】 around the corner

be beneficial for

【释】 对……有好处的,有益的

【例】 “I've seen very expensive protein supplements that claim to be high quality but they might not really be beneficial for the average healthy adult,” she says. “It could just be a waste of money.”“我见过非常昂贵的蛋白质补养品,号称质量上乘,但对普通的健康成年人来说可能并非真正有益,”她说。“这可能只是在浪费钱。” (2019-12)

【同】 do good to; be beneficial to

in need of

【释】 需要;缺乏

【例】 In the wake of the recession, the number of families in need of food assistance began to grow. 紧随经济衰退之后,需要粮食援助的家庭数量开始增加。

【同】 lack of

look down on

【释】 看不起,鄙视

【例】 Apparently, we look down on acquaintances more so than friends. 显然,比起朋友,我们更看不起只是认识的人。 (2019-06)

on track

【释】 步入正轨;稳步前进

【例】 With more than $12 billion in sales this year, the industry is booming and, according to the market research company, Grand View Research, is on track to sell billions more by 2025. 这个行业正在蓬勃发展,今年的销售额超过了120亿美元,并且根据市场研究公司Grand View Research的数据,到2025年,这个行业的销售额有望再增加数十亿美元。 (2019-12)

liberate from

【释】 解放;使解脱

【例】 She proved we could liberate ourselves from sleep. 她证明了我们可以从睡眠中解脱出来。 (2020-09)

come out of

【释】 从……里面出来;由……产生

【例】 “She would sit up all night until they came out of the pupa so she could draw them,” she said. “她会坐等一整夜,直到它们破茧成蝶,这样她能够把它们画下来。”她说道。 (2018-12)

conflict with

【释】 与……冲突;与……相左;与……抵触

【例】 And what is in the best interest of a deceased person's legacy may conflict with the desires of their family or the public, says Edwards. 而且对死者遗产最有利的东西可能与其家人或公众的愿望相冲突,爱德华兹说道。 (2021-06)

be reluctant to

【释】 不愿意做;勉强做

【例】 Unlike employers and health plans, insurers have been rather reluctant to pay for some telemedicine services. 与雇主和医疗计划不同,保险公司一直不情愿为一些远程医疗服务付费。 (2020-09)

【同】 be unwilling to

set out

【释】 出发上路;(带着某目的)开始;陈列,摆放;陈述,提出

【例】 When setting out on a long walk, make sure you always wear suitable shoes. 出发进行长距离徒步时,你要确保穿舒适的鞋。

【同】 set off

compare to

【释】 和……相比;比较;将……比作……

【例】 Studies conducted in the 1970s and 1990s suggested that people felt less happy when alone as compared to being with others. 20世纪70年代和90年代进行的研究表明,比起和他人待在一起,人们独处时会感到没那么快乐。 (2020-12)

sign for

【释】 签收

【例】 People need to go downstairs to sign for their parcels during those days. 在那些日子里,人们需要下楼签收他们的包裹。

make out

【释】 努力证明;辨认;理解,明白;(费力地)看出;听出;书写,填写

【例】 He could not make out why they were laughing at him. 他不明白他们为什么嘲笑他。

【同】 write out

be named after

【释】 以……命名,根据……命名

【例】 The satellite is named after a fairy, who is said to live on the moon. 这一卫星是以一位仙女的名字命名的,据说她住在月球上。

press on

【释】 坚定地继续;继续前进

【例】 The organizers of the event decided to press on . 这场活动的组织者们决定继续前进。

lay stress on

【释】 强调;重视

【例】 They lay stress on basic scientific research. 他们重视基础科学研究。 (2019-06)

【同】 attach importance to

at the cost of

【释】 以……为代价;花费

【例】 I have never regret sending the old lady to hospital at the cost of missing the interview. 我从未后悔因为送那位老人家去医院而错过了面试。

【同】 at the expense of

regardless of

【释】 不管,不顾

【例】 Regardless of one's individual stance, fewer Americans hunt today than in recent history. 不管个人的立场如何,如今狩猎的美国人比近代历史上少。 (2020-07)

【同】 in spite of

be motivated to

【释】 被激励去做;有动力做

【例】 It seems to be commonly believed that companies are not motivated to prolong their products’ lifespan. 人们似乎普遍认为,企业没有动力延长其产品的使用寿命。 (2019-06)

【同】 be encouraged to

stir up

【释】 挑起(事端),煽动;搅动;鼓励(某人)采取行动

【例】 When diving, do not touch the coral or stir up sediment, as these actions can damage the reef's fragile ecosystem. 潜水的时候,不要碰珊瑚礁或者搅动沉淀物,因为这样做可能会破坏珊瑚脆弱的生态系统。

【同】 whip up; encourage sb. to do sth.

turn away

【释】 拒绝……进入;弃用(方法、主意)

【例】 The stadium was jammed and the organizers had to turn away hundreds of disappointed fans. 该体育场挤满了人,主办方不得不谢绝上百名失望的粉丝入场。

look to

【释】 考虑;注意;展望;指望

【例】 In this instance, the farmers and agronomist are looking to specialized software to give them an accurate plant population count. 在这个实例中,农民和农学家正在考虑用专门的软件来给他们提供一个精确的植物种群计数。 (2020-12)

【同】 rely on; be careful about

take action

【释】 采取行动;行动起来

【例】 When it's time to make the leap, they take action and immediately drop what's no longer serving their purpose. 当时机成熟时,他们会采取行动,并立即放弃那些不再符合他们目标的东西。

【同】 take measures

be made up of

【释】 由……所组成

【例】 The positive stress movement is made up of people such as Zachary Rapp who are looking for an edge in a competitive world, and Rapp's routine is a good example of followers of the movement. 积极压力运动是由像扎卡里·拉普这样的人组成的,他们在竞争激烈的世界中寻找优势,而拉普的日常活动就是这一运动追随者的一个好榜样。 (2020-07)

【同】 consist of

build in

【释】 (在某较大物体上)造入;加入;列入;整合

【例】 She has so many books that she'd like to have a new bookcase built in . 她的书太多了,以至于她想嵌入一个新的书架。

call in

【释】 拜访,短暂访问;找……来(帮忙);打电话

【例】 I guess you need to call in a plumber to unblock the drain. 我想你们需要叫个水管工来疏通下水道。

【同】 pay (...) a visit

pull up

【释】 (使车辆)减速停下;使突然中止;把(椅子)拉到近处坐下;提高

【例】 The red van pulls up to a warehouse at the Port of Los Angeles where Charles is being held. 那辆红色的货车慢慢停在了位于洛杉矶港口的一个仓库,查尔斯就被关押在那里。

【同】 come to a halt

run down

【释】 (车)撞(某人);贬低;(机器或装置)耗尽能源;运转渐慢;缩减;往下跑;往下流

【例】 The cyclist was run down by a lorry. 那位骑自行车的人被一辆卡车撞倒了。

carry on

【释】 继续;喋喋不休;进行;举行

【例】 Her bravery has given them the will to carry on with their work. 她的勇气激发了他们继续工作下去的意愿。

【同】 continue doing sth.

sign in

【释】 签到;注册;登记;登录

【例】 You can sign in or start a new account on the top of its home page. 你可以在它的主页顶部登录或创建一个账户。

go back to

【释】 回到;恢复;重新开始

【例】 “Our philosophy with the island has always been, ‘OK, remove the threats and let the island go back to what it was,’” says ecologist Christina Boser. 生态学家克里斯蒂娜·博瑟说:“我们对这个岛的理念一直是‘好吧,消除威胁,让这个岛恢复它原来的样子’。” (2018-12)

call for

【释】 要求;需要;提倡;前往接某人

【例】 Earlier this year, the EAT-Lancet Commission released its global report on nutrition and called for a global shift to a more plant-based diet and for “substantially reducing consumption of animal source foods. ”今年年初,EAT-柳叶刀委员会发布了其全球营养报告,提倡全球人口转向更偏向植物性的饮食,并“大幅减少源自动物的食品的食用”。 (2020-12)

a slice of

【释】 一部分;一片;一份儿

【例】 What are the potential downsides of having a slice of space densely populated by equipment built by people not traditionally labeled as “professionals”? 太空的一部分堆满由非传统意义上的“专业人士”制造的设备,这样的太空会有哪些潜在的弊端呢? (2019-06)

【同】 a piece of

take responsibility for

【释】 承担……的责任;对……承担责任

【例】 Some businesses have begun to realize it may not be effective to let consumers take full responsibility for recycling. 一些企业已经开始意识到,让消费者完全承担回收利用的责任可能不会产生预期结果。 (2019-06)

answer for

【释】 回答;对……负责;因……而受罚;为……付出代价;代表(某人)或支持(某事物)而讲话

【例】 I agree, but I can't answer for my friends. 我同意,但是我不能代表我的朋友。

【同】 be responsible for; be blamed for; speak on behalf of

slow down

【释】 使减速,减缓;(使)放松

【例】 It slows down our aging process. 它能减缓我们的衰老过程。

【同】 do sth. at a slower speed

size up

【释】 判断;估计;品评

【例】 It's not surprising that humans have evolved the ability to accurately size up their potential opponents. 人类进化出了准确判断潜在对手的能力,这并不奇怪。

seal off

【释】 封锁;封闭

【例】 Police sealed off all the exits from the building. 警方把那座建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了。

send away

【释】 寄出;派遣;解雇

【例】 Alice hasn't sent the letter away yet. 爱丽丝还没有把信寄出。

【同】 send off

hold back

【释】 妨碍;阻碍;克制住(泪水或笑声等);踌躇;储存;隐蔽

【例】 Was I being held back by my choice of clothing? The sure answer is yes, especially when clients are quick to judge you on your style rather than your work. 我是被自己的服装选择拖累了吗?毫无疑问,答案是肯定的,尤其是当客户会快速根据你的着装风格而不是你的工作来评判你的时候。 (2020-12)

【同】 hesitate to

be criticized for

【释】 因……而受到批评

【例】 Reserves proposed earlier this year for Australia's southwestern and northwestern coastal regions have also been criticized for failing to give habitats adequate protection. 今年年初提议通过的澳大利亚西南部和西北部沿海保护区也因为未能给予栖息地足够的保护而受到批评。 (2020-09)

rein in

【释】 控制;使放缓;使停止

【例】 They're still constrained by funders, launch providers and a series of regulations—all of which rein in what CubeSat developers can and cannot do. 他们仍然受到资助者、发射机构和一系列规则的约束——所有这些都控制着立方体卫星开发人员可以做什么和不可以做什么。 (2019-06)

【同】 slow down

complain about

【释】 抱怨,埋怨

【例】 What is the woman complaining about ? 那位女士在抱怨什么?

take control of

【释】 控制

【例】 It's the opportunity for the candidate to take control of the narrative and tell their story in a way that really matters to their audience. 这次机会可以让求职者把控自己的叙述,并以一种对听众(此处指面试官)真正重要的方式讲述他们的故事。 (2020-12)

turn down

【释】 拒绝;调低(音量等)

【例】 I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family.我拒绝了那个工作机会,因为那意味着我要经常出差,不能和家人在一起。

【同】 refuse to

bear in mind

【释】 记住

【例】 Bear in mind that gas stations are scarce in the more remote areas. 记住,在较偏远的地区,加油站是很稀少的。

【同】 keep in mind

cope with

【释】 处理(棘手之事);应付

【例】 If universities decide to engage in this learning model, they will have to cope with many organisational challenges that might shake their unity of place and action. 如果大学决定参与这种学习模式,它们将不得不应对许多体制上的挑战,这些挑战可能会动摇它们地点和行动上的统一。 (2020-12)

【同】 deal with

block off

【释】 (用障碍物)隔开;封锁,堵住

【例】 The road to London was blocked off because of the fog. 由于大雾,通往伦敦的道路被封锁了。

be consistent with

【释】 与……一致;与……相符

【例】 They are in a way consistent with a person's mentality. 它们在某种程度上与人的心态是一致的。 (2019-12)

【同】 in agreement with

on (the) average

【释】 按平均数计算

【例】 In the Middle Ages, households in Central Europe might have owned fewer than 30 objects on average ; in 1900, this number had increased to 400, and in 2020 to 15,000. 在中世纪,中欧家庭平均拥有的物品可能不到30件;1900年,该数字增至400,而到2020年,该数字则增至15 000。 (2020-12)

be superior to

【释】 比……好的,强的

【例】 Some people hold the opinion that reading paper books is superior to reading e-books in many ways while others argue that reading e-books is much better. 很多人认为阅读纸质书在很多方面优于阅读电子书,而有些人则认为阅读电子书更好。

【同】 be better than

crack down (on)

【释】 (对……)严加处置或限制

【例】 Officers will crack down on lunatic motorists who speed or drive too close to the car in front. 警官们将严惩那些超速行驶或与前面车辆距离太近的疯狂驾车者。

slip in

【释】 悄悄进入

【例】 “Research has found that women negotiate higher salaries for others than they do for themselves,” he says, adding that people slip in and out of decision roles. 他指出:“研究发现女性会为他人而不是自己协商争取更高的工资。”他同时补充道,人们在决策者和非决策者的角色中来回切换。 (2018-06)

hang up

【释】 挂断电话

【例】 Susie tends to say “I love you” to her parents when she hangs up the phone. 苏西往往会在挂电话时和父母说“我爱你们”。


hang up后面还可以接on sb.,表示因为生气或失望而突然挂断与某人的通话。


I Choose a phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. She decided to resign from the company rather than ____ herself ____ the new rules.

A. hand; in

B. submit; to

C. relate; with

D. drop; out of

2. By the light of the moon I could just ____ shapes and outlines.

A. recognize of

B. pick up

C. identify with

D. make out

3. Now they want to correct these mistakes and work with other countries to get themselves back ____.

A. in track

B. within track

C. of track

D. on track

4. He has achieved what he ____ to do three years ago.

A. set in

B. set out

C. set away

D. set for

5. They claimed that everything went well, in fact, there was trouble ____.

A. on the horizon

B. in the corner

C. arrive in

D. come at

6. Kids and teens who do read frequently, ____ infrequent readers, have more books in the home.

A. opposite to

B. compared to

C. contrary with

D. opposed with

7. We should respect others and never ____ them with their jobs, or disabilities.

A. look up to

B. look up on

C. look down on

D. look down at

8. Middle-class and higher-income parents see their children as projects ____ careful cultivation, says Andy.

A. run out of

B. in short of

C. in lack of

D. in need of

9. ____ the dream is big or small, the goal is high or low, from now on, swing it into action.

A. Despite of

B. Regardless of

C. In spite

D. Even if

10. One day, a doctor named George was ____ to examine the king who did not feel very well.

A. called off

B. called out

C. called on

D. called in

II Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases according to the list you have just learned.

1. Colleges ____ (不愿意) admit that graduates today are in heavier debt. (2018-06)

2. As time ____ (流逝) , I gradually forgot the unhappy memory.

3. The scheme to help homeless people ____ (顺利开始了) .

4. In terms of efficiency and cleanness, buses, trains and other forms of public or mass transportation ____ (优于;胜过) the private automobile.

5. I hold to my belief that development shouldn't be ____ (以……为代价) the environment.

6. Many parents ____ (抱怨) how their children spend so much time on computer games.

7. Tom had to ____ (拒绝) the invitation to the party because he was too busy.

8. Robin runs ____ (平均) about 10 miles a day every day, whatever the circumstances, whatever the weather.

9. She didn't waste time feeling sorry for herself—she just picked herself up and ____ (继续) working.

10. Students there were overburdened and stressed out, having to ____ (处理;应对) too much work and too many demands.



1. B 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. D


1. are reluctant to

2. went by

3. got off the ground

4. are superior to

5. at the cost of

6. complain about

7. turn down

8. on average

9. carried on

10. cope with oii+g3fz9yJQ0jbk4O7zk9sw3R5qo+d0Nr9HDeA4+ujvEtUYOA+h6E0cqgAcu8c8
