

Salt is an indispensable material for the human society. Without salt,it is difficult for humans to survive and the human society to move forward,especially in ancient times. As salt plays such a vital role in the human social life,works on salt have mushroomed since On Salt and Iron written in the Han Dynasty(BC 206—220 AD).

However,in terms of the specialized study of the salt well culture in Erhai region, The Hidden Platinum Age : Study on Salt Well Culture in Erhai Area written by Zhao Min,Professor of Institute of National Culture Research of Dali University,is the first book of its kind,which makes up for the long-standing lack of in-depth and systematic researches on the abundant salt production in Erhai region.

As Professor Zhao Min's masterpiece titled The Hidden Platinum Age : Study on Salt Well Culture in Erhai Area is about to be published,the solicitation of a preface has given me a rare learning opportunity. From the book I have acquired abundant knowledge and gained many useful enlightenments.

This book initiated the concept of "the two-river basin "for salt springs in Yunnan. Bijiang River and Bishui River,two tributaries of Lanchang River in Yunnan Province,are studied as a region to investigate on the abundant salt springs herein. Moreover,the discovery,development and utilization of salt springs in the tworiver basin are linked with ancestors of the Bai Ethnic Group. It has not only explained the ecological environment on which the salt well culture in Erhai region depends,but also revealed the early history of ancestors of the Bai Ethnic Group as creators of the salt well culture in Erhai region. It has not only expounded the geographical factors but also highlighted the humanistic role of the salt well culture in Erhai,so that we can have a real understanding regarding both the materials and the people in the origin,development,evolution and influence of the salt well culture in Erhai.

Nanzhao and Dali had been occupying a significant role in Chinese history. Previous studies on the history of Nanzhao and Dali mostly focused on political explorations,especially on the textual research of political and military relations among the Tang Dynasty,Nanzhao and Tubo. Although many scholars have paid attention to economic issues,they are limited to discussing produces,structures and systems. This book carries out a new study of the relationship between Nanzhao's rise and salt. It discusses in depth the disputes between Nanzhao,the Tang Dynasty and Tubo over the salt wells in the Yangbijiang River Basin,the contention between Nanzhao and the Tang Dynasty over salt wells in Anning,and the seizures between Nanzhao,the Tang Dynasty and Tubo over salt wells in Dingzuo. It gives a focused discussion on the role of salt in the relations among Nanzhao,the Tang Dynasty and Tubo. The book can be said to be unique and fleshing.

There are abundant achievements in the study of the ancient traffic history in Yunnan. In the 1980s,two new traffic terms appeared:the Southwest Silk Road and the Tea Horse Ancient Road. The emphasis on the important roles of silk and tea in the traffic of Yunnan and between China and foreign countries gives a false impression that Yunnan's traffic is carried out for silk and tea,thinking that the traffic is mainly used for the transportation of silk and tea. The study of Yunnan's traffic history is not only deepened,but also limited for the sake of silk and tea. This book initiates the concept of"the Salt Horse Ancient Road",which is undoubtedly a breakthrough in the study of the traffic history of Yunnan and between China and foreign countries. The book's detailed textual researches on and expositions of Yunlong Salt Horse Ancient Road,Yanlu Mountain Salt Horse Ancient Road,Shaxi Salt Horse Ancient Road and Lanping Salt Horse Ancient Road have undoubtedly pushed forward the study of the ancient traffic history of Yunnan,enabling us to have a deeper and more detailed understanding of the traffic in counties and townships in addition to Yunnan's main traffic arteries and deepening the study on the traffic history of Yunnan. Of course,in all traffic routes,not only horses but also cattle are the carriers of transportation. In ancient Yunnan,there were also elephants. Humans have also been vital carriers,as indicated in the notion of"Renbei Matuo(carried by humans and horses)". Even in the Republic of China(1912—1949),"porters"(for both short and long hauls)were still important jobs. Today,on the mountain trails,we can also see trekking people carrying wood,rice and vegetables. In terms of the materials transported,in addition to silk,tea and salt,there are mineral deposits such as iron,copper,lead,zinc,coal and others,and daily necessities including sugar,tobacco,wine,medicinal materials and others. In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,there were also horse caravans specializing in transporting opium. Therefore,it is improper to use silk,tea and other items as road names,although they are both characteristic and easy to use. However,the role and proportion of salt in the traffic of Yunnan cannot be ignored. This book is commendable for elaborating on the unique roles of salt in the traffic.

The production and trade of salt play an important role in the formation and development of market towns. Despite mentioning this point,some works give no in-depth analysis. Most of the scholars who discuss the history of the formation and development of the market towns in Yunnan lay particular emphasis on exploring such factors as political control,economic exchanges and commercial exchanges. Focusing on the production and trade of the salt industry,the book studies the ancient market towns in the Bai Ethnic Group. The book has put forward something inventive and innovative on the basis of previous studies. Ancient market towns that rose because of the production of salt include Shimen Well,Nuodeng Well,Shundang Well and Laji Well. Market towns arising from the transportation and trade of salt are Shaxi Town,Shanyang Town and Caojian Town. Studies on these towns are especially scarce,barely mentioned in quite some works regarding city and town histories. However,these towns have played important roles in and have significant impact on commodity exchanges,economic development,cultural dissemination and ethnic integration. The book's discussion on the formation,development and role of these towns is also worthy of affirmation. The book is undoubtedly an innovative achievement in the study of the city and town history.

Most of the works on Yunnan's cultural history talk about culture from a cultural perspective,ignoring the economic factors in the cultural development. This book has an in-depth exploration on salt as"a catalyst for the aggregation and dissemination of the ethnic culture",opening up a new path for the study of the cultural history of Yunnan. The salt industry has promoted the cultural exchanges,the educational development,and the cultivation of talents. Salt is indispensable to life and culture. Salt is an indispensable condiment for delicacies,and an indispensable catalyst for culture. In order to gain the profit from the salt industry,Han industrialists and businessmen went to Nuodeng in Yunlong to"boil for salt from brine,live there,and gradually integrate into the indigenous Bai Ethnic Group". For this reason,the indigenous Bai Ethnic Group learned and accepted the Han culture,and somewhat changed their customs,bringing out an amazing number of able persons. This book's exposition of the "catalyst"role of salt in Yunnan culture is well-founded and wellestablished. It is also vivid and convincing.

This book initiated an in-depth analysis on the belief of the salt gods in the Bai Ethnic Group. Regarding the studies on Ayangbai,the No. 1 Cave of Shibao Mountain Grottoes in Jianchuan,a national key cultural relics protection unit designated by the State Council,there have been different opinions for many years. From the perspective of the belief of the salt gods,this book proposes that"Ayangbai"is the symbol of their female reproduction worship. It is no coincidence that"salt"and "vulva"are homonyms in the language of the Bai Ethnic Group. In the consciousness of ancestors of the Bai Ethnic Group,salt and women were important matters related to the reproduction and survival of their ethnic group. This provides useful enlightenment to discuss the"Ayangbai"in Shibao Mountain Grottoes in Jianchuan. Despite fruitful researches on the religious belief of the Bai Ethnic Group,the researches on the worship and belief of the salt gods and related rituals are relatively weak. This book's discussion on the belief in the salt gods and folk rituals of the Bai Ethnic Group makes up for the long-term deficiency in the religious researches on the Bai Ethnic Group.

The book is also featured by the relationship between prestigious families in the Bai Ethnic Group and the salt wells. This book discusses the history of Yang's Family in Shimen Well,Dong's Family in Baofeng Well,Huang's Family in Nuodeng Well,Ma's Family in Dajing Well,Duan's Family and Ouyang's Family in Shaxi,Yang's Family in Yingpan Town and others. Thus,this book has opened up a new field for the study of the social history of the Bai Ethnic Group. It gives realistic and appropriate comments on the role of prestigious families in the social and historical development of the Bai Ethnic Group. In the past,prestigious families in the Bai Ethnic Group were either shunned or negatively commented on. This book gives a special chapter to systematically discuss their positive roles in the economic development,educational popularization,cultural promotion,ethnic integration and ethnic identity. It is a bold breakthrough and brave innovation.

This book pays attention to the collection and collation of documentation,not only grasping the data of official history books,but also collecting the documentation of local historical records,including local chronicles,genealogies,inscriptions,notes and so on. It pays attention not only to written information,but also to legendary and oral information. The author of this book has traveled through all salt wells and villages and towns related to salt wells in Erhai region,having made in-depth and detailed field research. The reason why this book presents something creative on the basis of predecessors lies in its in-depth efforts in both literature and field surveys. Compared with some superficial and utilitarian works at present,this book is not only superior in skills,but also in morality.

Needless to say,there is no end to learning. Some of the problems in this book need to be carefully studied,and others meticulously pondered. I believe the author will make greater achievement on the basis of this book. We look forward to the publication of the author's new research results.

Written with Respects by Lin Chaomin
First Draft on July 2010
Revised and Finalized on September 2010 x0WCyZ7rgiigTKWjoXXW6p5m3wq0Pm5ytei51BFSmTWY+dL+wmNsLskUR92asRL+
