
Part 3

Section I Before Class

Task 1: Practice the following tongue twisters, and then write down the different parts of speech and meanings of the underlined words.


1. Can 1 you can 2 a can 3 as a canner can 4 can 5 a can 6 ?


can 1 ________can 2 ________can 3 ________

can 4 ________can 5 ________can 6 ________

2. I wish 1 to wish the wish 2 you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.


wish 1 ________ wish 2 ________

Task 2: Scan the code to watch the video, and then dub it in roles with your partners.


Suzy : ______Ben : _____Sharon : _____

Suzy : Hi, Ben.

Ben : Hi.

Suzy : How are you?

Ben : Uh, good good. And you?

Suzy : Fine.

Ben : Suzy, this is Sharon.

Suzy : Nice to meet you.

Sharon : And you.

Ben : What are you doing here?

Suzy : It’s Steve’s brother’s birthday.

Ben : What, Jenkins?

Suzy : Yeah, he’s Steve’s older brother. Do you know him?

Ben : Yeah, he’s our boss.

Suzy : You are working at Sainsbury’s?

Ben : Yeah, I work the night shift.

Suzy : That’s great. Well, I’d better get back. It was good to see you.

Ben : You too.

Suzy : Nice to meet you.

Sharon : You too.

Section II In Class

Task: Read the passage , and then complete the following exercise.


How to Address Them

When you meet someone, you may use the word“Mr.”“Mrs.”or“Miss”to address them. But there is one more word you can use:“Ms.”The word“Ms.”is becoming more and more popular in the United States, for it can be used either for a married or unmarried woman. So when you are not certain whether to address the woman“Miss”or“Mrs.”, you may just address her as“Ms.”But be sure that the four words,“Mr.”“Mrs.”“Miss” and “Ms.”, are followed by the last name, that is,the family name or the surname.

The word“Ms.”is very useful when you address a Chinese woman whether she is married or not. In Western countries, a married woman usually takes her husband’s surname. For example, if a woman called Miss Jane London is married to a man called Peter Washington, then she should be addressed as Mrs. Washington after marriage. But it is not the case in China. A woman can still keep her surname after marriage. So it’s better to use“Ms.”to address a married Chinese woman. If a married Chinese woman’s name is Fang Wang, and you address her as Mrs. Wang, that might be very confusing.

Answer the following questions.


(1)What words are followed by the last name when you are addressing people in Western countries?


(2)In what case can you address a Chinese woman Ms.?


Section III After Class

Task: Think about the study of this unit , and then fi ll in the table.

思考本单元的学习情况,并填写表格。 H4lx4hQtwkgTS/nqX7UDcR6oWpDqousUsLRTUgaepXmQJUQ1A2scTL4C9sr1iYoz
