

Situation 1 Talking about the major fields in chemistry

Task 1

Listen to the conversation and tick the questions that are asked.

□ 1.How much do you know about chemistry?

□ 2.What've you been up to these days?

□ 3.Which course do you think is the most difficult?

□ 4.What about the inorganic chemistry?

□ 5.What does analytical chemistry do?

□ 6.What is the relation between these two lines?

□ 7.Is there any other field in the chemistry?

Task 2

Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences according to what you have heard.

Scofield:Hey,man!I see you going to library very often.What've you been up to these days?

Sheldon:My major is killing me!We have lots of books to read,such as 1chemistry,inorganic chemistry,physical chemistry,analytical chemistry.

Scofield:Wow,these courses sound pretty 2 for me.Could you explain a bit more about them?

Sheldon:Generally speaking,organic chemistry covers the substances 3 carbon,oxygen and hydrogen,like ethanol,gasoline and so on.

Scofield:What about the inorganic chemistry?

Sheldon:That's easy.Basically 4 except the organic are inorganic.

Scofield:Oh,I see.So what does analytical chemistry do?

Sheldon:Well,analytical chemistry mainly analyzes and detects the 5 of materials or the molecule,ion and atom.Besides,we also have an instrument analysis to 6 the material substance.

Scofield:That seems really complicated.Then what is physical chemistry?

Sheldon:This field has to do with the physical laws,which is to calculate the energy and changes in the state of matter during chemical 7.

Scofield:I got it.Is there any other field in the chemistry?

Sheldon:I heard that some lines such as nuclear chemistry and 8 are also very important to our society.But we haven't learned that much for now.If you are interested,you can 9 to Google for more information.

Scofield:I will.As far as I know,10is also very beneficial to us.

Sheldon:True!You do know something about chemistry,huh?

Situation 2 Talking about the importance of chemical products

Task 3

Listen to a passage and answer the following questions.

1.Why is chemistry essential to our everyday lives?

2.In what other industries do chemical products play an important role?

3.For what aspects of our daily life are chemical products essential?

4.What is the connection between materials of chemistry and people's lives?

5.What societal benefits can chemistry bring to us?

Task 4

Listen to the passage again with some blanks for you to fill in.

Chemistry is essential to our everyday lives and the economy.First,almost everything we use today is 1by chemical products.These products are 2 for a very wide range of other industries,like the automotive industry,medical 3,food industry,space exploration,transportation and clean energy sources.Second,they are essential for things of daily use like water supply,health care,house wares,pens,shelter,and even clothing.People's lives have been made healthier,safer and more convenient by the 4 of chemistry,which also 5 the natural raw materials of the earth,sea and air into useful products.Third,chemistry also drives product 6,creates jobs and economic growth.What's more,it brings major societal benefits to 7,sustainability and environment.In a word,every 8 of modern life depends largely upon the business of chemistry. E/cZQT/JZTfh7hebuqqnVXY1ae/1JZ1Ek2dOaBys+nZQcXwOyvJQKULZnomBqYdM
