

Task 7

Read Passage 1 and then work in pairs to speak out the common expressions given in brackets.

1.Chemical engineering is often called the___________________________(“万金油”工程专业)due to the almost universal potential for chemistry to be applied in a technical setting.

2.Chemists are tasked with discovering___________________________(商业上可行的化合物)on a limited scale in a laboratory setting.

3.The energy industry is where chemical engineers can specialize in petroleum engineering and the___________________________(原油提炼)into gasoline and other petrochemical products.

4.Maintenance work for a chemical engineer is in effect the monitoring of an existing chemical plant to ensure safety procedures are followed and to___________________________(检测技术问题)that may arise as a result of day to day operations.

5.A chemical engineer who works in the research field can advise other researchers on which research pathways may be more fruitful and be more efficiently translated into___________________________(产业的规模化生产).

6.Engineers that specialize in___________________________(石油开采)and refinement may spend months at a time at oil fields or even out on oil derricks at sea.

7.A chemical engineer working in a chemical plant will be exposed to an industrial environment which may include___________________________(危险物)in the event of an accident.

8.Many chemical engineers work in an office environment or are even self-employed,offering___________________________(工程咨询服务)on a contract basis.

9.Chemical engineers are near the top of the earnings statistics for all___________________________(工程科目).

10.The average starting salary for a chemical engineer___________________________(刚出校门)in that same year was $65,000.

Passage 1 The Nature of Chemical Engineering Career

Task 8

Read the passage again and supply the missing words or expressions to complete the following statements in pairs.

1.Chemical engineers use the principles of chemistry to solve___________________________in the most efficient manner possible.

2.Namely,the responsibilities of a chemical engineer is to develop___________________________on a large scale and as efficiently as possible.

3.While chemists study commercially viable compounds on a limited scale in a laboratory setting,the chemical engineers find practical application for this small scale discovery on___________________________.

4.In addition to the design of chemical production systems,many senior engineers routinely move into___________________________.

5.In the research stage of product development,___________________________of a chemical engineer can play an important role.

6.The chemical engineers'___________________________varies with the industry they work in.

7.Petrochemical engineers often work in normal business hours but may work extra hours___________________________.

8.Engineers who move into academia are expected to perform___________________________with dozens of students.

9.Indeed,the only engineering discipline with higher___________________________than chemical engineering is petroleum engineering.

10.Generally speaking,chemical engineering is one of the most___________________________,and the top ten percent of chemical engineers make more than the top ten percent of engineers in any other discipline except___________________________and aerospace engineering.

Task 9

Work in groups and discuss the following questions.

1.What is the difference between the job of a chemist and that of a chemical engineer?

2.What are the other career fields for chemical engineers except chemical production?

3.Why can a chemical engineer's skill set and knowledge base be valuable in the research stage of product development?

4.What is the work environment for engineers that specialize in petroleum extraction and refinement?

5.What should be the salary expectation for a chemical engineer?

Task 10

Read the sentences taken from Passage 1 and work in groups to translate them into Chinese.

1.A chemical engineer's technical knowledge can be invaluable in determining the strength and durability of the various materials available.


2.A computer hardware manufacturing company largely staffed by circuit focused electrical engineers needs the expertise of a chemical engineer when designing a new computer chip.


3.The management track involves coordinating the efforts of increasingly larger groups of engineers and support staff.


4.There is potential for engineers in management to rise to the executive level.Many chief executive officers of major petrochemical have been chemical engineers.


5.Chemical engineers in the healthcare field are more likely to split their time between a laboratory and a standard office environment during standard business hours.


Task 11

Work in pairs to complete the statements with the information from Passage 2.

1.Last May,the chemical engineering seniors took their last final examinations,attended graduation ceremonies,enjoyed their farewell parties,and then set off in___________________________.

2.Because almost every type of skilled work we can think of is somewhat related to chemical engineers,no universally accepted___________________________exists.

3.About 45%of the graduates went to large companies related to chemical,petrochemical,pulp and paper,___________________________,or textile engineering.

4.Another 35%of the graduates acquired positions in government agencies,design centers,consulting firms and companies in emerging fields such as___________________________.

5.About 10%of the graduates went to graduate schools,where they would receive advanced education in traditional chemical engineering areas and get jobs doing process or control systems design or___________________________.

6.The remaining 10%went into graduate school in an area other than chemical engineering,such as medicine,law,and business on the basis of their___________________________.

7.In addition,several graduates went to work for companies manufacturing such___________________________as pharmaceuticals,paints and dyes,and cosmetics.

8.To remain competitive in the career,those who work for companies manufacturing specialty chemicals have to concentrate on such things as mixing efficiency,heat transfer,automatic temperature and liquid level control,statistical quality control,and___________________________.

9.It is not unusual for some graduates to find employment in electronics companies that manufacture___________________________.

10.The graduates working in the electronics field may be required to___________________________that can be used to produce the desired films,___________________________at which to run the reactions,design the reactors,and continue to improve their operation.

Passage 2 What Chemical Engineers Do

Task 12

Read the passage again and translate the expressions into Chinese or English in pairs.

1.career directions __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 职业选择

2.skilled worker



3.universally accepted definition _____________________________________________________普遍接受的真理


4.well-earned vacation


_____________________________________________________ 应得的薪水

5.emerging fields _____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ 新兴技术

6.doctoral degree candidates _____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ 行政主管职位人选

7.production process _____________________________________________________操作流程


8.statistical quality control _____________________________________________________产品质量控制


9.silicon wafers _____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ 半导体晶片

10.chemical vapor deposition _____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ 物理气相沉积

Task 13

Read Passage 3 and answer the following questions.

1.What is hazardous waste management?

2.What organizations do chemists in hazardous waste management work for?

3.What is the potential career advancement a chemist has in the field of hazardous waste management?

4.What personal characteristics should a hazardous waste management chemist develop?

5.How can you obtain the salary information in chemical professions?

Passage 3 Hazardous Waste Management Chemists

Task 14

Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the information from the passage to complete the passage outline. l/H3+SiR1MWRCoXj4rTqynd/eYpuYMYWThfwuztSm9bKxtEV8xNy/0OxRKQfzmgF
