

Situation 3 Talking about how to make natural mosquito repellent

Sample Dialogue 1

Jeanette:It's getting hotter and hotter these days.And mosquitoes are coming out.

Belinda:Yes,the terrible mosquitoes are back.

Jeanette:Look at my legs.Mosquito bites are everywhere.

Belinda:Oh,my god!Why don't you use some mosquito repellents?

Jeanette:It's said that most of the mosquito repellents are toxic.

Belinda:You are right,but you can make your own natural mosquito repellent.


Belinda:Yes,you can control exactly what goes into the product so you won't need to worry about any unwanted chemicals.

Jeanette:Can you show me the way?

Belinda:Well,in general,what you are doing is diluting an essential oil that the mosquitoes find distasteful or which confuses them so they can't find you to bite you.

Jeanette:Are there any natural essential oils that work well against mosquitoes?

Belinda:Yes,cinnamon oil,lemon eucalyptus oil,citronella oil and castor oil are good essential oil ingredients.

Jeanette:Thank you for the information.

Task 5

Pair work.Start a conversation with your partner according to the following situation:

You are a primary school teacher and your students like playing bubbles.Now you are talking with them and telling them how to make bubble solution themselves.

Language tips:

0.5 cup of dishwashing liquid

4.5 cups of water

4 tablespoons of glycerin

Situation 4 Talking about sports drinks

Sample Dialogue 2

Craig:Hey,man,you've just played basketball?

Alex:Yes.It's so hot and I'm really thirsty.Would you like some sports drinks?

Craig:No,thanks.I usually drink water after exercise.

Alex:I find it too bland.Gatorade is my favorite.

Craig:Actually,sports drinks don't hydrate better than water and it doesn't quench thirst.

Alex:Oh,really?I didn't know about that.Which drink is best for getting and staying hydrated during exercise?

Craig:The natural choice for hydration is water.It hydrates better than any other liquid,both before and during exercise.

Alex:You sound like an expert on it,bro.

Craig:I read some articles on it.In fact,you can get a carbohydrate boost from sports drinks,in addition to electrolytes which may be lost from perspiration.

Alex:So there are advantages from sports drinks.

Craig:Sure,but these drinks tend to offer lower calories than juice or soft drinks.

Alex:Thank you for telling me these.I'd better drink water next time.

Task 6

Start a conversation with your partner according to the following situation:

Your teacher gave you an assignment to find out the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of drinks.Now you are exchanging views with your classmates on it.

Language tips:


sports drinks


carbonated soft drinks

coffee and tea

alcoholic beverages

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