

Verbs I Forms

I.Grammar Points

Verbs are words that usually express an action.Here are two easy ways to identify a verb,you can use either one.If a word can have should in front of it and the phrase sounds complete,the word is a verb.Examples:should leave,should sail,should discover,should complain.Leave,sail,discover,and complain are all verbs.

If a word can have to in front of it and the phrase sounds complete,it's a verb.Examples:to leave,to sail,to discover,to complain.Leave,sail,discover,and complain are all verbs.

Verbs have a number of different inflectional forms that are required or permitted in various grammatical contexts.For example,the lexeme fly has a form flown that is required in a context like (1),where it follows the verb have,and a form flew that is permitted in a context like (2),where it is the only verb in a sentence:

(1) Kim has flown home.

(2) Kim flew home.

1.Verb forms

Verbs have the following forms:a base form (e.g.look),an s-form (looks),a past form (looked),a gerund form (looking) and a past/passive participle (looked).

Some of the verb forms have more than one use.

2.Finite and non-finite verbs

A finite verb phrase is one that can be the main verb of a sentence.A non-finite verb phrase is an infinitive,gerund or participle.

A finite verb phrase can come in a main clause or a sub-clause.

● The police took action.

● We were pleased when the police took action.

A non-finite verb comes only in a sub-clause.

● We wanted the police to take action.

● We approved of the police taking action.

● We approved of the action taken by the police.

Sometimes there are two verb phrases together,a finite one and then a non-finite one.

● The police wanted to take action.

● Things kept disappearing from the changing room.

3.The structure of the verb phrase

In a finite verb phrase there are a number of choices.

Tense:Past or present?It showed or It shows

Modal:Modal or not?They could find or They found

Aspect:Perfect or not?It has gone or It goes Continuous or not?It was happening or It happened

Voice:Passive or active?They were informed or He informed them

In the verb phrase there is always an ordinary verb.There may be one or more auxiliaries in front of it.

If there is no auxiliary,the verb is in a simple tense:leave (present simple),arrived (past simple).

Auxiliary verbs come in this order:

modal verb-have-be (continuous)-be (passive)

The auxiliary verb affects the form of the next word,whether the next word is another auxiliary or an ordinary verb.

Modal verb+base form:will steal,should have worked

have+past participle:has gone,has been taking,have worked

be+active participle:was looking,has been taking

be+passive participle:were informed,had been stolen

The first word of the verb phrase is present or past,e.g.leave (present),arrived (past),has (present),was (past).

The exception is modal verbs,which do not usually have a tense.Sometimes the first word agrees with the subject:

you leave/he leaves.

II.Grammar Exercises

1.In the following sentences,identify the verbs and their subjects as shown in these examples.Examples:We dug for many hours and found nothing.

Verb dug,found

Subject We

Efforts in his behalf have proven useless.

Verb have proven

Subject efforts

Both gladiators remained on their feet for an hour.

Verb remained

Subject gladiators

The paint was scraped from the building.

Verb was scraped

Subject paint

(1) Richard boarded the boat an hour before it sailed.



(2) Despite the attorney's arguments,the defendant found himself alone in his cell,unhappy and without hope.



(3) The door closed behind her as she left the dining room.



(4) As the clock in the tower rang out,the people gathered quickly for prayer.



(5) Eileen decided that a trip to the college was worth her time.



(6) The unread books remained on their shelves year after year.



(7) Philosophy was his first love,but knowledge of accountancy earned bread and shelter for him.



(8) Butter your bread now,or you will have no dinner.



(9) That train never leaves on time.



(10) The children played at their games until they were called home.



2.Read this paragraph and then write the first three verbs under"Verbs",and so on.Do not write the same word more than once.

Henry thinks Claire is wonderful.He loves her madly,and he dreams of marrying her,but unfortunately he is rather old for her.Today they are at a cafe with their friends Sarah and Mark,so Henry can't get romantic with Claire.But he might buy her some flowers later.


3.Is the underlined word a verb,a noun or an adjective?

Example:Shall we go for a walk?noun

Shall we walk into the town?verb

(1) Laura wanted to talk to Rita.

(2) Laura wanted a talk with Rita.

(3) The windows aren't very clean.

(4) Doesn't anyone clean the windows?

(5) We went to a fabulous show in New York.

(6) Laura wanted to show Rita her photos.

(7) Henry thought Claire looked beautiful.

(8) A strange thought came into Emma's head.

(9) Sarah is feeling quite tired now.

(10) Studying all night had tired Andrew out.

III.TEM-4 Exercises

1.____at in this way,the present economic situation doesn't seem so gloomy.

A.Looking B.Looked C.Having looked D.To look

2.____enough time and money,the researchers would have been able to discover more in this field.

A.Giving B.To give C.Given D.Being given

3.____time,he'll make a first-class tennis player.

A.Having B.Given C.Giving D.Had

4.____,he was chosen and trained as a professional swimmer.

A.He was born and raised in a fishing village

B.Born and raised in a fishing village

C.That he was born and raised in a fishing village

D.In addition to he was born and raised in a fishing village

5.He resented____to wait.He expected the minister____him at once.

A.to be asked,to see B.being asked,to see

C.to be asked,seeing D.being asked,seeing

6.Mr.Brown had the report____as soon as he finished____it.

A.to be typed,to write B.typed,to write

C.being typed,writing D.typed,writing

7.The mother was afraid to let the boy____the tree.

A.to risk climbing B.risk climbing C.to risk to climb

D.risk to climb

8.____no cause for alarm,the old man went back to his bedroom.

A.There was B.Since C.Being D.There being

9.The tape recorder____out of order,the students did not know what to do.

A.was B.being C.has been D.was being

10.The country's chief exports are coal,cars and cotton goods,cars____the most important of these.

A.have been B.are C.being D.are being

IV.Key Words of TEM-4

Group 1 considerable considerate numerous conspicuous considerable a.large in size,amount,or quantity

We received a considerable number of complaints.

We have already wasted a considerable amount of time and money.

considerate a.thinking about the rights and feelings of other people;showing kindness toward other people

She is one of the most considerate people I know.

He was considerate and turned down the stereo when we asked him to.

He is always considerate of other people's feelings.

numerous a.existing in large numbers

Although numerous books have been written about mothers,only recently has literature focused on the role of a father.

She decided to leave for numerous reasons.

The people I'd like to thank are too numerous to list.

conspicuous a.very easy to see or notice

The sign was placed in a very conspicuous position.

The business was a conspicuous success.

conspicuously ad.

He was conspicuously absent from the meeting.

TEM-4 Question 1

On the road motorists should be aware of cyclists and be____towards them.

A.considerable B.considering C.considerate D.considered

Group 2 achieve approach attain acquire

achieve v.to get or reach (something) by working hard

This year,our company was able to achieve all of its production goals.

They achieved high scores on their math tests.

approach v.

(1) to move or become near or nearer to something or someone

We are approaching our destination.

Your birthday is fast approaching.

(2) to be almost the same as (something or someone)

When it comes to cooking Italian food,no one can approach her.

(3) to start talking to (someone) for some purpose (such as to ask a question or make a request)

The supervisor is quite easy to approach,so don't hesitate to bring up any problems you have.

After two hours in detention,I was approached by one of the officers."You're free to go,"he said.

(4) to begin to deal with or think about (something)

She approached the problem from a different angle.

I will approach the idea with an open mind.

attain v.

(1) to succeed in achieving something after trying for a long time

More women are attaining positions of power.

(2) to reach a particular level,age,size etc.

Share prices attained a high of$3.27.

After a year she had attained her ideal weight.

acquire v.

(1) to come to own (something)

They're planning to acquire a new home in the country.

He acquired a small fortune after the death of her parents.

(2) to gain (a new skill,ability,etc.) usually by your own effort

She quickly acquired fluency in French.

He has acquired a reputation as a careful worker.

acquisition n.

Too many Americans have been expressing the American Dream through the acquisition of material items.

TEM-4 Question 2

After working for the firm for ten years,he finally____the rank of deputy director.

A.achieved B.approached C.attained D.acquired

Group 3 eloquent effective emotional emphatic

eloquent a.

(1) having the ability to use language clearly and effectively

His eloquent speech called out a response in the heart of every man.

(2) clearly showing feeling or meaning

That's a wise and eloquent answer,and one that reinforces the importance of all we've been discussing.

effective a.

(1) producing a result that is wanted;having an intended effect

The government should take effective measures to live through this economical crisis.

Soap should therefore be effective against all flu viruses.

(2) of a law,rule,etc.in use

The law will become effective next year.

emotional a.

(1) relating to emotions

All of us have feelings and emotional reactions to certain things in life.

(2) likely to show emotion;easily upset,excited,etc.

He's a very emotional person.

emphatic a.

(1) said or done in a forceful or definite way

Her answer was an emphatic"Yes!"

(2) speaking or acting in a forceful way

They were emphatic about their political differences.

emphasize v.give special attention to (something)) to place emphasis on (something)

In all of these areas,"we will emphasize the rights of women and girls throughout,"she said.

TEM-4 Question 3

She answered with an____"No"to the request that she attend the public hearing.

A.eloquent B.effective C.emotional D.emphatic

Group 4 casual casualty chronic chronological

casual a.

(1) happening by chance;done without much thought,effort,or concern

We are the casual acquaintance of a long railway journey.

(2) designed for ordinary dress,behavior,etc.;not formal

The atmosphere at the meeting was quite casual.

Casual days are days when a company allows workers to dress in casual clothes.

(3) not so interested,not serious

He's a casual sports fan.

casualty n.

(1) a person who is hurt or killed during an accident,war,etc.

Casualty figures in Wednesday's quake were too preliminary to draw any conclusions about the ratio of student deaths.

(2) a person or thing that is harmed,lost,or destroyed;a victim

The tree was a casualty of the high winds.

The factory was a casualty of the depression.

chronic a.continuing or occurring again and again for a long time

For those with chronic depression,she said,"keep at it".

Inflation has become a chronic condition in the economy.

chronological a.arranged in the order of time that things happened

I like to have the newest books on top,so I sort them in reverse chronological order.

His art is displayed in roughly chronological order.

chronologically ad.

The events were discussed chronologically.

TEM-4 Question 4

When Linda heard the good news she tried to sound casual,but her excitement was obvious.The underlined part means____.

A.uncaring B.disinterested C.without plan D.without warning

Group 5 catch on catch in catch out catch up

catch on (1) to become popular

This trend is catching on with college students.

(2) to learn or understand something

Once you start playing the game,the kids will catch on pretty quickly.

It took her a while to catch on,but she eventually got the joke.

catch in to get stuck in

He caught his thumb in the door.

He was caught in a dilemma.

catch out to show that (someone) does not know something or is not telling the truth

She loved catching teachers out by asking tough questions.

The police tried to catch him out in a lie.

catch up (1) to move fast enough to join someone or something that is in front

She missed several months of school and may never catch up with the other children in her class.

As my exams are coming next week,I'll take advantage of the weekend to catch up on some reading.

(2) get involved in (a difficult or confusing situation)

Several members of Congress were caught up in the scandal.

TEM-4 Question 5

Mini-skirts first____in the 1960s.

A.caught on B.caught in C.caught out D.caught up

V.Working with Words and Expressions

Complete the following sentences with a word or an expression from the box.Change the form if necessary.

considerable considerate numerous conspicuous conspicuously achieve

approach attain acquire acquisition eloquent effective

emotional emphatic emphasize casual casualty chronic

chronological chronologically catch on catch in catch out catch up

1.The author begins with an episode from The Graduate in order to____the sharp contrast between now and then.

2.You may____knowledge by reading,but there are so many kinds of books and we have limited time.How should we do some reading?

3.In order to____with its competitors in the industry,the company will need to start using more advanced technologies.

4.Of the well-known European languages,for a single noun can be spoken or written in several hundred different forms,the forms of the verbs are even more


5.He was uncomfortable about his____weight gain.

6.Each and every civilian____is a tragedy and makes the job over there much,much harder.

7.We were advised to never be too aggressive when____a potential client.

8.If you're not feeling____enough to explain your decision to others,let us say it for you.

9.Many researchers also believe there is something in Asian Culture that breeds success,such ideals that stress family values and____education.

10.It sounds as if you are already ignoring his tears,as his problem is____.

11.Going off alone to cool down is also an____way to refuse anger,especially if you can't think clearly.

12.Usually these articles are very____,reporting things as they happen.

13.The couple has donated a not____amount of money to the foundation.

14.Soccer is finally starting to____in America.

15.What's more,a high rate of suicide may warn people of their____well-being. i8Nn+EFPMKJG96uYVZtXsdvJhHAJ6LTt+TbqQS8kIjLzZ6pZZUq+MJ0K26zrSDIK
