

Word Order

I.Grammar Points

Word order is very important in English.As nouns do not have endings for subject or object,it is the word order that shows which is which.In English,the order of words is essential to the meaning of a sentence.We have to distinguish carefully between the subject-group and the verb-group (or predicate).The predicate is what is said about the subject,i.e.it is all the words in a sentence except the subject.As these examples show,a change in word order brings with it a fundamental change in meaning,which would not be the case if the nouns had endings.

1.Basic word order in an English sentence

Although variations are possible,the basic word order in a sentence that is not a question or a command is usually as following.

(1) Word order:definitions of key terms

A subject is normally a noun,pronoun or noun phrase;it usually goes before the verb.The verb must"agree"with the subject,so the subject dictates the form of the verb (e.g.I wait/John waits/I am/You are/I have/The new edition has).This"agreement"between subject and verb is often called concord.An object is normally a noun,pronoun or noun phrase;it usually goes after the verb in the active voice.It can become the subject of a verb in the passive.

A sentence does not always require an object.It can just be

—subject+verb We all laughed.

—subject+verb+adverb We laughed loudly.

Some verbs do not take an object.

(2) Making the parts of a sentence longer

We can lengthen a subject or object by adding a clause or a phrase.

—lengthening the subject

● The man ran away.

● The man who stole the money ran away.

—lengthening the object

● I bought a raincoat.

● I bought a raincoat with a warm lining.

(3) Some common variations on the basic word order

We normally avoid separating a subject from its verb and a verb from its object (e.g.with an adverb),though there are exceptions even to this basic rule.


● Did you bring your car in for a service?When did you bring your car in for a service?

—reporting verbs in direct speech

●"You've eaten the whole thing",cried Frank.

—certain conditional sentences

● If you see him please give him my regards.

—time references requiring special emphasis

● Last night we went to the movies.

—adverbs of manner/indefinite time

● The whole building suddenly began to shake.

● Suddenly the whole building began to shake.

—adverbs of indefinite frequency

● We often played dangerous games when we were children.

—adverb phrases

● Inside the package (there) was a letter.

—adverb particles (e.g.back) and here/there

● Back came the answer—"no"

● Here/There is your coat.Here/There it is.

—negative adverbs

● Never in world history has there been such a conflict.


Items in a sentence can be put at the front for special emphasis.

● A fine mess you've made of this!


Inversion is usually used in the following structures:

(1) questions

● Have your father and mother arrived?(NOT Have arrived your father and mother?)

● Where is the concert taking place?(NOT Where is taking place the concert?) (NOT Where the concert is taking place?)

Spoken questions do not always have this word order.

● You're coming tomorrow?

Indirect questions do not usually have this order.

● I wondered what time the film was starting.(NOT...what time was the film starting.)

However,in formal writing inversion is sometimes used with be in indirect questions after how,especially when the subject is long.

● I wondered how reliable was the information I had been given.

(2) exclamations

Exclamations often have the form of negative questions.

● Isn't it cold? Hasn't she got lovely eyes?

In spoken American English,exclamations often have the same form as ordinary (non-negative) questions.

● Have you got a surprise coming! Was I mad!

(3) with may

● May can come before the subject in wishes.

● May all your wishes come true!

(4) after so,neither and nor

In short answers and similar structures,these words are followed by an auxiliary verb+subject.

● I'm hungry.—So am I.

● I don't like opera.—Neither/Nor do I.

(5) after as,than and so

Inversion sometimes happens after as,than and so in a literary style.

● She was very religious,as were most of her friends.

● City dwellers have a higher death rate than do country people.

● So ridiculous did she look that everybody burst out laughing.

(6) conditional clauses

In formal and literary conditional clauses,an auxiliary verb can be put before the subject instead of using if.

Were she my daughter...(=If she were my daughter...)

● Had I realized what you intended...(=If I had realized...)

● Negatives are not contracted in this case.

● Had we not spent all our money already,...(NOT Hadn't we spent...)

(7) after negative and restrictive expressions

If a negative adverb or adverbial expression is put at the beginning of a clause for emphasis,it is usually followed by an auxiliary verb+subject.These structures are mostly rather formal.

● Under no circumstances can we cash checks.

● At no time was the President aware of what was happening.

● Not until much later did she learn who her real father was.

The same structure is possible after a complete clause beginning with not until...

● Not until he received her letter did he fully understand her feelings.

Inversion is also used after restrictive words like hardly (in BrE),seldom,rarely,little and never,and after only+time expression.This is formal or literary.

● Hardly had I arrived when trouble started.(BrE)

● Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature.

● Little did he realize the danger he faced.

● Never...was so much owed by so many to so few.(Churchill)

● Only then did I understand what she meant.

● Only after her death was I able to appreciate her.

● Not only did we lose our money,but we were nearly killed.

● Not a single word did he say.

Inversion is not used after not far...and not long...

● Not far from here you can see foxes.(NOT Not far from here can you...)

● Not long after that she got married.

(8) after adverbial expressions of place

When an adverbial expression of place or direction comes at the beginning of a clause,intransitive verbs are often put before their subjects.This happens especially when a new indefinite subject is being introduced.The structure is most common in literary and descriptive writing.

● Under a tree was lying one of the biggest men I had ever seen.

● On the grass sat an enormous frog.

● Directly in front of them stood a great castle.

● Along the road came a strange procession.

This structure is often used in speech with here,there and other short adverbs and adverb particles.

● Here comes Freddy!(NOT Here Freddy comes.)

● There goes your brother.

● I stopped the car,and up walked a policeman.

● The door opened and out came Angela's boyfriend.

If the subject is a pronoun,it goes before the verb.

● Here she comes.(NOT Here comes she.)

● Off we go!

(9) reporting

In story-telling,the subject often comes after reporting verbs like said,asked,suggested etc.when these follow direct speech.

●"What do you mean?"asked Henry.(OR...Henry asked.)

●"I love you,"whispered Jan.

If the subject is a pronoun,it usually comes before the verb.

● What do you mean?he asked.

II.Grammar Exercises

1.Observe the word order in the sentences below.

(1) The second point I'll explain later.

(2) This one I'll send by ordinary mail.

(3) That shelf,he probably put it on.

(4) The next point we'll discuss tomorrow.

(5) Swindle 1 shall call it.

(6) This they will understand.

(7) About this we must take fully into account.

(8) What you've just said,I'll always keep in mind.

(9) Dates I could never remember.

(10) Invalids we have no use for.

2.Rewrite the following sentences after the examples.

Example 1:Though she was young,she was quite experienced in this work.

Young as she was,she was quite experienced in this work.

(1) Though it was cold,many of them wore only two layers of thin clothing.

(2) Though the plan is desirable,many of its provisions will have to be watered down.

(3) Though I was anxious,my thought kept returning to the contents of the letter.

(4) Though they try hard,they can't find a solution to the problem.

Example 2:If anyone should call,wake me up.

Should anyone tall,wake me up.

(1) If it should be necessary,I will come to help you.

(2) If you had asked me,I would have given you the answer.

(3) If Mary were here,she might be able to do something to help.

(4) If our train were to arrive punctually at 8:15,we wouldn't miss the opening ceremony.

3.Rewrite the sentences,placing the words in italics at the beginning and making other necessary change.

(1) They little realized that they had made an important discovery in science.

(2) He had no sooner put down the reviver than the telephone rang again.

(3) We must on no account make any concession in this connection.

(4) The enemy tried in vain to encircle and wipe out the guerrillas.

(5) We rarely saw anyone so devoted as he was to medical science.

(6) She was so absorbed in the work that she often forgot to take her meals.

(7) They didn't doubt for one moment that theirs was a just cause.

(8) Their fear was such that they didn't dare to turn off the light the whole night.

(9) Such a major operation has proved successful in very few cases.

(10) We must not relax our vigilance under any circumstances.

4.Put the words in the correct order and write the statements.

Example:is/Melanie/very nice Melanie is very nice.

(1) football/likes/Tom__________________________________

(2) an accident/David/had__________________________________

(3) moved/the piano/we__________________________________

(4) a tall woman/Harriet/is__________________________________

(5) sat/on the floor/everyone__________________________________

(6) gave/some help/Mike薷s friends/him__________________________________

III.TEM-4 Exercises

1.It is going to be fine tomorrow.____.

A.So is it. B.So it is. C.So it does. D.So does it.

2.Little____about her own safety,though she herself was in great danger.

A.she cared B.she may care C.may she care D.did she care

3.Fool____Jerry is,he could not have done such a thing.

A.who B.as C.like D.that

IV.Key Words of TEM-4

Group 1 acknowledge afford allow for account for

acknowledge v.

(1) to say that you do not deny the truth of...;to admit

They grudgingly acknowledged their mistake.

(2) to regard...as having or deserving a particular status

She is generally acknowledged as one of the world's best chefs.

(3) to tell or show someone that something has been received

She acknowledged the gift with a card.

(4) to show that someone has been seen and recognized

The players acknowledged their fans by waving their hands and blowing kisses into the crowd.

(5) to express thanks or appreciation for (something or someone)

They acknowledge past scholars for the important work they have done.

acknowledgement n.the act of acknowledging something or someone

If a car driver slows down to let you cross the road,simply raising your hand in acknowledgement

is enough to show that you appreciate the driver's consideration.

afford v.

(1) to be able to pay for something or to do something without having problems

He'll be able to afford a house next year.

She's already too thin.She can't afford to lose any more weight.

(2) to supply or provide

All of the rooms afford views of the lake.

He was afforded the opportunity to work for a judge.

affordable a.cheap enough for ordinary people to afford

The tuition fees are affordable to students coming from low-income families.

allow for to think about or plan for (something that might happen in the future)

When purchasing property,the company should allow for possible future expansion.

If you allow for inflation,he's actually earning less money now than he was 10 years ago.

account for (1) to give a reason or explanation for (something)

Eventually,you will need to account for your actions.

(2) to make up or form (a part of something)

Women account for only 25 percent of our employees.

(3) to think about,to take (something) into account/consideration

The researchers failed to account for the fact that most of the students were poor.

TEM-4 Question 1

It will take us twenty minutes to get to the railway station,____traffic delays.

A.acknowledging B.affording C.allowing for D.accounting for

Group 2 release renew relieve rehearse

release v.

(1) to set (someone or something) free

There is a lot of controversy over whether or not wolves should be released into the park.

Similar advances with other crops have released people from hard and boring jobs for more

creative work,whilst machines harvest crops more efficiently with less waste.

The hot-air balloon pilot signaled the ground crew to release [=let go of] the ropes.

(2) to allow (a substance) to enter the air,water,soil,etc.

Plastic releases dangerous chemicals when it burns.

(3) to cause (an emotion,a feeling,etc.) to go away by expressing it or dealing with it in some way

Exercise is a good way to release tension.

(4) to make (something) available to the public

We have to release the news before 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.

renew v.

(1) to arrange for an agreement or official document to continue for a further period of time

I need to renew my passport this year.

(2) to make (something) new,fresh,or strong again

This discussion has renewed my hope of finding a solution to the problem.

You should renew the water in the fish tank once a week.

(3) to begin doing something again after a period of not doing it

She renewed her promise to come to see me.

They recently renewed their friendship after more than 10 years apart.

renewed a.

She wrote with renewed enthusiasm after meeting her editor.

We felt renewed after a good night's sleep.

There was more violence in spite of renewed efforts to make peace.

relieve v.

(1) to reduce someone's pain or unpleasant feelings

Drugs helped to relieve the pain.

We were relieved to hear you were admitted to a university.

(2) to make a problem less difficult or serious

They made an effort to relieve traffic congestion.

(3) to replace someone when they have completed their duty or because they have done wrong

The guard will be relieved at midnight.

relieve somebody of something

A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work.

relief n.

(1) a feeling of happiness that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended

It was such a relief to hear that Marta was found safe and well.

After the exam,I felt an incredible sense of relief.

(2) things (such as food,money,or medicine) that are given to help people who are victims of a war,earthquake,flood,etc.

Countries from around the world have been sending relief to the flood victims.Relief workers delivered medical supplies.

rehearse v.

(1) to practice a play or concert in order to prepare for a public performance

I think we need to rehearse the first scene again.

(2) to rehearse for

The band was rehearsing for their world tour.

(3) to practice something that you plan to say to someone

She had carefully rehearsed her resignation speech.

TEM-4 Question 2

During the TV interview,the singer announced that he was going to

____his new album soon.

A.release B.renew C.relieve D.rehearse

Group 3 alter convert transform modify

alter v.

(1) to change

This one small event altered the course of history.

The city centre has altered beyond recognition.

(2) to make a piece of clothing longer,wider etc.so that it fits

She had the dress altered for the wedding.

altered a.

Later,we see this character again in a slightly altered form.

unalterable a.that can not be altered

If these differences correspond with the differences in the hemispheric trunk line,there is an unalterable distinction between the sexes.

convert v.

(1) to change something into a different form,or to change something so that it can be used for a different purpose or in a different way

They converted the spare bedroom into an office.

In the process,the light energy converts to heat energy.

(2) to change to a different system,method,etc.

The factory converted to newer machinery.

(3) to persuade someone to change to a different religion,a different set of ideas,principles,or ways of doing something

Many people have recently converted to vegetarianism.

transform v.to change completely the appearance or character of something or someone,especially so that they are improved

The reorganization will transform the British entertainment industry.

Whenever a camera was pointed at her,Marilyn would instantly transform herself into a radiant star.

transformation n.a complete or major change in someone's or something's appearance,form,etc.

The mother's role seems to require a complete transformation in daily routine.

The transformation of China itself is the most important development in this context.

modify v.

(1) to make small changes on something in order to improve it and make it more suitable or effective

The regulations can only be modified by a special committee.

modify something to do something

The seats can be modified to fit other types of vehicle.

(2) describe something or limit the word's meaning

In the phrase"walk slowly",the adverb"slowly"modifies the verb"walk".

TEM-4 Question 3

Our office has recently

____to a new computer system.

A.altered B.converted C.transformed D.modified

TEM-4 Question 4

McDonald's switch to frozen French fries in 1966 and____a familiar food into a highly processed industrial commodity.

A.altered B.convert C.transformed D.modified

Group 4 in spite of regardless on account of as to

in spite of without being prevented by something=despite

He failed the test in spite of all his studying.

They made it on time in spite of the fact that they got a flat tire.

in spite of oneself even though someone does not want to or expect to

I ended up having a good time in spite of myself.

regardless ad.in spite of difficulty,trouble,etc.

It was raining,but we went for a walk regardless.[=in spite of the rain]

regardless of without being stopped or affected by (something)

He runs every day regardless of the weather.

on account of because of;for the reason of

The game was canceled on account of the rain.

They were treated badly on account of their beliefs.

as to (1) about

I'm at a loss as to how to explain the error.

There is disagreement as to the causes of the fire.

(2) according to,by

The eggs are graded as to size and color.

TEM-4 Question 5

The girl cannot come to school today on account of the flu.The underlined part means____.

A.concerning B.for C.as to D.because of

V.Working with Words and Expressions

Complete the following sentences with a word or an expression from the box.Change the form if necessary.

acknowledge afford allow for account for relief acknowledgement

affordable release renew relieve rehearse renewed

altered convert transform transformation modify in spite of

regardless alter on account of as to

1.I don't see why they liked the movie,but there's no taste.

2.In fact,personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. of what you are like in real life,the key seems to be to act yourself.

3.She____his greeting with a smile.

4.We need to find ways to____overcrowding in our schools.

5.While politicians may limit damage by having carefully____written scripts to speak from,there is always

a hidden awareness among the audience that the words might not be true.

6.The Internet has completely____many retail businesses.

7.He always did well at school____having to do part-time jobs every now and then.

8.Needy and handicapped people depend on government____for their support.

9.They____only a small percentage of the total losses due to shop-lifting.

10.The factory faced serious fines for____dangerous chemicals into the river.

11.I used not to like exercise,but my sister has____me to it.

12.It is universally____that people should relax.It is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances.

13.If you haven't listened to this music since the 1960s,it's time to____your acquaintance with these songs.

14.This has led to a heated debate____whether college students should hire cleaners.15.Don't spend more than you can____. pxISZSRv4Qpz1P/sIYj7O9XMiXzGW4BLo0M01Pm+kiqA7oAm0apEVXCumoedwFG9
