
1.6 翻译练习

Exercise I

Directions: Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese,paying attention to the parts in bold types.

1.When moving over land,a typhoon is gradually decreased in severity.

2.Since the computer came into being science and technology have made great advances.

3.Whenever a wave moves out from a source in uniform medium,it travels in straight lines.

4.By the time winter begins,coastal waters are thoroughly mixed,with virtually no temperature or salinity differences between surface and bottom waters.

5.Only when its melting-point temperature is reached does iron start to pass into a liquid.

6.While in the form of radiation,the energy may travel a tremendous distance before being absorbed or changed back into heat.

Exercise Ⅱ

Directions: Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.

Dr.Zhongli Pan:A Chinese-American Scientist Coming from the Black Soil of China

Dr.Zhongli Pan,a Chinese-American scientist who has made proud achievements in the field of agri-cultural science,has been awarded the Grand Prize for Chinese Who Have Impacted the World in 2008.He was interviewed by a reporter from ChinaNews the other day in the United States upon the release of the news that Dr.Pan was going to be conferred a grand prize.

Dr.Zhongli Pan,professor of biology and agricultural engineer of University of California at Davis ex-pressed his happiness for receiving the grand prize bestowed on him on the land of his mother country.He said,"The prize is not for me alone.It is an acknowledgement of the contributions made by Chinese-Ameri-cans to technological advances and to the society as well."

The 47-year-old Pan came from Suihua City of Heilongjiang Province.After he graduated with Master of Science from the Northeastern Agricultural University of China,he went to the United States for further stud-ies in 1988 and has stayed there ever since.For more than 20 years of his stay in the U.S.,he has kept a low-profile,remaining a modest academic and scientist.Talking about his career,Dr.Pan said that like so many other scientists,he had confronted various challenges in his work,like persuading people to accept new technologies,and finding ways to translate ideas of science into practical technblogies,etc.

Thanks to his remarkable achievements in production of healthy food,food safety and food preservation technologies,Dr.Pan has received successively several grand prizes of science in the U.S.In 2008,Dr.Pan,having been recommended by nomination committees from grassroots all the way up,won the Presi-dential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers(PECASE).At the awards ceremony,President Bush said in his congratulatory speech that scientists who won this prize were the elite of the nation.

The Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers,which was instituted in 1 996,sym-bolizes the highest honor in the field of science and engineering in the U.S.Winners come from eight depart-ments,which are Department of Agriculture,Department of Commerce,Department of Energy,NASA,etc.This award is given to young scientists who have made exceptional contributions to the country;it is al-so designed to set up examples for America's young people.Zhongli Pan is the first Chinese-American who has won this special honor in his field.

Dr.Pan's major achievement in science is his innovation in food preservation technology.

By using the innovative means of engineering,the level of value-adding in processing of agricultural products has been raised by a large margin and the safety and quality of foods improved.New technologies of food processing characterized by energy saving,high efficiency and pollution-free have been developed by employing innovative scientific research methods.

Regarding achievements of scientific research,Dr.Pan said science and technology know no national boundaries;science and technology developed in the U.S.can be used by the rest of the world as well.

Zhongli Pan grew up in China and went to live and work in the U.S.For the past 20 years,he has been frequently travelling between the U.S.and China participating in China's major research projects.Dr.Pan thinks that he has the double identity of an American citizen and an ethnic Chinese descent.He has played his part in promoting scientific collaboration between the two countries.Scientific exchanges not only mean exchanges in technologies,it is very important that the two sides should know each other's needs,know their respective cultures and know how to put things across."I am blessed with this double identity which enables me to play an important role in this regard.China is also a big agricultural country.There should be a lot more things for her to do.This prize—the Grand Prize for Chinese Who Have Impacted the World—is an encouragement to me."

Zhongli Pan with a Chinese farm boy's background would like to exploit this opportunity to appeal to the public for greater concern over children in China's countryside."Given my personal background,this grand prize has a special meaning for me.I grew up in the countryside.As I graduated from senior high school I really did not know what a university looked like;nor did I know what I would become today.Therefore,I call upon you to show more concern for children in remote areas and the countryside.As long as we provide them with more help,I am sure they will be able to make greater contributions to the society and to science and technology."

(March 16,2009,ChinaNews.com.)

Exercise Ⅲ

Directions: Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.





“抓住时光”(Carpe Diem,拉丁语,意为“抓住时光”或“珍惜每一天”)这个词语千百年来已经被人所熟识了。很多人认为这个词语出自罗马诗人贺拉斯(Horace)之口,尽管在他之前很久,它便是非常流行的忠告。即便如此,我们不妨从这里开始进行探讨。 ph+BQtc2EABax/BqDTeE5HQv+6boEPoNwYuznxBKSYnl95gfr8NM/eqp7xODHrb2
