
4.2 主题阅读与翻译例文

第一篇 英译汉

Analysis:The Current Situation and Developmental Trend of Manufacturing Service-oriented Industry in China

1.In 2009,the state brought about The Regulation and Revitalization Plan for Manufacturing Industry,declaring it as one of the seven dominant stressed areas of developing modern manufacturing service industry.According to the plan,the goal is to realize gradually the transformation of our manufacturing industry into an integrated system joining the manufacturing production,the service-related value-added service activities for the benefit of social welfare [1] based on the upgrade of the industry,supporting the armament of the back-bone industrial enterprises in the project contracting and bidding,the equipment leasing and displaying the value-aided service.At the same time,encouragement should also be done for the enterprises with proper condi-tions to extend R&D activities [2] so as to work out more products on the information services and provide oth-er social services for the other companies of the line.

2.Modern manufacturing service industry refers to the modern manufacturing service companies [3] ,in-tegrating themselves into the Internet,communications,computers and other informationalized means and contemporary management ideas and methods.They are newly brought-up industrial bodies,the important links of the modem manufacturing seryice system,independently developed from the emerging industries.At present,they are mainly congregated in the machinery production,modern manufacturing service,mainly engaged in providing equipment,general bid-contracting,and the turnkey projects.They may also belong to free-charge service for spare parts users,or distant maintenance service,or manufacturing service,financial service,logistics service and so on.

3.Currently a total of 500 companies worldwide are involved in more than 50 branches of industries,of which nearly 30 belong to service industry.From the quantitative point of view,more than half of such com-panies are engaged in services.Among them,more than twenty percent of such companies are engaged in cross-border business services,whose manufacturing revenues take more than 50%of the total revenue.It is thus understood that in developed countries,there exists the prevalence,the two"70%phenomena",that is,the service manufacturing industry accounts for 70%added value of the total GDP [4] ,and the manufactur-ing services sector accounts for another 70%of the entire service industry.

4.In recent years,driven by technological progress and the system reform,some leading enterprises of the mechanical industry,began to search for new economic growth points by relying on other chances ofproducts related services in addition to the chances to enhance theirown business technological innovation.Through unremitting efforts,quite a number of leading companies in the development of modern manufactur-ing services,such as Shanghai Electric,Shaanxi Drum Group,the Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group(XCMG)and some others,have achieved good results,and accumulated some valuable experience.But on the whole,China's machinery manufacturing industry,particularly,the modern service industry,still re-mains in its infancy [5] .

5.Comparatively speaking,the development of modern China's power equipment manufacturing industry started earlier and more maturely.Some electrical equipment manufacturers in cooperation with their foreign-funded partners began to realize the unfavorable impact of corporate profits,and gradually took over their own share from the cooperative business.Shanghai Electric Group can be a good case of such an example.The Co.,Ltd.,has now been engaged in a series of production and service activities,such as the power plant general contracting,equipment leasing,maintenance,logistics,equipment integration,engineering design and other items of modem manufacturing services,and gradually developed a number of modern man-ufacturing services along with their own chief manufactured products,and earned good economic and social benefits [6] .Among them,the power generation equipment EPC projects(i.e.turnkey projects)services is the fastest growing products in recent years.In addition,the company has also done elevator equipment re-pair and maintenance activities,in addition to the production of textile machinery,machine tools,printing machinery,construction machinery leasing business,modern logistics and other areas of manufacturing serv-ices.

6.The modern manufacturing services in China's construction engineering machinery enterprises also prove more mature.They began to transfer from the value chain of products-manufacturing,the value-added competitive production and the core production value chain to the financial leasing assembly,remanufactur-ing,parts supply services,maintenance,the second-hand equipment sales and logistics services.For exam-ple,the XCMG has also achieved brilliant results in"information technology,logistics,financing,leasing,recreational means supply" [7] .The group has accomplished the progressive transformation of their chief func-tions from manufacturing value-added products to manufacturing services through their call centers,after-sales service and spare parts management,remote services,e-commerce platform for building and extending the product value chain.

7.In other fields of our manufacturing industry,some of the leading companies are stepping up the pace for modern manufacturing services.For example,the recent completion of Shaanxi Drum Group from selling products to selling solutions,from a single supplier to the complete power system solutions and equipment providers,system change in the strategic transformation of service providers.It has launched a breakthrough"in transforming the core business from mere production into the financial service enterprise plus corporate customers".

8.In addition to the above-mentioned traditional manufacturing companies in developing modern service industry,such manufacturing service companies also appear in such famous enterprises,such as in FAW Qiming,Baotou steel Baosight,Wuhan Iron-Steel-Making and Automation Complex,as well as in other typi-cal modern manufacturing companies like Dongfeng and Dongpu. [8] They were born in large manufacturing en-terprise groups,when the parent companies realized the importance of service,they began to strengthen their function of service,forming their own core competencies to achieve independent development.Among them,the FAW Qiming in 2008,listed on the SME board in Shenzhen,according to its Annual Report,2008-2010,pushed their compound annual growth rate close to 25%,with sales revenue rate in 2009 and 2010 profit growth of more than 22%.Thus,it can be seen that the development of modem manufacturing services is a good performance of the underlying causes.

9.In short,modern manufacturing service industry of our country China has made some achievements,but there still exist quite big gaps between us and developed countries in this way.For the level of develop-ment of ours is still in its infancy,such as in for its small-scale and limited level,with its irrational structure and some problems in system reform and lack of enough innovation incentive measures,etc.Actually,thedisadvantageous situation of our modern manufacturing service industry has already become a restrained fac-tor inhibiting and restricting the adjustment speed of China's manufacturing industry and transforming eco-nomic growth mode of the weak links of the total industry.

10.In March 201 1,the state proclaimed The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economw and Social Development,which has declared clearly the goal of accelerating the development of production services,par-ticularly stressing the orderly expansion of financial services and fostering the growth of high-tech service in-dustries [9] .Under the guidance of the Plan,it can be expected to bring forward more strategic policies on the development of modem manufacturing service industry and corresponding supporting measures on promoting the rapid progress in the service industry.

11.China is now staying in a critical period of accelerating the transformation of its economic develop-ment mode.Nevertheless,it is unbearable to see that its current service sector in the total industry remains disproportionally weaker and lower due to its over-reliance on the intensive growth of national economy [10] .If we want to build our country into the world's most advanced manufacturing center,it is imperative to trans-form the currently big manufacturing state into an energy-saving and creative innovation oriented manufactur-ing power by turning the current big manufacturing center into a new type of manufacturing service as its cen-tral strategy.

12.Our moderp manufacturing service industry will grow rapidly in size in the future.Taking the ma-chinery industry for example,according to The Twelfth Five-Year Development Plan for Machine-Building In-dustry,the total income of the moderp manufacturing service industry will increase significantly.The income proportion of 100-top strong moderp manufacturing service enterprises will be increased by 25 percent.As a matter of fact,in 2010,the main business income of China's machinery industry reached 14 trillion yuan,with the income of the top-hundred enterprises accounting for 1/10.If in the due"twelfth five-year"peri-od,the machinery industry can increase by 10%a year,it can be predicted that only the said hundred-top enterprises will be able to create an income of about 0.6 trillion yuan to 2015 from their manufacturing serv-ices.

13.Closely integrated with information technology will be the future trend of the development of modem manufacturing services.From a global point of view,the equipment manufacturing industry has been moving to a comprehensive information technology,R&D oriented,in combination with design,procurement,man-ufacturing,management,marketing,service,maintenance,and other related links.It has also been closely related with the information technology,flexible manufacturing,manufacturing networks,virtual manufactur-ing,green manufacturing,numerical control technology,which can surely promote the change in equipment manufacturing,moderp manufacturing services,and the product change specifically.For the time being,a vigorous campaign is under way to promote the integration of the machinery and equipment industry [11] to foster the application of information technology to the transformation of traditional industries with its focus on the depth,the breadth and speed to heighten the efficiency and success rate,as well as the changes in the e-quipment manufacturing industry mode of production,so as to accelerate the development of modem manu-facturing services.

14.In the next period of time,the stress on the development of modem machinery and equipment manu-facturing services will be put mainly around the value-added services and optimizing the supply chain man-agement through the following measures:promoting the chain management optimization;implementing the general project contracting system;outsourcing ancillary services;offering professional supply and mainte-nance services and providing customers with problem-solutions.(1,303 words)

(Adapted from http://www.ichainnel.com/zh-cn/share.php?ac=email.)


1.the goal is to realize gradually the transformation of our manufacturing industry into an integrated sys-tem…:句中the goal省掉了其后的定语of the plan,即第十二个五年计划所制定的“目标”。该目标是逐步实现由生产型制造向服务型制造转变……

2.encouragement should also be done for the enterprises with proper conditions to extend R&D activi-ties:注意句中encouragement与其定语for the enterprises with proper conditions to extend R&D activi-ties的分隔。英语中,当被定语修饰的中心词位于句首,而定语部分又很长时,常被句子的谓语分开。这句话的意思是:“鼓励有条件的企业,延伸扩展研发、设计、信息化服务等业务……”

3.Modem manufacturing service industry refers to the modem manufacturing service companies:句中的refer to作谓语,其含义是“指的是”。该词作谓语,可用其主动形式,也可用其被动形式,如可将这里的refers to改为is(或can be)referred to as,整个句子意为:“现代制造服务业是指融合了互联网、通信、计算机等信息化手段和现代管理思想与方法的制造服务业。”

4.there exists the prevalence,the two“70%phenomena”:注意此句中the prevalence的含义为:“普遍现象,普遍存在”。the two“70%phenomena”应当是the prevalence的同位语。当然也可以说the prevalence是the two“70%phenomena”的同位语。这段话的意思是:“据了解,在发达国家普遍存在两个‘70%现象’,即服务业增加值占GDP比重的70%,制造服务业占整个服务业比重的70%。”

5.still remains in its infancy:infancy的意思是“婴儿期、幼稚期”或“起步阶段”等。故此处可译为“我国机械行业现代制造服务业仍处于起步阶段”。

6.The Co.,Ltd.,has now been engaged in a series of production and service activities,…and gradu-ally developed a number of modem manufacturing services along with…:be engaged ih的意思是“从事于”。service作为一个名词,可用其单数形式,也可用其复数形式。用作不可数名词,意为“服务、接待”等。用于可数名词,意义为“效劳、工作、检修、保养”等。此句的大意是“上海电气集团股份有限公司的上海电气电站集团在电站工程总承包、设备融资租赁、维修保养、现代物流、设备集成、工程设计等方面发展现代制造服务业,逐步形成了一批现代制造服务业的主打产品,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。”

7.the XCMG has also achieved brilliant results in“information technology,logistics,financing,leas-ing,recreational means supply”:XCMG是the Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group,即广告上常见的“徐工集团”的缩写。这段话的意思是:“徐工集团在‘信息化建设、物流供应、融资租赁、娱乐设施’等方面都取得了显著成绩。”

8.such as in FAW Qiming,Baotou steel Baosight,Wuhan Iron-Steel-Making and Automation Complex,as well as in other typical modem manufacturing companies like Dongfeng and Dongpu:句中这几个缩写词的全称是:FAW Qiming,即the First Automobile Works,指位于长春市的中国第一汽车制造厂,Bao-tou steel Baosight,指包头钢铁公司下面所属的“宝信”公司。Wuhan Iron-Steel-making and Automa-tion Complex是武汉钢铁联合公司下属的“武钢自动化公司”。Dongfeng指位于湖北的第二汽车制造厂下面的一个与日本三菱合资的制造东风牌汽车的公司。Dongpu可指上海东圃阀门制造有限公司等。我国机械行业还出现了一汽启明、宝钢宝信、武钢自动化、东风东浦等典型的现代制造服务业企业。

9.the state proclaimed The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development,which has declared clearly the goal of accelerating the development of production services,particularly stressing the orderly expansion of financial services and fostering the growth of high-tech service industries:The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development指我国政府制定的《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》,其中明确提出,要加快发展生产性服务业。

10.it is unbearable to see that its current service sector in the total industry remains disproportionally weaker and lower due to its over-reliance on the intensive growth of national economy:it is unbearable to see的意思是“简直不堪忍受”,整句的意思是:“到目前为止,我国的制造业都过度依赖粗放型增长,这种情况简直不堪忍受。”

11.a vigorous campaign is under way to promote the integration of the machinery and equipment indus-try:under way的意思是“在进行之中”或“在酝酿之中”。to promote及其所引出的整个动词不定式短语作a vigorous campaign的定语。这句话的意思是:“促进机械设备工业的一体化运动正在进行之中。”

第二篇 汉译英







1.柔性制造系统:flexible manufacturing system






7.装配线,总装线:assembly line

8.刚性自动化:fixed automation

9.生产批量:production volume

10.可编程自动化:programmable automation

11.流水线,传输线:transfer line dEZsYHTYjvWqBWXH6MreIKN9udgtxifIHFtrehzYZaBrJ73Nqpa58LRfo+zPGBgj
