
3.6 翻译练习

Exercise I Sentence Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese,paying attention to the parts in bold types.

1.Computer programs,or applications,exist to aid every level of education,from programs that teach simple addition or sentence construction to advanced calculus(微积分).

2.Computers are used extensively in scientific research to solve mathematical problems,display complicated data,or model systems that are too costly or impractical to build.

3.People use computers in a wide variety of ways.Besides in business,they use them in playing boundless forms of audio and video games.

4.Computers in automobiles regulate the flow of fuel,thereby increasing gas mileage.

5.Educators use computers to track grades and prepare notes.

6.In business,computers check the credit status of customers,and transfer funds electronically.

7.In homes,tiny computers control the indoor temperature,operate home security systems,tell the time,and turn videocassette recorders on and off.

Exercise Ⅱ Sentence Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English,paying attention to the parts in bold types.






Exercise Ⅲ Passage Translation

Directions: Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.

Digital,Analog,and Hybrid Computers

A digital computer is a counting device that operates on discrete data.It operates by directly counting numbers(or digits)that represent figures,letters,or other special symbols.Just as digital watches direct-ly count off the seconds and minutes in an hour,digital processors also count discrete values to achieve the desired output results.

In contrast to digital processors,however,there are also analog computers that do not compute directly with numbers.Rather,they deal with variables that are measured on a continuous scale and are recorded to some predetermined degree of accuracy.Temperature,for example,may be measured to the nearest tenth of a degree on the Celsius scale,voltage may be measured to the nearest hundredth of a volt,and pressure may be measured to the nearest pounds per square inch.Analog computing systems are frequently used to control processes such as those found in an oil refinery where flow and temperature measurements are impor-tant.

Desirable features of analog and digital machines are sometimes combined to create a hybrid computing system.In a hospital intensive-care unit,for example,analog devices may measure a patient's heart func-tion,temperature,and other vital signs.These measurements may then be converted into numbers and sup-plied to a digital component in the system.This component is used to monitor the patient's vital signs and to send an immediate signal to a nurse's station of any abnormal readings are detected.

Analog and hybrid processors obviously perform important specialized tasks.But the overwhelming ma-jority of all computers used for business and scientific applications are digital devices.


1.注意类比构词手法的运用,它对英译汉和汉译英都很有帮助。例如,数字、模拟和混合计算机分别被译为digital computer、analog computer和hybrid computer,其中hybrid computer还含有隐喻色彩。在各种构词法中,类比构词正受到人们越来越多的关注。类比构词的特点是依照原有的同类词创造出其对应词或近似词。通过这种方法创造出来的词往往易于接受,而且形象、生动,有时还有幽默诙谐的色彩,在很大程度上满足了造新词的需要。如telethon(冗长乏味的电视广播节目)由marathon(马拉松)一词类比而成。

2.重要的生理病状:vital physiological signs。

ExerciseⅣ Passage Translation

Directions: Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.





了解输入过程后,将输入分成两大类是很有用的:①转录输入——通过将源文件的数据转录到另一种能够输入到计算机系统的介质上的方法来获取数据;②直接源输入——无分离的转录步骤,而直接从输入源获取数据。输入技术的进步,已经可以避免转录输入而直接从输入源获取数据。 WuJNR5g2g49IPutRXCeD69/UFJ5N0diVdbyMkQXN/T+r7pZ2trHhj42rfytbfcM7
