
Unit 1

Introductions and Greetings

Nowadays, Chinese police officers need to have the ability to introduce themselves and others in English appropriately and politely.

When we introduce ourselves on formal occasions, "May I introduce myself. My name is…", while on informal occasions, "Hello, I'm …" is good enough.

When being introduced to each other, usually the host (or the hostess), the man, the junior or the younger is introduced to the guest, the woman, the superior or the senior. When a couple is introduced, the husband is introduced before his wife.

When introducing Chinese colleagues or leaders to foreigners, the police officer should pay attention to the following. Firstly, such English titles as secretary, director, engineer, manager, master can't be used before the family name. For example, "This is Mr. Zhang, director of the municipality's public security bureau." is preferred. Secondly, in English speaking countries, married ladies usually use their husbands' family names, so when the wife of professor Deng is introduced, the correct way is to say "This is Mrs. Deng, wife of professor Deng." or "This is Ms/Ma'am Li, wife of Professor Deng."

When greeting each other after being introduced, people normally address each other Mr. (Mrs., Miss or Ms.) followed by their family names (Brown, Smith); it is considered too early to call the person by his or her given name only if you have first met. You may address a person only by his or her given name when you have become familiar with each other or you have got the person's permission.


在正式场合下做自我介绍时,应该说:“May I introduce myself. My name is…”,而在非正式场合下,通常用“Hello, I'm…”。



1.有些名称词在英语用法上不能直接用于姓氏前,如:secretary, director, engineer, manager, master等,所以,如介绍说“这位是省厅张厅长”要说:“This is Mr Zhang, director of the municipality's public security bureau.”

2.介绍已婚女士时,要考虑到西方人的习俗:女士婚后改用其丈夫姓,而我国女士婚后仍保持娘家姓氏。如介绍说:“这位是邓教授的夫人。”可用“This is Mrs Deng, wife of Professor Deng.”或“This is Ms/Ma'am Li, wife of Professor Deng.”。

经过介绍彼此认识后相互寒暄时,应该用Mr.(Mrs., Miss or Ms.)再加上姓(Brown, Smith)来称呼对方。初次见面直呼其名(John, Mary)会被认为太随便,更不能用Mr.(Mrs., Miss or Ms.)加上名字(Mr. John, Mrs. Mary)称呼对方。熟识之后或者经对方允许后,才能直呼其名(John, Mary)。 WwERhO/eF3amHaSuJCZpg5IpIfbdTSIs37e9aTiEpbn4lBMx/7KSxC7EREHkTvEY
