
Linguaskill Listening

Introduction to the Listening Test



(1)听并选择(Listen and select):考生听一段短音频,然后从三个选项中选出正确答案。

(2)拓展听力(Extended Listening):考生听一段较长音频,然后回答一系列相关选择题。题目顺序和音频中信息顺序一致。

The Listening Test Starting Interface

听力考试题型 Listening Tasks

◆ 题型1 听并选择 Listen and Select


出题方式1:看图选择 Listen and Select the Correct Picture

题型概述 Task Overview

试题描述 Description


模拟考截图 Screenshot of Task

考查技能 Tested Skills


● 理解题目问的是什么。

● 辨别图片间的相同点和不同点。

● 理解短篇对话中的各类信息。

范例分析 Task Analysis

试题 Question 1

What will the weather be like for the tour group tomorrow?

试题分析 Analysis

审题 :题目问的是:“对于旅游团来说,明天的天气将会如何?”

识别图片 :图片1描述了一种晴空万里的天气;图片2描述了一种阴云密布的天气;图片3描述了一个雨天。

听力原文分析 :根据题目要求,该题重点就是要听到“明天的天气如何”,即对话中男人的回答“I think it will be okay. They say it will be cloudy but dry tomorrow.”。也就是说,明天的天气是有云但干燥。然后女人回应说“Oh, great! Too much sun is not a good thing either.”。也为天气的状况是有云且干燥提供了佐证。

选项分析 :选项1是一个大晴天,和原文描述的多云天气不符合,因此排除;选项3是下雨天,和原文描述的干燥不符合,因此排除;选项2是一个多云且不下雨的天,符合原文说的天气,因此是正确答案。

技巧总结 Recap of Tips


● 理解题目的含义,尤其注意题目中的关键词。

● 找到图片之间的相似点和不同点。

● 注意:图片包含了许多日常物品和场景,所以熟悉一些常见的与食物、地方、事件、天气等有关的词汇是有好处的。



题型1 看图选择 通用专项训练 General Listening Practice

基础练习 Elementary Level Practice 2

Two friends are in the supermarket. What do they choose to buy?

中级练习 Intermediate Level Practice 3

Two friends are planning to go shopping together. Where do they decide to meet?

题型1 看图选择 职场专项训练 Business Listening Practice

基础练习 Elementary Level Practice 4

A man is talking to his colleague. What does he want to borrow?

中级练习 Intermediate Level Practice 1 5

A conference speaker is complaining about a conference room. What aspect of the room is the woman unhappy about?

中级练习 Intermediate Level Practice 2 6

Two colleagues are visiting an exhibition. Where do they arrange to meet later?

高级练习 Advanced Level Practice 7

A marketing manager is reporting on sales. Which chart shows the half-year sales?

出题方式2:听并选择(无图) Listen and Select the Correct Answer

题型概述 Task Overview

试题描述 Description


模拟考截图 Screenshot of Task

考查技能 Tested Skills


● 理解题目问的是什么。

● 辨别选项间的不同点。

● 理解短篇对话中的各类信息。

范例分析 Task Analysis

试题 Question 8

Why can't the man use the self-service machine to check in?

○ His customer booking reference is wrong.

○ His flight isn't open for check-in yet.

○ His reservation is part of a group booking.

试题分析 Analysis

审题 :题目问的是:“为什么这个男人不能用自助服务机办理登机手续?”

听力原文分析 :前两句对话都是在表达男人不能使用自助服务机办理登机的事情,和题目答案有关的对话从女人问“Could I see your booking reference?”开始。男人回应说“But I am sure I entered the correct number.”,即他确认自己一定输入了正确的预约号。随后女人说“I see you booked on a group flight. You'll need to check in at a desk. I'll find you one that's open, so you don't have to queue.”,也就是说男人预订的是团体票,所以要在柜台办理登机,随后女人带男人去找一个开放的柜台办理登机。

选项分析 :选项1说的是他的预约号是错的,与原文意思相反,原文的意思是他输入了正确的预约号但还是不能值机,因此选项1排除;选项2说的是这个航班没有开放值机,而听力原文中说“You'll need to check in at a desk.”,说明这趟航班已经可以值机了,只是需要在柜台值机,因此选项2排除;选项3说的是他预订的票属于团体票,和原文的内容一致(I see you booked on a group flight. You'll need to check in a desk.),因此是正确答案。

技巧总结 Recap of Tips


● 在编写试题和选项时,编写者经常会改写你在音频中听到的单词。

● 音频中的一些关键词将作为信号词帮助你找到答案。

● 题目和选项中的关键词可以帮助你理解大意,在听录音时,你就能更容易地理解细节。




● 保持放松,继续做下一题。

● 跟上音频的节奏很重要,要记住音频中的信息与问题的呈现顺序是一致的。



题型1 听并选择 通用专项训练 General Listening Practice

基础练习 Elementary Level Practice 9

Two students are talking about sport. Which sport does the man want to learn?

○ basketball

○ soccer

○ tennis

中级练习 Intermediate Level Practice 10

Two friends are about to go to the cinema. Why does the woman want set off now?

○ She thinks it will be difficult to find a parking space.

○ She wants to have time to buy refreshments.

○ She is afraid the roads will be busy.

高级练习 Advanced Level Practice 11

You hear two friends discussing the town they have both recently moved to. What do they both decide to do in order to meet new people?

○ volunteer to do charity work

○ join a local club

○ introduce themselves to neighbours

题型1 听并选择 职场专项训练 Business Listening Practice

基础练习 Elementary Level Practice 12

Two colleagues are talking about a department meeting. Why will the man miss the meeting?

○ He will be at a conference.

○ He will be with customers.

○ He will be on a training course.

中级练习 Intermediate Level Practice 1 13

Two colleagues in HR are discussing how to divide up a task. What do they agree the man will do?

○ arrange interviews with the selected candidates

○ input basic details on each candidate into the database

○ check which applicants meet the job requirements

中级练习 Intermediate Level Practice 2 14

Two colleagues are discussing the invitation to a business dinner they are organising. What's the problem with the invitation?

○ the time

○ the location

○ the date

高级练习 Advanced Level Practice 15

A representative is talking about her company's achievements. What kind of project did her company win an award for?

○ putting together a new set of policies

○ communicating information to employees

○ marketing new software products

◆ 题型2 拓展听力 Extended Listening

题型概述 Task Overview

试题描述 Description


模拟考截图 Screenshot of Task

考查技能 Tested Skills


● 审题能力,即是否能够读懂题目要求。

● 理解选项的能力,包括分析有迷惑性的或有误导性的选项等。

● 挑选关键词及在听力中定位关键词的能力。

● 理解长难对话或者独白的主旨思想、重要信息等。

● 识别同义改写的能力。

范例分析 Task Analysis

试题 Questions 16

1. Why did James decide he wanted to be a photojournalist?

○ Several members of his family worked for newspapers.

○ He enjoyed taking photographs when he was a boy.

○ He was impressed by the work of a famous photographer.

2. James has recently attended a course on

○ commercial photography.

○ action photography.

○ colour photography.

3. What was the subject of the last article James did in Australia?

○ towns

○ deserts and mountains

○ wildlife

4. James mostly gets ideas for his photographs

○ by talking to reporters.

○ from conversations with picture editors.

○ when he's walking around.

5. James says that when he photographs people,

○ he treats them politely.

○ he does so secretly.

○ he needs a long time to prepare.

试题分析 Analysis

Q1 这道题与音频的第一部分有关,题目问的是“什么原因让James决定成为一名摄影师”。选项1是一个有误导的选项,虽然James的家人有为报纸工作过,但是他自己说“wanted to do something different”。选项2也是错误的,因为James没有提到从小就喜欢拍照。选项3是正确的,因为在音频的一开始,James就表明“…when I was in college, I saw an exhibition of the work of a famous photojournalist, and the pictures were so exciting that I changed my mind. I bought a camera and started to learn how to use it.”。也就是说,他想要成为一名photojournalist就是从看完一次名人作品展开始的。

Q2 题目问的是“James刚参加了一个什么课程”。以下这段听力内容都是关于James想要学的:

“There have been a lot of changes in photojournalism since I began, and sometimes I go back to college and bring myself up to date with the new technology. Colour is one subject that I like to study and the tricks that are used in advertising. The new methods used for photographing action are amazing and I've just come back from a course on that.”

选项1和这段音频的内容不相关。选项3是误导性的选项,因为虽然提到James想要学习色彩学,但他没有说真的去上课了。选项2是正确的,对应文中的“The new methods used for photographing action are amazing and I've just come back from a course on that.”。注意,“just come back”对应题目中的关键词“recently”,“that”指代前面的“photographing action”。

Q3 题目问的是“James在澳大利亚做的最后一篇文章的主题是什么”。在听到“I spent the whole of last year in Australia working for a magazine. They wanted one feature every two months, so I had time to get some really good pictures. The last set I did was of towns…”的时候可以判断他在澳大利亚 最后 做的主题是关于towns的,因此正确答案是选项1。选项2和3是错误的,因为它们是James在 之前 做的主题。

Q4 题目问的是“James拍照片的一些想法多半来自于哪里”。听力原文中的“There's never any problem about getting ideas for pictures. The majority of them come from discussing with the picture editor what he or she needs.”回答了这个问题。也就是说James大部分的想法来源于和编辑的探讨,因此正确答案是选项2。解答这道题的时候需要注意题干中的关键词“mostly”,它是对原文中的“majority“的改写。虽然选项1和3也是James拍照的灵感来源,但不是主要的。

Q5 题目问的是“James说当他拍摄人物时,他会怎么做”。答案在听力原文的最后一部分:

“When I started as a photojournalist, I tried to take pictures of people without them knowing it, but that didn't work. I just got dozens of unusable pictures. It's important to be polite and always accept it if people say they don't want to be photographed. You have to set up a photograph well to get good results, but if you take too long people won't be relaxed.”

选项1对应听力原文的“It's important to be polite and always accept it…”,因此是正确答案。选项2是误导性的选项,原文中提到“When I started as a photojournalist, I tried to take pictures of people without them knowing it, but that didn't work.”,也就是说James只有在过去才偷偷拍别人,而且这个方法不奏效。选项3同样具有误导性,原文中提到“You have to set up a photograph well to get good results, but if you take too long people won't be relaxed.”,也就是说James虽然需要时间准备,但太长时间会让人无法放松。

技巧总结 Recap of Tips








题型2 拓展听力 通用专项训练 General Listening Practice

基础练习 Elementary Level Practice 17

Radio interview with a TV chef

1. When Dan lived in France, he was

○ a tour guide.

○ an engineer.

○ a teacher.

2. Where did Dan start cooking?

○ at his friend's house

○ at some classes he did

○ at home with his father

3. Dan cooked his first special meal for

○ a birthday party.

○ a family dinner.

○ a competition.

4. Dan says that one problem with his job at the cafe was that

○ he had nobody to help him.

○ he worked at the weekends.

○ he didn't earn much money.

5. Where did Dan start his own restaurant?

○ in the mountains

○ in the countryside

○ in the city

6. How did Dan become a TV chef?

○ Someone from a TV company ate in his restaurant.

○ One of his friends worked for a TV company.

○ He contacted a TV company.

中级练习 Intermediate Level Practice 18

Local radio interview: tour guide

1. Julie says she became a tour guide because

○ the tourist office offered her a job.

○ that had always been her dream.

○ someone recommended the work to her.

○ she watched a TV programme about being a guide.

2. What did Julie find most difficult about training to be a guide?

○ studying while doing a full-time job

○ fitting in a social life

○ spreading the studying over a long period

○ taking the final exam

3. Julie says that one enjoyable aspect of her work is

○ making friends with a wide variety of people.

○ designing tours to suit specific groups of people.

○ learning about a wide range of subjects.

○ giving visitors the opportunity to meet local residents.

4. Julie mentions the elderly tourists to suggest that

○ tour guides need to know what people in the group are doing.

○ most people are helpful and co-operative.

○ some people behave in unpredictable way.

○ tour guides should be flexible.

5. The teenage boy's comment made Julie realise that

○ her first impression of people may be mistaken.

○ she thought people knew more about the country than they did.

○ the tour was more suitable for adults than for teenagers.

○ she should try to speak in a way that everyone can understand.

6. Julie's intention is to work

○ on a cruise ship.

○ in a different city.

○ as a self-employed tour guide.

○ as a trainer for new tour guides.

高级练习 Advanced Level Practice 19

Advice about going to university

1. Why did James go to university?

○ He wanted to put off getting a job.

○ He found nothing else appealing.

○ He wanted to move away from his family.

○ He felt obliged to do the same as others in his social group.

2. What does James say about his studies?

○ He was pleased with his choice of university.

○ The course gave him a useful skill.

○ He wishes he had chosen a different subject.

○ The course has proved useful for his career.

3. Penny thinks that if she'd gone to university

○ she would have spent time enjoying herself.

○ she would have become more open to new ideas.

○ she would be more self-confident.

○ she would be getting a much higher income.

4. What does Penny say she struggled with as a trainee?

○ working under constant supervision

○ dealing with financial data

○ ensuring she met deadline

○ making systems run more smoothly

5. They agree the best advice for Penny's daughter is that she should

○ decide what the priorities are.

○ look into the range of courses available.

○ choose a career to follow after university.

○ find out whether a degree is necessary for the type of job she wants.

6. What change would James like to see in the university system?

○ a lowering of the tuition fee

○ the closing of course in certain subjects

○ an improvement in the quality of teaching

○ a reduction in the number students

题型2 拓展听力 职场专项训练 Business Level Practice

基础练习 Elementary Level Practice 20

Radio interview: Enjoying your job

1. The speaker says it is important to work with people who

○ are like our family.

○ are interested in the same things.

○ are good to spend time with outside work.

2. The speaker says that at work, people most like

○ having a variety of things to do.

○ knowing they can get better jobs.

○ going on training courses.

3. What do people like about their office?

○ location of their office

○ lots of light in the office

○ a large office to work in

4. Adrian thinks that the happiest workers

○ earn a lot of money.

○ have a good work-life balance.

○ work in a team.

5. Adrian says that people like managers who

○ ask workers to decide things themselves.

○ check what workers are doing often.

○ give clear instructions to workers.

6. Most of the people the speaker met would like to work in

○ large companies.

○ their own companies.

○ companies owned by families.

中级练习 Intermediate Level Practice 1 21

Improving presentation skills

1. What does the speaker say is the most common mistake people make when delivering presentations?

○ forgetting to make a key point

○ getting the timing wrong

○ reading from notes

2. What did the speaker learn from the course on public speaking?

○ that he repeats certain words too often

○ that his clothes were too casual

○ that he uses gestures too much

3. What effect did the feedback have on the speaker's presentation skills?

○ It made him self-conscious and uncomfortable.

○ It made him focus more carefully on preparation.

○ It made little difference to his performance.

4. How did the speaker overcome his fear of public speaking?

○ by forcing himself to speak at large events

○ by repeating the same talk several times

○ by gradually building up his confidence

5. Why does the speaker believe online self-help tools are more effective for improving presentation skills?

○ It is easier to identify problem areas.

○ Less time is wasted.

○ It is a more enjoyable way to learn.

6. What tip does the speaker give for conference presenters who are nervous?

○ find somewhere quiet to relax

○ get to the venue early

○ chat to the audience informally

中级练习 Intermediate Level Practice 2 22

Interview with Bob Dacre, CEO of a waste recycling business

1. Bob Dacre says most of the waste his company deals with now comes from

○ homes.

○ restaurants.

○ factories.

2. Dacre says he visited some of the waste recycling sites to

○ find out about the quality of his workforce.

○ see how managers outside head office are recruiting workers.

○ look into how to make things better for workers.

3. What did Dacre discover about the waste bins his company collects?

○ They are too large for their purpose.

○ They are not always used properly by customers.

○ They need a strong driver to load them onto the lorry.

4. Dacre thinks one public recycling site had been successful because

○ it copied examples from other successful sites.

○ it was easy for people to use.

○ it hired more staff to sort waste effectively.

5. At an older waste recycling site that Dacre visited, he was unhappy that

○ staff rest facilities were poor.

○ the place was very dirty everywhere.

○ the heating system was not very good.

6. As a result of his visits, Dacre wants to talk to the Board about

○ the kind of contracts his company is offering.

○ sending other senior staff to have the same experience.

○ his long-term expansion plans for the company.

高级练习 Advanced Level Practice 23

Presentation by a representative of a market research company

1. According to the speaker, why can customers' memories often be unreliable?

○ They remember details from a company's advert wrongly.

○ They can be influenced by the high price they paid for a product.

○ They are less likely to remember positive purchasing experiences.

2. Why does the speaker say ethnographic data should be treated with caution?

○ It is hard to identify the right sample to provide information.

○ Researchers may actively encourage customers to provide the answers they want.

○ Results may be affected because of the interactive nature of the research.

3. Apart from overcoming problems associated with other methods, what advantage does the new RET technology offer?

○ It is suitable for small companies with a limited budget.

○ The data provided is reliable irrespective of the sample size.

○ People may be happier about responding to requests for information.

4. What did RET technology identify for the soft drinks manufacturer?

○ the age of customers taking up the offer

○ where it should target resources

○ why it needed to withdraw certain advertisements

5. According to the speaker, what is essential for companies when selecting respondents to participate in RET research?

○ Respondents must represent the types of consumers the product is aimed at.

○ Respondents must be comfortable about using new technology.

○ Respondents must demonstrate knowledge of the brand.

6. According to the speaker, what new information does using the RET approach reveal about a brand?

○ the most common motivation among consumers for not buying the brand

○ whether individual consumers remain loyal to the brand over time

○ what factors contributed to the consumers' purchasing decisions 4jDLEYMwib12nEN1yLnEMpAX+PzaxX6DTIKpD4mTxW5ERYTB4bTasuRLTFRX7BSw
