

Time: 8–10 minutes

Part 1 (3–4 minutes)
Examiner Script


Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Can you give me your mark sheets, please?

My name’s (examiner 1’s name), and this is (examiner 2’s name).


(to S1) What’s your name?

(to S2) And what’s your name?

Simple questions

S2 (say student’s name), how old are you?

Where do you live?

Thank you.

And S1, how old are you?

Where do you live?

Thank you.

Topic 1

Now, let’s talk about home.

S1, how many rooms are there in your home?

And what room do you normally eat in?

S2, how many people live in your home?

And who do you spend the most time with at home?

S1, tell me about a room at your home you like.

Topic 2

Now, let’s talk about school.

S2, what time do you start school?

And what’s your favourite subject?

S1, what do you like to do at lunchtime?

And what time do you finish school?

S2, tell me something about the homework you do.

Part 2 (5–7 minutes)
Examiner Script


Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together.

Here are some pictures that show different things to eat.

Do you like these things to eat? Say why or why not.

I’ll say that again.

Do you like these things to eat? Say why or why not.

All right? Now please talk together.

Student-Student Discussion

(S1 and S2 discuss the pictures)

Questions about pictures

S1, do you like going on picnics?

S2, do you like the food at your school?

So, S1, which place to eat do you like most?

And you, S2, which place to eat do you like most?

Thank you. Can I have the pictures back, please.

Discussion with Examiner

Now, do you prefer to eat alone, or with other people, S2? Why?

And what about you, S1?

What type of food do you like most, S1? Why?

And what do you think, S2?


Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test. c5SJCpaHmfCb/vzNvuod6XL+Cu9aYNwSXTYrWlOEGEobpTYTl4j8CHdmJ65twoj0
