

Time: 60 minutes

Part 1
Questions 1–6

For each question, choose the correct answer.



Students need to

A read a book next week.

B finish a task on the weekend.

C describe a novel for homework.


A Students cannot go in this room.

B Students can enter at any time.

C Students must do what a teacher says.


Why did Kate write this message?

A to discuss where to go tomorrow

B to remind Tony to exercise

C to tell Tony about a new gym


What should students do with a magazine after they read it?

A return it to where they found it

B give it to the librarian

C leave it on a table


A Barbara finds the homework difficult.

B Barbara doesn’t know what to do for homework.

C Barbara wants to talk about the homework.



A should not bring bikes to school.

B must park their bikes near the fence.

C need to leave their bikes in a special place.

Part 2
Questions 7–13

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Food and Me

Three teenagers talk about food and cooking


I’ve loved cooking since I was about five. I’m very lucky having parents who are great cooks, and they taught me lots of traditional Chinese recipes. I like the old family recipes best, and the dishes I like to cook most are lamb and beef. But I do like trying other types of food. I hope one day I’ll be able to travel to lots of places and taste different dishes. In fact, the first place I want to go is Italy—I hear the cooking is wonderful there.


My favourite food is definitely Italian. But it wasn’t always that way. When I was growing up in the UK, I’d eaten pizza and pasta, but it wasn’t very exciting. Then I went on a school trip to Rome, and the food was amazing! Authentic Italian food has a lot of fresh seafood and vegetables. Now I look for recipes on the internet, and I try to make real Italian dishes at home. My mother says I’m like a real Italian chef!


I used to travel with my family a lot, and I’ve tried all sorts of different food in Europe and Asia. I think Chinese must be my favourite, especially dumplings and noodles. Luckily, here in New York there are lots of great Chinese restaurants, and my parents and I go often. Yet while I’m a food lover, I’m no great cook. Now and then I might try a recipe from the internet, but it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn’t!

Part 3
Questions 14–18

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Me, the Opera Singer

By John Jones, age 12

When I was younger, I didn’t like opera. In fact, I hated it.

The problem was my parents loved opera. They thought I had a good singing voice, and they always wanted me to go to lessons and learn to become a classical singer. But I always refused. How could I tell my friends at school that I was learning to sing opera? It would be so embarrassing!

Every second day my mum or dad would ask if I’d changed my mind. I realised it was very important to them that I at least try. One evening, after they suggested singing lessons again, I said yes. I thought that if I went to one lesson, the teacher would soon know I didn’t have talent, and would advise my parents to stop sending me. That was my plan.

However, to my surprise, I loved the singing lesson. The first thing the teacher did was to play different types of opera I’d never heard before on her CD player. The music was interesting. I liked it. It made me want to try to sing some myself. The teacher then asked me to sing a simple melody, and I was surprised and pleased at the sound that came out. She said, ‘John, you’re good!’.

That all happened two years ago. The two years have passed so quickly. Now I love opera. I’ve been going to weekly lessons, and I practise at home every day. I’ve performed in several concerts, and last week I even sang on TV. My parents are proud of me. And my friends say opera is cool!

14 What did John’s parents want him to do?

A become a famous singer

B go to singing lessons

C listen to opera

15 What did John think the singing teacher would say?

A He can’t sing opera well.

B He is an excellent singer.

C He should go to lessons every week.

16 What happened first in the singing lesson?

A They listened to opera.

B John sang a song.

C John learned about music history.

17 Why did John feel happy in the lesson?

A He liked the music teacher.

B He learned interesting facts.

C He felt his singing was good.

18 What do John’s friends think of opera now?

A It’s boring.

B It’s difficult.

C It’s excellent.

Part 4
Questions 19–24

For each question, choose the correct answer.


Gold is a soft, shiny metal. It is usually (19) _____ in rocks deep under the ground, but it is sometimes washed into rivers, where it can be seen.

Gold is hard to find, which makes it very (20) _____. Long ago it was made into coins and used as money. Even today, many governments and banks keep large amounts of gold.

People feel gold is very beautiful to look at. For this reason, people use it to make (21) _____, such as necklaces, rings and earrings. People also use gold to decorate buildings, and other things such as paintings and statues. In some countries, on special occasions, people use gold leaf in cooking, to make (22) _____ look delicious.

You may be (23) _____ to know we often use gold in everyday life. Gold is used in making your mobile phone, computer and TV. Also, (24) _____ can even use gold to repair your teeth!

19 A found

B taken

C carried

20 A pleasant

B difficult

C expensive

21 A jewellery

B clothing

C fashion

22 A bowls

B dishes

C plates

23 A worried

B angry

C surprised

24 A journalists

B dentists

C receptionists

Part 5
Questions 25–30

For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap.

Example: 0 and

From: Andy

To: Tina

Hi Tina:

I hope you (0) _____ your family are well.

It’s my birthday next Tuesday, and we’re having a party at my house (25) _____ Saturday the 8th. It starts at 1 pm. (26) _____ you like to come?

I’m going (27) _____ invite about ten people. (28) _____ it’s a nice day we’ll have the party in the back garden. Mum and Dad are making a lot of food, including party pies and hot dogs, so eat lunch before you come!

Do you (29) _____ bringing your guitar? You can play, and we can all sing songs together. That would be fun!

Let me know if you can (30) _____ it. Hope to see you there!


Part 6
Question 31

Your friend Ivy is coming to your country next month for a holiday.

Write an email to Ivy.

Tell Ivy:

· the best place to visit

· what she can do there

· what she should bring with her

Write 25 words or more.

Write the email on your answer sheet.

Part 7
Question 32

Look at the three pictures.

Write the story shown in the pictures.

Write 35 words or more.

Write the story on your answer sheet. R87kcV49dn8xsH7XQb/BxWW+Fh0r6v38KAhQosq2J5AJqI5w0jrCsc8p3K8bGXgn
