

Time: 30 minutes (approx.)

Part 1
Questions 1–5

For each question, choose the correct picture.

1 Where did Diana lose her bag?

2 What time is Don’s meeting?

3 Where does Vicky want to go on holiday?

4 Where will Carol and her mother go shopping?

5 What does the new teacher look like?

Part 2
Questions 6–10

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time.


You will hear a tour guide talking about a city tour.

City Tour

Length of tour:

3 hours

First stop:

(6) _____ Museum

Second stop:

(7) Central _____

Arrive at café:

(8) _____ a.m.

Special food at café:

(9) _____

Final stop:

(10) _____ Street

Part 3
Questions 11–15

For each question, choose the correct answer.


You will hear Peter talking to his friend Lisa about a school trip he went on.

11 Peter’s class went to

A a history museum.

B an art gallery.

C a theatre.

12 On the way the bus

A got stuck in traffic.

B got lost.

C broke down.

13 On the bus, Peter and his classmates talked about

A high school.

B university.

C jobs.

14 Peter thought the visit was

A interesting.

B useful.

C fun.

15 At the end of the trip, the class

A ate together.

B walked to the subway.

C took photos.

Part 4
Questions 16–20

For each question, choose the correct answer.


16 You will hear a teacher speaking to a class.

What should the students do?

A finish their homework tonight

B study together at home

C find information in the library

17 You will hear a father talking to his daughter.

What does he suggest they do tomorrow?

A go swimming

B go to the park

C go fishing

18 You will hear two friends talking about a movie they saw.

What did they both like about the movie?

A the acting

B the music

C the scenery

19 You will hear a boy, David, talking about a famous person he saw.

What’s this person famous for?

A She’s a sports star.

B She’s a journalist on TV.

C She’s a pop star.

20 You will hear a girl talking to her father.

What does she want to do this evening?

A watch a movie

B play a game

C play music

Part 5
Questions 21–25

For each question, choose the correct answer.


You will hear Jenny talking to her father about a school play.

What will each person help with?

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