




在开始这项相当艰巨的工作之前,我们必须对中国音乐的概貌有所认识。幸运的是,有一本特殊的文献保存了下来,使我们可以综合了解中国音乐的传统观念。这就是《乐记》( Annotations on Music ),它是儒家的经典论著《礼记》( Book of Rites )的一部分。《礼记》的成书相对晚些,大约是在公元初年。《乐记》由马融(字季长,79—166)编撰。然而,通过与更早的文献,比如东周一些有影响的哲学家作品中与音乐相关的段落相对比,发现《乐记》虽然成书较晚,但却包含了很多相对更早的理念。然而,《乐记》是按照儒家的标准写成,因此是士人音乐理想的权威代表。而且,直到近期,在中国文学中,《乐记》依然是中国音乐文献的标准,在其后的音乐及音乐理论著作中被广泛地引用,因此我想我们尽可以将它作为讨论中国音乐概述的基础 [1]





在整部著作中,音乐被认为是和“礼”分不开的,而“礼”、“乐”又是一个体面的政府所不可或缺的。《乐记》中不止一次地提到乐高于礼,主要是因为乐包含了天之和谐,而礼代表了地之和谐。“乐者,天地之和也,礼者,天地之序也,和故百物皆化,序故群物皆别,乐由天作,礼以地制。”(“Music is the harmony of heaven and earth, rites constitute the graduation of heaven and earth. Through harmony all things are brought forth, through graduation all things are properly classified. Music comes from heaven,rites are modelled after earthly designs.”) “乐者敦和率神而从天,礼者别宜居鬼而从地,故圣人作乐以应天,制礼以配地,礼乐明备,天地官矣。”(“Music aims at harmony, it belongs to the higher spiritual agencies, and it follows heaven. Rites aim at the distinction of differences, they belong to the lower spiritual agencies, and follow earth. Therefore the Holy Sages composed music in order that it might correspond to Heaven, and they instituted rites so that they might correspond to Earth. When rites and music are manifest and perfect, Heaven and Earth will be regulated.”)

音乐与人是紧密联系的,因为音乐可以和人性中的神性呼应。“人生而静,天之性也,感于物而动,性之欲也……好恶无节于内,知诱于外,不能反躬,天理灭矣。”(“When man is born he is serene: this is the nature of Heaven. Experiencing contact with outer things, he is moved, and in his nature desire is created...If man cannot regulate his likes and his dislikes, the outer things will lead him astray, he will grow incapable of introspection, and the Heavenly nature in him disappears.”) “是故先王之制礼乐,人为之节。”(“For this reason the Kings of olden times instituted rites and music in order to regulate human emotions.”) “乐者为同,礼者为异,同则相亲,异则相敬。”(“Music points to what all beings have in common; rites point to that in which all beings differ. What is common leads to mutual love, what is different leads to mutual respect.”) “乐由中出,礼自外作,乐由中出,故静,礼自外作,故文。”(“Music is based on the inner life of man, rites on outer appearances. Music comes from within, therefore it is serene; rites come from without, therefore they are elegant.”)

因为音乐是“天”的直接体现,明智的国君会利用音乐协助治理国家。“乐也者,圣人之所乐也,而可以善民心,其感人深,其移风易俗,故先王著其教焉。”(“In Music the Holy Sages took delight, because music can improve the heart of the people. Music has a profound influence on man, it can improve customs and ameliorate morals. Therefore the Kings of olden times promoted the teaching of music.”) “故乐行而伦清,耳目聪明,血气和平,移风易俗,天下皆宁。”(“Therefore, when music flourishes, human relations are clarified, eyes and ears are made more susceptive, body and mind are in balanced harmony, good customs prosper and morals are improved, and peace reigns everywhere under Heaven.”)


“乐者,心之动也,声者,乐之象也,文采节奏,声之饰也,君子动其本,乐其象,然后治其饰。”(“Music is formed in the heart. Tones are the shape in which music is expressed. Elegance and rhythm are the decoration of the tones. The Superior Man takes the feelings in his heart as basis, he gives them shape in music, and then he gives this music its final form.”) 但在演奏音乐的时候,因为音乐具有这些深层的含义,重点不应放在表面的旋律之美,和音符的文饰上。在所有精神之中,音乐的最终含义必须表达清楚。“是故乐之隆非极音也。”(“The greatness of music lies not in perfection of tone.”) 因为(在礼乐中),“是故德成而上,艺成而下。”(“[In rites and music]Virtue is more than Art.”)

这一规则早已被古代的统治者发现:“是故先王之制礼乐也,非以极口腹耳目之欲也,将以教民平好恶而反人道之正也。”(“The kings of olden times instituted rites and music, not to satisfy the mouths and stomachs, the ears and eyes, but in order to teach the people to balance their likes and dislikes, and to bring them back to the Right Way.”)

在《乐记》中,除了讲述音乐在宇宙天道和治国方面的崇高作用,也有几段讲述音乐对个人的作用。“君子曰,礼乐不可斯须去身,致乐以治心,则易直子谅之心油然生矣。”(“A wise man has said: ‘Not for one single moment may one separate oneself from Rites and Music.’When one perfects oneself in music with the aim of regulating the heart, then as a matter of course the heart shall be calm, straight, tender and pure.”) “是故乐在宗庙之中,君臣上下同听之,则莫不和敬,在族长乡里之中,长幼同听之,则莫不和顺,在闺门之内,父子兄弟同听之,则莫不和亲。”(“Therefore, during a musical performance in the Temple of the Ancestors, prince and statesman, high and low listen together, and an atmosphere of harmony and respect prevails. During a musical performance on the occasion of clan festivals or village festivals, old and young listen together, and an atmosphere of harmony and compliance prevails. During a musical performance in the household, parents and children, elder and younger brothers listen together, and an atmosphere of harmony and affection prevails.”)

最后我引用一段话,描述了《春秋》对音乐的态度,儒家所认为的“理想的人”应是这样的:“是故君子反情,以和其志,比类以成其行,奸声乱色不留聪明,淫乐慝礼不接心术,惰慢邪辟之气不设于身体,使耳目鼻口心知百体,皆由顺正以行其义,然后发以声音,而文以琴瑟,动以干戚,饰以羽旄,从以箫管,奋至德之光,动四气之和,以著万物之理。”(“The Superior Man returns to his original heavenly nature, and thereto he conforms his thoughts. He distinguishes between good and bad, and in accordance therewith regulates his conduct. He does not perceive lewd sounds or indecent spectacles, he keeps his heart undefiled by lascivious music or unbecoming rites. His body is free from laziness and negligence, falsehood and depravity. He makes his ears and eyes, nose and mouth, all the functions of perception of his entire body conform to what is right, and so achieves righteous conduct. Then he expresses his sentiments in chant: he accompanies them on lute and sê, moves the shield and the axe, and uses as decoration the pheasant-feathers and the ox tails, and finally he lets the flutes sound. The splendour of complete virtue makes the four seasons revolve in harmony, and establishes the right order of all things.”)




[1] 更古老的音乐文献,可以参考成书于公元前3世纪的、带有道教色彩的《吕氏春秋》( Annals of Spring and Autumn of Lü Pu-wei ),第五章中包括了四节与音乐相关的文字,这些文字特别重要,因为它引述了古代神话,说明了音乐在古代图腾仪式中的作用。此书已由卫礼贤(R. Wilhelm)译成德语( Frühling und Herbst des Lü Bu-we ,耶拿,1928年)。我还会推荐淮南子的一些著作,参见拉卢瓦(L. Laloy)的有关讨论,刊载于《通报》,1913年5月号,291—298页。(该刊创立于1890年,是国际上最早的汉学刊物——译者注。) 5ELlV2agGFOcn/59kQxW3UViZmJ3/X/nwig5psTnOwo5heBHmqVFpALhlhK/dyXp
