


1.Electronic computers,which make it possible to free man from the labor of complex measurements and computations,have wide application in engineering.


2.The programmer had to operate his program directly on the operator’s console-loading his program into memory,from either paper tape or cards or switches on the front panel,monitoring its execution by watching display lights on the console,and debugging it if any error occurred.


3.A car engine started from cold takes time to warm up and to reach its correct operating temperature.The quicker it reaches that temperature the sooner it begins operating at its most efficient.


4.Chemical process modeling typically involves using purpose-built software to define a system of interconnected components,which are then solved so that the steady-state or dynamic behavior of the system can be predicted.


5.With different impurities added,semiconductors are made into two types—the N-type,which is ready to give up electrons,thus having a negative character,and the P-type,which is liable to accept electrons,therefore being of a positive character.


6.An electric current acts in that very way,that is to say,it takes time to start and once started it takes time to stop.The factor of the circuit to make it act like that is its inductance.


7.To improve the bearing capacity in varying ground conditions,soft spots are usually filled with consolidated hard core or a weak concrete,before the foundation is laid.


8.The human race has methodically improved crop plants through selective breeding for many thousands of years,but genetic engineering allows that time-consuming process to be accelerated and exotic traits from unrelated species to be introduced.


9.Bricks are also produced in many different colors and with various finishes,particularly those used for decorative purpose.


10.Once localized fracture began in the way of this joint,additional plate failure and associated fracturing might radiate out from this joint,toward both the port and starboard.


11.This technology provides the means for identifying and isolating genes controlling specific characteristics in one kind of organism,and for moving copies of those genes into another quite different organism,which will then also have those characteristics.


12.This also anticipates an even more advanced platform which is the polar platform of the international space station,which the Americans are leading and in which various countries are taking part.


13.These sensors work similarly to our inner ears in the way they maintain balance and orientation.


14.The intention now is to intercept those flows at these pump stations and then discharge them,whether by gravity or by pumping,through a system of link sewer.


15.All glass is produced by melting,but this stage is where the float glass process is unique.The molten glass flows out of the furnace onto a bath of molten tin.It floats on top of the tin,hence the name“float glass”.



Semiconductor lasers are built on flat,layered chips.They include a layer of n-type semiconductor,which is laced with an impurity that gives it spare,negatively charged electrons,and a p-type layer,which is deficient in electrons,and so behaves as if it contained spare,positively charged “holes”.Supplying electrical energy to the chip elevates the electrons to an excited state.Light is generated when some of the excited electrons combine with holes in an intermediate junction layer between the two types of semiconductor.This sets off a cascade within the junction layer,as the light from the first electrons stimulates others to emit light.






1. 翻译前为什么要确定翻译标准?

2. 如何理解忠实与通顺?翻译的标准主要方面是什么?

3. 简单分析理解与表达的关系。

4. 简单概述我国的工程技术翻译历史。 C1MWDwsxxTB9fduwNz7vWMnMnZcxAH9Rs3vk0Ml1VhGj9ml1v1NzrpogxamiPeOO
