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Why Do You Have Less Friends When You Grow Up?

1 Recall your best friends in high school.What made you become friends in the first place?And how did all that start out?Maybe it was because you sat beside her on the first day of school,started to chat and just decided to say that“Hey.” You guys did get along famously. So you became friends,spending time together during breaks and hanging out after school.

Q1:Which of the sentence below best paraphrases the essential information in the highlighted sentence in this passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning or leave out essential information

a.You and your friends became famous.

b.You got as famous as your friends.

c.You and your partners got to know each other.

d.You and your partners communicated very well.

2 ■Or maybe both of you were on the football team and there came to be a friendship when your team won or lost,or when you alljust practiced hard under the watchful eye of the mean coach.All of you were in a similar state of mind and got close because you all understood how the other felt—because you felt the same way.■

3 ■You were in the same situation together.You understood each other.You reveled in each other’s success and shed tears over failures—slowly,this forged strong bonds.■But now,years later,when the commonality has vanished,these bonds are fraying or may have already unraveled.Interests have diversified,passions have waned and that common thread that held you together has long been broken.

Q2:Look at the four squares( )that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Where would the sentence best fit

—What drew you close and held your bonds of friendship together was a common experience.

4 You meet those old friends now and initially,you can talk about those memories and reminisce about those good old days but very often conversations soon die out.Why?It might be because the common factors are few and far between.You may be a hotshot executive looking to have some tipple to relax.He may be a college professor who’s also a teetotaler vegan.Or you may be a school teacher following a yogic lifestyle and she may be a model who needs her drinks and smokes to stave off her appetite.You just have grown out of your friendship.

Q3:According to this paragraph,what can be inferred about“growing out of your friendship”

a.Your friendship gradually becomes mature.

b.You grow up with your friendship.

c.You may get to find the conflicts between you and your friends.

d.You may realize it necessary to make your friendship grow up.

5 Most of us may have lost many of our childhood friends,but we still have a couple of good friends around.Sound right?Now you may not meet these gems every now and then and may actually talk to them just once in a while—but you know that they’ll always be there for you...It’s because you and these friends of you share the same core values that form the basis of a deep and lasting friendship.

Q4:According to this paragraph,which of the following is true about“core values”

a.The central value of your friendship.

b.The values that influence your life.

c.The values that affect you and your friends.

d.The values that both of you hold.

6 Now you got it.You and your everlasting friends are very similar,deep down.It’s like you peel the layers of professions and hobbies and likes and dislikes and you’ll find that you and this friend of yours are very alike,in the most important things of life.

Q5:The phrase“peel the layers of professions and hobbies and likes and dislikes”in this passage is closest in meaning to _.

a.never mind the differences between you and your friends

b.reveal the differences between you and your friends

c.consider the differences between you and your friends in professions

d.ignore the differences between you and your friends in hobbies

7 The same angst in the world drives you both nuts.A movie can move you to tears.You guys are the wind beneath each other’s sails and yet also are unafraid to play the devil’s advocate for each other because you want good things for your friend and vice versa.

8 The key to making lasting friendships as an adult is to get to know their deep,innermost thoughts before and you can do this by not relying on your instinct and judgment but by asking questions.

Q6:All the following questions can be asked to know about their friends’innermost thoughts excep t for ___

a.Don’t you think that the election this year may have something unexpected?

b.Do you like eating spaghetti or other Italian food?

c.What would you do if you have to quit next month?

d.Do you agree to the mayor’s suggestion that more investment be put in basic education?

9 Ask stuff that will help reveal what they believe in,what they’re strongly against for,what is their ideal world,what is their ideal life,what are their top priorities in life...Since it may just prove to be a tad awkward to ask such questions, frame them in a sly way. Play a game of truth or dare.Some of them are:“When did you last cry in front of somebody?”or“Given the choice of anyone in the world,whom would you want as a dinner guest?”or even“What would constitute a‘perfect’day for you?”...

Q7:Which of the sentence below best paraphrases the essentialinformation in thehighlightedsentencein this passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning or leave out essential information.

a.asking questions in a indirect way

b.framing questions in a secret way

c.restructuring questions leisurely

d.designing questions smartly

10 Bear in mind that this method might not make us make friends more easily.Instead,it might be even more difficult.The idea is not to make“more”friends,rather the“right”friends.You need to set your standards high so that you are able to be with the people that understand you,complement you and ultimately make you a happier person in a happier place.For when it comes to friendships,it’s not the quantity you should be concerned with,but the quality.Just as Thomas Fuller said,“If you have one true friend,you have more than your share...”

Q8:What’s the main idea of this paragraph?

a.It’s difficult to make more friends.

b.It’s important to make right friends.

c.It’s important to think about the“quality”of your friendship.

d.It’s good to find friends to complement you.

Basic TOEFL Words


—Foods to be watchful of are margarines(人造黄油),baked goods,and fry(油炸食物),which are not beneficial to health.


—As technologists,most of us revel in our ability to handle complexity and love to learn the latest new thing.


—And this week the world comes together again,this time to forge a global plan for jobs and growth.


—When reading,all of the concerns and problems of day to day life v anish


—Apart from complementary competencies (能力互补),do you and your partner have commonality regarding core values,goals and interests?


—Now more researchers have entered the fray, putting forward different opinions about the origin of Chinese civilization.


—The goal of the Project Moon Exploration is to unravel some of the mysteries of the back of the moon.


—The culture has been diversified with the arrival of immigrants.


—In general,the mentor(导师,指导者,良师)influences students in light of personal experience, passion ,and values.


—As the sharing business is rapidly expanding,people’s initial enthusiasm for it has begun t o wane

11.hotshot( n )能人;( a )高手的;特快的

—Clearly,it’s much easier for those hotshot college graduates to prove themselves and get good jobs with high salary.


—Slimmers(想减肥的人),be warned.Having a few drinks can wreak havoc with your waistline—even if you’ve switched to a low - calorie tipple


—The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.


—Most children may go through a period of late - adolescent angst


—Children do not know by instinct the difference between right and wrong.That is the reason why they need socialization conducted by their parents and teachers.


—They learned more in one day than they would have in a week at school...and we do stuff like this all the time.


—We also feel a tad guilty for not performing any kind of community service(社区服务)for the past two years as the kids dominated nearly every waking moment.


—Everyone in party tries to make a good first impression and not get stuck in an awkward silence.


—Young adults in this country constitute the majority of the population and,unlike their parents,they can read and write.


—A new manager should try to know enough about the company’s style to ensure that his or her management style will complement it.


—Most people actually like to be given the chance to improve their performance as this will ultimately make them more successful in their careers.

Contextual Phrases and Idioms

1.shed tears on failures为失败流泪

2.common thread相同的思路;生命共同体

3.reminisce about those good old days追忆美好的往昔

4.a teetotaler vegan一个滴酒不沾的素食主义者

5.follow a yogic lifestyle过着瑜伽式的生活

6.stave off her appetite抑制她的食欲

7.grow out of your friendship因成长而淡忘友谊

8.meet these gems遇到这些能人/要人

9.share the same core values拥有共同的核心价值观

10.form the basis of a deep and lasting friendship构成深厚友谊的基石

11.deep down实际上;在心底里

12.peel the layers of professions and hobbies剥去/抛开职业和爱好的外衣

13.drive you both nuts把你们两人都逼疯

14.the wind beneath each other’s sails非此船帆下的风/彼此助力

15.play the devil’s advocate唱反调

16.innermost thoughts内心想法

17.top priorities in life生活中的头等大事

18.frame them in a sly way秘密地揭开他们(的真面目)

19.play a game of truth or dare玩真心话大冒险游戏

20.bear in mind牢记

21.set your standards high定出高标准

22.when it comes to friendships说到友谊

23.be concerned with关心;涉及 7oyP1mrqVcCRz8EawYP69pTmGMh7mpccAkX/sU+ApyNIzjcO0UKvioTL/rEjHx9i
