
Text 2
The Six Types of Friends Everyone Should Have

Pre-reading Activities

1.How many types of friends do you have?

2.What can you gain from different types of friends?

1 Just like a band or gang of superheroes needs members who have different talents and powers,a circle of friends should have exactly the same thing.

2 “It’s important to have diversity and to be able to look for support from a variety of sources,”says clinical and coaching psychologist and founder of the Positivity Institute,Dr.Suzy Green.“They also help us to keep broader perspective on life.”Domonique Bertolucci,life coach and author of The Happiness Code ,agrees.“You need different types of friends in the same way that you need food from different food groups.Different types of friends serve different purposes and nourish and enrich our lives in different ways.”

3 While many of us are lucky to count our real friends on one hand,there are certain types of people it’s good to have around.So,how many do you know?

** Summary reading 1

—Why do people need different kinds of friends?

** Sentence making

1.就像产品没有市场就无法生存,……(Just like...)

2.学好外语有很多好处,……(keep broader perspective on sth)

3.学生应该利用好各种媒体,……(serve different purposes)

4.课外阅读非常重要,……(nourish and enrich our lives)

5.很多学生遇到困难时,……(look for support from...)

The Friend Who’s Cooler Than You

4 The world changes quickly and some people are just that little bit better at keeping up with what’s hip than we are.Like those friends who know that NO ONE EVER says“hip”any more,for instance.We like to be around these people,because they’re a beacon of cool.Cool things just flock to them.These are the people who help you to open your eyes,have a flow-on effect for introducing you to other cool people and help to unstick yourself from the rut that’s all too easy to get bogged in.“These people enrich your life by exposing you to things that may have otherwise passed you by,”says Bertolucci.

** Summary reading 2

—What does“beacon of cool”in line 4 mean?

** Sentence making

1.要想努力跟上时代,……(keep up with)

2.健康人格直接影响着……(have effect on)

3.每天大多数人都忙于生活琐事中,……(get bogged in/down)

The Friend Who Is Up for Anything

5 People are busy,and we get it.But there’s nothing more frustrating than having to reschedule your re-re-re-scheduled catch-up.Everyone needs a friend who you can call at the drop of a hat.A friend who says“hell yeah,I’m up for that.”That’s why it’s good to have a mate who you don’t need to issue a 28-day notice to just to meet for a frappuccino.It’s refreshing (the friend,that is,not necessarily the frappuccino).“This friend is the flexible,no frills friend who makes your life a breeze.Nothing is ever too hard and they’re open to doing new things and changing plans at short notice,”says Dr.Green.While Bertolucci agrees,“Their enthusiasm is contagious and you always have more fun when they are around.”

** Summary reading 3

—How flexible can a friend be in life?

** Sentence making

1.不管有多忙,活动一下总是有好处的(It’s good to...)

2.快乐的情绪可以传染,……(contagious/make one’s life happy)


The friend who you aspire to be

6 Oprah Winfrey once said:“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”And we all need to live life a little bit closer to Oprah.These people challenge you to be the best version of yourself.The only downside is that sometimes they can be infuriating and inspiring in equal measure.Dr.Green’s advice:“This friend is only an important role model if they behave in ways that are authentic and genuine.They will see the best in you and give you important feedback on both your strengths and weaknesses.”

** Summary reading 4

—Why may those who can lift you higher challenge you to be the best version of yourself?

** Sentence making

1.要跟三观正的人在一起(surround yourself with people who...)

2.努力成为最好的自己(challenge you to be the best version of yourself...)

3.要跟那些能鼓舞支持你的人交朋友(lift you higher/raise you up)

4.有价值的朋友能给你提供各方面重要的意见和建议(give you important feedback on...)

The Friend Who Doesn’t Know Any of Your Other Friends

7 We like integration.We like killing two birds with one stone by catching up with several groups of friends at once.But there are times when you need to make an SOS call to a friend who is completely uninvolved and removed from a situation who can offer objective advice,so it’s a bonus that your friendship exists without orbiting around your other ones.“There is a level of privacy to this friendship that doesn’t exist in friendship circles,”says Bertolucci.“It will be easier to share some of your hopes and dreams,fears and concerns knowing that they are not going to be discussed when you’re not around.”

** Summary reading 5

—How do you understand the proverb“killing two birds with one stone”in this part?

** Sentence making

1.有些时候人们不知道如何开始交谈(there are times when...)

2.我们都需要能提供客观建议的朋友(offer objective advice)

3.与他人分享快乐或痛苦,并非易事[It may(not)be easy to share...]

The Friend Who’s Painfully Honest

8 An honest friend will not always tell you what you want to hear,but they’ll certainly tell you what you need to know.When you’ve got a crisis on your hands or need to make a quick decision they are your go-to.They’re also there to keep you away from mixing paisleys and stripes.This type of friend has the strength of“feedback”and“is a pearl who will tell it to you straight when others won’t or will sugarcoat things at the very least,”says Dr.Green.But she warns that this friend is someone who does it with good intentions and for your own benefit.

** Summary reading 6

—What does“your go-to”in line 3 mean?

** Sentence making

1.盛怒之下最好不要做决定(make a decision)

2.良好的家教可以阻止你……(keep you away from doing sth)

3.……动机是好的,也对你有利(with good intentions and for your own benefit)

The Friend You’ve Known Longer Than You’ve Known Yourself

9 History.Sometimes it works to your advantage;at other times it doesn’t.This is that friend who sees you out of the context of your job,your relationship,your other friends and your life as it is now.This is the friend who knew you when you had pimples and a bowl cut.There is something special about this person because they feel like home.It’s nice and comforting to be around someone who has known you forever.“This is a friend you never have to put on a brave face for,”says Bertolucci.“They know you better than you know yourself and accept you unconditionally.”

10 Can you name any other types of mates you have in your friendship tool-belt?Which one is most important to you?You may make your own list and comments on each.

** Summary reading 7

—How do you understand“they feel like home”in line 5?

** Sentence making

1.规律的生活对每个人都有好处(work to your advantage)

2.共享经济在经营理念上有其特殊之处[There is something special(important/meaningful) about sth/sb]

Summary Writing

A summary is a shortened version of a text containing only the key information,including the main points or sub-points.The aim is to present readers with a short,clear account of the ideas in the text.Summary writing is an important skill in both academic and business contexts.

Preparing to Write

Step 1:Select the key information

—Read the text carefully,looking up words you don’t know.It is important to understand the whole sentence of the argument.Ask yourself what the text is mainly about.Think about the purpose of your summary and what your readers need to know.

—Highlight the key information(the main ideas).Omit details such as examples,quotations,information in brackets,repetitions,figures of speech,and most figures and statistics.

—Underline any information which you are not sure about.

—Make notes on the key information in your own words.

Writing the Summary

Step 2:Write a first draft of your summary using the information you have selected.

—Organize the ideas in your notes in a logical order.This needs not to be the same order as in the original text but must show the same argument.

—Condense the information where possible.

—Express the ideas in your own words.This will usually be shorter than the original.Rewrite phrases in the text but keep any key terms from the subject area.

—Do not give your own opinion on the topic.

Your Practice

—Write a short summary of Text 2.

Theme Speech

Three Basic Elements

Before writing and delivering a speech,you need to know WHO you’re speaking to,the PURPOSE of the speech,and HOW long you’re speaking for

Basic Speech Construction

Your speech will have three parts:

1. An opening or introduction

2. The body where you present your main ideas

3. An ending

How to Write the Speech

·Write your main ideas out incorporating your examples and research.

·Link them together making sure each flows in a smooth,logical progression.

·Write your ending,summarizing your main ideas briefly and ending with a call for action.

·Write your introduction considering the“hook”(能抓住听众的东西)you’re going to use to get your audience listening.

·An often quoted saying to explain the process is:

Tell them what you’re going to tell them (Introduction);

Tell them (Body of your speech—the main ideas plus examples);

Tell them what you told them (The ending).

TEST before presenting.Read aloud several times to check the flow of material,the suitability of language,and the timing.

Theme Speech

Theme speech is simpler than any other kinds of formal speech.It is just based on the theme of the text.Thus,it is presented in class.You should try to:

1.Know the main idea and content of the text.

2.Generalize your arguments about the theme.

3.Write the three parts of your speech.

4.Present your speech as expected(before class/in class).

Your Theme Speech

—Make a speech about the topic“How Important Is Friendship to Young People?”.

Basic Academic Words


—A world of peace and solidarity can only be accomplished by acknowledging and celebrating our diversity.


—The teaching App can be used for a variety of educational purposes.


—Finding your first job can be both a rewarding and frustrating experience.


—Many view these meetings as an occasion to share ideas and refresh friendship.


—The government needs a more flexible approach to education.


—Writing today is not a frill for the few to show their language talent,but an essential skill for all.


—Most graduates left university fired with enthusiasm for work,but some might soon feel disappointed with the reality.


—Attitude is contagious and it will help to motivate you,and even those around you,to drive you towards your goal.


—If you aspire to be a business leader,you should take charge of your own development and focus on building your know-how.

10.downside( n )缺点;负面;( a )有缺陷的

—Smart cell phones offer more security,but the downside is that they have less power.


—When psychologists today talk of the danger for the next generation of too much keyboard and texting time,Socrates(苏格拉底)would have flashed one of his infuriating “I told you so”smiles.


—College students should try to mold their life into an inspiring story of confidence and passion,doing what they love to do.


—Most college students simply have nice manners whereas only a few have authentic charm.


—Filial piety(孝顺)should not be expressed via superficial“performance”but via children’s genuine care and love for their parents.


—The aim of the One Belt and One Road initiative is to promote closer economic integration of countries along the road.


—Being able to walk to work is an added bonus of the new job.

17.sugarcoat( n )糖衣;( v )粉饰;使……有吸引力

—People come back from vacation and kind of sugarcoat everything. This delicate mentality has aroused those psychologists’interest.


—To woo love is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return.To just give.

Contextual Phrases and Idioms

1.keep broader perspective on life保持开阔的生活观

2.serve different purposes用于不同的目的

3.nourish and enrich our lives in different ways以不同的方式丰富生活

—enrich your life by exposing you to new things通过接触新事物丰富生活

4.count our real friends指望真朋友

5.keep up with what’s hip跟上潮流

6.a beacon of cool时尚达人

7.have a flow-on effect对……产生顺带影响

8.unstick yourself from the rut不墨守成规

9.get bogged in陷入泥潭/困境/麻烦

10.pass you by与你擦肩而过

11.at the drop of a hat立即;马上

12.issue a 28-day notice提前28天发消息/通知

13.at short notice立刻;一说即到

14.surround yourself with sb与……为伴/为伍

15.lift you higher/raise you up提升你;鼓励你

16.challenge you to be the best version of yourself促使你成就最好的自己

17.in equal measure在同等程度上

18.see the best in you看到你最好的一面

19.give you important feedback on both your strengths and weaknesses对你的优缺点给予重要反馈/意见/评价

20.kill two birds with one stone一石二鸟

21.offer objective advice提出客观建议

22.keep you away from doing sth阻止你做某事

23.mix paisleys and stripes混淆是非

24.with good intentions and for your own benefit出于好意;为你好

25.work to your advantage发挥你的优势

26.out of the context of your job超出你的工作范围

27.feel like home像家的感觉

28.put on a brave face for为……装出一副勇敢的样子

29.comment on对……作评价(评论) U27yU09bTsk8/ulEZzKPSAzDBVdwFeVXsiAS7TQOPXppTP1ZOFVciE4dZVgp7ph5
