
Text 1

1 A friend is a person whom one knows,likes,and trusts.We have best friends,close friends,good friends,and just friends.There are many types of friendships.There are friendships based on activities,social groups,and work-a category that is becoming increasingly important.There are crossroads friends that we connect with during transitional times in life,and there are the friends that come at 3:00 am when you need them.

2 Many of us long for a broader web of friends to support us in times of need.However,unlike ties with our kin,our connections to friends can be exceedingly fragile.Friendship is an elective bond.There are no formalized rituals.According to Lillian Rubin,author of Just Friends the Role ofFriendships in Our Lives ,kinship falls into the realm of the sacred while friendship remains in the secular.Even though it may be the friend,not the relative,who takes you to the airport or brings you food when you are sick,our society still seems to operate on the notion that kin is forever-but friends come and go.

3 Yet,the notion that family is more important than friends may be illusory.With fully a quarter of the nation’s households now composed of a single person,we are fast becoming a society that is literally home alone.Even for those who enjoy or even prefer solo living,sneak attacks of loneliness can raise that panicky 3:00 am question:Who really cares?When the other pillow on the bed is empty,when siblings and other kin are scattered across the continent and steeped in the minutiae of their own lives,one’s best hope may be a good friend (Sandmaier,“The Gift of Friendship”, Networker ,July-August 1995).

4 Friends are especially important for children.The difference between no friends and two good friends is like the difference between a pitch-black room and one lit by birthday candles.Think back to your childhood,to the time when you first liked somebody outside your family and he or she liked you back;it was almost like a gift from heaven.It meant that somebody who was not from your family,who owed you nothing,simply cared for you.If a child doesn’t have friends,he spends a huge portion of his day asking himself,“Who will I play with?Who will I sit with?”These are questions reflecting the basic desire to know “who will not leave me”(Greene, Family Life ,September-October 1993).

5 As we begin to separate ourselves and grow away from our families in adolescence,friendships become even more important to us as sources of support.However,in late adolescence and early adulthood,friendships can take a back seat to romantic relationships.Marriage can disrupt friendships:Our interests change,and we begin to form relationships with other couples.In the same way,divorce can disrupt the friendships we formed as couples.

6 By the time people reach adulthood,most have learned the rudiments of friend-making:How to ask somebody to lunch,share a more or less retouched version of their life story,woo a new pal with humor or intellect or a talent for listening.After the initial connection is made,however,people often turn their attention elsewhere.Many of us still buy into the fiction that friendship simply happens;it requires no special effort or consciousness to keep it alive and whole.There is also the embarrassment factor:Because friendship is not deemed a primary relationship in our culture and the expectations friends hold for each other are so rarely voiced,we may feel uncertain of our rights to go deeper,to make our needs known,and even to directly express our feelings for our friends.

7 Like all the important relationships,intimate friendships take work.They require us to open ourselves up,to trust,to share,to compromise,even to sacrifice.They involve caring enough for another person so that her or his welfare becomes as important to us as our own,and caring enough to go far out of our way to render help when it is needed.

8 Friendships also take time.Some friendships can be measured in how much coffee or other beverage has been shared together.Time and opportunity to truly communicate are necessary ingredients in a friendship.Some conversations only take place when there are just the two of you and there isn’t a clock running.Priority needs to be given to the contact that is necessary to sustain the relationship.The effort is usually rewarded and well-worth-while in an era when it is more important than ever to have those connections.(768 words)

Critical Reading

1.According to Paragraph 1,which category of friendship is receiving more importance?

2.In Paragraph 2,why is it widely believed that kin is forever,but friends come and go?

3.In Paragraph 3,what can you learn from that panicky 3:00 am question:Who really cares?

4.In Paragraph 4,what does Greene’s question really mean?

5.According to Paragraph 5,why is friendship more important to teenagers?

6.In Paragraph 6,what does“a more or less retouched version of their life story”mean?

7.According to Paragraph 6,why do Americans feel uncertain of expressing their feelings for their friends?

8.According to Paragraph 7,friendships require you to sacrifice.Use examples to illustrate this point.

9.In Paragraph 8,how do you understand the sentence“there isn’t a clock running”?

10.In Paragraph 8,why does the author conclude that“In this era,it is more important than ever to have those connections”?

Thought Exercises

Directions ]:Fill in the blank in the following table.On the left column is the list of the most important traits a good friend should have.On the right column is the list of the drawbacks you do not want to see in your friends.

Directions ]:Choose any one item from the two lists,and give your reasons.


Words Group 1

1.category( n )类别

2.increasingly( ad )日益

3.transitional( a )过渡性的

4.web( n )网,网络

5.kin( n )(总称)亲属,亲戚

6.exceedingly( ad )极度

7.fragile( a )脆弱的

8.bond( n )纽带

9.formalize( v )使……正式化

10.ritual( n )仪式

** Difficult Pronunciations







Use of Words

Complete the following sentences with words from the list above.

1.Most universities and colleges have highly____their systems of assessment of students’academic achievement and professional competence.

2.These criticisms of GDP as measure of a well-being fall into three broad____.

3.Socially anxious and shy individuals have more difficulty forming social____with others.

4.This research also sheds light on poverty as one of the common social factors in ____ economies.

5.It is____recognized that humans share 98% of their DNA with other higher primates(灵长类).

Words Group 2

11.realm ( n )领域

12.sacred( a )神圣的

13.secular( a )世俗的

14.illusion( n )幻觉;illusory( a

15.household( n )家庭

16.compose( v )组成

17.solo( a )单独的

18.sneak( a )突然的

19.panicky( a )恐慌的

20.pillow ( n )枕头

** Difficult Pronunciations





Use of Words

Complete the following sentences with words from the list above.

1.Recent weeks have seen nations employ more aggressive measures to prop up financial institutions,ease tight credit,and reassure____investors.

2.Aging is a random process that falls outside the____of natural selection.

3.The respondents’monthly____income ranged from $455 to$12,000.

4.This article examines the place of religion in modern European____societies.

5.Human beings seem to believe that they can control over their environments,but it is nothing but their____.

Words Group 3

21.sibling( n )兄弟姐妹(复数)

22.scatter( v )分散

23.steep( v )沉浸

24.stability( n )稳定

25.durability( n )持久

26.portion( n )部分

27.reflect( v )反映

28.mutual( a )相互的

29.pitch-black( a )漆黑的

30.minutiae( n )细节

** Difficult Pronunciations





Use of Words

Complete the following sentences with words from the list above.

1.Although these new numbers are staggering,it should be noted that these numbers____the state of the nation one year ago,in 2018.

2.But a great____of its growth came from borrowing Chinese money to buy Chinese goods,which means that Chinese growth was dependent on that very same borrowing.

3.____,reliability,and predictability are the means of achieving peace of mind.

4.Historically speaking,both civilizations have promoted common development through ____exchanges and played an important role for development and progress of the world civilizations.

5.Peep culture refers to a culture in which many people write about or display-and other people to take pleasure in reading or watching-the____of their daily lives.

Words Group 4

31.embody( v )体现

32.contrast( n )对比

33.constrain( v )约束

34.adolescence( n )青春期

35.source( n )来源

36.emotional( a )感情的

37.adulthood( n )成年

38.identify( v )确认

39.considerable( a )较大的

40.intimacy( n )亲密言行

** Difficult Pronunciations



Use of Words

Complete the following sentences with words from the list above.

l.All you have to do is to unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to ____.

2.While there are similarities in the two cultures,there are also great ____.

3.China instituted a series of policies to____economic growth and foster prosperity for the next generation.

4.The attempt to____crime with poverty and social problems shows that some people have discrimination and prejudice in mind.

5.The series has aroused____interest in space exploration and ET contact.

Words Group 5

41.romantic( a )浪漫的

42.disrupt( v )中断

43.divorce( n )离婚

44.rudiments( n )入门

45.retouch( v )修改;润饰

46.version( n )版本

47.woo( v )追求(爱、感情等)

48.initial( a )最初的

49.fiction( n )虚构,小说

50.consciousness( n )意识;自觉

** Difficult Pronunciations






Use of Words

Complete the following sentences with words from the list above.

1.According to the official____of events,the company should take all the blame for the fake commodities.

2.Although the banking Internet economy is still on its___,it has brought out powerful vitality.

3.Of course,the____won’t just stop here;there are still many other methods you can try out to make the picture even better.

4.To fall in love is the____excitement and rush of hormones when you meet someone and you are physically attracted to them.

5.Anemia significantly drags down test results not only of students with the disease but also of their peers,because some with serious anemia tend to____classroom learning.

Words Group 6

51.embarrassment( n )尴尬,为难

52.deem ( v )视为

53.primary( a )首要的,基础的

54.expectation( n )期望

55.compromise( v )妥协

56.sacrifice( v )牺牲

57.involve( v )涉及,包括

58.welfare( n )福利

59.era( n )时代

60.render( v )给予

** Difficult Pronunciations




Use of Words

Complete the following sentences with words from the list above.

1.We_____this meeting a very important one,with far-reaching impact on the development of China-Arab relations.

2.We should all give thanks to the Internet,because without it we’d be back to print as our ____ medium.

3.Doing what you say consistently will create in your clients a(n)___of the highest standards.

4.Government undoubtedly has the obligation to____assistance to those in need.

5.College English teachers should try to____as many students as possible in class activities.

Words Group 7

61.beverage( n )饮料

62.opportunity( n )机会,好时机

63.ingredient( n )成分

64.priority( n )优先

65.contact( n )联系

66.sustain( v )保持

67.reward( v )奖励,奖赏

** Difficult Pronunciations




Use of Words

Complete the following sentences with words from the list above.

1.Official surveys showed that there were more____for new graduates this year.

2.Children need physical____with a caring adult,but unfortunately,there are many left-behind children in countries.

3.We believe it is time for us to share a growth strategy to____recovery and to lay the foundation for our future prosperity.

4.To ease the traffic jams,buses should have____over other road users.

5.College should establish the system of____and punishments to encourage good behavior and discourage students from playing computer games,skipping classes,and cheating in exams.

Use of Phrases

Complete the following sentences by selecting the best words.

1.Both these theories of justice are based ____ a principle of equality.

a.on b.in c.based

2.When people mask their feelings,they become less hopeful about feeling____ with others.

a.connect b.connected c.connecting

3.These committees are composed ____ experts from the member states.

a.on b.with c.of

4.In the past decade,there has been an increasing number of foreign visitors who spent some days or even longer steeping themselves ____Chinese culture.

a.in b.on c.with

5.Some researchers have argued that the Internet improves people’s ability to____ new close relationships with others.

a.consult b.form c.constitute

6.Men have long tried to____ women with chocolates,flowers,and witty chat-up lines.

a.talk b.pursue c.woo

7.Today,few people may____ into the fiction that marriage is just based on the romantic love.They have to take the realities into consideration.

a.turn b.buy c.come

8.New technology is opening ____ possibilities for participation which have not existed in the past.

a.up b.out c.on

9.To encourage slow students to do better in class,professors can____ out of their way to ask them to answer simple questions.

a.come b.go c.turn

10.A debate took place as to whether industrial investment should____ priority to electronics or to steel.

a.take b.bear c.give

11.A certain level of income is required to____ a middle-class lifestyle.

a.have b.sustain c.retain

12.____ sharp contrast, nuclear power accounts for less than 1 percent of total consumption,5 percent lower than the world’s average.

a.With b.In c.On

13.Human contact is something we all need,especially in____of need, and it is a very good way to connect with others.

a.times b.aspects c.turns

14.Technology in the classroom holds much promise new and exciting learning.

a.with b.on c.for

15.Internet addiction has fallen into the ____ of mental disease or at least mental disorder.

a.realm b.scope c.context

Sentence Translation and Development

Ⅰ.Chinese-English Translation and Sentence Making

Basic Translating Skills

—Step 1:You should completely understand the meaning of the Chinese sentence.

—Step 2:Analyze the structure of the Chinese sentence to decide which English sentence structure should be used to translate it and what phrases should be used as well.

—Step 3:Translate the Chinese sentence into English by using some proper micro-translating skills as well as the given phrases or words.


(become increasingly important)


(long for a broader web of friends;in times of need)


(we are fast becoming a society that...)


(buy into the notion that;illusory)


(The difference between...and...is like the difference between...and...)


(owe sb nothing;simply care for sb)


(By the time people reach adolescence)


(keep it alive and whole)


(necessary ingredients)


(Priority needs to be given to sth)

Ⅱ.English-Chinese Translation and Sentence Transforming

Basic Translating Skills

—Step 1:Completely understand the meaning of the English sentence.

—Step 2:Transform from English structure into Chinese structure.That is,try to decide how the same meaning is conveyed in the way of Chinese thinking.

—Step 3:Translate the English sentence into Chinese by using some proper micro-translating skills.

1.There are crossroads friends that we connect with during transitional times in life,and there are the friends that come at 3:00 am when you need them.

2.Even though it may be the friend,not the relative,who takes you to the airport or brings you food when you are sick,our society still seems to operate on the notion that kin is forever-but friends come and go.

3.Even for those who enjoy or even prefer solo living,sneak attacks of loneliness can raise that panicky 3:00 am question:Who really cares?

4.The difference between no friends and two good friends is like the difference between a pitch-black room and one lit by birthday candles.

5.They involve caring enough for another person so that her or his welfare becomes as important to us as our own,and caring enough to go far out of our way to render help when it is needed.

Summary of Translating Skills

—Teachers and students can work together to summarize all the translating skills used in this practice.

Reading Comprehension

The Choice of Companion

A good companion is better than a fortune,for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing.The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves,for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds.

“Keep good company,and you shall be one of the number,”said George Herbert.“A man is known by the companion he keeps.”Character makes character in the associations of life faster than anything else.Purity begets purity,like begets like;and this fact makes the choice of companion in early life more important even than that of teachers and guardians.

It is true that we cannot always choose all of our companions,some are thrust upon us by business or the social relations of life,we do not choose them,we do not enjoy them;and yet,we have to associate with them more or less.The experience is not altogether without compensation,if there be principle enough in us to bear the strain.Still,in the main,choice of companions can be made,and must be made.It is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with “Tom,Dick,and Harry”without forethought or purpose.Some fixed rules about the company he or she keeps must be observed.The subject should be uttermost in the thoughts,and canvassed often.

Companionship is education,good or not;it develops manhood or womanhood,high or low;it lifts the soul upward or drags it downward;it ministers to virtue or vice.Sow virtue,and the harvest will be virtue.Sow vice,and the harvest will be vice.Good companionship helps us to sow virtue;evil companionship helps us to sow vice.

Directions ] The following questions are based on the passage you have just read.

1.In Paragraph 1,those elements of character may include all the following except for____.

a.caring b.sympathy
c.mutual help d.competition

2.In Paragraph 2,what does the sentence “A man is known by the companion he keeps”mean?

a.People can know one by communicating with his or her friends.

b.People try to make friends by knowing who he or she is.

c.People virtually recognize one by knowing about his or her friends.

d.People find it much easier to know one through companionship.

3.Why cannot people always choose their companions?

a.Because some people rush into your life unexpectedly.

b.Because some people force you to make friends with them.

c.Because you are invited supposedly to make friends with them.

d.Because you find it necessary to make friends with everyone.

4.What does the word“subject”mean in the last sentence in Paragraph 3?

a.the course you study

b.the company you want to keep

c.the idea you have about company

d.the purpose you want to achieve

5.ln this short passage,the author wants to convey us the idea that

a.companionship functions like education does

b.companionship influences one’s life significantly

c.companionship helps sow virtue as well as vice

d.companionship raises one’s soul and body upward

Paragraph Writing

Paragraph Writing Skills

1.In academic writing,a well-developed paragraph includes a topic sentence,and several supporting sentences.The topic sentence should be the writer’s idea,opinion,argument,belief,or suggestion,which can generalize the main idea of this paragraph.

2.Very often,the topic sentence occurs at the beginning of a paragraph.That is,the first sentence of a paragraph is generally considered the topic sentence.

3.However,sometimes the first sentence may not be the topic sentence.Instead,it may be made as a transitional sentence,linking to the preceding paragraph.

4.In each paragraph,there should be sufficient supporting sentences.Examples,facts,data,quotation,sub-points,and even sub-sub-points can be used as support(or evidence;particulars),which constitute the supporting sentences.

5.At the end of each paragraph,the writer may draw a conclusion about the whole paragraph.But very often there is no conclusion at the end.

6.To sum up,a typical academic paragraph is mostly developed deductively(演绎式地),from general idea to specific details.And it is also developed climatically(逐渐进入高潮).That is,the writer presents the most important information at the end of a paragraph.

Sample Paragraph

Friendships also take time .Some friendships can be measured in how much coffee or other beverage has been shared together.Time and opportunity to truly communicate are necessary ingredients in a friendship.Some conversations only take place when there are just the two of you and there isn’t a clock running.Priority needs to be given to the contact that is necessary to sustain the relationship.The effort is usually rewarded and well-worth-while in an era when it is more important than ever to have those connections.

Directions ]:In this practice,try to study the topic sentence first,and then go on to observe how this paragraph is developed.Finally,finish writing a paragraph that begins with the following topic sentence.

Topic Sentence

Friendships take patience and tolerance. JDx0V79wO7Z5P7Xi6l2+bOSJYcVuY4/L+bq6GrJquQFmDeu5CiwpUlCaHSvrZ3Y0
