弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(Francis Scott Fitzgerald,1896-1940),美国小说家,二十世纪美国杰出作家之一。1925年《了不起的盖茨比》问世,奠定了他在现代美国文学史上的地位,使他成了“爵士时代”的发言人和“迷惘的一代”的代表作家之一。
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corporation
Culver City, California
July 7, 1938
Dearest Scottie,
I don’t think I will be writing letters many more years and I wish you would read this letter twice—bitter as it may seem. You will reject it now, but at a later period some of it may come back to you as truth. When I’m talking to you, you think of me as an older person, an “authority”, and when I speak of my own youth what I say becomes unreal to you—for the young can’t believe in the youth of their fathers. But perhaps this little bit will be understandable if I put it in writing.
When I was your age I lived with a great dream. The dream grew and I learned how to speak of it and make people listen. Then the dream divided one day when I decided to marry your mother after all, even though I knew she was spoiled and meant no good to me. I was sorry immediately I had married her but, being patient in those days, made the best of it and got to love her in another way. You came along and for a long time we made quite a lot of happiness out of our lives. But I was a man divided—she wanted me to work too much for her and not enough for my dream. She realized too late that work was dignity, and the only dignity, and tried to atone for it by working herself, but it was too late and she broke and is broken forever.
It was too late also for me to recoup the damage—I had spent most of my resources, spirit and material, on her, but I struggled on for five years till my health collapsed , and all I cared about was drink and forgetting.
The mistake I made was marrying her. We belonged to different worlds—she might have been happy with a kind simple man in a southern garden. She didn’t have the strength for the big stage—sometimes she pretended, and pretended beautifully, but she didn’t have it. She was soft when she should have been hard, and hard when she should have been yielding . She never knew how to use her energy—she’s passed that failing on to you.
For a long time I hated her mother for giving her nothing in the line of good habit—nothing but “getting by” and conceit. I never wanted to see again in this world women who were brought up as idlers . And one of my chief desires in life was to keep you from being that kind of person, one who brings ruin to themselves and others. When you began to show disturbing signs at about fourteen, I comforted myself with the idea that you were too precocious socially and a strict school would fix things. But sometimes I think that idlers seem to be a special class for whom nothing can be planned, plead as one will with them—their only contribution to the human family is to warm a seat at the common table.
My reforming days are over, and if you are that way I don’t want to change you. But I don’t want to be upset by idlers inside my family or out. I want my energies and my earnings for people who talk my language.
I have begun to fear that you don’t. You don’t realize that what I am doing here is the last tired effort of a man who once did something finer and better. There is not enough energy, or call it money, to carry anyone who is dead weight and I am angry and resentful in my soul when I feel that I am doing this. People like your mother must be carried because their illness makes them useless. But it is a different story that you have spent two years doing no useful work at all, improving neither your body nor your mind, but only writing reams and reams of dreary letters to dreary people, with no possible object except obtaining invitations which you could not accept. Those letters go on, even in your sleep, so that I know your whole trip now is one long waiting for the post. It is like an old gossip who cannot still her tongue.
You have reached the age when one is of interest to an adult only insofar as one seems to have a future. The mind of a little child is fascinating, for it looks on old things with new eyes—but at about twelve this changes. The adolescent offers nothing, can do nothing, say nothing that the adult cannot do better. Living with you in Baltimore (and you have told Harold that I alternated between strictness and neglect, by which I suppose you mean the times I was so inconsiderate as to have T. B., or to retire into myself to write, for I had little social life apart from you) represented a rather too domestic duty forced on me by your mother’s illness. But I endured your Top Hats and Telephones until the day you snubbed me at dancing school, less willingly after that...
To sum up: What you have done to please me or make me proud is practically negligible since the time you made yourself a good diver at camp (and now you are softer than you have ever been). In your career as a “wild society girl”, vintage of 1925, I’m not interested. I don’t want any of it—it would bore me, like dining with the Ritz Brothers. When I do not feel you are “going somewhere”, your company tends to depress me for the silly waste and triviality involved. On the other hand, when occasionally I see signs of life and intention in you, there is no company in the world I prefer. For there is no doubt that you have something in your belly, some real gusto for life—a real dream of your own—and my idea was to do something solid before it was too late—as it was too late for your mother to learn anything when she got around to it. Once when you spoke French as a child it was enchanting with your odd bits of knowledge—now your conversation is as commonplace as if you’d spent the last two years in the Corn Hollow High School—what you saw in Life and read in Sexy Romances.
I shall come East in September to meet your boat—but this letter is a declaration that l am no longer interested in your promissory notes but only in what I see. I love you always but I am only interested by people who think and work as I do and it isn’t likely that I shall change at my age. Whether you will—or want to—remains to be seen.
P.S.: If you keep the diary, please don’t let it be the dry stuff I could buy in a ten-franc guide book. I’m not interested in dates and places, even the Battle of New Orleans, unless you have some unusual reaction to them. Don’t try to be witty in the writing, unless it’s natural—just true and real.
P.P.S.: Will you please read this letter a second time? I wrote it over twice.
盖茨比对自己落魄门户出身的羞于启齿、盖茨比刻意散发的绅士气度,以及盖茨比对黛西的执着迷恋和念念不忘都来源于菲茨杰拉德自身最真实的挣扎。因为他,当时寂寂无名的一个穷小子,恋上了富家千金泽尔达。再如盖茨比替黛西背上杀人黑锅,被仇家枪杀,同样,菲茨杰拉德的一生也被泽尔达折腾得千疮百孔。富贵出身的妻子在婚后依然挥霍无度,她带着菲茨杰拉德流连酒会,夜夜笙歌,盖茨比那豪华别墅里璀璨奢华、纸醉金迷的宴会就是菲茨杰拉德生活的真实写照。一掷千金的奢靡最终使得菲茨杰拉德债务缠身,后新书又遭冷遇,再加妻子病重,他的精神濒于崩溃,最终死于酗酒引起的心脏病,年仅44岁。机缘巧合的是,菲茨杰拉德的葬礼与盖茨比的葬礼如出一辙,同样是阴雨绵绵,出席者寥寥数人,他的好友——女诗人多罗茜·帕克痛哭着说出了盖茨比葬礼上的这句话:“This poor son of a bitch.(这家伙真他妈的可怜。)”
spoiled [spɔɪld]
a. 被宠坏的;娇生惯养的
atone [əˈtəʊn]
v. 赎罪;弥补
recoup [rɪˈkuːp]
v. 弥补
collapse [kəˈlæps]
yielding [ˈjiːldɪŋ]
a. 顺从的;柔软的
idler [ˈaɪdlə(r)]
n. 懒汉;游手好闲的人
precocious [prɪˈkəʊʃəs]
a. 早熟的
reams of
gossip [ˈɡɒsɪp]
n. 爱说长道短的人
still [stɪl]
snub [snʌb]
v. 冷落;斥责
negligible [ˈneɡlɪdʒəbl]
a. 微不足道的,可以忽略的
vintage [ˈvɪntɪdʒ]
n. 特定的年份
triviality [ˌtrɪviˈæləti]
n. 琐事;琐碎
gusto [ˈɡʌstəʊ]
n. 爱好;热情
enchanting [ɪnˈtʃɑːntɪŋ]
a. 令人喜欢的
commonplace [ˈkɒmənpleɪs]
a. 平凡的;普通的
promissory [ˈprɒmɪsəri]
a. 约定的;允诺的
亚当·斯密(Adam Smith,1723-1790),苏格兰经济学家、哲学家。他早年主张经济自由主义,用九年时间完成《国富论》( The Wealth of Nations )。该书被誉为“第一部系统的伟大的经济学著作”,奠定了现代经济学的基础,他也因此被誉为“经济学之父”。
Paris, 6 July 1776
My dear friend,
I am thoroughly convinced that Rousseau is as great a rascal as you, and as every man here believes him to be; yet let me beg of you not to think of publishing anything to the world upon the very great impertinence which he has been guilty of to you. By refusing the pension which you had the goodness to solicit for him with his own consent, he may have thrown, by the baseness of his proceedings, some little ridicule upon you in the eyes of the Court and the Ministry. Stand this ridicule, expose his brutal letter, but without giving it out of your own hand, so that it may never be printed, and if you can, laugh at yourself, and I shall pawn my life that before three weeks are at an end, this little affair, which at present gives you so much uneasiness , shall be understood to do you as much honor as any thing that has ever happened to you. By endeavoring to unmask before the public this hypocritical pedant , you run the risk of disturbing the tranquility of your whole life. By letting him alone he cannot give you a fortnight’s uneasiness. To write against him is, you may depend upon it, the very thing he wishes you to do. He is in danger of falling into obscurity in England and he hopes to make himself considerable by provoking an illustrious adversary . He will have a great party: the church, the Whigs, the Jacobites, the whole wise English nation, who will love to mortify a Scotchman, and to applaud a man that has refused a pension from the King. It is not unlikely too that they may pay him very well for having refused it, and that even he may have had in view this compensation. Your whole friends here wish you not to write—the Baron, D’Alembert, Madame Riccaboni, Mademoiselle Riancourt, Mr. Turgot. etc. Mr. Turgot, a friend every way worthy of you, desired me to recommend this advice to you in a particular manner, as his most earnest entreaty and opinion. He and I are both afraid that you are surrounded with evil counselors, and that the advice of your English literati , who are themselves accustomed to publish all their little gossiping stories in newspapers, may have too much influence upon you. Remember me to Mr. Walpole and believe me to be with the most sincere affection ever yours
Adam Smith
rascal [ˈrɑːskl]
n. 流氓,无赖
impertinence [ɪmˈpɜːtɪnəns]
n. 鲁莽,无理
solicit [səˈlɪsɪt]
v. 请求给予(援助、钱或信息);筹集
ridicule [ˈrɪdɪkjuːl]
n. 嘲笑,奚落
pawn [pɔːn]
v. 典当,抵押
uneasiness [ʌnˈiːzɪnəs]
n. 不自在
hypocritical [ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkl]
a. 虚伪的,伪善的
pedant [ˈpednt]
n. 学究;书呆子
tranquility [træŋˈkwɪləti]
n. 宁静;平静
provoke [prəˈvəʊk]
v. 挑衅;激怒;刺激
illustrious [ɪˈlʌstriəs]
a. 著名的,杰出的
adversary [ˈædvəsəri]
n. 对手
mortify [ˈmɔːtɪfaɪ]
v. 使受辱;诋毁
entreaty [ɪnˈtriːti]
n. 恳求;乞求
literati [ˌlɪtəˈrɑːti]
n. 文人学士(literatus的复数)
欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway , 1899-1961),美国记者、作家。他笔锋犀利,一向以“文坛硬汉”形象著称,被认为是20世纪最著名的小说家之一。他凭借《老人与海》( The Old Man and the Sea )于1952年获得普立策奖,后又于1954年斩获诺贝尔文学奖。
Hendaye, France
14 September 1927
Dear Dad,
Thanks very much for your letter and for forwarding the letter to Uncle Tyley. I had a good letter from him yesterday. You cannot know how badly I feel about having caused you and Mother so much shame and suffering—but I could not write you about all of my and Hadley’s troubles even if it were the thing to do. It takes two weeks for a letter to cross the Atlantic and I have tried not to transfer all the hell I have been through to anyone by letter. I love Hadley and I love Bumby—Hadley and I split up—I did not desert her nor was I committing adultery with anyone. I was living in the apartment with Bumby—looking after him while Hadley was away on a trip and it was when she came back from this trip that she decided she wanted the definite divorce. We arranged everything and there was no scandal and no disgrace. Our trouble had been going on for a long time. It was entirely my fault and it is no one’s business. I have nothing but love, admiration and respect for Hadley and while we are busted up I have not in any way lost Bumby. He lived with me in Switzerland after the divorce and he is coming back in November and will spend this winter with me in the mountains.
You are fortunate enough to have only been in love with one woman in your life. For over a year I had been in love with two people and had been absolutely faithful to Hadley. When Hadley decided that we had better get a divorce the girl with whom I was in love was in America. I had not heard from her for almost two months. In her last letter she had said that we must not think of each other but of Hadley. You refer to “Love Pirates”, “persons who break up your home etc.” and you know that I am hot tempered but I know that it is easy to wish people in Hell when you know nothing of them. I have seen, suffered, and been through enough so that I do not wish anyone in Hell. It is because I do not want you to suffer with ideas of shame and disgrace that I now write all this. We have not seen much of each other for a long time and in the meantime our lives have been going on and there has been a year of tragedy in mine and I know you can appreciate how difficult and almost impossible it is for me to write about it.
After we were divorced if Hadley would have wanted me I would have gone back to her. She said that things were better as they were and that we were both better off. I will never stop loving Hadley nor Bumby nor will I cease to look after them. I will never stop loving Pauline Pfeiffer to whom I am married. I have now responsibility toward three people instead of one. Please understand this and know that it doesn’t make it easier to write about it. I do understand how hard it is for you to have to make explanations and answer questions and not hear from me. I am a rotten correspondent and it is almost impossible for me to write about my private affairs. Without seeking it—through the success of my books—all the profits of which I had turned over to Hadley—both in America, England, Germany and the Scandinavian countries—because of all this there is a great deal of talk. I pay no attention to any of it and neither must you. I have had come back to me stories people have told about me of every fantastic and scandalous sort—all without foundation. These sorts of stories spring up about all writers—ball players—popular evangelists or any public performers. But it is through the desire to keep my own private life to myself—to give no explanations to anybody—and not to be a public performer personally that I have unwittingly caused you great anxiety. The only way l could keep my private life to myself was to keep it to myself—and I did owe you and Mother a statement on it. But I can’t write about it all the time.
I know you don’t like the sort of thing I write but that is the difference in our taste and all the critics are not Fanny Butcher. I know that I am not disgracing you in my writing but rather doing something that some day you will be proud of. I can’t do it all at once. I feel that eventually my life not be a disgrace to you either. It also takes a long time to unfold.
You would be so much happier and I would too if you could have confidence in me. When people ask about me, say that Ernie never tells us anything about his private life or even where he is but only writes that he is working hard. Don’t feel responsible for what I write or what I do. I take the responsibility, I make the mistake and I take the punishment.
Yours lovingly,
forward [ˈfɔːwəd]
v. 寄
adultery [əˈdʌltəri]
n. 通奸
evangelist [ɪˈvændʒəlɪst]
n. 福音传教士
unwittingly [ʌnˈwɪtɪŋli]
ad. 不知不觉地,不经意地