亨利八世(Henry VIII,1491-1547),英格兰亨利七世次子,都铎王朝第二任国王。在历史上,亨利八世为休妻另娶,与当时的罗马教皇反目,推行宗教改革,使英国教会脱离罗马教廷,自己成为英格兰最高宗教领袖。
My heart and I surrender ourselves into your hands, beseeching you to hold us commended to your favor, and that by absence your affection to us may not be lessened: for it were a great pity to increase our pain, of which absence produces enough and more than I could ever have thought could be felt, reminding us of a point in astronomy which is this: the longer the days are, the more distant is the sun, and nevertheless the hotter; so is it with our love, for by absence we are kept a distance from one another, and yet it retains its fervor, at least on my side; I hope the like on yours, assuring you that on my part the pain of absence is already too great for me; and when I think of the increase of that which I am forced to suffer, it would be almost intolerable, but for the firm hope I have of your unchangeable affection for me: and to remind you of this sometimes, and seeing that I cannot be personally present with you, I now send you the nearest thing I can to that, namely, my picture set in a bracelet , with the whole of the device, which you already know, wishing myself in their place, if it should please you.
This is from the hand of your loyal servant and friend,
H. R.
surrender [səˈrendə(r)]
v. 使投降;交出;听任
beseech [bɪˈsiːtʃ]
v. 恳求,请求
astronomy [əˈstrɒnəmi]
n. 天文学
bracelet [ˈbreɪslət]
n. 手镯;手链