
List 1


by contrast

【释】 与此相反;相比之下

【例】 By contrast , the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale, developed in 2008, measures a person’s feelings of boredom in a given situation. 相比之下,2008年开发的“多维状态无聊量表”则可以测量一个人在特定情况下的无聊感。 (2020-12)

once in a while

【释】 偶尔;有时;间或

【例】 Your body, like any other machine, needs a full service once in a while . 你的身体就像其他机器一样,偶尔也需要一次全面保养。

【同】 every once in a while

end in

【释】 以……为结果;以……告终

【例】 They found that, overall, 31% of marriages ended in divorce over the period studied. 他们发现,总的来说,在研究进行的这段时间内,有31%的婚姻是以离婚告终的。 (2019-06)

【同】 end up with

on the horizon

【释】 在地平线上;即将来临的

【例】 With this kind of cancer, as with many common diseases, there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon . 与许多常见病一样,这类癌症目前还看不到明显的突破。

think about

【释】 思考;考虑(采取某行动);为……着想

【例】 But few stop to think about the effect these devices may have on house guests. 但是很少有人会停下来思考这些设备可能给家里的客人带来的影响。 (2018-12)

【同】 think of; take into (...) account


think about表示“考虑;为……着想”时,可以与think of互换;think about表示“思考”时,则一般不和think of换用。

respond to

【释】 回应;应对;做出反应

【例】 Researchers found through experiments that students could be taught to respond to stress in a more positive way. 研究人员通过实验发现,可以教会学生用更积极的方式应对压力。 (2021-06)

expand on

【释】 详述;更充分讲述,进一步论述

【例】 The professor used today’s lecture to expand on remarks he made last week. 这位教授利用今天的演讲进一步阐述了他上周做出的评论。

【同】 enlarge on; dwell on

turn back

【释】 往回走;折回

【例】 The villager is convinced that those foreign tourists will turn back because that road is being repaired. 村民相信那些外国游客会回来,因为那条道路正在整修。

on the theme of

【释】 以……为主题

【例】 It is an American action comedy film on the theme of Chinese Kung Fu. 这是一部以中国功夫为主题的美国动作喜剧电影。

carry on

【释】 继续;从事

【例】 As I came across a box that was up but with no house, I checked, and there was mail—outgoing mail—in it. And so we picked those up and carried on . 当我看到一个箱子在那放着,然而附近却没有房子时,我检查了一下,箱子里面有邮件——需要邮寄出去的邮件。所以我们把那些邮件捡起来,然后继续工作。 (2019-12)


carry on强调一个行为的进行过程,它可以不跟宾语,也可接表示“工作;讨论;竞赛;战斗”等一类的名词作宾语,相当于continue。它还有“经营”的含义,相当于manage。

block up

【释】 阻塞;断绝

【例】 We need to block up this entranceway during construction. 施工期间,我们需要封锁此入口。

hold to

【释】 遵守(诺言或高尚的行为准则)

【例】 All the companies want employees who hold to their commitments. 所有公司都想要信守承诺的员工。


可使用“hold sb. to...”表达“使某人恪守(诺言或高尚的行为准则)”。

come between

【释】 妨碍;分开;干涉;在……中间

【例】 Anything that might come between you and the task you are trying to fulfill may lead to procrastination. 任何可能妨碍你和你尝试要完成的任务的事物都可能会导致拖延。

rein in

【释】 控制;放慢;止住

【例】 These campaigns have begun to rein in the epidemic. 这些活动已经开始对该流行病有所控制。

pop… into

【释】 快速放入

【例】 Popping food into the microwave for a couple of minutes may seem utterly harmless, but Europe’s stock of these quick-cooking ovens emit as much carbon as nearly 7 million cars, a new study has found. 将食物快速放入微波炉几分钟似乎完全无害,但一项新的研究发现,欧洲现有的这种快速烹饪炉的碳排放量竞相当于近700万辆汽车的碳排放量。 (2019-12)


pop后面可不接修饰词而直接搭配into使用。pop into可以表示“闪现;浮现”, 例如:A new idea popped into my mind. 我脑子里突然闪现出一个新的想法。

get into

【释】 进入;卷入;陷入

【例】 Some colleges have what they call an “honor code,” though if you are smart enough to get into these schools, you are either smart enough to get around any codes or hopefully, too ethical to consider doing so. 一些大学有它们所谓的“诚信守则”,不过,如果你足够聪明可以进入这些学校,你要么足够聪明,可以绕过任何准则,要么就如人们所希望的那样太过道德而不会考虑作弊。 (2020-07)

【同】 come into; go into

come up with

【释】 提出;想出;赶上;筹措

【例】 But the fact that 4 in 10 Americans can’t come up with $400 in an emergency is a commonly cited statistic for good reason: economic instability stretches across race, gender, and geography. 但事实是,每10个美国人中就有4个人无法在紧急情况下筹措到400美元。这个统计数据经常被用来说明经济不稳定跨越了种族、性别和地域。 (2020-12)

【同】 bring forward

to some degree

【释】 在某种程度上;有点儿,稍微

【例】 It actually may protect us to some degree from heartache and heartbreak. 实际上它或许在某种程度上可以使我们免于痛心疾首。

【同】 to a certain degree; to some extent

afford to do

【释】 (有条件)做;承担得起

【例】 Generally, young women have had growing success in the paid labor market since 1960 and hence might increasingly be expected to be able to afford to live independently of their parents. 总的来说,自1960年以来,年轻女性在有偿劳动力市场上取得了越来越多的成功,因此人们可能越来越期望她们能够有条件离开父母,独立生活。 (2019-06)

be interested in

【释】 对……感兴趣

【例】 Willot says companies are interested in adapting these ants’ method of heat protection for human use, including everything from helping to protect the lives of firefighters to keeping homes cool in summer. 威洛特说,一些公司有兴趣将这些蚂蚁的防热方法应用于人类,包括一切,从帮助保护消防员的生命到在夏天保持房屋凉爽。 (2021-06)

【同】 be into/crazy about sth.; take an interest in


该词组中in是介词,后面一般跟 sth.或doing sth.。

add to

【释】 加入;增加;补充

【例】 This month, three U.S. bikeshare companies, Motivate, LimeBike and Spin, announced electric bicycles will be added to their fleets. 本月,美国的三家共享单车公司Motivate、LimeBike和Spin宣布将电动自行车加入自己的车队当中。 (2020-12)

size up

【释】 估量;判断;品评

【例】 Human nature seems to endow people with the ability to size up everybody in the world but themselves. 人性似乎赋予了人们天生的能力去评估这世界上除了我们自己以外的所有人。

in practice

【释】 在实践中;实际上,事实上

【例】 This is the purpose of our education, to give students an opportunity to apply what they have learnt in practice . 这就是我们教育的目的:让学生有机会将所学知识应用于实践。

【同】 in fact; in reality

tell… apart from

【释】 区分

【例】 The students, who were studying artificial intelligence, were interacting with the virtual assistant and couldn’t tell it apart from a real human being. 学习人工智能的学生们正在与虚拟助教进行互动,而且他们无法将其与真人区别开来。 (2019-12)

hand on

【释】 转交;传递(下去)

【例】 The holy flame representing the spirit of the Asian Games is handed on from one to one. 代表亚运会精神的圣火从一个人传递给另一个人。

【同】 hand down; deliver to

compare to

【释】 与……相比;把……比作;将……与……进行比较

【例】 However, David Reay, professor of carbon management, argues that, although microwaves use a great deal of energy, their emissions are minor compared to those from cars. 但是,碳管理学教授戴维·雷伊认为,尽管微波炉消耗大量的能量,但与汽车相比,它们的排放量仍然很小。 (2019-12)

lay off

【释】 解雇;休息;停止工作

【例】 It is still difficult and expensive to lay off “regular” workers. 解雇“正式”员工仍然非常困难和昂贵。

square off

【释】 (打斗等时)摆好(架势);对决

【例】 The two persons who attract the most votes in the first round will square off in the second. 在首轮投票中领先的前两位将进入第二轮对决。

seize up

【释】 失灵;中止;(机器)卡住

【例】 If you fail to oil the engine regularly, it could seize up without warning. 如果你没有定期给发动机上油,它可能会毫无预警地失灵。

look back

【释】 回头看;回顾;回想

【例】 It would be easy to look back and be sorry for the wasted moments. 人们总是容易回忆过去,为浪费的光阴感到懊悔。

【同】 run back over

take on

【释】 呈现,显出;承担,接受;(交通工具)停下装载(乘客、货物、燃料)

【例】 “Read books, go to movies, take on new hobbies or activities that force one to think in novel ways,” he says. 他说:“读读书,去看看电影,接受一些新的爱好或者参加一些活动,这些都能迫使我们用新颖的方式思考。” (2018-06)


take sb. on意为“聘用;与(尤指强于自己的人)较量”。

in debt

【释】 负债;欠债

【例】 He is a born liar and usually in debt . 他天生爱说谎并经常欠债。

【同】 in the red; in the hole

dig up

【释】 挖出;掘起;开垦;发现

【例】 Some people have hired shareholder identification companies to dig up more information about the fraud. 一些人已经聘请了股东身份识别公司去挖掘关于诈骗的更多信息。

【同】 find out

by gender

【释】 按照性别

【例】 Among young adults, living arrangements differ significantly by gender . 在年轻的成年人中,居住安排因性别不同而有很大差异。 (2019-06)

hang on

【释】 等一会儿,稍等;(面对困难或阻力)坚持不懈,不泄气

【例】 Without the support of my families, I would have probably cracked up and would not have managed to hang on at all. 假如没有我家人的支持,我可能已经垮掉了,根本无法成功坚持下来。

【同】 hold on; keep at

kick off

【释】 开始(事件、比赛等);(足球或橄榄球比赛的)开球;踢掉(鞋子)

【例】 The waiting is over. The quadrennial World Cup is about to kick off . 等待终于结束了,四年一次的世界杯即将鸣锣开战。

talk over

【释】 讨论;(详细坦诚地)商谈

【例】 I think it is a little inappropriate to talk over this issue without deep consideration. 我认为没有进行深入的思考便来商谈这个问题有点儿不合适。

cut off

【释】 切断;中断;切掉;隔离

【例】 We find ourselves cruelly cut off from the wireless world. 我们发现自己被无情地切断了与无线世界的联系。

【同】 cut out

deal with

【释】 对付;处理;安排;论述

【例】 But when students were taught that people can change, they had better responses to stress, in part because they felt like they had the resources to deal with the demanding situation. 但当学生们被告知人是可以改变的时,他们对压力的反应更好,部分原因是他们觉得自己有办法来处理难搞的情况。 (2021-06)

【同】 cope with

run down

【释】 (车)撞(某人);强烈指责;缩减;减少,降低

【例】 The idea was to put blades on the wheels! You know? Like Ben Hur. Precisely like that, you just go around and run people down . 我们就是想把刀片放在轮子上!你懂吧?就像电影中的人物宾虚那样。真的就像那样,你只是四处走走,把人撞倒。 (2018-06)

settle up

【释】 付清;了结;结账

【例】 Our father had thousands of dollars of debt and owed people favors, many of whom looked at us to settle up . 父亲欠了好几千美元的债务,还欠下人情,这些人当中的很多人都指望我们能帮他偿还。

【同】 pay up; pay in full

make into

【释】 把……制成

【例】 Many novels of Jane Austen’s are made into dramas and played on TV. 简·奥斯汀的很多小说都被制成戏剧,并在电视上播放。

on edge

【释】 紧张不安的

【例】 If you’re feeling on edge about what you need to do, try to calm down and don’t let that stop you. 如果你对将要做的事情感到紧张,试着冷静下来,别让这种焦虑成为绊脚石。

kick out

【释】 解雇;开除

【例】 His boss kicked him out for an offensive remark. 因为他说了一句冒犯的话,他的老板就把他开除了。

【同】 fire out; dismiss from

suffer from

【释】 遭受;患……疾病

【例】 People from different races, genders, and regions all suffer from a lack of financial security. 来自不同种族、性别和地区的人都受到经济保障匮乏的影响。 (2020-12)

in depth

【释】 深入地;彻底地;完全地

【例】 This paper studied in depth about the style of cartoons. 这篇论文对漫画的风格进行了深入研究。

【同】 over all; in its entirety

spring up

【释】 出现;涌现;萌芽

【例】 When more and more channels spring up , there may be some programs with poor quality. 随着越来越多的频道涌现,可能会出现一些质量很差的节目。

【同】 come out



turn a deaf ear to

【释】 对……充耳不闻;不加理睬

【例】 If you turn a deaf ear to the masses’ criticism, sooner or later you will have to pay for it. 如果你对大众的批评充耳不闻,你迟早要为此付出代价。

be unable to do

【释】 不能做某事

【例】 Their art crime team recovered the letter but were unable to press charges because the time of limitations had ended. 他们(联邦调查局)的艺术犯罪调查组找回了这封信,但是因为已经超过了诉讼时效,所以无法提起诉讼。 (2018-06)

【同】 be incapable of

in collaboration with

【释】 与……合作;与……勾结

【例】 WHO, in collaboration with key partners, will provide technical support to countries to adapt and implement the revised guidelines. 世卫组织与主要伙伴合作,将为各国调整和实施修订准则提供技术支持。

【同】 in cooperation with

refer to

【释】 谈及;描述;称;参考;查看;适用于

【例】 You see, our language makes a difference, and how we refer to things matters because it affects our thinking and therefore our actions. 要知道,我们的语言是能产生影响的,而且我们如何描述事物也很重要,因为它会影响我们的思维并因此影响我们的行为。 (2020-09)

until now

【释】 至今,直到现在

【例】 Until now , the only city to successfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in 2014. 至今,唯一成功通过和实施汽水税的城市是加利福尼亚州的伯克利,于2014年达成。 (2019-12)

begin with

【释】 以……开始;开始于……

【例】 They begin with very simple tasks, but their responsibilities gradually increase. 他们从非常简单的任务开始,但职责会逐渐增加。 (2020-09)

【同】 start at; open with

die out

【释】 灭绝;消失

【例】 Laws should be passed to protect this kind of plant. Otherwise, they are certain to die out . 应该通过法律保护这种植物。否则,它们一定会灭绝的。


die out指家族、种族、习俗、观念等“灭绝或绝迹”;die off指“一个一个地死去;先后死去”。

stamp out

【释】 消灭;杜绝

【例】 The only useful and effective measure is to stamp out the disease as soon as possible. 唯一有用且有效的措施就是尽快消灭这种疾病。

【同】 tread out; crush out

see out

【释】 持续到……结束

【例】 He would see out the remaining two years of his contract. 他会坚持完成合同中剩下的两年。

put up with

【释】 忍受;容忍

【例】 The question is whether populations would put up with the consequence. 问题在于民众是否能容忍这种后果。

come/go into effect

【释】 施行,实施;生效

【例】 It’s a set of spending cuts and tax increases that could go into effect soon. 这是一套将很快生效的削减开支并增加税收的法案。

【同】 take effect

in the center of

【释】 在……的中间

【例】 In the center of the main road, there’s a long line of flags of the world. 在主干道的中央,有一长排世界各国的旗帜。 (2019-12)


in the middle of和in the center of均指“在……的中间”。区别如下:表示立体事物的中心,如球心,或者学术、工业、商业等比喻用法中的“中心”,一般只用center,而不用middle;center只用于空间,而middle既可以用于空间,也可以用于时间或活动等。

rely on

【释】 依靠,依赖

【例】 According to data released in January 2017, 56 percent of bills are paid online, which means that just under half of payments still rely on delivery services to be completed. 根据2017年1月发布的数据,56%的账单是通过网络支付的,这意味着有将近一半的支付仍然需要依赖快递服务来完成。 (2019-12)

【同】 depend on


Ⅰ Choose a phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. We must __________ the patriotic public health campaign with a great fanfare, reduce disease and improve health conditions.

A. carry in

B. carry on

C. carry of

D. carry about

2. These options would actually worsen the economy and __________ the deficit.

A. increase to

B. plus with

C. add to

D. put in

3. New Government figures predict that one in two marriages will __________ divorce.

A. end to

B. end on

C. end in

D. end up

4. They are able to understand problems __________ and think about solutions.

A. in length

B. in need

C. in root

D. in depth

5. My dream is to help those who __________ mental illness.

A. suffer of

B. suffer on

C. suffer from

D. suffer to

6. This is a big issue; we need more time to __________ it.

A. think about

B. consider on

C. reflect into

D. rethink in

7. Natural resources should __________ to the next generation intact.

A. be transferred on

B. be handed on

C. be given on

D. be delivered on

8. She was always __________ before an interview.

A. with edge

B. by edge

C. on edge

D. in edge

9. The town is running out of water and the water supply has been __________.

A. cut of

B. cut off

C. cut in

D. cut down

10. The State fails to recognize the heavy responsibility that parents__________.

A. take on

B. take in

C. take over

D. take about

Ⅱ Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases according to the list you have just learned.

1. But if we __________ (想出) an answer, robots could be good for humanity. (2016-06)

2. Getting to know your surroundings can change how you __________ (评估) a risk.

3. If Paris was cast aside, the tradition of beauty was also __________ (在某种程度上) slighted.

4. We must take positive steps to __________ (处理) the problem.

5. Such thoughts may have crossed your mind __________ (偶尔) .

6. This company was deeply __________ (负债) and went bankrupt.

7. As we get older, we tend to __________ (回顾) and wish that we had made better choices.

8. Soon the villagers couldn’t __________ (承担) buy food for themselves.

9. This is certainly a theoretical risk but __________ (实际上) there is seldom a problem.

10. As human beings, we’re primed to __________ ourselves __________ (比较) each other in what is an anxiety-inducing phenomenon.



1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. A


1. come up with 2. size up 3. to some degree 4. deal with

5. once in a while 6. in debt 7. look back 8. afford to

9. in practice 10. compare; to P0etaLZE2pz2aZkJFDAdUDCwggGKx4ErO+XwJh2aWF9xbKEnjq7uukuZzu6MsDxK
