

In 1997, the monograph <Controlling System of Physiology on Human Body Information>----Modern Physiology of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology of Chinese medicine (first part) was published. In the book, it was first raised that the controlling systemetic theory on human body information and the controlling systemetic physiology on human body information. In fact, it is modern physiology of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Pharmacology of Chinese medicine. The book was enrolled and exchanged at world's meeting of TCM and Western Medicine. In Jun 1998, the book was enrolled and exchanged at the Forum of 98 National Excellent Success on TCM and Western Medicine, it won the prize of excellent success. In Jun 1999, the book won the Golden Cup of Creative New Medicine at the conference of the world's creative Medicine. In 2001, the book was appraised as an excellent prize at TCM academic works. The book was appraised as International Advanced Level by the Identified Committee led by Baotou Science Committee. (17 specialists) The specialists are Meng Qin-yun, (director), researcher boffin, Research Institute of TCM basic theory China; Professor Zhange Qi-cheng,Beijing TCM University; Director of Doctor of TCM, Hu Zhi-jian, TCM and Mongolia Medicine Hospital of Inner Mongolia.

In 2002, the treatise <Theory of Order --Xiangshuxue & theoretical nature of TCM> was published, which has shown the nature of Tao philosophy of China. In 2004, the book was appraised and elected as the First Prize in the Fourth Sociological Science Success in Baotou, Inner Mongolia.

The theories put forward in both books have not been accepted by both fields of philosophy and medicine although the books were praised by many fields. Why?Have been continuing to do research on it, the author has finally discovered that the human faces the material world which can be seen, struggled and heard is only the part of the seen, the struggled and the heard of all things information in the universe.That is the visible world. There is also another world of unseen, not struggled andnot heard. That is invisible world, which can produce and control the existence and changes of the visible world. Tao philosophy theory of the five elements --yinqi and yangqi that was created 2000 years ago shows and describes the invisible world. So the Tao philosophy is the science theory of the invisible world. The theory of relativity, quantum physics created after 2000 years revealed that quantum is the existence of the invisible world and that the visible world was created by the invisible world. Based on the above theory, the author has put forward and demonstrated that yinqi is mass, while yangqi is energy. The interaction of mass and energy is Tao. Tao is the soul of invisible world and the root of visible world.

We put forward < The Theory of Order> which was originally the scientific theory of the invisible world, that is, the theory of interaction of yinqi and yanqi in human body and adjusting and controlling the body's activities. You have to believe that so many physical scientific experiments and theories have been proved that the existence of the invisible world is the fact, so is the invisible world which creates,controls, and changes the visible world.

The vice-president of Tsinghua University (THU), dean of Life Science Institute,and academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), Shi Yi-gong gave us the speech (Acknowledge on Extremity Limitation of Life Science) at the annul conference of Future Forum. He put forward that our acknowledge collapsed again.The world does not really exist. There are three material levels:

The first material level is macro-scope what we can perceive and see. For example, a person is a material, so Tian’anmen and The Imperial Palace as well as a house all are the materials.

The second material level is microscopical, including the things which cannot be seen by the eyes. We can perceive, measure and feel materials that they are existence,e.g. Atom, molecule, protein, and planet about ten billion light years ago.

The third material level is ultra-microscopic, for this sort, we can only speculate and prove it, by both the theory and the experiments, including quantum and photon.Although knowing that particles have spin, energy levels and energy, we are still difficult to understand them by the intuition. That is the ultra-microscopic world.

As is it, we should think it over that the microscopic world is determined by the ultra-microscopic world, while the macroscopic world is determined by the microscopic world.

In the book, from the macroscopic world, the microscopic world and the ultra-microscopic world, the book’s author has researched and discussed the roots of all things in the universe. He has already agreed with the opinion of Professor Shi Yi-gong. Invisible world and visible world was put forward in the book, visible world means the macroscopic world and the microscopic world was put forward by Shi Yi-gong, invisible world is the ultra-microscopic world. Based on philosophy and modern physics, especially the theory of quantum, the theory is proved that the visible world is created, determined and controlled by the invisible world. As the Professor Shi Yi-gong said that the microscopic world is determined by the ultra-microscopic world, while the macroscopic world is controlled by the microscopic world.

The book is divided into three large parts, which are subdivided into five parts according to the contents of reading comprehension.

The first part: Tao philosophy of China is the scientific theory of invisible world<Lao Zi> (Philosopher in the Spring and Autumn Period founder of Taoism) was divided the world into unseeing, not struggling and hearing as well as seeing,struggling and hearing world two thousand years ago. We call the former the invisible world, the latter is the visible world. Tao is invisible, so it is the invisible world.XingErShangZhe is the invisible world, also Tao world. XingErXiaZhe is the visible world, the world of everything.

What is Tao? Tao philosophy is quite clear at the beginning: one Yin and one Yang. The core content of Tao is invisible Qi, Yin, Yang, and the five elements.

Qi, circulatory matter of the invisible world: Yin and Yang are attributes of existing invisible Qi, which are divided into Yinqi and Yangqi. Yinqi has the immobilization function of acting on circulatory matter. Yangqi has the function of promotion or action on circulatory matter. The five elements are the basic developing forms of the interaction of Yinqi and Yangqi. That is, growing Yang meanwhile disappearing Yin, the newly-born form(wood); As Yang being over Yin and its rising form is (Huo); changing and transferring of Yin and Yang forms(earth); while growing Yin and Yang, being attributed and decreased, (gold) has been formed. when Yin is over Yang, the form of decline and fall is (water); the more Yang being growing advanced or Yin attribute fallen, the form of newly-born is (wood).

The contents of Tao, invisible world is Yangqi and Yinqi as well as their interactions are vying the five elements.

In short, Tao, Yangqi, Yinqi, five elements as well as their interactions are the system of absolute knowledge in invisible world. It is the ultimate fact of information of all things in the universe.

The Second Part:

According to a large amount of scientific theory of physics, especially the theory of quantum and experiments have proved that invisible mass is Qinqi, while the invisible energy is Yangqi. The five developing forms (five elements) of mass (Qinqi) and the energy (Yangqi) interaction (unity of opposites) is actually the connotation of Tao mentioned by Lao Zi, philosopher of China, 2000 years ago. The invisible world is originally existing. Moreover, the invisible world is the ontology world, which has developed, constructed and controlled the visible world (all things on earth) existing and running and changing.

The Third Part:

According to the theory of invisible world, having investigated the physics theory for over 300 years, we have discovered what the mechanical theory of Newton has revealed is the phenomenon or the motional law of all matters in the visible world.Einstein's theory of relativity, especially photoelectric effect put forward by him, our research and describing are from the motive changes of the matters in visible worldto the energy and motive changes of mass in the visible world. Einstein is great not only on his theory of relativity put forward by him, but on his opening the prelude of research and realization of the invisible world. Based on quantum mechanics we began to research and realize the invisible world. Meanwhile, we have realized the independent existence of the invisible world and some parts of mechanism of producing visible objects.

The Forth Part:

According to the theory of the invisible world, the following is the connotations of some concepts of physics:

Existence: the unification of visible world and invisible world.

Time and Space: the nature of time and space is the existence of invisible world.

Fundamental particles: mass and quantum of energy.

Matters: the general name of intangible quantum and tangible particles made up by it.

Universe: the unification of visible world and invisible world.

The invisible world of the universe is infinite, while visible world of the universe is limited. The universe is the unification of infinite and limited, on the other words the space is either infinite or limited.

Noumenon Reality or Primitivity: it is Tao that Tao's connotation is the interactions of Yinqi (mass) of invisible and Yangqi (energy)

The Fifth Part:

The theory of invisible world and the theory of noumenon of the Western. In the West, research the noumenon or principle means to research the activities of invisible world, which has begun since the sixth century B.C., and that was almost the same time of <Lao Zi> in China. To Aristotle times, when they realized the noumenon of all things in the world, they had an excellent thought, that is, the changing world of all things on earth is the visible world, which is sure to have the noumenon of its existence, its support and its changing. However, the noumenon itself could not be the visible world itself. What is the noumenon? Everyone has its own notion. Aristotle's metaphysics didn't form the systemic philosophy, which is not like the theory of Tao philosophy, and logistics of Hegel have formed a set of the absolute systemetic knowledge of invisible world.

The author proposed that although Hegel didn't know the invisible world andthe theory of it, his <Science of Logic> -- philosophy of Hegel may say it as a scientific theory of invisible world. He used the thoughts and concepts as the 'bricks' to construct the philosophy system of absolute concepts. Tao philosophy of China--the scientific theory of the invisible world has developed richly based on the dialectics of Hegel's philosophy. The nature of the dialectics of Hegel' philosophy is the quantity(Yinqi) of invisible world and energy (Yangqi) and their interaction (unity of opposites).

The invisible world composed of quantity, energy and their interactions exists indeed. Tao philosophy of China is the absolute knowledge system of the invisible world. Over 2000 years, the wise men have researched the noumenon of all information of all things in the universe. It is the invisible world that is the absolute knowledge system of the invisible world. The writer has just begun to realize this invisible world--the absolute knowledge system of the invisible world. The author is only to serve a modest spur to induce someone to come forward with his valuable contributions. If there would be something unsuitable, please criticize them with abandon. The author hope that more intelligent people continue doing the research on the invisible world--the absolute knowledge system of the invisible world.

September2020,BeiJing dZ3/7/qHeeowxlpLNBfzff/nAC2yOem64Pwv5y+8F37/hg0elzWhzGbfV/CdABYF
