According to the WTO (World Trade Organization), around 30 per cent of international trips these days are for business - and business travel shows no sign of slowing down.Even in this world of instant communication and social media, business travel is as necessary and advantageous as ever. Business travel in some form has been undertaken since the time people started trading with each other.
根据世界贸易组织的统计,目前大约 30%的国际旅行属于商务出行,而且商务出行活动没有任何放缓的迹象。即便在这个即时通信和社交媒体迅速发展的世界里,商务出行仍然不可或缺。自从人类开始互通有无的时候,就已经开始了某种形式的商务旅行。