
Part II

1. Blank Filling

Listen to 5 recorded short dialogues from parts of interviews. You should complete the dialogue by filling in the blanks. Each dialogue will be read twice. Then try to repeat them in pairs.
Dialogue 1

A: Nice to see you, Miss Brown. Just let me see your____first.

B: Nice to see you, sir. Here it is. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity for this interview.

A: To start with, would you like to give me a____of your current job?

B: Yes, I have been working as a salesman for 3 years. To be specific, I am in charge of selling____for my previous company in north-east.

A: Could you tell us what made you____this job and what do you know about our company?

B: I like it very much. The work is flexible. And I was hoping to work in a foreign company which has a good____.

A: Do you have any overseas working experiences?

B: I am experienced in dealing with European clients and____with that market.

Dialogue 2

A: What subjects are you studying? And have you got any diploma or degree?

B: I major in Business English in a____college and I will graduate next year. I learn from your newspaper ads that you have a____for a part-time editor.

A: Do you mind working on weekends?

B: No. I have been making full use of my free time during my college life, which I find____to enrich practical abilities.

A: Would you tell us something you are good at?

B: OK, I like making speeches, and it is one of my____.

A: How would you describe your____?

B: To be frank, I am an optimistic and easy-going person. I am a person with strong determination.

Dialogue 3

A: What about your qualities?

B: As for my qualities, I believe I am a person with administrative expertise.

A: What is your greatest____?

B: I have the ability to deal with people at all levels.

A: What did you exactly do in your____job?

B: I am in charge of____market personality in the field. I have earned a great amount of experience during the last job.

A: What awards have you earned?

B: I was____the title of “Employee of the Year”, among hundreds of people last year. There is only one for each year.

A: Please list some of your most valued____in your career.

B: My place is at the top.

Dialogue 4

A: What has made you leave Company W?

B: Because I want to work for a bigger company, and the company culture here is a ____with my values and personality. I appreciate the opportunity for____.

A: Beijing is far away from your hometown, so what has made you decide to move here?

B: As a well-known international____, I believe Beijing can offer me more opportunities than the second-tier cities.

A: What is your____salary now?

B: I am paid 60' 000 RMB annually.

A: What is your expected salary?

B: I hope my starting salary can____at least 3' 500 RMB a month.

Dialogue 5

A: Could you tell me something about your salary expectation?

B: I believe Company ABC would offer me a standard rate of pay based on my experience and education background.

A: We offer low pays on____basis.

B: It is not a problem. I am quite____to follow the rules you have here.

A: You will be given a raise after a____period.

B: How long will it be?

A: Three months. And you will be given a base pay and a raise after that. Your salary includes a base pay and____.

B: So, I work on____.

2. Multiple Choice

Listen to two short conversations about job interview and choose one correct answer from the three choices marked A, B, and C.
Dialogue 1

1) The man studied English and____at the university.

A. sociology

B. biology

C. psychology

2) He found his first job in Japan at a____.

A. community college

B. private language school

C. university

3) The man's cooking students wanted to____.

A. practice English with tourists

B. create new food items

C. open their own restaurants

4) Now, the man works at a Japanese restaurant and at a____.

A. language training centre

B. modern fitness centre

C. mental health treatment centre

5) The man should be a good candidate for the job because he____.

A. specialises in grammar instruction

B. has taught in many different countries

C. has experience in psychological advising

Dialogue 2

1) Four years ago, Maria worked for a small HR services provider___.

A. in the B2B sector

B. in the B2C sector

C. in both B2B and B2C sectors

2) Maria has been in her current job____.

A. for four years

B. for three years

C. for one year

3) Maria's current role is focused____.

A. only on learning and development

B. on a number of HR topics

C. only on payroll and she wants to do L & D

4) Maria____.

A. will hear back from them next week

B. has been invited to a second interview next week

C. needs to call them next week to find out the next steps

5) Maria will need to____.

A. identify and devise an L & D strategy

B. devise and implement an L & D strategy

C. implement an L & D strategy that has already been devised

3. Listening Passages

Listen to the following two passages and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words and expressions from the list.
Passage 1

interpersonal interview  punctual  convince  applicant attention   competition  recruit  stand out  apply for

With the increased number of graduates and the intense 1)____of the job market nowadays, finding an ideal job is becoming a dream of many 2)____. If your resume luckily attracts the 3)____of the HR Manager, you will have the opportunity to be interviewed. In order to be successful in the interview, here are some experiences to share with you.

Before going to the interview, you should collect as much as information as you can about the company about the job you are seeking. You should also get ready to answer questions about yourself, your skills and personal qualities and the reasons why you are 4)____the job, etc. After getting all these well prepared, you will be able to give good responses when being interviewed 5)____for the interview and wearing business-like clothes is vital to leave a good first impression on the interviewees, too.

When taking the interview, you need to 6)____in the interviewees that you are the right person for the job. You need to let them know your strong points and your differences from other 7)____. And you need to give them enough reasons to 8)______you. When talking, smile at your interviewees and look them in the eyes to show your selfconfidence. When leaving, don't forget to shake hands. Your appearances, your behaviour,your 9)____skills and your ability to respond to questions are decisive factors. Smart candidates should let their personality, interests and abilities shine through a job interview and 10)____from numerous candidates eventually.

Passage 2

resume specialist copy submit recommend assume demonstrate position versed detrimental

Interviews come with their own unique etiquette and norms, so knowing what's expected of you before the interview is important. Here is everything you need to know to have a successful interview: Before you arrive at the interview, you should be well 1)____in everything the company does and stands for.“ Know the company you're interviewing for,”said Margaret Freel, marketing 2)____at Keystone Solutions.“Make sure you know the company's mission statement and values.”

Candidates should also“ research the company through blogs, publications, studies and speaking with industry leaders,” said Taylor Dumouchel, a compensation liaison and program officer at Employment and Social Development Canada.“Use this information to 3)____your knowledge of the company's current market 4)____and where they are headed in the future.”

Besides, it's 5)____if you're unprepared should the interviewer ask you a company-specific question.“These are things a candidate should know and be prepared to talk about during the interview,” Freel said. “Doing your research is a signal to the interviewer that you're not just looking for a job, but this job.”

Your 6)____is likely the reason the hiring manager called you. Although you may have already 7)____a digital copy with your application, bring multiple printed 8)____of your resume to the interview. Also, print your resume on quality resume paper instead of standard printer paper.

“Don't 9)____your interviewer has seen your resume, let alone has an available copy for your interview,” said Amanda Augustine, career expert and spokesperson for TopResume. She 10)____at least three copies of your resumes to the interview.

4. Short-Answer Questions

Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.

1) Who needs the job?

2) Where is Sue?

3) Which company is offering the job?

4) What kind of position is the company offering?

5) How much will the employee be paid?

6) What are the job requirements?

7) What kind of person is the company looking for?

8) What else does the job provide apart from salary?

5. True or False

Listen to the dialogue once and mark True or False for the following statements.

1) Carey was a boss at Computer Country.

○ True

○ False

2) Carey knew how many computers were in her store.

○ True

○ False

3) Carey liked taking care of angry customers.

○ True

○ False

4) Carey's husband has a new job in a new city.

○ True

○ False

5) Carey would be able to start her new job next week.

○ True

○ False

6. Shadowing

Listen to the following passage twice. You should read after it without the script for the first time, and then check your reading in the second listening.
Tips for Coping with Job Interview Anxiety

Interview anxiety can be an obstacle for those looking for work. For those with social anxiety disorder ( SAD), job interviews can be even more difficult. However, there are strategies that you can use to help alleviate anxiety before an interview. Whether you have a diagnosed social anxiety disorder or are simply nervous about a job interview, the following tips may help you to cope with it.

1) Treat Yourself Well

Avoid caffeine, get enough sleep and exercise regularly. Keeping yourself in good health is paramount when you face potentially stressful situations.

2) Visualize Success

Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed, close your eyes and visualize yourself being successful in your interview. Visualizing success is more than just positive thinking. When done correctly, it prepares your brain to behave in a certain way. This technique is used by elite athletes before competitions to improve performance.

3) Reduce Stressors

Reduce stressors unrelated to your actual performance in the interview, such as uncomfortable clothing, getting lost, or showing up late. Well, in advance, choose an outfit that is comfortable and looks good on you. If you aren't familiar with the location of the interview, give yourself plenty of time to find it.

4) Do Your Research

Being well-prepared is a good anxiety-reliever. Before the interview, research your potential employer and prepare answers to common interview questions. Every bit of preparation that you can do will help to increase your comfort level and make you feel more confident and capable in the interview.

5) Don't Succumb to Pressure

Once in a while, you may be interviewed by someone who grills you to see how you handle stress. As a person with SAD, it may be tempting to spiral into negative automatic thinking, such as“ They know I can't handle this job; I should never have applied” or“They don't really like me; I will never get the job.”

6) Interview the Interviewer

Interviews are also a chance for you to evaluate a potential employer. You are deciding whether you want to work for them just as much as they are deciding whether they want you to work for them. Try putting yourself in this mindset and see if it changes your focus. Ask questions that show you are curious as to how the organization might fit with your goals and ambitions for your career.

7) Release Anxious Energy

Anxiety has a way of leaking out even when you think that you have it well-hidden. If you find yourself fidgeting, do something to release anxious energy that will be less noticeable, such as wiggling your toes.

8) Take Your Time

You don't have to answer questions immediately. Pause before answering and collect your thoughts. If you worry about drawing a blank during interviews, take notes as everyone talks. This takes the focus off you and allows you to refer to your notes after a question has been asked. If you draw a blank, keep making notes and say that you want to collect your thoughts before responding. You don't have to answer questions immediately.

9) Be Prepared

A well-prepared interviewee has an immediate advantage in an interview. In addition,being well-prepared and proactive will reduce your interview anxiety. Bring everything you think you might need. U3kKImKiqCOslR+wfIk2YcMArO7Xf3eV0w4VjrBqrWiwF7cuLYXLJ6pwLFTVPnuj
