
Part I

1. New Words and Expressions

airline [ˈeəlaɪn] n .航空公司

passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt] n .护照

schedule [ˈʃedjuːl] n .计划表

customs [ˈkʌstəmz] n .海关

non-smoking [ˌnɒnˈsməʊkɪŋ] adj .不准吸烟的

declare [dɪˈkleər] v .申报(应纳税的货物价值或收入)

terminal [ˈtɜːmɪnəl] n .站台;候机楼,航站

shuttle [ˈʃʌtəl] n .穿梭运行的车辆,接驳车;穿梭航班

stopover [ˈstɒpˌəʊvər] n .中途停留

steward [ˈstjuːəd] n . (轮船或飞机的)乘务员,服务员

provisional [ prəˈvɪʒənəl ] adj .临时的,暂时的

blouse [blaʊz] n .女式衬衫,罩衫

crease [kriːs] n . (布或纸上的)褶痕,皱痕

cabbie ( also cabby) [ˈkæbi] n .出租车司机

porter [ˈpɔːtər] n . (尤指火车站、机场等的)行李员

buffet [ˈbʌfeɪ] n .自助餐

complimentary [ˌkɒmplɪˈmentəri] adj .免费的

lounge [laʊndʒ] n . (酒店、机场、剧院等的)休息厅,等候室

jet lag时差反应

one-way ticket单程票

boarding pass登机牌

round trip往返旅程

frequent flyer飞行常客

carry-on luggage (飞机或公共汽车乘客随身携带的)手提行李

take off起飞

first class头等舱

business class商务舱

economy class经济舱

direct flight /non-stop flight直航

aisle seat靠近通道的座位

window seat靠近窗户的座位

life vest /jacket救生衣

king-size bed特大号的床

video conferencing software视频会议软件

check in (在机场)办理登机手续

departure lounge机场的候机室

duty-free (shop)免税商店

2. Pair Work

Work with a partner. Look at the pictures (A-D) about business travel and discuss the questions.





1) Identify the different modes of transportation in Pictures A-D.

2) If you go abroad on business, what type of transportation do you prefer?

3) What are the five most important things you should take on a business trip?

3. Dialogue

Read and practice the following dialogues. Then complete the tasks.
Dialogue 1
Packing for a Business Trip

Jack (J) is going on a business trip to meet with the company's CFO; and his colleague Hansen (H) is giving him some advice on what to pack.

J: I'm nervous about this trip.

H: Why?

J: I'm meeting with the CFO.

H: Wow! That would make me nervous too.

J: What should I bring on this business trip?

H: Haven't you been on a business trip before?

J: No. This is my first time.

H: You should bring your laptop, tablet, cell phone, and chargers.

J: Ok. What else?

H: Bring a nice suit.

J: I don't own a suit.

H: Well, you better go shopping then.

J: Any other advice?

H: Bring a carry-on bag only, so you don't have to wait for your luggage.

J: Thank you!

Dialogue 2
(1) A Telephone Call with a Travel Agent

Mr. Gibson (M) is calling Top Tours Travel Agency (TA) to book a flight to Hawaii for his family.

TA: Good morning. Top Tours Travel Agency. How can I help you?

G: Good morning. I would like to book a flight to Hawaii.

TA: Could you please tell the time and place of your departure?

G: I will be leaving from London Heathrow Airport on Thursday, March the 22 nd if possible.

TA: Wait a minute, pleas. Let me check... You're lucky, sir. There is a direct line available at 3:50 p' m. on the British Airways.

G: That's great! How long does it take to get there?

TA: The flight lasts for seven hours and ten minutes. Will that be a round trip?

G: No. One way, please.

TA: Will you be travelling by yourself?

G: Not at all. My wife and my little son will be coming with me.

TA: Will you travel on economy, business or first class?

G: Economy class, please.

TA: Could you please tell me your full names?

G: John Gibson, Susan Gibson and my three-year-old son, Harold. How much will that cost?

TA: Let me see! That would be £ 1' 540. How will you pay, sir?

G: By visa credit card.

TA: Could you please tell me your credit card number and the expiry date?

G: 1204-5825-4213-5642. The card is valid until August 15,2025.

TA: What about your passport numbers?

G: My passport number is 2154bt. That of my wife is 4521ty, and Harold's passport is 5421rc.

TA: It's all right, Mr. Gibson. Your flights are now booked. You'll get your tickets at the British Airways Agency at Heathrow Airport. You should be there at least two hours before departure time.

G: Thanks so much for your help. Bye.

TA: You're always welcome. Have a nice flight.

(2) Airport Check-In

(D=Dan; A= agent)

A: Morning, sir. May I see your passport, please?

D: Yes, of course. Here you are.

A: Are you travelling alone?

D: That's right.

A: Fine. Do you have your e-booking confirmation?

D: Yes, er, here it is.

A: Mm hm, that's all fine. One moment, please (typing). Do you have any luggage,other than hand luggage?

D: Yes, there's this case.

A: On the scales, please.

D:(Grunts) There you are.

A: OK, that's just inside the permitted weight allowance. Did you pack your bag yourself?

D: Yes.

A: And have you left it unattended at any time before or since arriving at the airport?

D: Er, no, I don't think so.

A: Have you seen the list of prohibited items for hand luggage?

D: Yes, I've just got one small bottle of perfume. It's under 100 millilitres, I'm sure.

A: I see. You might have to show that at the security check.

D: Oh.

A: Now, would you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat?

D: Aisle, please, and as near the front as possible.

A: Mm hm (typing). I can give you K3, on the aisle.

D: Oh, that's fine, thank you.

A:( Printing) There's your boarding pass. Watch the screens for the boarding gate once you're in the departure lounge.

D: Right. Oh, er, is there any delay on the flight?

A: No, it should be on time today.

D: Thank you.

A: Have a good flight. Next, please!

Dialogue 3
Customs Declaration

The passenger (P) is at the passport-control and customs sections to declare some items he purchased. (CO= customs official)

CO: Good morning. Can I see your passport?

P: Here you are.

CO: Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or here on business?

P: I'm on a business trip.

CO: Do you have anything to declare?

P: I'm not sure. I have two bottles of whiskey. Do I need to declare that?

CO: No, you can have up to 2 quarts.

P: Great.

CO: Have you brought any food into the country?

P: Just some cheese I bought in France.

CO: I'm afraid I'll have to take that.

P: Why? It's just some cheese.

CO: Unfortunately, you are not allowed to bring cheese into the country. I'm sorry.

P: OK. Here you are.

CO: Thank you. Anything else?

P: I bought a T-shirt for my daughter.

CO: That's fine. Have a nice day.

P: You, too.

Dialogue 4
(1) Hotel Reservation

Ms. Pumpkins (P) is calling the travel agent (TA) to reserve a hotel room for her three-day stay in Hawaii.

TA: Thank you for calling Worldwide EasyTravel. How can I help you?

P: I need to book a hotel for a business trip to Hawaii.

TA: When will you need the accommodations?

P: July 8 and 9.

TA: So, you'll need a room for three days and two nights. You'll be departing on July 10, correct?

P: Yes, that's right.

TA: We do have vacancies. Would you like to make a reservation?

P: Yes, I would.

TA: Do you want a king or a double?

P: I'll be traveling alone, so a room with a king-size bed will be fine.

TA: Do you prefer a smoking or non-smoking room?

P: Non-smoking, please.

TA: We do have a non-smoking, king room available for those nights in July. Would you like me to hold that for you?

P: Yes, please.

TA: Your name, please?

P: Rebecca Pumpkins.

TA: Okay, Ms. Pumpkins, we'll hold the room until 6:00 pm on July 8, and you'll be able to check in at 3:00 pm. Check-out time is noon on July 10.

P: Can I please request a late check-in? My flight doesn't arrive until 8:00 pm.

TA: Of course. We'll hold the room until 10:00 pm.

P: Thank you. Does the hotel have a restaurant?

TA: Yes, it has two. It also has a room service menu if you prefer to eat in your room.Your hotel room fees include a complimentary continental breakfast served in the lounge by the lobby.

P: That's wonderful. Thank you. What else do I need to do to reserve the room?

TA: I'll need a credit card number in order to reserve it, and then you'll be all set.We accept Master Card, Visa, and American Express.

P: I'll use my Master Card. The number is 1234 1223 3452 1144.

TA: The expiration date?

P: November 2022.

TA: Great. The room is reserved. We'll see you on July 8. Please let us know if you need anything else.

P: Thank you.

(2) Hotel Check-In

(HR= hotel receptionist; H= Hanigan)

HR: Good afternoon. Welcome to the Grand Woodward Hotel. How may I help you?

H: I have a reservation for today. It's under the name of Hanigan.

HR: Can you please spell that for me, sir?

H: Sure. H-A-N-I-G-A-N.

HR: Yes, Mr. Hanigan, we've reserved a double room for you with a view of the ocean for two nights. Is that correct?

H: Yes, it is.

HR: Excellent. We already have your credit card information on file. If you'll just sign the receipt along the bottom, please.

H: Whoa! Five hundred and ninety dollars a night!

HR: Yes, sir. We are a five-star hotel after all.

H: Well, fine. I'm here on business anyway, so at least I'm staying on the company's dime. What's included in this cost anyway?

HR: A full Continental buffet every morning, free airport shuttle service, and use of the hotel's safe are all included.

H: So, what's not included in the price?

HR: Well, you will find a mini-bar in your room. Use of it will be charged to your account. Also, the hotel provides room service, at an additional charge of course.

H: Hmm. Ok, so what room am I in?

HR: Room 487. Here is your key. To get to your room, take the elevator on the right up to the fourth floor. Turn left once you exit the elevator and your room will be on the left hand side. A bellboy will bring your bags up shortly.

H: Great. Thanks.

HR: Should you have any questions or requests, please dial “0” from your room. Also, there is internet available in the lobby 24 hours a day.

H: Ok, and what time is check-out?

HR: At midday, sir.

H: Ok, thanks.

HR: My pleasure, sir. Have a wonderful stay at the Grand Woodward Hotel.

Dialogue 5
Travelling by Train

Finn (F) is taking a train to Glasgow and he is asking the porter (P) to help with his luggage.

F: Hi, will you see to my luggage, please?

P: Where for, sir?

F: I am taking the ten o'clock train for Glasgow. Have this trunk labelled and put it in the luggage van, and two suitcases can go in the carriage.

P: Right, sir. What class?

F: First. Find me a corner seat facing the engine in a smoker.

P: Have you got your ticket, sir?

F: No, not yet. Where's the booking-office?

P: Come along with me, sir. I'll show you. Here it is. You take your ticket, sir, and I'll meet you on the platform.

F: Which platform is it?

P: Number 8, over there. Here you are, sir. I've found you a corner seat next to the corridor. Your carriage is near the dining-car and you can order lunch when the attendant comes along.

F: What time do we get to Glasgow?

P: You are due to arrive at 6' 15.

F: Thank you; here you are.

P: Thank you, sir. I hope you'll find the journey comfortable.

F: Well, if I have some minutes left, I should like to go and get myself a book to while away the time during the journey.

P: I'll bring you a paper, sir.

4. Tasks

Task 1

Situation: You travel to a foreign country on business but find out last minute you have two free days to yourself until returning home. Ask the cab driver for some suggestions about where to go and why.

Student A: Traveller on business.

Student B: Cab driver that knows the country well.


Tips for Student A: Be open to suggestions but let the cabbie know exactly what you are interested in.

Tips for Student B: Choose countries you have travelled to already and pretend you are a cabbie in that country. Do your best to describe your recommendations and why.

Task 2

Situation: You check into your hotel only to find that your room isn't what you were promised online.

Student A: A receptionist of a 5-star hotel. You are very polite, and you can deal with annoyed guests. Try to calm down the guest and solve any issues they have. Try to avoid calling the manager.

Student B: A wealthy businessman staying at a 5-star hotel. You are used to quality service and luxury, but this hotel doesn't offer it. The room is too small, staff is rude, and AC is noisy. You want to talk to the manager.

Work in groups and discuss the following questions.

1) Now we have video conferencing software, and there is no real reason for business travel. Do you agree?

2) Would you be happy to travel to the other side of the world on business?

3) Where in the world would you love to go on business? D+EHU2djr9a0jzDdhIEksGSrdFknfIMOW+wLSrEtdCwGQ19OSSMRE9rbqWFJ8k92
