
Friday 阅读理解 D







For young adults, social media (社交媒体) may not be so social after all.

Among people in that age group, heavy use of platforms such as Facebook was connected with feelings of social isolation (社交孤立), a study finds.

The results surprised study co-author Brian Primack. “It’s social media, so aren’t people going to be socially connected?” he says.

While face-to-face social communication has a strong connection with well-being, it’s not clear what happens when the communication happens on social media. To find the answer, Primack and his team studied 1,787 U.S. adults aged 19 to 32 and asked them about their use of 11 social media platforms outside of work. It turns out that the people who reported spending the most time on social media—more than two hours a day—had twice the possibility of social isolation than those who said they spent a half hour per day or less on those sites.

Primack says the results shouldn’t mean that we should cancel our social media accounts, but there’s a lot to dig into to see how best to use them.

Primack notes that his study was conducted in a certain age group, and shouldn’t think that older or younger people have the same problem. Both social isolation and social media use are very different across the age group; for example, young adults generally have a lot of different chances for in-person experiences and so social media use may indicate they are keeping away from that, while older adults are more likely to feel socially isolated and might benefit from having the chances to connect online.

1. What did Brian Primack think of social media before the study?

A. It should not be used too often.

B. It did no good to people’s health.

C. It should help people socially connected.

D. It would make people feel more isolated.

2. Why did Primack and his team conduct this study?

A. To find out who uses social media the most.

B. To answer the questions about social media.

C. To know what influence online social contacts have.

D. To prove the connection between com-munication and well-being.

3. What does Primack say about the study’s results?

A. They show that we should not use social media.

B. They remind us to take better use of social media.

C. They did not tell us the right way to use social media.

D. They warn people not to spend any time on social media.

4. Which age group does the study mainly focus on?

A. Young adults.

B. Old adults.

C. Adults older than 32.

D. Teenagers younger than 19.

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